
Chapter 32

Jax was nervously staring at the little beauty who was looking at him with such intensity that he wondered if he had done something wrong. Then, to his utter shock, she leaned forward and kissed him on the cheek! Still not processing what just happened, Jax just had both hands covering his cheek while staring at the girl who was actively transforming into a tomato before his very eyes. 'What just happened? I think a mosquito just landed on me? But then why did Ally lean forward?' With too much stimulus for his young brain to comprehend, the boy fainted standing up. Laughing at her son's ridiculous reaction, Doria waved the Clementine family goodbye after exchanging contact information.

Awhile later, Jax woke up and looked around noticing that he was on his mother's back. Not knowing why he was on her back, Jax thought back to before he fainted only to find that the situation still didn't make sense to him. Our little protagonist spent 16 years as a virgin with hardly any female contact aside from his mother, sister, and the nursing staff. Add that to the fact that our silver-haired hero was only 6 years old in this life, he had no clue about the workings of the opposite sex. 'I must have been dreaming! Did I just get my first kiss!? And by Ally, too? I mean it was on the cheek, but it still counts!'

Noticing her son's weight had shifted, Doria figured he had woken up. "Good morning, honey. How was your first kiss? Hahaha! You should have seen your face when you were trying to put two and two together! I still can't believe you fainted standing up! Look! Look! I even took a picture!" Showing Jax the lowest point in his life, the boy wished that he was still back in that cave with two blue demons waiting right outside.

Making their way back to the car, the duo drove the 30 minutes back home talking about the day's events. Once they made it back, food coma hit, and they decided to call it an early night. Jax summoned out Vioarr and told him all about his day. The two stayed up until well into the night talking about Jax's first kiss. Vioarr was jealous he wasn't outside his ball to see such a historical moment. Trying to play it cool, Jax just brushed it off saying it was no big deal but the red tint on his cheeks was a dead giveaway.

The next day, Jax and Vioarr went back out into Thora Forest staying right next to Nidoking's cave this time. Since Vioarr completed his perfect EV ratio, the two no longer had to limit themselves to only hunting the same Parases, Parasects, Spearows, and Fearows. It was time Jax kept his promise that he had made to Vioarr when he was first entrusted with his egg. That's right. After today, there won't be a single Beedrill left who called this forest their home.

Using his strengthened aura ability, Jax easily located the Beedrills' hive. Letting Vioarr know what he had found, the two devised up a devious plan. Although the two had grown incomparably stronger than they were when the Beedrills were chasing after them, they hadn't grown quite so much that they could just waltz right into enemy territory unprepared. Sneaking their way towards the hive, the two made sure that no Beedrill had spotted him. Going through their plan one last time, the two steeled their hearts. No more thinking, strategizing, planning! It was go time!

Step one of the plan, Jax took out a Stealth Spray he had concocted himself. While he was out with his mother yesterday, Jax came upon a vendor selling Bugwort and a variety of berries for an extremely low price. Probably because Bugwort wasn't commonly found in this region, not much information was known about its uses, but Jax knew what they could be used for. Among the berries, Jax also purchased a Hopo berry bush and other berry bushes that he didn't currently have in his sub-space. By themselves, Bugwort and Hopo berry wasn't anything too amazing but one combined in a 3-to-1 ratio, you got an amazing new item, a Stealth Spray!

After the spray took effect, Jax sneaked closer towards the hive praying that none of the Beedrills were paying super close attention. While the Stealth Spray erases someone's presence by a certain margin, others could still see the crushed grass under their foot, pick up on an individual's unique smell if they had heightened senses or was just completely useless against an aura user.

Finally, after carefully making his way until he was arms reach from the hive, Jax took out a piece of paper that he had soaked in oil the night before and lit it on fire. Step two, smoke out the bees! Though not stated anywhere in this life or the last, Jax knew that beekeepers used fire as a deterrent against their hives. Not only did it causing the bees to become drowsy, their senses become extremely dulled when they inhale the smoke.

Starting a makeshift bonfire under the giant hive, smoke was beginning to flow upwards into the nest. At first, not much happened, but then a swarm of Beedrills flew out in zigzagging formation. 'Yes! This was a huge success!' Thinking so, Jax made his way back towards Vioarr who was looking at his mother's killers with murderous eyes.

Once the duo made sure the bees had flown far enough, they made their way into the hive with only one goal in mind, you take me from, I'll take from you! Reaching the entrance of the hive, the two crawled in and came upon the sight of a complex but well-organized structure. Each cell had white eggs waiting inside or Weedles laying still from all the smoke inhalation. They already prepared all of this knowing full well that these weren't the ones who killed Kangaskhan, but a killer's family was as much to the crime as the one who committed it.

The duo spent the next hour destroying all the eggs and helpless Weedles inside each cell not sparing a single one. Since they were all low leveled, they provided next to nothing amounts of experience for Vioarr, who was several levels above them, but the sheer quantity of how many they slaughtered still added up to a hefty amount. Vioarr was able to level up twice from all the experience he was receiving!

Looking around at their handiwork, the two didn't feel any sense of accomplishment. In fact, all they felt was guilt. These young ones weren't the targets of their anger, they were just a means to an end. Either way, the deed was already done and just in time because the sounds of buzzing wings could be heard off in the distance. The Beedrills were back and they didn't sound happy whatsoever!