

Austin woke up early and went to eat. Phillip already spread the word to the rest of the group that Austin was taking the promotion exam. Jacob, Phillip, Hugo who passed yesterday, all dropped by to advice him about the test.

Austin thanked them and went his separate way. He walked towards the gym and found it closed. Since he was early he went to the nearest training field and released eevee. He told her to eat up and pulled out a bottle of milk for togepi.

Sometime later the he saw the gym doors open. He went inside to meet the gym leader to take his exam. Austin walked in and saw the gym leader.

"Morning," he said. "You're up early. I don't usually see anyone in the Gym until after breakfast.

"I was too excited since I'm ready for my D-class examination."Austin replied honestly.

"Wow your group are all talents as it usually takes several weeks for the Chosen from the previous years. I'm really impressed that you are ready to take the exam. The only other person to take it in the morning was Jacob." Muliere ranted.

"So are you gonna test me. I wanna get this over with." Austin said quickly afraid Muliere will keep talking.

The gym leader sighed and looked at the watch on his wrist. "I was about to head out to get some breakfast but I guess I can test you first. This exam doesn't take long anyway." Then he led the way into the gym field.

Austin followed him and got his first look at the inside the Gym. To Austin it was designed similar to the gyms in the games. It was just more real now, looked similar to a gymnasium in high school. The entrance opened to a large room. In center of the room was a large battlefield. On each side of the battlefield was four smaller training grounds. Each training ground had two practice dummies. Along the walls were racks filled with different items meant to be used for training.

They stepped onto one of the training grounds and Muliere pulled out a Great Ball from his pocket. "Bruiser," he called out. The pokeball opened and released a large gray Pokemon. The Pokemon had four arms and rippling muscles all over its body. He stood at attention in front of Muliere. "This is Bruiser, my Machamp."

After seeing machamp, instead of feeling terrified from a strong creature, austin felt the desire to do battle. His gaze didn't escape the gym leader's eyes because all the other Chosen were terrified. Yet this little guy looked excited.

"Don't misunderstand, your not going to battle machamp for the exam." Muliere turned to Bruiser and pointed at Austin. "This trainer is here to take the D-rank exam," he told the Pokemon.

"Machamp," was all Bruiser said. He walked over to the side of the training ground. When he reached the edge, he turned and stood with his arms crossed, staring at both Austin and Muliere.

"Right," Muliere said. "Time to begin. Call out your Pokemon."

Austin takes out his pokeball and releases eevee. Eevee emerged with a brave growl ,"Eevee!"

"That a shiny eevee impressive. Now we will officially start your exam. The first part of the exam is very simple. Just have eevee attack one of the practice dummies. Go through all the attacks he currently knows." Muliere said.

Austin was too lazy to order eevee to attack every single attack it knew so he told it," Eevee use combination number 10." This remark surprised Muliere. Then he saw eevee suddenly speed up, agility he figured. As it approached the dummy it became even faster and striked the dummy from the side. The experienced gym leader immediately knew it was quick attack.

Eevee wasn't done yet one the attack landed it directly used double team and fired a single hidden power energy ball. One was real 5 other were fake. Once the energy ball landed eevee had used agility again and appeared right above the dummy where it used take down. The dummy was completely destroyed and this shocked the leader. Yet eevee did something that made Austin laugh it flicked the dummies head with a tail whip and returned to Austin's side.

"Wow your eevee is pretty hard core. Your Pokemon is definitely a level above the rest of your peers. It even has quite the personality." The gym leader said.

Austin replied with a smirk," Thanks we get along well."

'This kid doesn't talk much This was the 5th sentence he said today but he is definitely a talent. He might actually become an s-class.' Muliere thought surprised.

The gym leader continued with the exam. Let's move on to the next part of the exam," he said. He moved over to the racks on the wall and came back with a box in his hands. He opened the box. Inside the box there was about a dozen little rubber balls. Austin could see that all the balls were either colored yellow, blue or red. He tipped the box over and scattered the balls all over the floor. He then placed the box in the center of the training ground.

"Right then," he said. "For this next part you will have to have eevee collect all the balls and put them back into the box. He has to put the balls away in a specific order of colors. Start with a blue ball, then a yellow ball and finally a red ball. Keep repeating the order until all the balls are in the box. You then have to close the box and hold it in your hands. Understand?"

Austin just nodded and instead of ordering eevee he just looked at it. Eevee nodded and went on to put the balls into the box in the order the gym leader said. It even closed the box and gave the gym leader a cocky smirk. It strangely looked very similar to Austin's smirk from earlier. Austin couldn't help but laugh at eevee's antics.

The gym leader without saying a word acted angry and threw a fist towards Austin. Eevee didn't move and just stared at the gym leader. Austin didn't say much and just looked at the gym leader.

Muliere whose fist approached Austin stopped inches away from his face. He stared dumbly at Austin and asked, "why didn't you avoid? Why didn't your Pokemon strike?"

Austin and eevee looked at each other then Austin respond to Muliere with one word while pointing at eevee. "Anticipate."

This response annoyed yet shocked the gym leader. He was annoyed that this brat could not answer properly. He was shocked that eevee possessed such an ability. No wonder neither reacted, eevee knew there wasn't any danger and the brat trusted it.

"Congratulations kid you passed." This time Austin was shocked wasn't it 3 parts. They only did two of them.

Enjoy MC will go on to take a mission in the next chap.

harem4lifecreators' thoughts