
Pokemon: The Rise of a Legend

"Finally, after all of this fighting, I can finally rest." Or so he thought "Well Hello there." Said the being who would kick start Cyrus' next life, leading to the rise of the Legend himself Cyrus Lockhart "The King of Pokemon" --------------------------------------------------------------- Hey guys, I hope you all like my story and if there is anything I can improve on please let me know along with any recommendations or comments, all feedback is welcome! As a heads up, I will not have a concrete release schedule, I am writing this for fun so it all depends on my available time. Some weeks I may write 4-6, while others I might release 1-3. So please bear with me! Just a heads up this world is an AU, while its nothing over the top crazy, there are still a good amount of AU elements I do not own the cover art or any of the characters in the story except for my OC’s

LazyCaveman · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
8 Chs

Learning new things

Pallet Town is a small quaint little town that is inhabited by a couple of thousand people.

Although on paper the town may not seem all that grand, you would be very mistaken.

The most influential, popular, and arguably the most accomplished man in the entire world just so happens to reside in the small quiet town.

That man of course is the famed Professor Samuel Oak. the man who is credited with the creation of the modern pokedex along with the writer of many acclaimed papers on Pokemon evolution, moves, types, and even different breeder techniques and pokerecipes.

Within Pallet Town sits the largest facility dedicated to the research of Pokemon and the betterment of Pokemon and humans alike, this facility is run by Professor Oak himself who has a team of assistants who are all successful scholars in their own right.

Now you may be wondering to yourself, 'Why is Pallet Town so small if it is home to the world's most popular Pokemon Professor?' well I'm glad you asked Mr. Disembodied voice, because the reason for that is quite simple really.

Nobody knows!

Yup, you heard me right, there isn't a single damn reason as to why this dingy little town just so happens to house the Worlds largest Pokemon facility led by the world's most popular Professor.

Now you may have noticed I keep saying the world's most popular when referring to the professor, well, the reason is I am too lazy to come up with another way of saying it.

Now, the fourth wall breaks aside, I think it is time to get to the point of my little tangent.

Even though Professor Oak is the world's greatest professor of all time, or more simply, the G.O.A.T of Pokemon, he isn't the only big name that inhabits the small peaceful town.

Residing within a sizable compound with a large mansion in the middle and a Pokemon pasture pretty much all around inside the property, is the famous and hella rich family, The Lockharts.

The Lockhart family is known for producing brilliant minds, whether it is in the field of Pokemon Research, a powerful and tactically sound Pokemon Ranger who is helping humanity expand into the great unknown, or more commonly, a powerful and more often than not famous pokemon trainer.

All in all, the Lockhart family is pretty high up there in the world hierarchy, so it would surprise many to know that the main residence of the family is located in that same small town that just so happens to house the world's greatest professor.

Why am I telling you this?

Well, it s because a certain mortal who I just reincarnated, was reborn as the grandson of the current family head, that's right, it's me, your friendly neighborhood ROB.

But enough about me, it's time to return back to your daily viewing of our hero, Cyrus Lockhart.


(3rd person Pov)

sitting atop a sizable hill next to the shore, within a large compound inside an equally large mansion, sits a boy reading a book about Pokemon and their mysterious genetic mutations and whatnot.

This boy had wavy jet-black hair and sported a pair of almost shining golden-colored eyes.

The boy with the peculiar colored eyes currently sat within the family library as he perused through a couple of books and papers released by different professors, all of these works having a common theme.

Pokemon, their genetic mutations, and the creation of a Delta Species.

'Huh, why does it feel like there are many eyes watching me right now?' Cyrus posed to himself

'Welp, no use it dwelling on random feelings that come and go like the wind.'

The boy, better known as Cyrus Lockhart, is the eldest son of the current head of the family; Silas Lockhart II's second son; Elias Lockhart.

That's right, the 'eldest' brother, during the time Cyrus was asleep, his mom had given birth to a pair of twins named Erik and Emma Lockhart just a year after his birth, shortly after, his Uncle Damion and his wife Ana had welcomed their second son, Samuel, into the world.

Elijah, Cyrus' other uncle still had no children, that they know of anyway, and he also has yet to keep a single girlfriend for longer than a few weeks at most.

If he wasn't such a successful up-and-coming assistant professor who helps Professor Oak on a daily basis, Cyrus' grandfather would've had half a mind to arrange a marriage so his son can finally settle down.

In his uncle's defense, Elijah wasn't really the type to, settle down, much less get married, and defiantly not the type to have kids.

Moving on, Cyrus was currently reading over a paper that just so happened to be a collaboration between Elijah and another well-known Professor who specializes in Pokemon breeding and the various genetic mutations that sometimes pop up within a batch of eggs.

While he may not have been the one to discover that Pokemon hatch from eggs because, let's be honest, there's no way in hell it took this long for people to realize where Pokemon came from.

Professor Elm is attributed with being the first person to discover the existence of Delta Species.

Delta species is a term used when a genetic mutation, like an altered typing for example, is passed down from a Pokemon to their offspring and that mutation becomes a regularly passed down gene.

The Pokemon Professor Elm had used for this discovery was a Luxray who, as a shinx, was born with the dual typing of Lightning/Fire, despite its looks being pretty much the same as its 'regular' counterpart, instead of having blue fur, it was instead a deep shade of crimson red.

Using this shinx he trained up to become a powerful Luxray who is still one of his main Pokemon to this day, Professor Elm had documented the hatching of the Luxray and its mate's two offspring, both of which carried the mutation and were born with the dual typing.

At first, Elm was astonished at this discovery and had assumed he had just discovered a new region variant, however, he did a little more digging into the known regional variants, their history, and also the records of other Pokemon being born with typing mutation and their offspring also having the mutation.

After a few years, and even the birth of his son, Elm had finally discovered proof that Delta Pokemon were infact different compared to regional variants.

To this day, Professor Elm is the only known person to be in possession of a shinx, Luxio, and Luxray who have the Lightning/Fire dual typing, thus making him the target of multiple attempted robberies, however, the new Delta Luxray pride that resided in Elm's personal pasture have been able to fight off the intruders every time, especially since they now bolster 4 powerful Delta Luxrays who are led by the original.

While this discovery was monumental, it still is left incomplete due to the term Delta Pokémon being a broad term, for example, if there were two Squirtle, one having a dual typing of water/rock and the other only having the typing of fire, they would both be called Delta Squirtle, thus causing some confusion, while for now, that term is ok, as more and more Delta Species are being discovered, eventually, there will be a time where a new term is needed.

'Finally, I finished this giant ass book' Cyrus thought to himself as he went to grab another one titled [The Known World] a book with knowledge about the different regions, legends, and even stories of regions that were once inhabited by humans but they were driven out for one reason or another.

This new book even contains some of the more famous discoveries in regard to Pokemon and everything related to them.

'Sigh, here I go starting another giant book like the good little masochist I am.' Cyrus mentally facepalmed as he opened the book

'Well, as they say, no rest for the weary, time to get into some world history and put my anthropology degree to good use' Cyrus couldn't help but chuckle at his shitty joke, he still couldn't believe that it had been a little over a year since he had died, met a ROB and had been reincarnated into an AU world of Pokémon.

After he finished reminiscing, Cyrus got to reading the book he currently held in his hands which was called [A Comprehensive Guide to Pokemon: Volume 1] comprised within this book was a list of every known Pokemon and their evolutions from the Kanto and Johto regions.

As he flipped through the many different pages, one common theme Cyrus noticed was the lack of general Pokemon knowledge the humans in this world held compared to the games or even the anime.

For starters, it would seem that most Pokemon who require either a rare stone or a certain list of requirements to evolve has been largely undiscovered, declared a separate but similar species, or just exist as enigmas that the professors can't figure out.

One major example of this would be the existence of Scizor, one of the evolutions of Scyther.

It would seem that the general consensus of Professors around the known world is that Scyther and Scizor are two separate species, and at most, they are related by some long-extinct ancestor Pokemon that they had split from through natural evolution.

The main reason for this is the two completely different environments the two Pokemon can be found while in the wild.

Scyther prefers a more open, grassland kind of habitat and will even inhabit some forests if need be, while in comparison, wild Scizor are largely found within mountains, caves, and in general areas with large ore deposits.

'What the hell, how have these people not thought to document Scizor in the wild, I mean, its not like it lays Scizor eggs, wait.'

[Much to the confusion of Professors and researchers everywhere, to this day there hasn't been a single documented event of a field researcher coming across a Scizor egg.]

'Sigh, well that explains my question I guess, but come on people, no one has thought to try and breed two Scizor together and see what comes of it?' Cyrus thought incredulously as he continued on and read about more Pokemon who are mistakenly thought to be separate species when they are in reality just separated by one evolution.

Just as Cyrus was about to resume more reading, his attention was swiftly drawn to the loud bang and giggles of children running into the library, throwing the door open, and messing around with each other.

"Damn, brats," Cyrus muttered under his breath as Erik, his one-year younger brother and their two cousins, Alexander and Samuel came blasting into the room and ran up to him.

"Did you say something, Cyrus?" Alexander, his older cousin asked as the giggling trio neared his seat on the couch he was occupying while reading, which was situated in the middle of the expansive library.

(Picture of the Lockhart family Library --->)

"Sigh, no Alex I didn't," Cyrus responded with a hint of annoyance at their antics of bursting into his quiet space

Just as he was about to shoo the trio away and go back to his reading, Cyrus looked toward Erik who was all smiles and had an excited look about him.

Before he could ask his adorable little brother what he was so excited about, Erik quickly exclaimed their reason for intruding on his reading time.

"Big brother, hurry, you have to come with us, the three eggs of Daddy's Arcanine just hatched, all within a few minutes, isn't that awesome!" Little Erik couldn't help but exclaim as his voice kept getting higher and higher with each word

Hearing his little brother's announcement, Cyrus couldn't help but also get a little excited, especially because one of the eggs had come out a light blue color, much to the confusion of everyone since his father Arcanine had bred with another Arcanine, so there wasn't a chance of a different egg coming out due to cross-breeding.

Just to make sure, Cyrus posed a question to his brother. "Even the blue egg?" once he got the confirmation in the form of an aggressive head nod, Cyrus put a bookmark on the page he last read and promptly got up and made a mad dash for the door while utilizing his air manipulation to the very limits of what he could just to get a speed increase.

'Kachow' Cyrus couldn't help but think as he sped past his brother and two cousins, much to their shock


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