
Post Apocalypse: Murasaki Camp

They've spent all their lives trapped with the infected, now a new Era is upon them, and they all think it means the end of their suffering, because after all, what could be worse than a generational curse everyone was born into Right? Well, there is much much worse

DaoistrC49e5 · แฟนตาซี
80 Chs

Chapter 25

The news spreads that Murasaki kicked out the infected in their city and built a wall to keep them out.


Camp Diamond - Well, I can't do that but I'm glad they help people around.

Camp Serbia - What they are doing is encouraging people to run aways from camps. Where do they get their supplies from? Too many people are saying thank you. What if it's staged?

Camp Diamond - no one would actually do that for free, so you sound sour about having runaways. Everyone knows, if one runs, more follow.

Camp Lana - What about that beast infected? Sounds dramatic to me. I've never heard of anything like that or seen it

Camp Gemini - Casually walk outside and see if you find it.

Camp Dempsey - I heard they have strange cuisine. Where does it come from

Camp Serbia - Powers obviously. Your camp rejects people with power. What else do you have for food except rotten grub

Camp Diamond - I want to hear it from the horses mouth.

"Life here is unreal. My house is not shielded and I am not constantly worried about power. If we need anything we just go to the Murasaki leaders and ask for it. Food, gas, water is free for everyone." The woman with a runaway husband says, her son is in the mall with the other kids.

"What if they come back?" Coalman asks scowling. After Chronos and Rex deserted him, more people fled one by one.

"Well, that's what they built the wall for. Those who stayed here agreed to stand and fight. You should have seen them on that day, there was an infected tiger, and they drove that giant out."

"What about air? Air purifiers do not produced air?" Kyle asks.

"We have a boy with the power to create air. I doubt anyone else can do what we're doing. We also have trees." The lady says bragging.

Coalman smirks, "What you're saying is that, no one else can join your little family." He wants to paint them in a dark light.

The woman smiles, "Unfortunately yes, but they saw 12 people coming their way despite telling people that it attracts infected for everyone to move in one group like that. A whole army was here, and they sent them packing, the 12 were not chased away, they have a home amongst us now."

Kyle smiles, "Good to know, too bad I don't trust Black enough to lock myself in a giant cage with him. If others can survive like that than good for them too, but let me get this straight, Murasaki puts food on your tables?" He asks confused.

"Yes, anything we need we go to them. You are the largest camp, with over 200, are you not already doing the same thing? We're not anywhere near that number you know."

Kyle nods, "Yeah, but if I could get enough room to allow people breathing room like that it would be nice. There are some turfs with few infected to drive out, but moving all my people there will be difficult."

Colin buds in on the convention, "Once upon a time we were one of those 200 old friend. If you need a portal I'm your guy, just drive them out and secure that new turf. Murasaki speaking."

Kyle smiles, "I'm a little jealous of you man. How'd you do it." He is curious how the camp that was struggling so much is on their feet like this.

"13 years man. That's how. Murasaki speaking."

Kyle nods, "Oh, your little pack of kids finally got their powers. What do you have?" He asks knowing that he might not get any answers.

"Inherited powers mostly. Two runaways from Black and a lone survivor of an Infected attack. You already know what powers we have, I can take people's powers, luckily my son copies he doesn't take someone's power completely. My daughter has her mother's power. Kevin's twins have his power, Brandon's daughter has her father's power. Our Snowflake is a healer and our tough warrior is a late bloomer, like my son she'll wait longer for her power."

Kyle nods, "What about the Black runaways?"

"Well, one has the same power as my son, the other his power is still too much for him he has to grow into it, but it will not be named. The one that generates air for us the lone survivor I told you about. Murasaki speaking."

Kyle nods, "I'll be in touch. Hopefully there is no tigers where we're going. Moon speaking."

Toya enters the room, "Dad! Mom's been calling you, whatever it is she's pissed, and stop having casual chats you're interrupting everyone's phone signal. Come on."

Kyle snorts having heard that, "Well. See you in a few days."

"Murasaki signing out."


Susan sitting next to Mystic at the table looks at her, "I hear your husband is off delivering goody bags for people. What exactly does he do?"

Mystic smiles, "Well since we moved they have had too many supplies to fit in the new store room so they give away the excess crates to houses outside the shield, but only to civilians in their houses not camps. They have given away over 50, he says he was so shocked to find out how serious these people are about taking care of us."

Susan nods, "What about moving to the hotel?"

Mystic sighs, "Apparently only the elderly are in there, they did just recently move Skylar and her new born into the hotel."

Susan scowls, "Why them?"

"Her power I guess. We are going to be placed according to our powers, but my husband said he overheard Lily and Colin talking, she mentioned an expansion even bigger than this one will happen. That's when they will move people, but not in the hotel."

"Where will we go?"

"Actual houses. Anyone who stays in the hotel will regret it. She said after those who are here now have comfortable houses. They will move people to the hotel. That place is not worth it."

A woman buds into the conversation, "Do they rank people that by power they are stronger or weaker?"

Mystic shakes her head, "Not at all. Skylar's power is a portal type power, but different. In case of an emergency she will be able to take the people in the building to the bunker. They decide using things like that."

The woman with the run away husband introduces herself as Missy, "I'm glad I can finally meet you all. We've been in the same city but so apart." She comments.

"You're the lady that's always on the radio. I recognise your voice." Mystic says.

The woman nods and sits down to eat.

Susan points a finger at her, "Are there houses next to you?"

The woman shakes her head, "My house is right next to the Stark sign it's the last one or first one in the city depending on how you look at it, but behind my house going all the way down, there is rubble where houses used to stand, Stark is larger from North to South, but small from east to west. Going down South there is more houses, but the shield cuts off right in front of the old housing of Stark."

Mystic smiles, "Maybe when there's an extension they will cover that space."

Susan looks around for the children and notices them gathered around Sharon, "Your son? What's wrong with him?"

Mystic smiles, "Nothing wrong, he's just going to be sick from the vaccine for a while, some of the adults have also been a little under the weather because of it."

Luna walks past the group and sits down in front of Sharon.

Everyone can see from a distance he's being served extra meat.

"I should get sick, maybe I'll get extra meat." Susan comments.

Everyone looks at her and back at the table with meat galore.

After the meal everyone works together to clean up and Mystic is with her group. It's their turn to clear the table and dishes.

"Luna! There's no dish washing soup. Can you bring 3 for us?"

Luna nods, "Okay." She runs to the building diagonally opposite the mall. It's now the new supply room.

She finds Toya and Rex inside with Thomas, "What are you up to?"

"Practicing generating a large enough time vault. Together we can do it. We'll be helping Chronos. Mom said we will be taking the rubble behind Missy's house and turns it into housing again." Toya says.

Luna nods grabbing the dish washing liquid and going to give it to the women.

"Thanks Luna."

Susan joins the women working in the underground parking lot, "Why do you think they hide their powers?"

Mystic rolls her eyes, "Because it's personal. They don't ask us our powers either. Can you leave if you will not help."

Susan leaves upset. She follows her daughter helping to gather the children, "Are they moving to the hotel?"

Sarah shakes her head, "No. They are just going to get new clothing."

"Oh, I would love to help." She says joining in.

She watches as the children try on the clothes and than it is labelled with their name on it.

"He'll be taller within a month, make his clothes a size bigger." Mira orders the men.

They nod and the child is given what fits now but his clothes are wrapped into a box.

After the children it's the teens.

Once their clothes have been chosen they get back to work since it's packed in a box.

Then it's the elderly but their clothes they get to leave with.

"Why is everyone else's clothing in a box" Susan asks.

"Because the elderly are the only ones with a permanent home. We are doing this so that after everyone leaves the mall they have a change of clothes."

"So you plan on moving people to the hotel?" Susan asks.

"No, the hotel is for the future people we will be bringing here. By then people will be living comfortably in houses." Mira responds with her eyes glowing.

Susan smiles happy to get confirmation about the houses.

Once the elderly have been dealt with she calls the women and they try on clothing and decide on them.

Lastly it's the men and than they send everyone out.

Mira thanks Happy for Boxing everything up, "You should get some rest. I'll handle the rest from here."

Lily enters the room ready to go announce that everyone will be getting new blankets so the old ones may be washed.

Standing behind her is Kayla, with the power to wash anything spotless.

Susan outside smiles happy to get rid of her blankets. She offers to help Kayla by folding the blankets.

Lily nods, "Thanks, but you can help the group that will be scrubbing the sponges, she washes and folds automatically." She replies and leads the way with the volunteers who offered to help.

Susan joins the women and overhears about donating the blankets to camps that requested for blankets.

"This is all done so we can give these blankets away?" Susan asks.

The women nod, "Yes, Camps always change blankets frequently. Since our blankets are exposed to blue mist so often they are safe to pass on as second hand."

Susan smiles, "I've never been in a camp so wealthy, we actually give away things."

"They've given away phone Comms to an old camp of mine. They lacked something so basic so I left because they could never know when danger is close. I call a friend of mine from there often, they received food and water and even Medical treatment from Bella herself. I saved their lives is what Bella said. They were dehydrated and had breathed in so much toxin. They were alive thanks to their purifier buying them time."

"You're a hero Zero."

Zero smiles, "Thanks. I hear they are moving to a camp that just opened near their place."

Susan nods, "Grew up in a camp without Comms or a phone. Infected were on us overnight and I still don't know how I'm still alive. You made the smart move to leave, they are lucky too."

"They really were lucky."

Lily enters the room with a male who dries the mattresses after they have been washed and asks Kevin to deliver them.

Susan stands next to Lily and asks her if she needs any help?

"No, alot of people already volunteered for this week's workload."

"What about supervising? Like you are."

Lily smiles, "Brandon is the supervisor around her. If you're interested in that ask him. I am only following instructions, but we're actually done. Next time I'll recommend you to take the job."

Susan smiles, "I'd love that."