
Poor guy become Immortal God

**Synopsis: "The Path to Divinity"** In "The Path to Divinity," we follow the journey of Theron, a humble farmer who embarks on an extraordinary quest to become a god. Guided by the enigmatic mentor Alaric, Theron faces a series of trials that test his courage, wisdom, compassion, and resilience. Chapter by chapter, Theron navigates through the mystical forest of Eldoria, encountering challenges that force him to confront his deepest fears and reconcile with his past. From facing mythical creatures to deciphering ancient texts, Theron's journey is fraught with danger and self-discovery. As Theron progresses, he grapples with doubts and uncertainties, questioning his own worthiness and fearing failure. Yet, with the guidance of Alaric and the lessons of the forest, he learns that true strength comes from within and that the path to divinity is not about perfection but about growth and self-awareness. Through facing his fears, embracing his past, and finding solace in the wisdom of the natural world, Theron grows into a formidable force, ready to take on the challenges that lie ahead. Along the way, he learns that becoming a god is not just about acquiring power but about embodying compassion, wisdom, and harmony. "The Path to Divinity" is a captivating tale of self-discovery, resilience, and the transformative power of the human spirit. Set against the backdrop of a richly imagined world, this novel invites readers on an epic journey of adventure, enlightenment, and ultimately, the realization of one's true destiny.

DaoistatW0mU · ไซไฟ
101 Chs

Chapter 73

**Chapter 73: Whispers of Betrayal**

As the team celebrated their recent victory, the warmth of camaraderie and hope filled the camp. Yet, Theron couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss. The unease gnawed at him, a silent whisper at the edge of his mind.

Later that night, while the camp slept, Theron sat alone by the fire, the flickering flames casting shadows on his contemplative face. The firelight danced in his eyes as he pondered their next move. He knew the journey ahead would be perilous, but the recent successes had given them all a much-needed boost in morale.

Gaia joined him, her presence a comforting anchor. "You look troubled, Theron," she observed, her voice gentle yet probing.

Theron sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I can't shake this feeling, Gaia. Something doesn't feel right. It's as if we're being watched, or worse, there's a threat we haven't yet seen."

Gaia nodded, her brow furrowing in thought. "I've felt it too. The land speaks to me, and lately, it's been whispering of deceit. We must remain vigilant."

Their conversation was interrupted by the arrival of Lyra, who appeared equally troubled. "Theron, Gaia, we need to talk," she said, glancing around to ensure no one was listening. "I've been sensing something dark, an undercurrent of betrayal."

Theron's eyes widened. "Betrayal? From whom?"

Lyra hesitated, then spoke carefully. "I'm not sure. But there are whispers in the magic, warnings that someone close to us might not be who they seem."

The weight of her words settled heavily upon them. Theron glanced around at their sleeping comrades, his mind racing. "We can't jump to conclusions without evidence. But we must be cautious."

The next day, the team resumed their preparations for the journey to the next artifact's location. The atmosphere, while still hopeful, was tinged with an undercurrent of suspicion and unease. Theron, Gaia, and Lyra discreetly kept a closer watch on their surroundings and interactions.

As they moved deeper into the mountains, the terrain became increasingly treacherous. The air grew thinner, and the temperature plummeted, making every step a challenge. The group relied heavily on each other, their unity the key to their survival.

One evening, as they set up camp in a sheltered valley, Theron gathered the team around the fire. "We're making good progress, but we need to stay alert. The journey will only get harder from here."

Ignis, his eyes bright with determination, nodded. "We're ready for whatever comes, Theron. We've proven that time and again."

Seraphina added, "We trust each other. That's our greatest strength."

Despite their words, Theron couldn't ignore the nagging doubt. He knew they needed to address the potential threat of betrayal before it could do any harm.

Later that night, while the others slept, Theron and Gaia took a private moment to discuss their concerns. "We need to find out who might be working against us," Theron whispered. "But we can't risk alienating anyone without proof."

Gaia nodded. "We'll watch and wait. The truth will reveal itself in time."

The next day, as they climbed higher, the weather turned against them. A fierce blizzard descended upon the mountains, reducing visibility to mere feet. The howling wind and biting cold made progress slow and arduous.

During a brief respite in a sheltered cave, Lyra approached Theron, her eyes reflecting the storm outside. "Theron, I've been sensing something stronger. The magic is clearer here, more focused. It's like the mountains are trying to tell us something."

Theron frowned. "What is it, Lyra?"

She closed her eyes, concentrating. "It's a warning. There's someone among us who's not what they seem. The mountains are amplifying the whispers."

Before Theron could respond, Ignis and Seraphina entered the cave, shaking off snow and ice. "We need to keep moving," Ignis said, his voice urgent. "The storm's getting worse, and we're sitting ducks here."

Reluctantly, Theron nodded. "Alright, let's go. But stay close. And stay vigilant."

As they trudged through the blizzard, the sense of impending danger grew. Theron kept a close eye on his comrades, searching for any sign of betrayal. His mind raced with possibilities, each thought more troubling than the last.

That night, as they huddled around a small fire, the tension in the air was palpable. Theron decided it was time to confront the issue head-on. "We need to talk," he said, his voice cutting through the crackling flames. "There have been whispers of betrayal among us. We can't ignore it any longer."

The team exchanged shocked glances. Ignis was the first to speak. "What are you saying, Theron? You think one of us is a traitor?"

Theron held up a hand to calm him. "I'm not accusing anyone. But we've all felt it—the sense that something's not right. We need to address it openly if we're going to move forward."

Seraphina's eyes narrowed. "What proof do we have? We can't start pointing fingers without evidence."

Lyra stepped forward. "The magic in these mountains has been clear. There are forces at play that we don't fully understand. But we can't let suspicion tear us apart."

Gaia added, "We need to trust each other now more than ever. If there is a threat among us, we'll face it together."

The team fell silent, the weight of their unspoken fears hanging heavy in the air. Theron took a deep breath. "We move forward with caution. We watch each other's backs. And we trust in our bond. We've come too far to let doubt destroy us."

As they settled in for the night, the storm outside continued to rage. Theron lay awake, his mind filled with questions and uncertainty. He knew that the road ahead would only grow more dangerous, but he was determined to lead his team through whatever darkness lay in wait.

In the depths of the night, a figure slipped silently from the camp, disappearing into the blizzard. Theron, half-asleep, caught a glimpse of movement and jolted awake. He grabbed his sword and quietly followed, his heart pounding.

Outside the shelter of the cave, the wind howled with fury. Theron struggled to see through the swirling snow, but he could make out a shadow moving ahead. He crept closer, his instincts on high alert.

Suddenly, the figure turned, and Theron found himself face-to-face with one of his own—someone he never expected.

"You," Theron whispered, his voice a mix of shock and betrayal. "Why?"

The figure's eyes were cold, filled with a mixture of regret and determination. "I had no choice, Theron. I've been working for Valthor all along."

Theron's heart sank, the realization cutting deep. The true battle had just begun, and the greatest threat came not from the outside but from within.