
First Town, and First Check Up

1 Week After Shadow Latias hatched.....

Finally we've come across civilization.

Dont get to excited Ashley! Remember I wanted to stay in the forest for half a month, but Munchy over here are all our food.

Hey he was hungry. He can't help it.

Didn't you put him on a diet. Cause I don't think he followed it very well.

Says the one who tries to make a 3 course meal every day.

I cant help that I have to make food for not just 1 person and 3 Pokemon but 2 people, and 6 Pokemon. Not to mention 3 of those 6 have a very large appetite, due to 2 of them being babies and the other is a Pokemon that eats twice its weight in food each day.

So, we're going back to the forest after resupplying here?

Yup, we also need to do some missions for the league to earn some prestige and money. Also we need to stop at the town's Pokemon center to rest and have our pokemon get a check up.

But what about you know who, hiding in your bag, glaring at others.

Well that's the thing Nurse Joy's cannot divulge client info due to their medial oath. You should know that.

Remember I'm the black Mareep of the family.l, cause I don't want to be a nurse. To be honest with you, I don't think I'll be that good of a trainer either.

Well you could always be a Pokemon coordinator.

That's true. Well we better get to the Pokemon center.

Then let's get going.

So what town is this?

It's Silver Falls. I think there's also a gym here.

Do you know what type it is.

No. But I dont want to challenge it yet. Right now I just want to earn some money and build up my pokemon's strength.

But you creamed the that beginner trainer yesterday.

No I got lucky. Dratini was out of control doing her own thing. Even Latias thought so and she was 6 days old. So I need to get tough on her and teach her that I know what I'm doing.

Flashback to yesterday.

We need to get to a town by tomorrow, or we will be completely out of food.

I now that, and that is why we're heading towards the next town. Its about half a days walk from here.

Okay, ok.

Hey you 2!!

Eric turned to see who was calling out to them only to find a Houndour ready to fight and a young man standing next to it.

I challenge you to a battle.

alright kid, but before I accept your challenge what is your name?


alright Conner, I accept your challenge. I only have 1 useable pokemon, my other 2 are babies.

fine with me, I only have 1 pokemon to battle with as well so it will be a 1v1 battle.

Ashley are you ok with being the ref for this battle?

Sure Eric.

Are you ok with my friend being the ref?

I'm fine with it as long as she's fair.

Trust me she is one for the rules.

Ok you 2, are you ready?

(Eric and Conner at the same time) Yes!!!

Ok. This is a 1 on 1 official pokemon battle between Eric Johnson and Conner. Trainers send out your Pokemon!

Battle stance Dratini!

Dratini jumped from Eric's shoulders onto the ground, and held her head just above the grass trying to remain concealed in the grass.

Go Houndour.

Houndour lowered himself to where only his head was above the grass as well.

Let the match, Begin.

Houndour! Burn that serpent to a crisp!

Dratini slip past Houndour and attack when able.

Dratini ignored Eric and decided to try and cancel out Houndour's attack with a dragon breath. This didnt go well and Dratini was hit by Houndours flamethrower and was burned.

Dratini shed skin Now!!

This time Dratini listened and shed off her burned skin and slunk into the grass again and did what Eric originally told her to do.

Houndour burn all of the grass around you to prevent that Dratini from sneaking up on you.

Houndour the lit the grass on fire.

Dratini use ember then bite while the Houndour is blinded by the fire.

Dratini didn't listen and instead used a water gun on the flames around her and tried to use Thundershock.

Houndour dodge and use glare on the Dratini to try and paralyze it.

Houndour leaped into the air and used glare as it was told to do.

Dratini listen to me do not look at the Houndour or you will be in trouble and I cant help you.

By this time Eric felt like Dratini had no chance of winning this battle unless she listened to him. but to Eric's surprise she listened to him and didnt even so much as glance at the Houndour and also spun around like a top spewing water every where to out out the fire and then hide in the now burnt grass.

Dratini electrify the grass so that when Houndour touches it it gets electrocuted and possibly paralyzed!

Quick Houndour get out of the grass before.....

it was to late for Conner to command his Houndou, for Dratini had already electrified the grass and Houndour was on it's way back down to earth from leaping out of the way of Dratini's Thundershock. This had caused Houndour to twitch from the electric current going through its body, giving Eric and Dratini time to plan their next move. Which came in the form of Eric yelling DRAGON BREATH!!! To which Dratini listened and did so, this time her dragon breath was a little bit more purple then blue. Apon seeing Dratini's Dragon Breath Conner began to panic and yell all sorts of different commands like dodge by jumping out of the way or to use its Flamethrower to nullify it, but to no avail. Houndour took the full force of Dratini's Dragon Breath, and was burned badly and was knocked out. it was closer then it sounds due to Dratini shedding her skin she was left with fresh skin which was caused her to be injured by her first attempt at using Thundershock.

Return Houndour. You did good boy but it seems we where just slightly out matched. By the way Eric, how many badges do you have?

Zero. I just started my journey about a week ago.

Conner's face went pail apon hearing that Eric hasn't even challenged a Gym yet and he's already this strong, and also the fact the because Eric is a lower ranked trainer he has to be paid 2 and a half times as much as if he was the same rank. Meaning if Eric was a beginner like him he would only have to pay 500 pokedollers but because Eric is still a rookie he has to pay 1250 pokedollers. If Eric had lost Eric would only have to pay 250 pokedollers.

Wait your already this strong and you haven't challenged a Gym yet.

Is that a problem?

No! It's just I thought you were a beginner like me.


End of flashback.....

So yeah she needs to learn that I know what I'm doing is for not just her protection but also for her to trust not just me but to trust her instincts and when to go against them.

Hey she did good for it being her first official battle. And besides she still learning.

I know but she should have listened to me.

Dratini was wrapped around Eric's shoulders with her head hanging down his back with a slightly sad expression on her face.

Eric she's get upset and she looks like she's about to try and run off.

Hey Dratini, I'm sorry for being hard on you earlier. I guess I still need to learn how to be a good trainer.

Dratini raised her head and nugged his cheek and licked it.

thanks girl, there is only one thing I ask of you from here on out, and that is that you listen to my commands in battle until you can anticipate what I'm going to say. Ok girl.

Dratini nodded her head in understanding of what he was asking.

Well we better get going to the Pokemon center.

Right behind you Eric.

About 45 minutes later Eric and Ashley finally find the Silver Falls Pokemon center.

I told you it was on the other side of town.

what ever you wanted to go back the way we came to see if we past it.

No I didnt Eric!

Yes you did. Dratini am I right that she wanted to go back the way we came.

Dratini nodded and then immediately slunk down behind Eric's shoulders as if to try and hide from Ashley's rage.

Ah! Who's side are you on Dratini.

Hey dont blame her. She knows not to tell a lie.

Well it doesn't matter now. We're here now.

that's true, and we better get out Pokemon checked out.

Ashley and Eric walked in to the Pokeon center and up to the front desk to get there Pokemon checked out and to get a room. (Trainers can get their own room at any Pokemon center but there is a limit to how many days they can stay at a Pokemon center before they are no longer able to. For rookies they can only stay at a Pokemon center for a total of 135 days per year, and the higher the rank more the trainer can stay and the better the room is, For example a master ranked trainer can stay at a Pokemon center for 240 out of a year and they get a large room with a king size bed, hot tube, and a private bath, where as a rookie trainer only gets a some room that's about 8X10 and only has a twin size bed and the trainer has to use a public bath in order to shower.)

Oh. Hello. How may I help you?

We need two separate rooms and our Pokemon need a check up, but I have a new born Pokemon and I need to be in the room for her check up.

Ok here two room keys. your is room 247, and hers is right next to yours in room 249. As for the Pokemon, will you please hand their Pokeballs to my Chansey, and will you please come with young man so I may perform the new borns check up.

Hey Ashley. I'll probably be with her for a while so go ahead and settle in, in you room.

Ok see you when your done.

See you then.

Ashley when up a flight of stairs on the right side of the entrance and headed towards her room, and Eric went with Nurse Joy to have his Shadow Latias get a check up to make sure that there is nothing wrong with her or any negative defects from hatching.

So, you know, I never asked you or your friend for your names.

Oh my name is Eric, Eric Johnson, and my friend is Ashley Joy

So she's part of the family?


As Eric and Nurse Joy continued to talk, Nurse Joy led Eric to starilized room encased in glass.

Now what new born Pokemon did you bring in today Eric?

Well first before I bring her out I need you to swear on you oath as a Nurse Joy that you won't tell a single soul what Pokemon I have.

Wait why?

Cause this is a type of Pokemon that could easily draw unwanted attention to ones self.

You have my word Eric. I won't tell anyone.

Ok, thanks. Alright girl you can come out.

At that moment Latias poked her head out of Eric's Backpack and looked around the room.

Is that what I think it is?!

Yes she is. She a Shadow Latias.

I see now why you needed me to keep this a secret. let me have a look at her.

go ahead Latias, she's a friend.

Latias then slowly came the rest of the way out of Eric's backpack and floated in front of Nurse Joy and Eric.

She's different from a normal Latias, How did you get her egg?

Well, it was the day I got my start...

Eric told Nurse Joy everything about how he heard voices and found the egg even the scars on his hands.

So she called out to you through telepathy?

Yes and if I didnt find her egg when I did it would have been washed back out to sea..

Well she's healthy and strong even for being only a week old. I think she can battle now if you wanted to train her.

Really! I thought I would have to wait at least a month before training her.

Nope she's good to go and your other Pokemon have also finished their check ups as well. You Pokemon are given a clean bill of health. Ya know for someone who just started their journey only a week ago your pretty smart and good at taking care of Pokemon.

Well I had to learn young other wise my mom wouldn't let me even go into the wood back home.

Well good luck in your travels.

Thank you Nurse Joy.

Eric and Latias then leave the room to head up to their room to get settled in. The time is 12:35 P.M.

What will Eric and Ashley do in Silver Falls? What type of task will they be able to do? Why didn't Nurse Joy know Ashley? For the answers to these questions and more tune in next time.