
Chapter 3

Caleb was confused when he noticed that his mother and father have slightly reddened pupils.

He was concerned if something has happened so he asked. "Mom, dad, what's wrong?"

Noraima and Clint hurriedly wiped the tear stains that was because of their depression and showed a smile to Caleb. "Nothing, son. Anyway, are you all prepared now?"

Although Caleb was suspicious, he did not pursue the matter any further since his parents seemed to be alright. Back to the exciting part, Caleb was now feeling jumpy. "Yeah! I'm all ready! Lets go let's go let's go!! Christian and Korinne may already be there, what if they had already picked first when I'm not around!?"

When he said this out loud, the more he thought of it the more convinced he was of his guess.

Caleb got scared and he dragged his parents by the hands.

"We know, you brat. That's why we informed you this early." Clint wasn't concerned but still he chuckled as they willingly got dragged by their son to the car.

"Safety first dear." Noraima informed her son to put on his sit belt as they entered the car.

Caleb scrambled on his seat as the little guy hastily fastened his seat belt. "I'm all safe and secured, mom! Let's go already! Dad hurry! Pedal to the medal!"

Both his parents laughed heartily, the remnants of their earlier breakdown fading away. Then, Clint began their drive to Wings Breeding Center. It was just a couple of blocks from their house so it would only take them minutes to drove there.


Wings Breeding Center, the breeding center Cesar Laurent established after retiring as a professional pokemon trainer and where he had meet his wife, Cecilia Laurent.

Cesar Laurent's main purpose on this business was so he could have some source of money to provide for his family. He didn't expect, however, that only after a few years in the business it would became very popular.

Some fortunate things happened along the way that helped him on the journey.

First was the matter where he was lucky to have hatched a pokemon with deep-green potential!

What was a green-potential pokemon?

If it was any other pokemon even if it is common with that kind of potential, it would have still been labelled as a rare thing, one in a hundred occurance. However, what boosted the matter was that it wasn't just a common pokemon, nor is it an uncommon one. It was a rare pokemon that was very hard to find!

In every region, it was very hard to find pokemons possessing yellow potential, you have to search for hours or even days to find one. Additionally, a person wouldn't know what potential the pokemon has before they are being tested or scanned by special equipments. What if you would encounter a green potentialed Caterpie but because of ignorance of its capability you just ignored it and walked passed.

It all depended on luck.

Obviously though, you could still guess a pokemon's potential by knowing how strong it is compared to others and how much movesets it had learned and by calculating the age from when it was born.

It was precisely because of this that a rare pokemon that also possessed deep-green potential had all the rich and influencial people flocking on his former little office, demanding it's price, especially when they heared the news it had just been born.

A baby pokemon that was blessed with deep-green potential, it was only left with one push to have its potential labelled as a blue potentialed pokemon.

It was very tempting since infant pokemons are always the best of the age phase to improve their inborn potential and train them.

Even more so when a pokemon with blue potential has the capability to reach the champion-rank stage! It was basic knowledge that pokemons with blue potentials could reach the champion-stage with strict nurturing and enough sufficient training.

This just goes to show that pokemons that have huge potential and scarcity would always be sought after by people with power.

Numerous people fought that day, it was only until the regional professor, Professor Sycamore, came to the office and requested for an audience that stopped their fierce battle on that pokemon.

What was a regional professor that made them act that way?

A regional professor is a figure that leads the region's research. It wasn't that easy to become a regional professor, one needs merit and indisputable achievements so that a person would then be qualified as one, only after the league chose a person that was qualified would then one be entitled by such great opportunity.

The post of a regional professor carried a heavy weight since they are powerhouses that the league and the people living in any region heavily rely on in times of need and their contribution.

Augustine Sycamore's main research was not disclosed to the public, it had made many people question, however, they weren't naive to believe it was not significant.

If it wasn't why would the Pokemon League put so much effort on putting various securities on his lab, even to the point that even gym leaders that carried a high social standing in the society were denied access of such information and entrance to his laboratory?

Professor Sycamore's research was one of the hot topics to discuss, that even some talk shows in televisions was involved.

He was a walking mystery that made many curious.

After the professor's visit, all the rich people was saddened to hear the news that the Ralts was purchased and taken away by him.

The following aftermath of that event was a boost of popularity for Wings Breeding Center.

As they frequently produced green potentialed Pokemons although it hadn't been able to showcase another rare pokemon with green potential, a green potential was still a pokemon sought after by many, Cesar's business rose steadily even though competition was fierce.


In no time at all, the family arrived at a large white building. He saw it from a distance, two kids his age standing on the door.

Caleb practically run towards them while waving. "Christian! Korinne!"

"Oh look!" Korrine said mischievously as he saw him approach them. "It's the mommy's boy. I'm surprised you just showed up, everybody knows you were so looking forward to getting a pokemon."

"Yeah, it was nice to see you too, Korinne." Caleb smiled calmly not at all fazed by his cousin's teasing.

Korinne was a fine young girl, having a long blue hair and cute chubby cheeks that goes well with her short height.

The other kid, Christian, was a rather short boy, he also greeted Caleb back. He also has blue hair. Hmmm it was Laurent's signature color in terms of hair it seems.

"Yow, Christian. Do you want to have a pokemon battle with me after we got our pokemon form grandpa?" Caleb smirked and challenged Christian. His excitement was killing the hell out of him.

"Yeah let's do that Caleb." Christian smirked back at him. "I already know I would win anyways. But, let's do it, I'll show you how much I would beat your ass."

Christian was a naughty and arrogant boy, that fact Caleb would agree, he was practically the same as Gary Oak from Kanto in the anime. The sister and brother duo were very fun to hang out with, but he would sometimes get irked by this kids.

Caleb snorted and countered. "Heh, let's see who's ass is gonna get beaten after we get our pokemon, don't go crying after though, just wanna remind you since you might."

Christian snapped. "Shut up Caleb! I'll beat you after we get our pokemon!"

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say." Caleb nonchalantly replied as he then ignored him and began chatting with Korinne. Talk about brutal, 'You're a hundred years too soon to talk shit with me brat, heh heh.'

Christian gritted his teeth but said nothing, although he did kept glaring at Caleb's back. They were just quarreling like the children they are.

Clint and Noraima joined them shortly after, they were left to find a parking spot after Caleb just left them and ran towards the entrance.

Caleb's parents asked where Korinne and Christian's mother was.

The kids replied that they were already inside and we're asked to wait for them to arrive.

"Ohh~ How sweet of you two. Now then, who else are we waiting for? Let's go!" Caleb grabbed his cousin's arm as he began dragging them inside.

"Hey! Stopping dragging me you wimp."

"My arm hurts Caleb! Stop it!"

Christian and Korinne complained as they entered the building. The sliding door neatly opened as they walked inside, Caleb let go of their hands as soon as he got in, with both his cousins they eagerly ran towards where their grandfather's office was, closely following was Caleb's parents that wore a bitter smile on their faces as they followed leisurely.