

The novel begins in a small village, where the protagonist, a young man named Jack, witnesses the suffering of the poor. He sees families struggling to put food on the table and children going hungry. As he was looking around, he noticed that the rich people, who lived in a nearby castle, had enough food. Jack realizes that the only way to save the poor is to take from the rich.

Marouane_Layadi · ย้อนยุค
1 Chs


The novel begins in a small village, where the hero, a young man named Jack, witnesses the suffering of the poor. He sees families struggling to put food on the table and children going hungry. As he looks around, he notices that the rich, who live in a nearby castle, have more than enough to eat.

Jack realizes that the only way to save the poor is to take from the rich. He decides to become a thief, but not just any thief. He becomes a hero who steals from the rich and gives to the poor.

At first, Jack is unsure of himself, but he quickly becomes skilled in the art of thievery. He sneaks into the castle at night and steals food, money, and other supplies. He then distributes these items to the people in the village who need them the most.

The rich in the castle are not happy about this. They hire guards and set traps to catch the thief who has been stealing from them. However, Jack is smart and cunning, and he always manages to outsmart them.

As time goes on, Jack becomes a legend. The people in the village see him as a hero who is fighting for their survival. They begin to chant his name and tell stories about his bravery.

The rich, on the other hand, begin to fear him. They see him as a threat to their way of life and their power. They begin to work even harder to catch him, but Jack is always one step ahead.

One day, the rich finally catch Jack. They bring him to the castle and threaten to punish him severely. However, the people in the village hear about his capture and they band together to rescue him.

In the end, Jack is freed, and the rich are forced to see the error of their ways. They realize that they have been hoarding resources that could have helped the poor. They begin to work with Jack to distribute food and other supplies to the people in the village who need them the most.

The novel ends with Jack riding off into the sunset, knowing that he has made a difference in the world. The people in the village are now thriving, and they will always remember the hero who saved them from starvation by robbing the rich.


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