
Post Apocalypse: Murasaki Camp

They've spent all their lives trapped with the infected, now a new Era is upon them, and they all think it means the end of their suffering, because after all, what could be worse than a generational curse everyone was born into Right? Well, there is much much worse

DaoistrC49e5 · แฟนตาซี
80 Chs

Chapter 31

Mira smiles kicking everyone out of the bathroom.

"What happens when Dodge has spatial power? I need help." Sarah says not ready for bath time work load.

Toya gives Dodge the power to see what will happen.

Dodge can open portals with her threads, "This is so cool." She smiles looking at her threads make the usual unusual noise.

"That's honestly really cool." Chronos says liking the colour of the portal.

"Wow, your power is more flexible than I thought. Just don't overwork yourself. We need everyone on the job in this camp." June says with his hand casually on her waist from behind as he walks towards the inside of the men's bathroom.

Dodge nods and goes back to show the girl's her power.

"That makes me so jealous I just want to punch you in the face. You're incredible Dodge." Sarah says opening the portal to help the elderly to the bathroom, she smiles seeing that some of them are moving better.

Luna enters to help the elderly and smiles when some of them can now bathe themselves, "Man, you guys really did great without me." She looks at all the healing products that she has never seen before.

Sarah smiles, "Well now we have extra hands let's see if it will go faster."

They help them bath in Luna's new and Improved healing products with double the healing essence in them, "I refuse to be so easy to replace." She says smiling at her work of art.

"Luna save your strength we're going to give everyone toiletry bags after they move out. It's so annoying when they are all bunched up in here so much. It's stuffy and smelly." Mira says and bites her lip realising the elderly are not deaf.

"More working ladies, less talking." Sarah says using the new scrub that smells better than the old one.

Mira and Rin smile when the water doesn't look as bad after bathing the old people.

"Your new formula goes deeper into the skin, I like this scrub too, doesn't hurt them like the other one." Sarah says packing up the case with the old women's toiletries.

"The lines on your legs have reduced. Can you walk a bit better?" Mira asks.

"Yes, no pain since the first bath with your healing. Thank you. I hear I look like I'm aging backwards."

Luna smiles, "That's because you are." She washes the old women's hair and uses her hair growth oil.

After the bath they use purifier liquid to clean the drain. They clean the place and Luna helps.

"Wow, you guys were handling this great. I'm sorry I was sleeping most of the time." Luna says feeling bad.

"Good, now you see we don't need you." Dodge says and everyone laughs.

After the children the usual 2 groups bath after the teens.


"Wow, I used to have hair fall out, today my hair didn't fall out."

"The line on my legs is shorter."

"The one on my face is completely gone."

"My eyes are so blue now. Wow."

"Why is it working so well for everyone else but Linda?"

"I hear that women that trouble the kids in their own camp are given ordinary products, no healing essence in them."

"That's what she gets for making Kyle so angry. Did you see how mad he was? We embarrassed him."

"Something must be done about her. We can't just be quiet."

"I agree. Next time she tries something we will stop her."



When everyone is done bathing the teens complete their take over.

Rex and Toya relieve the guard of their duties and place them as camp Marshall's over the simplified groups now spread apart in the new sleeping quarters outside the camp.

Aira installs the stronger wall and they take down the shield.

Only the elderly and children will sleep inside.

The tents are made out of Nanites and look like mini cabines. Inside is a large open space with comfortable sponges on the floor from the front door to the back. Everyone's personal space is colour coded and there's a wall unit on everyone's side of the wall. The very bottom piece is a pull forward cabinet with finger print unlock, this is for the toiletry bag everyone gets and other personal belongings. Than above that is a long wardrobe the exact length as the bed with hangers inside and the space between the toiletry cabinet and wardrobe has a pull down cabinet for shoes.

The four corners of the room have large butterfly air fresheners to keep the room clean. There's a monitor on the wall to see who is that the door. The room is designed that if the infected breach the wall it can keep them out and the people inside can expect to be portaled out to safety in a crisis.

This is exactly what the improved Murasaki tents look like.

Toya clears his throat after gathering the people for the rules, "No eating inside the tents as you have an infected insects infestation it will take days before they are all dead and if you're bitten you'll be thrown out no questions asked.

"Every tent has their own supplies and no tent must share with you their food. You will each be given a week's supply. Watch out for Angela who will steal one camps food and take it to a camp not her own to cause conflict. Groups will take baths in groups. Due to spending a week without purifying the mall we will be using purifiers everyday. Stay in your tent at night as the tents that follow the rules will receive extra supplies. Everyone will be given a daily chores list as sitting around all day makes your immune system weak and you will get sick easily. Children will be put on a training regimen because the stronger your physical body the stronger your power will be." He closes the note Mira wrote for him and dismisses everyone to their tents.

Angela sits in her tent and huffs, "Can you believe those children?" She says angry looking at her feet. She looks up and there are 20 baskets for the 20 people inside the tent.

She notices everyone making it very clear with the looks on their faces and the way they are bunched together that they believe Toya, it's definitely something she would do.

Angela rolls her eyes and opens her basket, it has bath supplies and a phone. She presses the phone and notices that it tells her who is where and also where the infected are.

It tracks a roach to just outside their tent.

Angel, not related to Angela calls for help.

Jet and Jake thank her after portalling it to the bottom of the ocean.

They are on a roach hunt.

Angela sits on her bed that is colour coded blue. She looks at her new clothes and shoes smiling as she unfolds them and hangs them neatly. She packs her new shoes neatly as well.

She opens her new toiletry bag and it has new products. Including a shaving cream. It has a false bottom type of design as she can pull up the top and underneath it she finds her own hair dryer, straightener, curler, and combs set.

Everyone else is surprised at the new products and that everyone has their own things.

"This is just too much. I hate wishing I could move to Murasaki if this is how they live life." Angel says wiping her tears away.

Angel looks at her perfume set and there are gummy bears in a big jar. They were instructed to take one a day, if they want to take more than one it's one three times a day, that's the maximum that is healthy.

Taking more than one at the same time is a no-no as well. Luna called them healing gummies, something that everyone at Murasaki gets.

She has a book she can read, a phone and a diary to write anything she likes.

She notices her wardrobe has a mirror she can see herself in. She closes it immediately not liking what she saw, her hair is so unkempt.

She didn't like when girls have straight hair, but clearly she had never looked in the mirror before.

"What? Did you not like what you see?" Angela asks.

"No, not at all. Can someone teach me how to do my hair." She says.

"I'll teach you with your own things, tomorrow when we bath just stand with me. I hear they'll be putting mirrors in the bathrooms."

"Thank you Noelle." Angel says wearing a beanie on her head.

Angela packs her things away in silence and goes to sleep right away.

"Sleep Angel. Your hair is not that bad." Noelle says taking her blanket out of its bag.

"Okay, first thing tomorrow morning. By the time we wake up the children and elderly have already bathed. Help me."

"I will."


Luna gives Split a massage for working so hard.

Toya growls at them, "His clones did all the work."

Luna looks at him angry, "Hurry up and start making your clones do all the work, than maybe you might get a massage."

Split winces and Luna adds another 30 minutes to his session.

"I'm sorry buddy. Does this feel better?"


Toya and Rex go outside the teens group tent trying really hard to make copies.

Aira laughs at them, "His name is Split, maybe you're doing it wrong because you are trying to make a full copy of yourself when it's supposed to feel like you're being cut in half."

Rex taps his shoulder, "If it's so easy you try it."

Aira closes his eyes and makes 5 copies at once, "Woah. I only thought of one."

Split smiles, "It's hard to get the exact number I want. Glad at your camp you actually feed them, it does not wear me out at all."

"What do you mean your camp? You're family too." Sharon flicks his forehead.

"Right. Feeding the clones really makes it easier to maintain them." Split says.

Aira copies the move Jet, Jake, Toya and Rex did when making a shield wall, but his version is with air, he generates air and a strong wind blows raising a small dust devil that keeps getting stronger forming into a tornado, but his clones disappear, "Oops, that was a bit much."

Luna breaths in, "Ohh, that feels nice. You should try it at home. Maybe once Split is older he'll be able to make copies of others." She smiles at Split who is dosing off.

Rex makes 4 copies and sends them around.

Toya makes a single copy, "I hate feeling like I'm being ripped apart. It hurts." He looks at Split who is already sleeping and asks his clone to make clones, Toya clone doesn't have a hard time doing so.

Luna smiles at Rex claiming he's next.

"Dodge taught me, ask her." Luna says.

Chronos already has his foot on Dodge's lap, "Wait your turn gentlemen a master is at work here." He points at Dodge.

Dodge blushes and washes his feet first and then dries them, adds lotion and then uses the oil to massage his feet.

30 minutes later and Chronos is fast asleep.

Jet and Jake call dibs on Dodge since Rex and Toya wanted Luna.

Mira and June are secretly stuffing their faces watching as the conversation unfolds.

Sarah is sleeping tired from nursing the elderly.

Sharon is reading a book, completely out of the physical world and in the story he's reading fully emersed in every page

"Fine. That sounds fine to me." Rex and Toya reply in unison agreeing to get their massage from Luna

They glare at each other, but since Luna will get mad at them they ignore each others existence instead of fight.


"This is so comfortable. First time sleeping early in a year." A male says after closing his cabinet that auto locks.

He sniffs his pits and smiles happy he smells so good

"Why outside?" A male ask afraid.

"It's easier to rescue us in here than inside where we have to hold the line so the women and children are safe first. I for one like being out here, I have never felt this safe in a long time. It's nice to have someone else protect me instead."

"Yeah, we can see them coming, but what if you're outside when they come in?"

"Than you're in trouble. So, you better make sure you're in bed during bed time. The children and elderly are already in the bunker. No one is on guard duty anymore so you better have a good reason for going outside, we have a bathroom over there, I hate that they didn't add showers because these are temporary."

"The ones at the new camp are the exact same size, but fit less people. I think that part of the room is where the showers would be. They originally fit half the number of people, but in Murasaki they put 5 people per tent. Imagine how much wardrobe space they have. They must have alot of clothes and food."

"They also have a cleaning supplies cabinet. Some people probably have snacks in here. Why else would they say tents that behave get special things. It has to be food."

"Dude, the black lines on my chest are completely gone. Look?" The shirtless male says looking in his mirror

"My hair is growing again. I decided not to cut it."

"Angel is really looking brighter too. I wonder if she's noticed me. My teeth are all growing back. So bright white too." A male that had a dental problem comments lying on his back with his feet crossed.

"All the women are looking bright. Crysta said I look good lately. My skin used to be so bad, it's smooth now. None of the babies cry when I pick them up."

"Knock knock, late night delivery." Luna says holding a box.

The men look at the screen and can see she's struggling to hold the heavy item.

The tent is opened and she's passing around a box with biscuits, juice, and a cake slice, "Please don't eat inside the tent. Not all the insects have been found." Luna says before leaving.

Everyone gathers around the huge bonfire eating together and talking.

"Carrot will wish she slept here in the morning."

"Yes, the fire feels so good. It's nice and hot you can sit at the very back and still feel it."


Early morning the kids are lazy and serve cereal for breakfast and go back to get extra sleep.

"I love those, do we have more?"

"Yeah, over there."

"Lightning's have run out, you'll have to pick something else sorry!"

"Pass me the sweeteners."

"Mom, he dropped his plate."

"Okay, I'll clean that up. Let me get you more food. Don't cry."

"Can I have the yellow sweeteners, these are too sweet for me."

"Those are in the bunker with the elderly. Make sure they've had enough before coming back with the entire tub."

"Do we have more spoons?"

"Here! Spoons are at this table."

"Is the warm milk ready? I'm starving."

"That's what you get for sleeping inside."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"We had snacks last night. Everyone who slept outside got a sandwich for breakfast. This is basically lunch for us."

"I won't freeze outside."

"The bonfire is so hot I didn't sleep with my covers on."

"That was the best sleep I've had in years."


"Benjamin did you sleep at all?"

"Angel, I got you a spoon."

"Thanks that cue looked really long."

"Ben was on lookout. He's sleeping after this."

"Ohhh. Relax and rest than."

"I thought no one should be on lookout."

"Yeah, he made the dumb choice. We're safest inside the tents. The infected can't get in, can't shake it, can't break it, you played yourself bro."

"Don't say that, he probably doesn't trust the shield."

"That's the same shield that will be at the new camp. Stop standing up for him, he made the stupid choice."

"Really, that shield can cover the entire city?"

"Yes, but over there is camp Black, and you heard Kyle make it clear he doesn't trust the man enough to lock himself in a big bubble with the guy."

"Come on, get some rest. I'm sure when they wake up it's bath time, so please make sure you're eating enough."

"I have the almond milk for you Noelle. They put your name on it too."

"Thanks, that milk makes me sick."

"Hey, wanna switch tents?"

"Sorry but you should have said that yesterday. My cabinet only opens when I open it. I am not exchanging clothes with you, and I don't want to call you every time I need something."


"She looks torn apart. Poor thing."

"Angel, your hair looks nice today. It's shiny. I hated how you have long hair that doesn't fall out but left it such a mess."

"Shut up!"

"Ohh, I didn't know your hair was a personal issue."

"Leave her alone."

"Wow, your teeth are looking, better by the day, what's your secret?"

"Thomas injects my gums every morning. It's really been helping the children too. They got one shot, I'm the one who has a week of pain to go, but after a few minutes it stops."


"Dammit, why do those brats keep asking for Toya. He's sleeping."

"Linda, stay away from my kids, you're so hot tempered."

"They already ate, their tantrum is probably because their full. Think first."

"Grand Ma face. You have more lines today than you did yesterday."

"Okay, that's enough. She has the same products as the rest of us, by next week you'll be eating your worse."

"Come on, it was uncalled for what she said. Just trying to impress some of the men by acting like such a bully."

"Here, take this over ordinary water, it will make you sick for a while though, but it's worth it." Noelle gives her a bottle of healing water.

"Yeah, take the gummies 3 times a day. Make sure you use the scrub they gave you. It smoothens our wrinkles really fast. They used to call me the same names."

"I remember. You really have no lines on your face."

"Yes, these products helped me alot. I asked for the gums shot and vaccine. If you don't ask they won't give it to you. Over night my black lines were gone. My eyes have been turning blue. That vaccine does more than protect you from an infected's bite I can feel it."

"How long have you taken it."

"The day they were giving people shots. I asked. The day Thomas was giving gum shots I asked. It's from Murasaki there's no way it's bad for me."

"Wow Noelle. You're right."

"You better believe it. When they're gone, they leave with all their special things. No more vaccine, no more gum shots. I still have the bottle cough mixture too. I will not be an idiot and say no to anything."

"Ohh, that's smart."

"That's really smart."