
Pokemon strongest Ash Ketchum

the journey of Ash Ketchum and his journey and adventures of becoming the most powerful trainer in the known Pokemon world with his partners. watch as he conquers all known and unknown regions of the Pokemon world.

VEGETA_15505 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
32 Chs

chapter - 23, Ash vs Cynthia

Ash: you all went beyond my expectations buddy, keep the hard work up and soon we will reach the level of a Pokémon Mater.

As Ash said that to his partner and his company, Pikachu just smiled and let a small Cha.

Ash: come now let's get back to the Pokémon centre.

Ash said that he released a rested Pidgeot and they both flew back to Blackthorn town. 

Ash POV –

After landing in front of the poke centre, I returned to Pidgeot and went to Nurse Joy, she was on her computer working. I called her and gave her my Pokémon's poke-balls and Pikachu sat in front of Nurse Joy and I told her how 2 of my new Pokémons broke through and are now Elite level. And she congratulated me on my success and I went to shower. Later at the cafeteria, I met up with Professor Oak and Mom and I apologised for not meeting them I told them how 2 of my Pokémon now reached Elite level and I had lost time in training. Brock and Misty were worried that I did not return at the allotted time we had decided to meet up. And I told them how I got lost in training and I told them how Primeape and Fearow had broken into the Elite level. And we celebrated the with a feast. And I went to bed a bit early.

In the morning, I woke up to see it was 5:46 AM and I got up, brushed my teeth, and freshened up. Within 30 minutes I was out of the Bathroom and went to Nurse Joy to collect my Pokémon After getting them and Pikachu sitting on my shoulders, I went outside and behind the poke-centre was a training field that nobody was there and I released my Pokémon. And I decided to check their Status.

Pikachu [M] {Mid-ELITE}

Charizard [M] {High-ELITE}

Fearow [M] {Low-Elite}

Primeape [M] {Low-Elite}

Blissey [F] {High-ACE}

Pidgeot [F] {High-ACE}

Venusaur [M] {High-ACE Level}

Blastoise [M] { High-ACE Level}

Muk [M] {Mid-ACE}

Typhlosion [M] {High-ACE}

Empoleon [F] { High-ACE}

Sceptile [M] { High-ACE}

Steelix [M] { High-ACE} 

Gengar [M] {Mid-ACE}

I nodded and explained that today was the ceremony and we had to be on our best behaviour. We just did some stretching and I went to Brock for some food for everyone and as soon as everyone ate, I saw many people looking at my Pokémon, especially Steelix, Charizard and Sceptile. I think they are looking at Steelix due to how massive he is and at Charizard and Sceptile due to their draconic looks. And I think people here love the Dragon-type Pokémon.

After breakfast, I went inside and had my breakfast with Misty and Brock. I then went to my room for some rest, as the Ace Level ceremony was today. And I decided that today is just a rest day for all my Pokémon and me. 

I met with Professor Oak, as we didn't talk much yesterday and he first congratulated me on having 4 Elite Pokémon we also talked about the lab, my Pokémon and the training they are receiving under Professor Oak's Pokémon's. And many others. Then came the main discussion. Of meeting the legendary Pokémon Suicune. And him checking my poke-Dex, and telling me that he would return it to me in the afternoon. And told me that the ceremony starts at noon and it's near the Gym. After a few minutes, I went to my room and did some meditation.

Around 9:30, I got up went to get a shower decided to wear my clothes and went down and met up with Mom, Misty, and Brock. and as soon as mom saw me she hugged me and told me she was so proud to see her son get promoted I just nodded, no matter how many times I hear this I won't ever get bored of it. I also gave Brock and Misty a tease about them just being a few months away from their promotions to level.

We just talked and laughed and got to the Hall that was near the gym it was huge and had massive dragon-type Pokémon flying as security.

Ash 'thinking': must be from the Blackthorn Clan and some Gym trainers. Most of these strengths are pretty good, but the strongest is Charizard and from the looks of it she is a Mid-ACE Pokémon. 

Soon, I went inside the auditorium and to the reception area showed a man, my poke-Dex and after a quick scan, I was given a package. And was told that I was allowed to release my Pokémon to interact with other Pokémon.

Later, I decided to let them mingle with each other, and as soon as I released my Elite team, it attracted the attention of every Pokémon in the area, due to Charizard's roar, and IS THAT FEMALE CHARIZARD BLUSSHING.

ash: Charizard stop releasing your Aura, both people and Pokémon are getting scared and not able to move. And from one of them, a small puddle was formed. THAT'S DISGUSTING DUDE.

As I said that, I released a sigh, and released my own to counter Charizard's. seriously people, they are supposed to be the fighting force of this and older generations, they were scared people were looking like shit and Pokémon are also looking scared, and I think most of the female Charizards and dragon types are looking at my Charizard with lust and some are also looking at Fearow with lust as well, just imagining it is making my head hurt, I have to keep an eye on them to make sure they don't have any sex, wait do Pokémon talk, I better ask Brock about it.

After telling them all to behave, Brock, Misty and Mom went to socialize. After about 5 minutes, I see a girl with long blond hair coming to the registration desk. That Cynthia, so she is also getting the ACE Rank huh? As she was coming here. 

Ash: Cynthia over here.

I yelled and waved my arm in the air.

Cynthia: Ash, you're also here, it's good to see you.

As me and Cynthia hug each other. She also released her Pokémon and I let out a whistle, they were strong, especially her starter Garchomp, I could tell that she was a High-Elite Pokémon and her other Pokémon were also pretty strong too. 

Ash: wow, they look healthy and strong Cynthia. 

Cynthia: thank you Ash, and Pikachu how are you?

Pikachu: pika ki pika

As we were talking we heard 2 roars and we turned to look at my Charizard and Cynthia's Garchomp glaring at each other.

Ash: Charizard, stop now.

Cynthia: Garchomp, down.

Ash/Cynthia: this is not a battlefield, behave yourself.

As I went towards Charizard and Cynthia went towards Garchomp and both of us separated with the help of our respective Pokémon's.

At the side –

Ash: Charizard what happened, you were fine before what happened when you saw Garchomp?

Charizard: Char Chard Charizard!

Ash: I see, I understand you want a battle but I don't think this is the time nor the place for a battle, especially for the 2 of you, seeing how strong you are we have to go to a special field or in the deep forest to not harm anyone.

Charizard: Charizard

Ash: now that doesn't mean, we can't have a battle, how about this? I go talk with Cynthia to see if she is willing to have a 1 on 1 battle with each other and if you behave. How does that sound?

Charizard: Char

Ash: ok, perfect.

After that, I saw that Cynthia had also calmed down Garchomp and I went to her and told her about my proposal to have a 1 on 1 fight with Charizard vs Garchomp and this may also help them break into the Champion rank.

Cynthia also agreed and said we could ask the gym leader to borrow the field and this would be a great dragon match. We agreed and quickly told Brock, Misty, Mom, and Professor Oak, who came running seeing a fight between 2 High-Elite Level Pokemon was about to happen. I told them what happened and told them about the battle. Professor Oak told us that he would take care of it and ask one of his friends to get a high-level field. I also told the professor that there is a high chance of both Charizard and Garchomp breaking through the elite level. Almost anyone who heard us was surprised to hear that there was a chance that they might get to see a champion-level battle. While some say reaching a stage is not that big, you have to understand that if every year almost 5000 people become trainers only 800 get to the 8 gym badge level, in that only 50 get to become ACE rank and in that 50 with every decade only 5 to 8 reach Elite rank and to become champion rank is even more difficult and 2 kids barely 3 years in their journey have a Elite stage Pokémon and might have a chance of having a champion rank is a big thing and on top of that both the parties are sponsored by famous professors makes it even more amazing.

Soon the ceremony started and we were given a brief discussion over our duties and benefits with the does and don'ts, and basically as to put have duties of Jonnin from the Naruto world. Also, we were not allowed to use our ACE level Pokémon against challengers unless they were of the same rank, or depending on our judgement we could use them. And we can still challenge gym leaders to ACE level tournaments as to even be a gym leader you have to have at least the minimum of 4 ACE level Pokémons and have a proper stage to battle with ACE level Pokémon. An exception to this rule is the inherited gyms like Brocks and Misty's case as their family have been leaders of the city for generations.

Soon people were called and I think it's mostly based on strength as the first guy who went all 6 of his Pokémon were low-ACE rank. And then Cynthia was called 2nd last and me in the last as us having more than 2 Elite Pokémon. I got a hamper with a red gauntlet, which acts as my ID, Poke-Dex, Mission, Radio etc. with a certificate, a medal, and a special ID card for entering league-authorized areas and using league resources. 

soon we were left to meet and after 30 minutes Professor Oak came and told us a field was ready for me and Cynthia to have a battle. After a quick walk, we were on stage, with me and Cynthia taking our side on the trainer box and a league referee also came to start the match.


3rd person POV –

The Pokémon battlefield was set, the air charged with anticipation as two formidable trainers prepared for a battle of epic proportions. On one end stood Ash Ketchum, known far and wide as a skilled Pokémon Trainer in the Kanto region and one of the sponsors of the famous Professor Oak, with his loyal partner Charizard. Opposing him was Cynthia, known far and wide as a skilled Pokémon Trainer of the Sinnoh region, with her fearsome Garchomp by her side. The stage was set for an intense showdown between two powerhouses.

The referee stood ready, his voice booming across the arena.

Referee: Trainers, choose your Pokémon!

Ash: Charizard, let's show them what we're made of!

Ash exclaimed, releasing his Fire and Flying-type Pokémon onto the field. Cynthia's gaze remained steady as she called out her own Pokémon.

Cynthia: Garchomp, it's time to shine!

The two Pokémon emerged onto the battlefield, each exuding a powerful aura that hinted at the battle to come. The referee signalled the start of the match, and the clash of titans began.

Referee: The battle between Ash and Cynthia begins now!

Ash wasted no time in issuing his first command.

Ash: Charizard, start with Dragon Claw!

Charizard's claws crackled with draconic energy as it lunged forward, aiming to strike Garchomp with its powerful Dragon Claw attack. However, Cynthia was quick to respond.

Cynthia: Garchomp, counter with Dragon Rush! she commanded.

Garchomp's form blurred as it charged toward Charizard, its draconic attack ready to meet Charizard's onslaught head-on. The two Pokémon collided with a resounding clash, the force of their impact sending shockwaves through the battlefield.

The audience which mainly consisted of ACE trainers, Professors and especially members of the Blackthorn clan watched in awe as the battle between Charizard and Garchomp unfolded before their eyes. Both Pokémon displayed incredible speed and power, showcasing the skill of their respective trainers.

Ash assessed the situation, his eyes focused on the battle at hand.

Ash: Charizard, follow up with Fire Fang!

Charizard's fangs ignited with flames as it lunged forward, aiming to sink its fiery teeth into Garchomp. But Cynthia was ready for the attack.

Cynthia: Garchomp, use Dig to evade and counter with an earthquake! she called out.

Garchomp disappeared underground in a flash, avoiding Charizard's Fire Fang and preparing its devastating counterattack. The ground trembled as Garchomp unleashed a powerful Earthquake, sending shockwaves rippling through the battlefield.

Charizard struggled to maintain its footing, the force of the Earthquake threatening to throw it off balance. Ash gritted his teeth, knowing that he needed to regain control of the battle.

Ash: Charizard, use Wing Attack to create distance! ash commanded.

Charizard's wings glowed as it executed a rapid Wing Attack, creating a gust of wind that pushed back against Garchomp's Earthquake. The manoeuvre allowed Charizard to regain its footing and put some distance between itself and Garchomp.

Cynthia remained focused, her eyes locked on Charizard.

Cynthia: Garchomp, follow up with Dragon Claw!

Garchomp burst from the ground with incredible speed, its claws glowing with draconic energy as it closed in on Charizard once again. Ash braced himself for the impact, knowing that this clash would test Charizard's endurance.

The two Pokémon clashed once more, their attacks colliding in a dazzling display of power. Charizard's wings flared as it pushed against Garchomp's Dragon Claw, the two Pokémon locked in a fierce struggle for dominance.

Ash's mind raced as he considered his next move.

Ash: Charizard, use Flamethrower to create an opening!

Charizard unleashed a torrent of searing flames from its jaws, engulfing Garchomp in a blazing inferno. The intense heat washed over the battlefield, creating a temporary distraction as Charizard sought to gain the upper hand.

Cynthia remained composed; her focus unwavering.

Cynthia: Garchomp, endure the Flamethrower and counter with Stone Edge!

Garchomp weathered the flames with determination, its rocky hide providing some protection against Charizard's Fire-type attack. With a fierce roar, Garchomp summoned sharp stones from the ground, launching them at Charizard with incredible force.

Charizard dodged and weaved through the barrage of stones, its agility proving to be a valuable asset in avoiding Garchomp's relentless assault. The battle raged on, each Pokémon pushing themselves to their limits in pursuit of victory.

Ash's determination never wavered as he issued his next command.

Ash: Charizard, use Dragon Pulse!

Charizard gathered draconic energy within its maw, forming a pulsating sphere of power that surged toward Garchomp. The Dragon Pulse attack streaked through the air, aimed directly at Garchomp with precision.

Cynthia's eyes narrowed as she prepared to respond.

Cynthia: Garchomp, block the Dragon Pulse with Dragon Claw!

Garchomp intercepted Charizard's Dragon Pulse with its own Dragon Claw, the clash of attacks creating a shockwave that reverberated through the arena. The force of the impact sent both Pokémon staggering back, their strength and determination. As both Pokémon glared at each other suddenly both of them fell on the ground from exhaustion.

Referee: as both Pokémon are unable to battle this battle is a tie.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

hey guys, sorry for the late update have been studying, and has been taking most of my time and energy, so that is the reason I am not able to update. I hope you like the new update.

VEGETA_15505creators' thoughts