
Chapter 3: A Taste of Humility

Chapter 3: A Taste of Humility

I woke up to the delicious aroma of breakfast wafting through the air. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I followed the scent to the kitchen, where I found Roi busy at the stove, cooking up a feast.

Ignoring him, I made my way to the pool, determined to enjoy a morning swim. But as I lounged by the water, the tantalizing smell of food continued to tempt me. Despite my stubbornness, my stomach grumbled in protest, betraying my hunger.

After what felt like an eternity, Roi finally emerged from the kitchen, carrying a plate piled high with food. With an indifferent expression, I accepted the plate from him, making sure to give him a cold look in return.

I took a small bite of the food, making a show of wrinkling my nose in disgust. "This isn't to my taste at all," I muttered, pushing the plate away.

Roi's expression remained impassive as he watched me, but I could sense the faint hint of amusement in his eyes. "I'm sorry to hear that, Miss," he replied calmly. "Perhaps I can make something else for you."

I shrugged nonchalantly, but inside, I couldn't help feeling a twinge of guilt. Despite my best efforts to push him away, Roi had gone out of his way to prepare breakfast for me, only to be met with my cold indifference.

Determined to shake off my feelings of guilt, I decided to distract myself with a swim. But as I dove into the pool, I quickly realized that I had underestimated the depth of the water.

Panicking, I thrashed about, struggling to keep my head above the surface. Just when I thought I couldn't hold on any longer, strong arms wrapped around me, pulling me to safety.

Gasping for air, I looked up to see Roi's concerned face hovering above me. "Are you alright, Miss?" he asked, his voice laced with worry.

I nodded weakly, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and gratitude wash over me. "Thank you," I murmured, unable to meet his gaze.

Roi helped me out of the pool, his touch gentle yet reassuring. As I dried myself off, I couldn't shake the feeling of vulnerability that had washed over me.

For the first time since Roi had entered my life, I began to realize just how much I had underestimated him. And as I watched him quietly clean up the breakfast dishes, a newfound sense of respect began to blossom within me.

Maybe, just maybe, it was time for me to let go of my pride and accept Roi's presence in my life. After all, he had proven himself to be much more than just a bodyguard—he was my protector, my confidant, and, in that moment, my savior.