
Popping pills in Young Justice

an Average person dies and get transmigrated into the Young Justice universe with the pills from Project Power. Not having to worry about dying to the pill's effect, the protagonist will try to do the most he can with his limited abilities and his limited knowledge about the universe. --- Don't take this novel seriously as I'm writing this after watching Project Power and I thought such abilities, with some benefits, could do well in young justice. Plus I don't have the most knowledge of DC since I'm personally a Marvel fan. there will be mistakes in the book, but just write it off as an A.U of sorts. Much love, Me

WADSD · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
19 Chs


Newt stayed in Gotham while the team went back to Mount Justice to report back. "Haah." He sighs, removing his helmet and putting on his mask. "Why did I even think of such things?" He asks himself, thinking back to how he was prepared to end Professor Ivo's life. 

Don't get him wrong, he isn't averse to killing. It's just that while staying here in DC, he's been taught by Batman and saw through Superman that anybody can change. Batman's "no killing" rule is to ensure he always acts in service of justice, not vengeance, and that he never let himself become so above and beyond the law that the last restraint on his actions is removed. 

"I get that. I really do... But..." Newt walks through the streets, silently in thought. 

Why not go above the law when most of the people ensuing the law treats it like their toy.

Why capture someone who killed, put him inside a prison, only for him to break out and do it again. There's no use. 

Glancing at the alleyway to his side, he stops as he spots a man knocking out a woman before proceeding to start removing her clothes. 

"Like this guy." Newt speaks out loud causing the person in the alleyway to turn his head back. "You know what usually happens here?" He asks, walking close to the man, who stood up and pulled out a pistol. 

Ignoring the weapon, Newt continues. "What usually happens is I knock you out. And call the police to take you away. You will be charged after being testified against by your victim. Or maybe not, considering you didn't do it yet cause I stopped you. But let's go with the previous option. You go to prison for a small amount of ti-" 

*Bang! Bang! Bang!*

Newt stops for a second and looks down at his bleeding chest. "Time... During which you will be involved in things gang related. Then you will be released. What happens then?" He asks, looking into the person's eyes after coming in front of him. "You don't just turn a new leaf. No no." Newt shakes his head. 

"So I ask you. If you were me..." Newt lifts his hand and slowly takes the pistol out of the shocked man's hand. "Would you let yourself... Live?" He asks, pressing the pistol onto the mans head. 


"Hah!" Newt yells out a single laugh. "I'm joking of course..." He slowly raises the gun and pistol whips the man, knocking him out cleanly. "Now then." He turns his attention back to the unconscious woman on the floor. "Let's call the cops."

---Few Minutes Later---

Newt arrives at the Wayne Manor and steps inside, greeted by Alfred who stood at the door, opening it for him. 

"Master Newt." Alfred nods. 

"Ah Alfred." Newt raises an eyebrow. "You knew I was coming?" He asks. 

Alfred shook his head. "Master Dick informed Master Bruce, who then informed me that you will be staying at Gotham." He states, looking into Newt's eyes. "Is something on your mind?" 

Newt exhales through his nose. "Yes." He confirms. "But I'll figure it out." He says before grinning. "More importantly... Aren't you lonely? I saw this beautiful M.I.L.F while walking back here. I'm sure she'd put a ring on yo finger if she finds out you're a Wayne. Hey?" He swings his arm around the butler's shoulders. 

"I see." Alfred slowly removes Newt's arm. "If you are fine, then I will get going. Need to prepare dinner." He states, walking away. 

"Alfred! Are you shy?" Newt speaks loudly at the retreating figure. "I'm sure she won't mind!" Silence greets the Manor as Newt stood at the door with a silly smile. "Yeah, he's shy... I'm gonna contact BigBat and tell him I'm taking a few off." He mutters. "Let's see... Where am I going to vacation?" 

---September 4---


a Groggy Beast lifts his upper body, yawning as he sat slouched on the heated sand... "Sand..?" Beast mutters lifting a single eyebrow and scans his surroundings. "Oh! I remember watching this. I made sure to keep memorizing this and another episode after I knew I would be joining the team..." He exclaims, lifting himself up and patting his hands and thick and juicy a- 

"So... I've lost a few months worth of memories or something. That sure is troublesome." He sighs before pointing his finger directly forward, closing his eyes and spinning. 

"There." He stops and opens his eyes before walking into the direction his finger was pointing. "Heat's gon be the death of me." 


an Explosion goes off a few meters away from him. 

"Fuck!" Frightened, Beast cursed, looking at the two tanks rolling their merry way in his direction. "Who'd send two tanks to capture someone as handsome as me?!" He yells while running towards the tanks... Towards? 

"If it was me, I'd send four." He mutters, a grin on his visible lower face after he lifted his mask before chucking a pill into his mouth. a Few seconds later, he lowered his mask. "a Bombardier beetle... Interesting." He jumps into the air and lands on top of a tank, pressing both his hands on the roof of it. 

"Let's test it." 


His sleeves melt away as an acidic substance leaks from his arms in large quantities, slowly melting the roof away. 

"Dude. Not cool." Beast says in a disappointed tone after the roof melted, revealing a frightened soldier.

"M-Mach'ala honqi mutravu!" The soldier yelled, trying to seek help from his comrades.

"Uhh..." Beast scratched his head. "I don't speak that language... I do know a bit of Spanish though." He states, clearing his throat before staring at the soldier. "Donde Esta La Biblioteca. Which literally translates to-" He grabs the soldier's collar and lifts him out of the tank before throwing him toward the other tank. "- I don't bargain. Motherfucker." 

Beast runs to the remaining tank that's currently slowly rotating it's muzzle? in his direction. He reaches his arms out and grabs the point, letting his acid corrode the metal as he pressed down tight. 


The muzzle clicks into place, ready to fire, which it takes no time to do. Beast quickly jumps back, looking at the blocked and crumpled muzzle before the whole thing got enveloped by a fiery-


Beast's body gets thrown back, parts of his suit burning off, but he ignores it all as he stared at the explosion wide eyed. 

  "Did I just kill them?" He asks. "Fuck I didn't think that through. Damn and that's such an uncool way for me to get my first blood." He cursed, thinking of how it would of been better if he stood behind a surrendered man with his blade on the man's neck before chopping the man's neck off with resolute eyes and then afterwards get haunted by the dreams. 

"This in comparison..." He puts a finger to his lips. "I don't know what to feel." He  shrugs before walking off.