
Chapter 10

After that shocking story, Jax was left with more questions than answers. Why did his dad leave and abandon him and his mom? Where did he go? Why was he always getting new scars when he was the strongest trainer? And, what was that familiar aura that was always close by the house but whenever he tried to pinpoint it, it would vanish like a ghost?

"AGHHH! All this thinking is giving me a headache. Let's forget about it for now. When I become a stronger trainer, I'll go look for him and give him a good scolding for leaving mommy all alone. Well, not all alone since I've been here right by her side."

"Come on, Vioarr! We have to train even harder now more than ever. I really want to give my dad an earful! And we need to take your revenge against those Beedrills!"

Jax, spreading his more powerful psychic abilities over Nidoran (M) and himself, checked their current stats.

Vioarr (Nidoran M):

HP: ★★★★☆

ATK: ★★★★★

DEF: ★★★★☆

SP ATK: ★★★☆☆

SP DEF: ★★★☆☆

SPD: ★★★★★

Grade: Dense Diamond (LVL 20)

Ability: Rivalry

Nature: Adamant


LVL 4: Thrash, Leer

LVL 3: Disable, Confusion, Venom Drench

LVL 2: Horn Drill, Counter, Sucker Punch, Takedown, Poison Sting, Peck (NEW), Fury Attack (NEW), Toxic Spikes (New), Dig (NEW),

LVL 1: Rest (NEW), Protect (NEW)


HP: ★★★★☆

ATK: ★★★★☆

DEF: ★★★★☆

SP ATK: ★★★★☆

SP DEF: ★★★★☆

SPD: ★★★★☆

Powers: Psychic (Level 3) Aura (Level 2)

Sub-space: Black, Green, Blue Apricorn tree, Every type of status ailment berry tree, Razz berry, Nanab Berry, Moonstone EX, Leafstone Medium

Pokemon: Nidoran (M), Paras, Parasect, Spearow, Fearow

Incubator: ???

Items: ???

This past year has been a great year for growth for both trainer and pokemon alike. Not only did Vioarr go on a major leveling spree battling against all those Paras and Spearows, his EVs were about to be maxed out at their perfect ratio. After a week since his birth, Vioarr's grade finally settled at Dense Diamond meaning not only was his mommy Kangaskhan a beast, his daddy Nidoking was a major powerhouse in Thora Forest.

Jax on the other hand, showed amazing results in his six basic attributes. This was mainly due to his physical training as well as his psychic training. And did you guys notice? Yes, that's right! Aura Level 2! After training alongside Vioarr for so long, Jax was able to sense and differentiate between the different types of auras! This allowed Jax to form a more personalized relationship with his pokemon.

Jax took his year off his classes to do some more special training. This usually consisted of secretly sneaking out to Thora Forest during class time so that Mother Doria didn't find out. While exploring the forest, Jax stumbled upon many different types of apricorn trees so he can start experimenting on making his own unique balls. He also found all the berry trees that cures one of the status effects.

While out battling a horde of Paras one day, Jax noticed that they were all unusually close to a particular tree. Upon further inspection, it was actually a rare Razz tree! You have no idea how many this berry was. By simply throwing the berry during battle, the pokemon would instantly lose aggro against Jax and Vioarr and eat the berry. This allowed the duo to either K.O. the pokemon for easy experience or using the berry's effect, make catching the pokemon easier.

After catching his new pokemon, Jax summoned the Paras to inspect their stats. But as soon as Jax summoned them, the Paras took off running. After chasing the Paras for a good hour through the thick bushes and tall trees of the forest, Jax and Paras emerged at a clearing. In the middle of the clearing stood a lone rock. Thinking the site odd, Jax walked towards the rock only to find that it was...A GIANT LEAFSTONE? Unfortunately, size doesn't equate to quality. Although big, the Leafstone was only a low tier stone. After chucking it into his sub-space, the system did its magic and upgraded the Leafstone to its now Medium ranked tier.

"Alright, buddy. You ready for some more intense grinding today? Let's push your EVs to their perfect ratio. We only need 50 more Paras and Spearows. Then we'll go hunt down two Metapods. You should do quick work of those guys."

"Kro! Kro!" exclaimed Vioarr, excited about how much growth he's going to see after reaching his perfect EV balance that Jax has been raving about.

"I wish I can get my psychic powers to level 5 already so that I can actually start talking to you telepathically. Okay, after today, we'll start exploring Ryul Woods! I can't wait to capture some new pokemons!"

After the exhausting two-hour bus ride, Jax stretched out his sore muscles. Even though all he did was sit down in the bus, something about sitting for that long just tires one out.

Walking to their usual grinding spot, there wasn't a single Paras in sight. In fact, the whole walk over, he didn't hear a single pokemon.

"Mhm. Okay, buddy. The situation is a little weird, I'm going to need you to be extra alert."

"Kro! Krooo!" even though Vioarr knew Jax couldn't understand him yet, he still voiced his answer to confirm that he understood.

After walking for another 30 minutes through pure silence, BZZT! BZZT! BZZT! Like missiles flying through the sky cutting apart the wind resistance, all Jax could hear was the distinct BZZT! sound.

"Vioarr! Not good! It's those Beedrills that killed your mom! We need to run!" shouted Jax before picking up Nidoran (M) and running like their life depended on it, well, because their life did depend on it.

Looking back, all Jax could see was a wall of black and yellow blocking all the way from the forest floor to the vast sky!

'Not good! We can't possible outrun this many of them' thought Jax. 'Ugh! Their actually herding me deeper into the forest! Vioarr and I have never been this deep before! I should have caught a Psychic pokemon that knew teleport. Stupid! Idiot! How am I supposed to be the best trainer ever if I keep making these rookie mistakes!'

Have you ever accidentally sprayed a hornet's nest and then ran around in a frenzy? Well, at first, it's purely just your instinct to run. Then comes the rationalization that you won't be able to outrun all those stubborn pests. Next comes the acceptance that once you run out of steam, you'll surely get stung. But you just keep running. And running. And running. Because the adrenaline won't let you stop. Call it Mother Nature's gift or an act of Kami-sama. Whatever it is, the human body is amazing and will push you past your limits.

That's exactly what's happening to Jax right now. He just kept running and running not knowing where he was headed.

Up ahead was a figure looming in a cave. With horrendous scars running across its arms, the spikes on its back jagged at weird angles, and its crimson eyes such a deep red that it looked like lava.

Is this friend or foe?