
The Journey Begins

Eric woke up at 8 A.M. the next morning feeling like he was kicked in the head by a Ponyta.

Uuhh! My head hurt like crazy what happened?

Well I'd like to know that myself.

wwwaa! Dad. How long have you been up?

2 hours. I've been trying to figure out what caused those burns on your hands.

Wh-what do you mean sad?

look at your hands.

As Eric looked at his hands he saw what looked like a spiraling flamethrower with a Charizard at the tip of it on his right hand just below the thumb, and the symbol for dragons, and the symbol for dark types lapped over each other on his left hand.

What on earth? I don't remember getting burned yesterday!

then how did it happen?

I'm not sure. But they do look cool. where's Dratini?

Just as Eric ask where his startes was she sprang off the back of the head board and landed in his lap. she then looked at Eric cutely with her big eyes as if saying good morning.

Eric rubbed her head,and smiled..

Well I guess I should get going.

Could. you wait till a little later son?


Ashley wants to head out with you but she doesn't have her starter yet.

Oh, ok. I'll wait till she gets her starter then. How soon until she gets her starter?

Should be any minute now.

There was a knock on the door.

come in.

Is Eric awake?

Yes I am.

Oh good. We can head out when your ready. I got my starter.

Oh, what did you get?

I'm not sure yet.

then let's head outside and see then we'll head north towards Mauville City.

Ok, I'll get my thing and wait for you.

As Ashley agreed she ran down the hall towards the front door of the pokemon center.

Looks like you've got your hands full Eric.

Maybe but it'll be worth it to have the company out there. Especially since kids have been going missing, and it's usually ones who are alone.

That's why your mother and I where so against this at first but your grandfather convinced us to let you go.

That and my skills I already had also help with it.

That it did son. That it did.

So your heading back home after this?

well after I buy a few this at the market, and I have to let your mom know how it went. Along with something else. Like who your going with.

Dad please don't tell mom. She'd freak out even more if she knew I was traveling with a girl. Especially if she knew it was a Joy.

Ok, ok I won't tell her.

Thank you. Well I'm off, I'll call you and mom when I get to the next town, but I may be a month till then.

Ok son. Oh before you go I have something for you.

Jake pulls a box out of his bag and hand it to Eric.

what's this? Never mind I'll find out myself.

As Eric rips into the boxs to see what's inside his dad couldn't help but smile, cause this is one of the few time he's ever seen his son act like a actual kid or teenager. Eric gasped when he saw what his dad had given him cause they where very expensive and almost impossible for low level trainers to get.

Dad! This- this is a pokenav h-how did you get it?

Well that is a trade secret son and something you'll have to find out yourself.

You used the black market didn't you.

Eric started to grin and his dad just sighed in defeat that his son figured out his secret.

Your right, I did use the black market. But the pokenav only has a radio and a map, no phone yet.

thanks dad. Well I better get going. Hop on Dratini.

Dratini sprang from the bed onto Eric's arm and crawled up it and wrapped around his shoulders.

Stay safe son, and don't do anything stupid while in the forest.

I won't dad and I know what I'm doing, (in Eric's head)(I know more about what to do out there then most do, and if me and Ashley get together then that's that).

Ok, Don't keep us waiting for your call too long or your siblings will demand that we go searching for you.

I know dad, and tell Sam, and Lilly to focus on studying the book I've left for them. If they dont tell them I'll keep them from triying to follow in my footsteps.

I will Eric. Now go out there and make your mother and I proud.

I will and talk to you soon.

And Eric ran out of the room for the front doors leaving his dad on the room alone.

What took so long Eric?

My dad gave me a pokenav as a gift along with another for when I start getting badges.

Woo, how did your dad get one of those for you?! I thought he worked at a factory as an engineer.

he found it on in the black market. Please don't tell your mom and dad about this.

I won't, and plus this will help us find the next town. So why would I turn this in.

True. Now let's get moving before it get to dark to set up camp.

The time is 2:30 as of when Eric and Ashley left Slateport, heading north west so they could train.

So what did you get for a starter Ashley?

I haven't let it out yet.

Wait you dont know what you got! Let it out Ashley! You need to bond with it before you try and train it or it will feel like your arrogant.

Oh, a ok. Go pokeball.

When Ashley threw the pokeball it released it housed pokemon and to Eric's surprise it was a Pichu.

Wow! I wasn't expecting that to be your starter.It could be either really good or just ok.

What is it Eric?

This is Pichu, a electric mouse pokemon. It's the baby form of pikachu. It can't us electric attack without hurting itself or others around it unless its had training to control its electric energy internally. It's also the only form it's line can learn volt tackle in. it can have either static or guts as its passive ability.

Where did you learn all of this Eric?

My grandpa taught me a lot of the things I know and how to bond with which type of pokemon.

Ok, he sounds really smart. was he a trainer?

Yes he is. He's an advanced level trainer.

So how would you train Pichu?

Well this Pichu look like he's a physical type attacker so I would start of with haveing him practice his tackle, and other physical attacks. On top of that I would have him occasionally add a little electric energy to it once he learns to control it.

Ok. Now Pichu will you train with me and grow along with me on this journey of ours?

Pichu looked at Ashley and tilted its head to it's right then it looked at Eric and Dratini who already have a strong bond to each other and then nodded at Ashley in agreement to her question.

Alright, from here on out we're a team and we work together.

And with that Eric, Ashley, Dratini, and Pichu entered the forest.

What do the burn on Eric's hands mean? What will Eric and Ashley meet in the forest? What other skills does Eric have? tune in next time for answers to these questions and more.