
Post Apocalypse: Murasaki Camp

They've spent all their lives trapped with the infected, now a new Era is upon them, and they all think it means the end of their suffering, because after all, what could be worse than a generational curse everyone was born into Right? Well, there is much much worse

DaoistrC49e5 · แฟนตาซี
80 Chs

Chapter 40

"Avalon!" A woman shouts aloud in a house when she wakes up and he's not here

The Avalon in question is with his sick sister holding a phone Comms heading towards Murasaki.

"You hungry Ava?"

"I'm thirsty." She responds with dried lips.

Avalon stops and gives her a bottle of water, "Drink up. It will only take 2 days if we travel during the day and hide at night. Tell me if you need anymore."

He stretches his hand and the black mist around him is converted into a white mist.

Infected that were coming their way that the two siblings didn't see run away. His sister breathes better in an air purifier.

He carries her and rides his hoverboard to cover as much ground as he can.

Ava coughs and Avalon slows down. He stretches out his hand and transmutes the black mist into clean air for a long distance.

They travel until the evening and he stops at a house that is unoccupied. He rests his little sister on a transmuted old bed to look and feel new.

He put up a rock wall around the house and fills the room with fresh air.

He looks around and finds a crate with new supplies. This area was trampled by Infected. Many of the people accepted an offer to join Black's camp.

He rummages through the large box for medical supplies and finds a medical kit with the symbol on it. He pulls it out and finds injections with a baby on it. He pulls up the first layer and there are orange vials.

He injects her with the medicine and finds healing candles and lights the candles close to her tucking her in.

He goes back to rummaging the crate. His eyes widen seeing a blue mist air purifier, "This belongs to Murasaki." He runs to his sister and shows her the big purifier.

Ava smiles, "Turn it on, it has healing properties."

Avalon nods and is surprised by how much mist fills the room.

He grabs some food and takes it to his sister eating as much as they like, he can't remember the last time they could do that.

They fall asleep.


When Avalon wakes up he feels nauseous and runs to the bathroom and throws up, once he feels better he notices his sister has been throwing up for a while now.

The toxin is coming out of her ears, her nose, and eyes.

Avalon tries to help his sister but passes out after throwing up not having the strength to stand.

He wakes up again and his sister is still throwing up, but it is no longer coming from her ears and eyes, the nose is still bleeding toxins.

He transmutes the black toxin on the ground into air.

Ava sits down still feeling the burn in her stomach, but she no longer feels it all over her body.

Avalon finds Orange vials of medicine at the rock bottom of the supply box.

He reads the instructions, everyone sick or not must take one.

Ava winces that her stomach burns.

Avalon being only a child injects his sister in the stomach, and himself too.

Ava collapses instantly.

Avalon tucks her in and eats something. He falls asleep again from boredom.


Ava wakes up and she has the runs, she grabs a toilet paper and relives herself in the toilet a few times in a few hours.

She eats something feeling starved and waits for Avalon to wake up.

When Avalon wakes up he checks the time and realises they've delayed their trip by 2 days already. He sighs looking at his hoverboard, he covered enough ground that Leigh won't get to them.

"We'll stay one more day until you feel better." Avalon says closing his eyes to sleep some more feeling uncontrollably drowsy.

Ava walks to the supplies to see inside with her own two eyes.

She finds fresh water and drinks, she's never tasted water like this before. She drinks all 6 bottles in one pack and burps.

Avalon wakes up from the sound and looks at his sister smiling. The white corals that used to be on a her face are back, she has her power again.

"Oh, no. I've got the runs again. INCOMING!!" She shouts on the way to the bathroom.

Avalon laughs at her and goes back to sleep.


Ava wakes up and tugs on Avalon's cheek until he wakes up, "I feel better. Let's go. She could be close."

Avalon smiles and hurries gathering extra supplies, and taking the medicine with him, he takes the Air purifier and with his transmutation refills it.

They head out and since he doesn't need to slow down or carry his sister on his back, they cover more ground holding the blue mist purifier to keep the infected away.

They boldly fly past a group of infected who wince from being burnt by the mist.

Ava tries as hard as she can to keep up with her brother so the infected don't grab her.

Avalon smiles whe he can see Murasaki from the top of the hill.

Ava smiles seeing it too.

"We're gonna make it." He promises his sister deciding to camp on the hill for the night.


Avalon wakes up in the morning. He can sense his rock wall surrounded by the infected. When his sister wakes up they eat first and get naked wearing the nano suits they found in the supplies.

"Can you use your powers with the suit on?" Avalon asks his sister.

The coral vines on the side of her face glow and turn gold. Her hands brighten with light, "Yes."

Avalon turns on the mist purifier and drops his rock wall.

Ava holds up her hands and a golden giant appears in thin air picking them up holding them in its hands protecting them.

From a distance Mira sees the golden giant, "Hurry, go give them access into the shield!" She yells at the same time as her mother.

"Kai! Avalon is coming!" Colin yells rubbing his tired eyes.

Kai jumps out of his window rushing to the shield.

Kevin volunteers to go outside the shield and help them.

"Please make it Kevin. I'm begging you." Kai says brought to tears so close to his son again.

Kevin sits on the giants shoulder pads, he calls out to them at the top of his lungs.

Avalon sees him and points to the flying Infected behind him. The Infected falls into a portal and lands far away.

"Give me your hand." He says.

The giant opens his hand and Kevin sees both the children. He opens portals stamping their hands with the Murasaki symbol before giving them wrist bands to wear.

When they wear the wrist bands Kevin portals them inside the wall. When the giant enters the shield the Infected all bang against it.

Bella runs out and catches Ava before she collapses, "Hurry, get Luna here fast!"

The golden giant disappears and Avalon kneels next to his sister.

"She'll be alright. You injected the vaccine in the wrong place, granted injecting it in her stomach is the reason she made it here." Lily comforts Avalon worried about his sister.

Luna arrives with wolf in her hands.

"I need you to infuse your healing essence with my cloud. We need to be fast and gentle at the same time."

Luna nods and holds her hands out helping Bella who is trying to be as gently as possible. She was watching medical documentaries and realises how using her powers properly can be less draining.

"Avalon." Kai says crying.

Avalon turns around and immediately turns around hugging the tall man he recognises, "Dad."

"I'm sorry son. I'm so sorry." He gives him a tight hug.

Avalon cries himself to sleep passing out from the relief.


Ava wakes up to see Luna and Bella watching her closely.

June is standing by the door as security and looks tired.

Avalon wakes up in the bed across the room surprised by so many people watching his sister, "Good morning." He says trying to sound polite.

Ava sits up looking at her older brother.

Colin walks into the room with the impression Lily is right behind him.

Ava's face falls afraid they will be sent home now.

"Lily will be here in a moment to make a final evaluation on your status. In the meantime get them something to eat. June can you go work with Thomas quickly on the water flow. Something is blocking the water." Colin says.

"It's dirt. We should clean them occasionally with drain acid. It's not something we did it's from back in time. Thomas doesn't need me because all that dirt goes into the river."

"Okay, I'll talk to him about that." Colin opens the door, "Lily!" He shouts pissed off.

Lily jumps into the room wearing a dress, "Sorry. Mira insisted on getting my hair done with the curling iron." She smiles and looks Ava and Avalon, "Came here to save his sister's life. If they go back they'll just die. Current status is that she will live, that immediate surgery was a good idea."

She leaves the room and Colin follows behind her like a lost puppy.

"You look really nice." Colin complements resting his hand on Lily's figure.

She smirks, "Why thank you. Why are you so angry this morning?"

Colin sighs, "There are so many problems from left and right I don't know what to do. The clean water we're happy about is getting slowly poisoned, at least June helped me figure something out."

"Maybe it's time we put them in charge again. We have new teens now. Ava and Avalon would benefit from this. Getting a chance to bond with the others."

Colin nods, "Okay. I'll gather them immediately." He pecks her cheek going to the Comms room.

All over the city he announces all teens from the age of 13 and Aira to rush to the mall immediately.


"You guys too, how old are you?" June asks Ava.

"I'm 16 she's 13." Avalon responds.

The teens meet in the bunker for privacy.

"New training exercise. You Kido's are now in charge of city maintenance. Deal with the blocked drains. Water. Electricity. Trash disposal." Colin says and leaves the room.

Everyone looks at each other.

"I already suggested drain acid. People back than didn't have it. It will eat up the dirt in the drain instantly. The sewer pipes too every once in a while but that's operating just fine." June says.

Split nods, "Okay, what about that dumping site. It smells atrocious."

"The dirt literally is melted into dust when we throw it outside. That's why we disposed of our things like that. We'll use the portal wall to remove the dirt as fast as we can, into the Black mist." Jet says.

"The electricity is terrible. Can't we go to the power station and replace the entire thing with Nanites?" Aira says.

"Please take Thomas there with you Aira. Jot down everything he shows you. Luna you go there too. If you need any help ask for it."

Everyone agrees.

"What powers do you have?" Rex asks Avalon and Ava.

"I can create minerals. My brother can create animals and look through their eyes control them and stuff like that." Ava answers.

"I can also transmute things, just an extension of my power." Avalon says.

Luna shows her the black marble Thomas has been asking for, "Is this a mineral?" She asks passing it to Ava.

Ava holds it and nods, "Yes. Infected hate minerals. Most people have been starting camps in old mines and leaving these all over the ground. They never come close to the camps."

"Can you help me out with the water hole. We're trying to make a well. Can you control earth too and make it deep enough?" June asks

Ava nods, "Yes."

"What's the range of your power Avalon? How far can the animals go from you?" Rex asks.

"Never had a reason to find out. I don't know." Avalon replies nervous.

"Well, here you can run wild and test your limits. Just don't over do it. The rest should divide up in teams. Who is with the drain team? Who is with the electricity team," Rex notices no one actually picking a job, "June and Ava are on water hole duty. Avalon is on security. Luna and Aira on electricity. Split can handle the drains. Chronos can handle the river, make sure the water doesn't get poisoned rewind the poison. Water breathers made that request. Leaving behind Dodge and Mira, and Rin. Pick one, drain, electricity, or security." Rex says taking matters into his own hands.

"I'll take security." Dodge says not wanting to be on any serious Job.

"Electricity and I don't mix. I don't mind helping out with the drains." Rin says.

Mira smiles, "I don't mind being the safety officer in the electricity business. I'm happy with that."

"Okay, everyone hurry. We need to get started on the territory plan." Rex says before portaling away

Everyone goes outside and there's a shy female outside standing next to her father with the same ginger hair.

"Hi, this is my daughter Avery. Her powers just kicked in. She's 13, she was shy and didn't want to come to the meeting." The man says.

"What's her power?" Mira asks.

"Invulnerability." Avery says.

Luna nods, "She can join us. This way Avery." She calmly takes her hand, "Let's hurry up. We still have to make it in time for dinner."

Sarah also comes late with 3 boys, "Sorry, had to get these guys, for some reason they think we only want 13 year olds with powers. Can you believe these free loaders."

"Each group take one and do their job. We'll meet here in the evening continue tomorrow." Mira says.

"Let's go. Strong guy is with the security team." Dodge hooks her arms with Terra. He has giants strength.

"He's just tall." Aira complains.

"Exactly. He'll be super strong like Toya's dad when he's big."

"Aira you'll be tall too. Come on, go get Thomas we'll meet at the power station. You guys with me, it's a long drive from here." Luna says pulling out the keys.

Ava smiles joining along.

Once everyone is gone Dodge smiles at the security team, "Let loose your animals and for today just work on how far you can spread them. Don't focus too much on over doing it. The rest of us can walk together along the edge of the wall and count the number of infected outside our border." She says leading the charge.

Avalon takes a deep breath and let's loose his power surprised by the number of animals that are new.

"Wow, that's impressive. We should open the zoo once you can maintain them for long periods of time." Bella says.

Avalon smiles, "Thank you. They function independently from me."

Bella looks at him surprised, "I'll be right back." She picks up the sleeping Wolf and goes outside holding him, "Is this one on of yours?" She asks biting her lower lip.

Avalon nods, "He got cornered and we lost communication. He started talking to me a few days ago constantly in my head about coming here."

Bella's lip quivers, "Does Leigh know you're here?"

"No we ran away. I told her we need to bring Ava here but she would just keep quiet and ignore us."

"I thought you were dead." Bella says crying.

Her tears surprise Avalon.

"What are you talking about?" Avalon asks.

"Leigh isn't your mother she's your aunt. Kai is his sister. I'm your mother." Bella says.

"Julia never talks about you. I assumed you died." Avalon says.

"Julia is still alive?" Bella asks.

"Yes, she couldn't come back because she's being hunted by a crazy man. He's with a man by the name of Wish. They live really close by." Avalon says.

"We know about the hunter, they can come home. Why are they doing this?" Bella wipes her tears away.

"I don't know. This is their comms number. No one else has it." Avalon passes on the note.

Bella calls Sharon and gives him the number, "Tell them we know about the hunter. It's safe to come home. Meet them at the shield when they come."

"Yes mam." Sharon takes his phone and calls

Bella sits next to Avalon, "You have your grand father's power. He could do this too. He has a camp in the mines, you met him shortly after you got Ava."

Avalon smiles, "Grand pa taught me how to use my power, we left the camp a few months ago after I told him my father is in Murasaki. His name is Kai. He told me stories about him, but Leigh hated that and took us away."

Bella wipes her tears again, "I wish I could turn back time and you grow up here. Jet and Jake would have never had to lose their mother."

"I'm sorry I didn't come home sooner I was to afraid to run away." Avalon says.

Bella gives him a hug, "I failed to bring you home too many times. I'm sorry."


Sharon stands outside the shield and sees the two people.

"We can't enter. If we do we will give him access inside the shield. That's what he wants. Tell them we're close to being free from his chasers mark. We'll come home. Hurry up, it's starting to rain up on the hill." Julia says.

Sharon nods and runs to report to Bella.

"How is your training with Brandon? Can you use your power now?" Bella asks.

"Yes, I can grow really big. We're not done though. Just on break. They said to hurry it's starting to rain at Larva."

"Alright. Tomorrow first thing in the morning you guys start with the operation. Today just focus on what needs to be done."

"Okay." Sharon says hurrying to complete his training.

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