

In the bustling streets of Orario, Poseidon walked with an air of disdain, his eyes sweeping over the mortals that scurried about their daily lives, oblivious to the presence of a deity among them. The city, with its towering structures and vibrant marketplaces, was indeed a fitting abode for gods and adventurers alike. Yet, for Poseidon, it lacked the grandeur of Olympus and the boundless expanse of his beloved seas. The only consolation was the power he sensed coursing through the city's veins—a mixture of divine and mortal energies that intrigued him.

As he navigated through the crowds, Poseidon's thoughts turned to the familias. The concept of commanding mortals in exchange for his divine association was appealing—a way to wield power and influence in this new world. Perhaps, he mused, he could establish a family that would surpass all others, one that would command respect and fear alike. Yes, that would be his first step towards reclaiming the reverence he was due.

His reverie was interrupted when a group of adventurers, bearing the insignia of a family he did not recognize, blocked his path. They were young, brimming with the arrogance of those who have tasted a modicum of power but have not yet faced true despair.

"Out of the way, mortals," Poseidon's voice boomed, laced with divine authority.

The adventurers hesitated, sensing something otherworldly about this stranger. Yet their leader, a brash young man with a sword at his hip, stepped forward.

"And who are you to command us, stranger?" He challenged, unaware of whom he was provoking.

Poseidon's eyes flashed with anger. With a flick of his wrist, the ground beneath them trembled, a subtle display of his might. "I am Poseidon, god of the seas. You would do well to show respect."

A silence fell over the adventurers, their previous bravado fading into awe and fear. They hastily made their way, whispering among themselves about the god who walked among them.

Continuing his journey, Poseidon found himself at the entrance of a grand arena, where the sounds of battle and cheers echoed. Curiosity piqued, and he entered, his presence immediately drawing attention.

Here, perhaps, he could find warriors worthy of his family. As he watched the combatants, evaluating their strengths and weaknesses, a plan began to form. He would not only establish the most formidable family in Orario, but he would also find a way to restore his full divine powers. With a newfound determination, Poseidon set out to recruit his first followers, setting the stage for a new era in the city of Orario.

Unbeknownst to him, eyes watched from the shadows; gods and mortals alike were intrigued by the arrival of the mighty Poseidon. Alliances would be tested, and new rivalries would form as the balance of power in Orario shifted. The game had truly begun.