
Chapter 26

Misty calmed down after his teasing and the tight hug she received. Her mood brightened up, and she helped the younger girls prepare the meal for Lapras and their Pokemon.

All their Pokemon tried their best to interact with Lapras when it stopped singing, but failed. They tried to cheer up the little fellow by showcasing tricks and different moves, but their presence was not acknowledged by Lapras.

Eevee just stayed silently by its side and slept there. Scyther did not approach Lapras, and looked at everything from the woods, and Metagross was nowhere to be seen.

When Leaf and Anira approached Lapras with the food they prepared for it, it looked at them warily, but soon closed its eyes and rested its head back on its shell.

They were not disheartened when they saw it ignore the food. They joined Aizen and Misty on the porch and had their dinner, talking about plans for tomorrow and keeping an eye on Lapras, hoping that it would give in and eat the meal they left by its side. Unfortunately for them, it didn't even look at it.

Lapras would, from time to time, sing for its mother, and then close its eyes again. It was really heart wrenching, but they knew they should not force themselves on the poor Pokemon.

It was late in the night when Aizen forced the girls to go and get some sleep. He himself stayed up for the rest of the night as he meditated his Psychic Powers.

An hour before dawn, he felt Lapras wake up and go to the sea. And it returned to its place right before dawn.

Aizen was glad that Lapras had not forgotten the lesson every mother Lapras taught their child within a couple of weeks after coming to the world. It was the lesson on how to hunt and what to hunt.

"Dexter." He called out and the Pokémon appeared on his call. "Keep an eye out on everyone. I am going off to sleep."

"Meta..." The tank Pokemon acknowledged his command and teleported away.

After leaving their Pokemon and Lapras in Dexter's care, he came to his room and fell fast asleep.

The girls woke up late in the morning, and they allowed Aizen to sleep in.

Misty and Leaf started with their daily exercises, and Anira had her own Psychic exercises to work on.

After they were done with their routines, Anira and Leaf called out the Pokemon they would be training today.

Flabebe was not learning a new move, but she needed more battle experience, and so she was mock sparring against Weepinbell as it tried to learn Vine Whip.

Pidgeotto already had her training set up, and she was to use Wing Attack over and over again on a palm tree. Since Scyther was not busy yet, he was helping her out in searching for the steel energy inside of her.

Gloom was trying to circulate the Posion energy inside of her body. Her task was to get better at concentrating the energy and then shoot it out in a stream. She did not seem to be making any progress so far, but she was giving her best.

Exeggcute did not have anything to work on, since it was close to evolving, the girls decided to let it rest under a palm tree.

And today, the little Pichu was finally going to start training.

"Pichu, the Electric Pokemon. Pichu is a small, ground-dwelling rodent Pokémon with pale yellow fur. Its ear-tips, collar, and tail are black and angular. Pichu's pink cheek pouches can store small amounts of electricity, and its tiny nose looks like a dot. It is classified as a quadruped, but it can walk easily on its hind legs. Pichu is a social Pokémon known for its playful and mischievous demeanor."

"This Pichu is Male."

"Ability: Lightning Rod."

"Moves known: Charm, Wish, Thunder Shock, Thunder Wave."

"Alright, Pichu. Let's see how you perform these attacks." Leaf put away the Dex after scanning its Pokeball. She and Anira gained a little distance away from the little fellow. "Now use Thunder Wave!"


The yellow mouse's cheeks started sparking, and then waves of yellow electricity shot out of him, reaching nearly a metre around where it stood. These waves of Electricily were not lethal. They were a defensive move that paralysed the opposition if the user was caught or was close to being caught. However, with right training, it could be used to prepare for a solid counter-attack as well.

"Yay!" Leaf happily clapped her hands. "Well done!"

"Pichu!" The little Pokemon smugly sparked electricity on his cheeks.

"Now show us Tail Whip!"

"Pichu.. pichu.." The little Pokémon turned around and started whipping its tail at them.

"Aww... So cute!" Leaf felt the urge to go forward and hug the little fellow, but Anira patted her shoulder and brought her out of the trance. "Awesome!" She praised her little Pokemon again. "Now then." She walked a few meters away and gathered a pile of sand, forming a small hill. "Try using Thunder Shock on it."

"Pichu!" A concentrated wave of electricity shot out of Pichu and hit the pile of sand, dispersing it a little.

"That's good!" Leaf and Anira were impressed at how fast the attack was.

The two of them then had Pichu increase the distance and try to find out the limit. They learned that Pichu could only send Thunder Shock to upto 15 metres, and it was pretty good.

The standard battle Arena had the dimensions of 50×25. So, they still had to work on it.

Leaf lovingly patted her Pichu's head and gave it a Citrus Berry that he happily munched on.

"Your Job for today is to keep charging your Electric Energy. Spend more than half of your reserves, take a break and charge your electricity again before spending more than half of it once more. Okay?" Leaf smiled at the little fellow. "You only have to do two rounds."

"Pichu!" The little Pokemon obediently complied and started charging up his electric energy.

"Pichu looks so cute when he's concentrating." Anira giggled at the sight of little Pokemon sitting with its cheeks sparking.

The exercise they put him on would help him increase his electric reserves, which would give his electric attacks a boost, enabling him to last longer in a fight.

Misty was playing around in the sea with her Pokemon. But it was not fun for all. Her Wartortle had taken a liking to Aizen's Wartortle. The Indigo Tortoise of Aizen was really shy infront of her Wartortle. It was a funny sight that he was running away from her as if his life depended on it, but he never started a fight with her, which meant that he did not dislike her.

Nyla was not present as she had gone deeper in the sea to hunt.

Politoed was playing around with Starmie and Poliwrath.

Misty smiled when she saw them happily playing. She remembered when she had introduced Politoed to Poliwrath. The green toed was anxious at finding out that her new Trainer had the very same Pokemon her old Trainer always wanted. Their first meeting was rather quiet, but now she was not uncomfortable in Poliwrath's presence.


She turned around and found Anira and Leaf waving at her. The Mega Metagross was standing right behind them, and its eyes were glowing red.

"What happened?" She came out of water and stretched out before approaching the girls.

"There are two Trainers headed this way. I think they are coming here for the beach," Anira informed her.

"Here goes our privacy." She pouted and walked over to her backpack before taking out a T-shirt and donning it. She then pulled out the a pair of shorts and put them over her bikini.

Anira called out to all of her Brother's Pokemon and told them to surround Lapras. She did it so that the Trainers wouldn't bother the water Pokemon, thinking it already belonged to them.

Eevee and Growlithe were already resting by its side. Machop, the two Nidoran, the two Wartortle, and Scyther made there way to Lapras and sat by its side as well.

Misty let Politoed, Poliwrath, and Starmie stay in the water and continue their games. Leaf continued to oversee her Pokemon's training.

It was after twenty minutes when two boys stepped out of the woods arguing with each other. The moment they saw all the Pokemon on the beach, their eyes shined brightly, but then they saw the three girls and sighed in loss.

"Hi!" The boy with the black hair, in his late teens, wearing a bandana, a white t-shirt and long brown shorts, approached the girls and smiled. "I am Jack! You have quite the collection of Pokemon here." He glanced around all the Pokemon and then back at the girls. "It's impressive."

"Hi, I am Misty." She waved at him with a smile. "And thank you! This is Leaf, and this is Anira." She introduced the girls.

"I am Viktor!" The second boy, who was now top-less and flexing his bulky muscles grinned at her. "Can we join you guys?"

She could see his intentions clearly in his eyes. The way he was eyeing them was obvious.

"Hello." She still kept her smile and replied. "I am sorry but we are working on Training our Pokemon."

"That's all right." Viktor smiled widely when he heard her words. "We can help you guys. I am here for the Indigo Conference, and just won at Cerulean Gym, my fifth badge in this Region." He proudly informed them. "Jack may not look like much, but he is better than me. He was the Semi-Finalist in last year's Vertress Conference."

"Thanks for the offer, but we will be fine." Misty smiled and shook her head. "Best of luck for the Indigo Conference!" She wished him and then put her attention on her Dex as she searched for information on Vertress Conference.

"Are these..."

"Let's go, Viktor. Let the ladies be." Jack grabbed his friend's arm and pulled him away from the girls before he could say something.

"Boys..." She sighed and shook her head before looking at her watch. "It's past noon, let's prepare lunch."

"Let's go!" The younger girls nodded to her words and walked over to the beach house.