

I don't own anything but my character everything else goes to their owners

Spectra_Phantom · แฟนตาซี
6 Chs


Daikons POV

I was sent on a mission by my father arceus all he gave me was the poketrix and made me train with it for about a week and sent me and rotom to a random world through a wormhole.

upon arrival I looked around and all I seen was what seemed to be an abandoned village when I heard someone yell out in pain so I transformed into Umbreon and followed the sound when I came across a bunch of people one big beautiful lady a man with a hammer some girl with a doll

Woman with a Large Hat: Furthermore, I can assure you if you entrust the mortal to House Dimitrescu, my daughters and I shall deliver to you the finest cups of his slaughtered blood.

Doll: Out of the way, ugly! I want to see—oh! He's awake!

Deformed Freak: You mean—Y-You mean…?

Man with Hammer: Both of you, shut the fuck up!

guy on the floor: What…? Where…?

Man with Hammer: (to the woman) Yo mean you'll screw around with him in private, and where's the fun in that? Give him to me and I'll put on a show that everybody can enjoy.

Lady Dimitrescu: Oh, so gauche. What do we care for bread and circuses? The manthing's suffering is assured, regardless.

Man with Hammer: Yack, yack. And if a man's dick is cut off in the castle—blah, blah, blah!

Woman with a Circle Thing: I've heard all your arguments. Some of you were less persuasive than others, but… I've made my decision. Heisenberg. The man's fate is in your hands.

Lady Dimitrescu: (stands up) Mother Miranda, I must protest! Heisenberg is but a child, and his devotion to you is questionable. Give the mortal to me, and I will ensure he is ready.

Heisenberg: (threatens with hammer) Shut your damn hole and don't be a sore loser! Go find your food somewhere else.

Lady Dimitrescu: Quiet now, child! Adults are talking.

Heisenberg: I'm the child? You're the one who's arguing with Miranda's decision!

Lady Dimitrescu: You wouldn't know responsibility if it was welded to that hammer!

Heisenberg: Oh, keep growing, one day your head might actually fit your ego!

Doll: Fight, fight, fight, fight!

guy on the floor: Hey, don't I get a say in this?

Mother Miranda: (spreads her six wings) SILENCE! My decision is final, there will be no argument. Remember from whence you came!

Heisenberg: (bows) Thank you.

then Heisenberg dragged him off I decided to follow the lady Dimitrescu and I came across a mansion and follow them inside and waited on the sideline and I seen three girls appear out of bugs and drag the man away so I followed

Woman: Mother. I bring you fresh prey.

Lady Dimitrescu: You are so kind to me, daughters. (finishes her wine) Now, let's take a look at him. Well, well. Ethan Winters. You escaped my little brother's idiot games, did you? Let's see how special you are.

[She raises her hands.]

Daughters: Yes, Mother.

[They cut his hand. Lady Dimitrescu eagerly licks the blood.]

Lady Dimitrescu: Hm. Starting to go a little stale.

Daughter 2: Then let us devour his man-flesh quickly, Mother!

Daughter 1: But I am the one who captured him!

Lady Dimitrescu: Now, now, daughters First, I must inform Mother Miranda. But later… Well, there will be enough for everyone. Put him up!

Ethan: Hey, hey wait…

[Poor Ethan got his hand hurt again… Daughters hang it from the ceiling.]

Ethan: Hey. Let me… down!

Lady Dimitrescu: Oh, careful what you wish for, Ethan Winters.

[She and her daughters laugh and leave.]

Ethan: W-Wait! Wh-Wh-What are you doing?

[The door is closed behind them. Ethan finds the strength to pull his hands off the hooks.]

Ethan: Bunch of crazy witches…

so I came out of hiding and said hello

Ethan:who are you... what are you

Daikon:I'm human like you I can just transform into creatures called pokemon back to the conversation I can help you get out of those hooks and heal you

Ethan: that would be great

I used psychic and removed the hooks and healed him with heal pulse


Daikon:yeah but before we continue we should move to a safer place


so we went to a side room with what seems to be a very fat man

{too be continued}