
Possessive Devil's and Fallen Angels (short stories)

Short stories that involve fallen angels and lost goddesses that fall into the hands of possesive devil's and handsome yandere's. ~~~~~ "where are you running of to hmm?" she heard the dreaded voice she had been having nightmares about. "Turn around." his stern voice snapped through the air making her spine snap upright with chills. The command shot right through her and without realising she turned to meet his fiery glare. "What a coincidence" lotte joked in fear. "hahhh..." he sighed running his hand through his hair before looking back and meeting her eyes dead on, "coincidence? Let's not pretend. My little dove escaped and I came to get her back so she could live safely in her cage." "N-no!" Lottle trembled. "What do you mean, 'No' ? It wasn't a question it was a order. Your coming back whether you like it or not." ~~~~~ (A/N: WARNING MATURE CONTENT, NOBODY 17 OR YOUNGER SHOULD READ. CONSENSUAL AND NON-CONSENSUAL SEXUAL THEMES THROUGHOUT AND SOME DESCRIPTIONS OF ABUSE. SINCE THEY ARE SHORT STORIES I WILL PUT COMMENTS AT THE BEGGINGING OF THE STORY TO DISCLOSE WHETHER THERE IS ANY OF THE ABOVE WITHIN IT.)

Spawn_devil171 · แฟนตาซี
24 Chs

Silkie's Owner (Part 6)

*Beep... beep... beep *

'what's that noise? Where am I, heaven? Hmm, who's that speaking?'

"Wake up Silkie, please. I'll believe you so don't leave me..." Vincent's voice trembled as his hand tightly gripped hers. Looking down he gazed at the girl looking paler than she had before with an IV drip and heart monitor cords attached to her.

Swallowing his regret, he stroked the side of her face not knowing how he was going to cope if she never woke up. Silkie tried to wake up to comfort him but struggled to even open her eyes nevermind get up and hug him.

"Don't worry this will never happen again." he coldly stated before getting up and leaving the room locking the door behind him. Flinching, she tried to think back to how she got here.

'Someone rescued me, was it vince- wait no!'


Storming along the corridor in the company basement holding a knife in hand he glared viciously. Slamming open one of the doors he revealed three men all bloody and beaten to a pulp.

"Haha! Round two, I guess I didn't get over it what a shame... You shouldn't have touched her." he shot murderous glares at the three men all trembling as he stalked towards them like a predator.

"P-please we're sorry have mercy! Have mercy! Ahhhhh! -" The man screamed painfully as the knife pierced into his shoulder. Laughing coldly, Vincent repeatedly stabbed the man with his knife until the body stopped moving.

"Mercy? Do you really think you deserve mercy, you dare to say that when you gave no mercy to a girl who was unconscious" kicking the body it fell down next to the two horrified men who had tears welling up in the corner of their eyes.

"N-no! It was only him! Only him! We didn't do anything!" they screamed, tugging the ropes that tied their hands behind their backs.

"Really? That's exactly why you deserve to die," he smiled sinisterly as they furrowed their brows in confusion.

"H-how?" one of them trembled.

"Like you said... You did nothing." his face lost emotion as he launched forward piercing the man several times before the body went limp in his arms.

"*hic-!" the other paled instantly and tried to crawl towards the exit clumsily.

" I'll make it quick since it's become boring and its not as though you were going to take part in raping her although you still allowed him to try..." he gritted his teeth before slitting the man's throat and tossing his body into a pile with the others.

" Sir," his assistant walked in trying to hide the horror of what he was seeing and handed his boss a towel to wipe of the blood," we'll clean this up quickly and dispose of the bodies."

"Sell their organs and give the money to their families, it's not like they were aware of what pigs were living amongst them." he strolled out of the room tossing back the towel back whilst trying to erase the sickening feeling that welled up when he realised she wasn't home.

Shaking his head he regretted killing the three so quickly he still felt his blood boiling with anger after discovering they saved her from drowning but took her to another location to rape and sell off to traffickers. Who knew the local fishing village was a cover for an illegal human trafficking ring.

"Shit! I got too comfortable and let my guard down, its not like me..."


Forcing her eyes open, she gulped as everything was brightly lit in the clinical room. Struggling to make out objects, she squinted her eyes to painfully outline where the door was.

Determined to find Vincent, she sat up groaning at the swelling on her stomach where the men had kicked her. Luckily, she was a fast healer as she quickly swallowed the pain and shuffled her legs over the side of the bed.

Hopping up, she fell back down into the bed as her legs trembled and ached. Gritting through the pain, she stood back up and wobbled along to the door. After removing the cords from her arms she pushed the drip over to the side and rattled the door handle which refused to open.

"Huh?! Grr! Ahhh!" she tugged it backwards but quickly stopped as her stomach stung in pain, "Uhhn..."

Looking around, she saw there was no other exits in the hospital room and only a small window slightly below the ceiling letting light through. Gulping she kicked the door frantically, the claustrophobia of being in such a small space with no exits was finally kicking in and she felt her breathing rapidly increase.

"*huff huff * V-vince," panting, she crouched down next to the door holding her ears as the silence was overwhelming her, " *hic* vinncee..."

Tears filling her eyes, she felt guilty for not being able to escape to comfort him, what if he was really upset? Or what if he thought she was dead and that's why he left her.

"Hng-" she began crying miserably, holding her legs close to her chest and and lowering her head in fear at the possibilities.


"Huh?!" flinching, she looked up as the door swung open and vince stepped in looking at the empty bed before turning as white as a sheet. His hands clenched as he was about to storm out in rage before feeling a slight tug at his trouser leg.

Lowering his gaze his face melted in relief at the tear stained mess huddled at the side of the door. Her small hand wrapped around the hem of his leg and her bambi eyes stared back up at him.

"V-vince?!" she grabbed his leg and hugged it tightly, scared he'd leave again.

"It's okay Silkie. Shhh," he crouched and stroked her cheek wiping away the tears before picking her up and placing her on the bed again, "please stop crying..."