

A young Rakilaia Jones tries to steal back priceless artifacts along with Austin Willback. They don't just learn things about each other along the way but what is truly real or is Austin imagining the entire thing? Does Rakel figure out who she is with all that goes on in her life? It's not just the past that resurfaces as she herself learns more than what meets the eye.

Helen_Howard_9458 · แฟนตาซี
12 Chs

Chapter 3

Rakel let Austin have his rest while she aligned where the stars from the map should be. Rakel wouldn't be able to know without the Scepter where to go as she put the tiny oval object into the base of the scepter before looking at her phone. No bars. She wasn't surprised but she wasn't exactly good with being on her own and that said a lot. Her father had let her go on an expedition to the underground city over 6 years before and then after that she lost contact with him. She didn't think he was dead but he hadn't tried to reach out so everything that was happening from that moment then wasn't what she wanted. She missed her mother even though she never really cared for her as her father did, but she still didn't understand if he had gone anywhere she would've known by now. Her father had told her that the last time she spoke to him to use a different name and that's exactly what she did. She went to a college so she could experience things in a normal almost Adult life. She wanted to find love the way she saw people in the movies.

Rakel forgot about the other buttons before pressing one that masked where they were. She forgot about the release button and the campsite button as she pressed that one too. It transformed into what seemed to be a camper only it looked more like a big box. Cabinets were along the wall and when she looked up she saw a sunroof. " This is new." That meant they could both sleep instead of just one, finally, but she was mainly hungry. She went through most of the cabinets before finding Tuna and chips and water along with sodas. She didn't know her dad had all this then again she thought she knew her father. Rakel grabbed her things and her food as she set it on the roof after she had left some food for Austin. She grabbed her map as she ate her Tuna looking at the view of the stars. " Big Dipper, And little dipper" She didn't point but she breathed out firmly before finishing her Tuna laying herself on the roof of the invisible camper.

When Austin awoke he was confused and uncomfortable until he heard Rakel's voice but faintly, was she praying? He looked around the unfamiliar room questioning where he was before he saw the Tuna and the BBQ chips and the water bottle. His stomach grumbled loudly before getting up and thinking to himself as he felt like running 10 miles. He was definitely more awake as he bit into the Tuna before shoving a chip into his mouth at the same time. Austin turned climbing until he got up onto the roof and sat next to Rakel as the scepter and the oval object were connected to the scepter. " Good Morning." He looked at her after looking at the pitch-black darkness and the stars. " What time is it?" He was confused until he noticed the scepter next to the Rakel. " 2 Oclock." Rakel was glad he was finally up that meant they could get a move on it. " Were you doing it without me? " He pointed to the chip eating it while her fingers intertwined. " I found where we need to go but I don't think you're going to like it. "

" Is there something worse than the bad guys with the guns?" He wasn't sure if he wanted to eat anything just hearing that he might not like it. Rakel giggled before noticing that he wasn't laughing. " Sorry. It might not be that bad. I don't know why I said it like that." Rakel lay on the roof of the camper staring at the beautiful sky while she heard Austin eating his food. She couldn't really say it was annoying but she didn't say anything. Rakel wasn't sure how to say that they might not make it out alive. She knew how things were and none of this was a video game. Austin laid down next to her staring out at the stars. " it outlines with the stars where we need to follow and I've already got it down on the map in my head." Rakel wasn't sure what they would find or what kind of friendship they would have. She didn't know Austin and that said a lot she didn't know if she could trust herself even with the emotions she was having that she kept bottled up. What wasn't said was who she really was. Would he trust her after he found out? Rakel really wanted to take a nap then again the faster they got this done the faster they could leave. " Do you think we should go ahead and go or wait?" He only shrugged as she just wanted to lay there and rest. " Thank you for saving me, you honestly didn't have to and you did ." She looked at him as he looked back from the stars and at her. " No problem. It was new for me but you're Okay, we're okay. " Looking back at the stars he said it again before eating his Tuna Rakel was thankful he even saved her. He didn't have to even when the bad guys had tried to murder her in front of him. She understood why they were trying to kill her it was way too obvious.

She still felt deep down she should say something about who she really was, but instead she kept her mouth shut. " I'm going to take a 2-hour nap. "It's exactly what she did, and when she woke up she realized it didn't help at all. " I needed more than that." Rakel noticed he had the scepter as well as another bag of chips. " You slept for like an hour and forty minutes. " It wasn't long but they needed to get going anyways. " Maybe I could drive?" Rakel laughed before looking back at him. " Oh, you were being serious. No." Rakel wasn't about to let Drew drive she was already surprised she could sleep with him there. Rakel wasn't a hard sleeper but it still surprised her that he didn't hurt her or worse kill her, it said a lot, he didn't have the mindset to do such a thing. It wasn't easy but at the same time it wasn't hard, everything that she taught herself because of the bad guys the face of the leader that wanted to kill her father, even thinking about it pissed her off. She was nothing like Lara Croft in the video games and Nathan Drake was just a fictional character they weren't real, but this was. They didn't have to drive but thinking of the evil bad guy that could easily trap them both made her think otherwise.

Rakel thought of everything that could go wrong all the while pulling herself into the driver's seat as Austin didn't feel like any of this was even real like it was a dream." What are you doing?" He didn't seem antsy but at the same time he didn't question anything as the only thing he did was sit down in the passenger seat as she pressed the car button and then the masking button that transformed even though the wailing that was in her dreams got louder in her mind she still acted as if she knew what to do even when she didn't know. She went straight towards the mountain top where they saw where the stairs touched down only there was nothing but rubble. " What now?" Austin looked down as the only thing he thought he saw wasn't even there. " I could've sworn maybe I need to go back to sleep." Rakel felt that as she was still tired and she again only acted like she was fine. She kept herself disciplined but every now and again she wanted to do whatever she wanted. " Okay I definitely saw something, it looked weird like lightning only it was white and it was right there, I'm dreaming." She didn't try to shut anyone out but every now and then she had to talk to someone but she wasn't sure who she could trust. She didn't want anyone to know who she was whether she told anyone or not

She opened her door as again no one could see the vehicle. Austin got out as well but he didn't seem okay with anything other than he had grabbed his gun from the side pocket and pointed it towards where he was talking about. Rakel didn't get why he seemed to be more of a wimp and at the same time seemed to have it all together like he was something that could take anyone. That's when he looked around them as nothing seemed out of the ordinary. Rakel felt like every bone in her body was telling her to run. " Get out!" It was the only thing they both heard as Rakel kept her cool as her brain seemed to go numb as Austin pointed his gun freaking out as he stared long and hard before he looked at Rakel. " Told you; you wouldn't like it." He didn't say anything as he only thought of the part where he should've stayed at the college, then he laughed to himself as he'd really go to class, then again he'd rather do that than do this anyway. The only problem his brain was saying was why would Rakel look unfazed by all of this when he was probably close to shitting himself. " How are you not freaking out? You did hear that right, it wasn't just me?" He knew he sounded scared who wouldn't be only she just grabbed her other gun from her back holster. " Just stay behind me." Rakel wasn't shocked she knew there were demons and spirits but not once did she think she would have to ever face any. "Get out, or face the many deaths!" They both heard it but Rakel wasn't going to back down so easily as Austin only seemed more terrified as he stayed behind her. " Maybe we should not do this or we could wait and let the other guys go in there?" He wasn't really asking but she only rolled her eyes as he didn't see anything that she had done.

The energy around them seemed to dampen as she tried to breathe through the oxygen that was barely there as the only thing she noticed was something else hunched in gray at the side of the rocks that seemed to block the way in. " Hello. We're not here to hurt you. " Rakel moved closer as she was almost behind the figure before it turned around. The only thing that came into her mind was the wailing as it didn't just become louder in her mind. The thing that seemed to be human turned into a pitch-black ghoul and it wasn't pretty at all as it came right at her. She was shaken as Austin shot at it which only made it disappear instantly. " Ah hell no. I'm too young for this." Austin knew he was going to have nightmares after that, but he still didn't understand how Rakel kept herself together. It didn't even sit right with him how she looked more scared of the bad guys than of a demon that scared the absolute crap out of him. " Okay. Now we go in." The only thing he could do was question why him as they both went inside the dark gloomy cave that ended up ending with having to grapple down towards wherever it lead to at the bottom. They still heard the screams and crying from the ghouls that seemed to haunt the cave. Why did it have to be this one Rakel wasn't only freaking out but she still fought with herself to keep cool while she didn't have to turn around to tell Austin was shaking in fear.

" A thousand deaths you'll suffer, only one way you could get out." They both heard it but they didn't understand as the only thought that ran through Austin's mind was he would die just in this very cave just because he was too stupid. " I don't want to die. Why would they say that?" He asked Rakel as the only thing she did was comfort him by just holding onto his arm for a split second and in that second he put that in his mind her touch even her lips under the water when he had no choice but to give her oxygen. He breathed in before gripping his gun firmly as they grappled down into the pitch black of nothing for what seemed to be 3 minutes too long. Austin's mind wavered before he looked back at Rakel as she was already looking at him.

The only thought that really went through Rakel was that she needed to find her father but she was also worried for Austin. She didn't want him to die on her watch, just because she had experience didn't mean he did, she needed to be extra careful. She didn't hear the wailing until they had safely gotten onto the ground with their guns in their hands as she blinked hard at the outburst from her mind. Did Austin hear it? When she turned towards him it didn't seem that way, if he had he definitely would've said something by now about it. " You okay?" She asked surprised he was suddenly quiet. He only gulped hard before only nodding towards her. " I don't like this." He looked pale but at the same time, she wasn't really sure. " The faster we get it the faster we get out." At first, there was only darkness then there was blinding light pouring from the other side Rakel knew it didn't seem right. For a second everything seemed to be going fine till they heard screams as they ducked hidden as they both looked at a bigger demon with a face. " Oh God," Austin whispered but still watched as the demon screamed back. " I'm not just a monster, but you're far worse." Austin and Rakel heard the voice in their minds as they both got the splitting headache like the other guys that had tried to kill Rakel from before grabbed their heads as well. Rakel didn't have to do anything for the pain to stop inside of her. They weren't expecting anything like this, especially when it evaporated them into nothing. Their guns clattered down to the floor before the only thing Austin wanted to do was just scream and run like a 5-year-old. He wanted to run to his mom, and have her tell him everything was alright even though it clearly wasn't.

" You're pure, I'm the worse. Go ahead face your fate and see yourself." Austin stared as he looked petrified at Rakel. " What does he mean? Does that not scare you?" How could she say anything when she's been through practically everything else? " Kinda skipped being scared. He's not worried about us, let's go." It's what they did even though Austin jumped at every noise as he pointed his gun by the time they went through the door towards the tunnel Rakel could hear wailing as it echoed in her head. She didn't waver but she wanted to, but she wanted to stay strong for them both. every noise they heard wasn't just frightening but it felt like she was in a haunted house only with real ghosts and demons. " See the demon inside of you." Rakel heard it over and over only she didn't know if Austin was hearing anything wouldn't she know? Austin didn't know how to feel as the only thing he tried to do was stay calm sadly he didn't know if it was working. They heard voices but as they kept walking they heard them clearer before they both realized it was their own voices but they weren't saying anything as they both realized another thing; they couldn't see them. Austin was no longer with her as she walked toward where he was supposed to be. " You're too weak. Hello Rakela joas, or should I say Rakilaia jones." It wasn't surprising but at the same time when she turned around she didn't seem to get past how she looked just like her, too much like her. " The hell. What is this?" While She tried to speak to herself she realized the Demon wasn't joking at all, all the while Austin wasn't just scared but he felt like he was ripped apart from the soul as he stared out at what was him that just smiled in victory. " This is fun, should I say brother? " Austin pointed the gun as he didn't know what to think.

" If you kill yourself it would end the nightmare." Austin had full control over what he was seeing, right? If it wasn't him wouldn't it be scarier if it was real? He gritted his teeth before shooting the person of a demon before it penetrated it he left. Austin looked everywhere pointing the gun before walking towards the unknown. Still hearing noises he didn't think seeing it in his mind again, seeing Rakel disappear right from in front of him meanwhile, Rakel just smiled at the demon wondering to herself as the only thing she could do was stay calm as the face of the demon switched her. It was evil and Rakel didn't like it at all. " It's Rakel, where's Austin?" She turned looking and even stared out past the demon that just didn't want to take a hint. " He's fine, only if he knew, let me tell him your secret." She didn't like that before she used her gun which didn't do anything but put a bullet in the dirt of the wall. " Crap." Rakel ran through several left turns hearing where the voice running through her head as the only thing she could do was drop her gun and grab her head instead. " What would he do if he knew? Let's see." She felt the pain before getting back up as Austin came into view. " You're Okay, god, I thought -" She was cut off as he slammed his fist hard across her face before he grabbed her jerking her harshly as his other hand went around her throat squeezing. Rakel tried to breathe as she tried to kick out but it didn't help her much as the only thing that rang through her mind was her own voice. "If only it were real."

She didn't understand it as she couldn't think as she tried her hardest to think straight about what she meant. Austin found himself running and then trying to shoot at Rakel only he didn't realize the one thing as it wasn't even her. " You just tried to shoot me!" Austin followed after and then realized something was off about her. " Where's your gun and holster?" He noticed something about her clothing as well but he didn't say anything about that until he tried to grab out at her which only resulted in him being harshly pushed as he barely had time to think or breathe. " took you long enough huh, I could kill you without even thinking boy." Austin only groaned barely wanting to even listen to it as he thought of where Rakel was. " Where is she?" " You care about her, ha It's funny when she's keeping something so stupid from you." Austin didn't want to listen but he had no choice as he thought back to the look on her face when he asked her that simple question. " Just go away. You're not her." That's when he questioned if she had lied to him. " Her real name, just ask her yourself unless you want me to tell you. " He didn't have to look at her to see the smug smile on her face until he looked directly at her as her face changed. " killing her, without me."

" What? Wait." That's when he ran towards every noise and in him, every feeling ran through his spine as goosebumps ran through him. " Hey!" Austin noticed Rakel on the ground not moving as the two stood over her before they both faced him as they both vanished. " Rakel!" He grabbed her having her rest her head safely on his chest as he didn't know what to do other than make sure she was breathing. " Rakel, Can you hear me, it's Austin." Everything happened too fast as she lay on top of him and a knife laid at his neck. " Ah, wait no. I'm real. I'm real, Don't kill me." Her thighs were on either side of his hips and his hands only showed surrender. " Austin. It's really you?" She pulled back as he sat up while she threw her arms around him. " I could've killed you." She tried to not cry but only a few tears fell as one hand went around her waist. " It's okay. I'm real. " Austin heard the words still in his head from the Demon while everything ran through his mind he questioned who she really was all the while they went back to the vehicle. " What about the thing? Please tell me we didn't just go in there for nothing." She shook her head before feeling light-headed as she pulled the small yet powerful Timer. " I got it. Can we go? Please. " She didn't feel like driving before throwing him the keys and then climbing into the passenger seat.

Austin knew something wasn't just bothering her, he didn't have to ask to know to see the pain she was in. Austin climbed into the driver's seat before turning it on and then asking where to go. He looked at her and he noticed the bruises and cuts that ran through her throat and arms. What did they do to her? he questioned yet again what was even happening and why they always seemed to only target her instead.

What she saw even as Austin drove made her think she was still there not breathing. The fake Austin showed her what would happen when she found her father, but she didn't want to believe it. the voice and the face of the demon became worse as she felt her body was on fire, but she never screamed she didn't want to give him that satisfaction in Glory. Tears streamed down her face as the only thing it let her see was the face of Austin. " What's he have? It's not what he see's, but that's got to be a lie." She didn't like it or the fact that his fingers became claws that felt like knives. He wanted her to suffer but why? Where was the real Austin? The face became more evil as she tried to keep calm only her adrenaline said another. She wanted to fight back, how could she? He relieved her of her gun after she tried to shoot out at him only he dragged her as the knife-like hand closed around her throat again only this time it felt different. He was trying to kill her. "You don't have a purpose, you're lost." The demons didn't do their worse, they should've killed her. " They Should've killed me."

" No. don't say that." Austin reached over grabbing her hand hoping it would calm her only she couldn't get it out of her head as the only thing she wanted nothing more to do was pass out. She still heard what the demon said and it bugged her with a passion. " Why do you have to be everyone's problem?" It made her want to cry as she remembered what happened next like a nightmare. She could only think of what her name meant. He slammed her hard before she coughed hard as she simply stated " Where there's darkness there's light." For a split second he gave it away as she saw it inside of him that's when she became even more frightened as the other demon showed up. " Not supposed to kill her just yet." it was the mistake she made as she used the other demon as the distraction even though it saw what she did next. She lunged her arm through the demon beside her as she clamped around the small dainty timer. the darkness from their arms slammed inside of her as she couldn't breathe even when she tried. She went limp but she wasn't sure if she was dead even though she felt dead.

" Hey. You Okay?" He looked over at her feeling stupid at the question because clearly, she wasn't fine. He looked back and forth between her and the sky before looking back at her. Rakel didn't know if she was breathing even though she clearly was. " Yeah, I just need to breathe, maybe take a nap." He understood completely he also realized they were still holding hands, but she didn't let go. He didn't care what she was hiding at the moment what he cared about was their friendship in what they had. This was the longest he had gone with a friend in his life and he didn't want that to change. Even if he knew what she was hiding even her so-called real name what was there that would stop him from still being there for her? He didn't have feelings like that but she wasn't ugly and he knew that for a fact. " You take a nap. I got this don't worry." Rakel didn't even think after he said it as she still held his hand feeling the comfort that she still wasn't dead but alive. " Okay." It's what she dreamed that made her feel like a kid again that still had her father before the other guys tried to kill her instead.

" Dad, I made a sandwich. Peanut butter and jelly. " Rakilaia Jones looked at her father as she handed him the plate with two sandwiches that looked smushed. She was proud and the look on her father's face made her feel so much better. " Sweetie, you're so grown. Where's yours?" Her father was working from home building guns and other things. Her mother always yelled at him about it but Rakilaia didn't understand why as it kept a roof over their heads and food on the table. They had the money but her mother wasn't seeing straight as that was also the day she left. " I already ate. Can I help Dad?" She sometimes helped him but other times he didn't want to mess anything up. Everything that he did helped him with the structure with his boss, he didn't say it but he wasn't a fan. His boss threatened if he didn't have whatever he needed while he knew how it would end. Henry Walton Jones the third loved his life and he loved the adventure but he never thought he would have this type of life. " Dad you okay." She knew how her father was and she didn't have to ask to see the mental pain he was in. She left him working as he ate his lunch as she didn't want to bother him. She did her chores remembering the many voices as she followed them where her father was working. Their whole demeanor and the guns they held holding onto the rail she only whispered but some still heard her. " Dad."

That's when she woke up gasping for air as her hand tried to find his. " Austin." He grabbed her hand holding it as she looked at him before looking out past him. " Where are we?" Over the College, don't worry I masked the vehicle." She was relieved as she felt like she could breathe again only when she turned her body and looked down she saw the vehicles and the students running around trying to get to class. " The hideout, take us there. Please"