
EPISODE 67: The Fallen Elite!

Men, they are the most unpredictable beings on Earth. From feeble beings, into arrogant species, you can never expect what men will do next. There are those, who bends like a rose, and there are those who soar higher than God. Men always dreamed of superiority. Superiority over the land, over the sea, the skies, over Pokemons and especially God.

Humanity is an intelligent specie... They can create, build, but they can also destroy. Humanity's purpose was to become the mediator between creation and destruction, the two most powerful forces which govern the Pokemon world. If one force surpasses the other, chaos would be the product. If the two forces are balanced... order is the result.

Humanity failed its purpose, greed? pride? war? crimes? and worst of all... Superiority and domination. All of these attributes caused the two governing forces to become unbalanced... And the product? It's Chaos.

Look around you, look to the streets, the cities, and to the world. What do you see? People killing to strive, people hunting Pokemons, people kidnapping children and Pokemons, there are riots and War against the Pokemon government.

The greatest enemy of humanity is humanity itself. People nowadays, think highly of themselves. We act like Gods when we are not supposed to. We bargain against the Gods, we harness their power... But no matter what humanity does... They will never be a God.

There are also people, who spread peace and order but there are more people who spread chaos and destruction. Humanity was divided into two, those who sought order and those who sought chaos.

If only everyone does their purpose, if only creation and destruction were balanced once more.

This is the chapter... of the fallen and forsaken elite.

There was this young poor child living in the slums of Aulburg town, the town I live in. Alburg town was divided into two sections, the one for the rich and the one for the poor. Now you may be asking on which division I live in? Well the truth is I live in the rich division. Mother and father would earn millions per month thanks to their work.

In the slums of Aulburg town was a boy named Arville. This boy, had a determined spirit with a fiery passion for his dream. Their family may be poor, but that doesn't stop Arville on achieving his dream.

Every night, Arville would look upon the stars, and wish for his dream to come. One night, while Arville was staring at the stars, a Pokemon came towards him. Jirachi, the wish maker offered Arville something he'll never forget.

"A wish... I shall make one of your wishes come true. You are a passionate boy, I hear your cries from the star. Now tell me young man, what is your wish?" Jirachi queried.

"I wish... to become a Pokemon Master, but I couldn't! No one is around to help mom and dad." The young Arville explained.

"Then your wish shall come true young man, a Pokemon master it is!" Jirachi sparkled Arville and went back to the stars.

As time passed by, his father was hired, his father became a movie director and worked on the famous Pokestar Studios in the Unova region. Thanks to the father, Arville's family was able to buy a house on the rich division of Aulburg town.

And when Arville turned ten, his father and mother allowed him to become a Pokemon trainer. Arville's starter Pokemon was no other than his favorite pokemon Charmander! Soon, Arville would collect gym badges and compete on Pokemon leagues!

He finally believed that his wish would come true, he finally believed that Jirachi is truly a wish maker. Arville became famous because of his victories, and as he grew up... He decided to compete at the Pokemon World Championships.

Arville became overconfident, for him... He was the strongest trainer in the world, for him... A lot of people admired him. He believed that he was born as a champion.

Arville made it to the finals of the Pokemon World Championships. If he would defeat the world champion of that time which is Leon, he would be entitled as the new World Champion and also a Pokemon Master. Arville became arrogant and pride conquered his heart.

He thought that he was the strongest trainer in the world, but when he battled Leon? Arville lost. This made him depressed, angry and frustrated. Arville showed no sportsmanship and left the stadium.

He sat down on a small wooden bench, regretting everything he did.

"I shouldn't have gone on a journey, I shouldn't have chosen Charmander... I shouldn't have believed Jirachi." Arville uttered those words to his mind. He wanted to become the very best, he trusted Jirachi... but why would his dream fail?

When Arville became 30 years old, he was acknowledged as the strongest Elite four of this region. His specialty was dark type Pokemons and trainers who would challenge him would only meet their defeat.

Arville forgot about Jirachi, Arville forgot about his past as the elite four became his friends. Arville and the elite four would hang out together when they had time, they would battle against each other.

Ten years later, Arville met the woman he loved. Her name was Xeryll and two years later, she married Arville. Xeryll would always support his husband during battles, Xeryll loved Arville with all her heart, even when Arville arrives late... Xeryll would stand up to cook and feed his husband.

Arville seemed to have a good life right? A wife? Friends? An Elite four member? One day... that all changed. A day that remained in Arville's heart and mind forever.

Pride strikes back! Arville felt confident that he was the most powerful Elite four not only in the region but also in the entire world. He thought highly of himself again and his own mind crowned him the undefeatable Elite. Nobody was able to battle the champion due to Arville's great battling strategies.

Until a trainer named Beatrice or the current headmaster of the Citrus Home For the Lost defeated Arville and the champion.

That was the day, Arville remembered his past. "Wishes don't come true!" He shouted at his mind. He remembered Jirachi! He remembered Leon.

"Why... why am I not a Pokemon Master!?" Arville shouted at the night sky hoping Jirachi would hear him. Jirachi never answered him again.

Darkness took over Arville, and he thought to himself... "Why become a master... if you can be a God?"

He went to his elite four friends and proposed a plan.

"I call it project Arceus! The goal is to harness his powers and we will become Gods! Then, no one can defeat us! We would be champions of the Pokemon World!" He encouraged.

"Arville? Do you know what you're saying? You're talking about Arceus! The God of all Pokemons! Don't you dare act like a God! Don't you dare reign superior over Arceus? If he hears you... He would deteriorate every single cell on your body." Alice of the elite four warned.

"We could harness the power of the Gods! We could become Gods! We would be unstoppable Alice! Join me elites! And we'll rule over the world" Arville uttered with determination.

"What is happening to you Arville? You were defeated by a trainer and so what? You're an elite four! You should expect that!" Groyle the elite four badgered.

"We could be undefeatable! We could be more than Elites! Don't you want that? Why are you fighting against me? Aren't we all friends?"

"I'm sorry Arville, but we can't agree to your plan. Your plan is outrage! Foolishness! and Arrogance! You cannot be Arceus, no matter what you do... You cannot be a God because you are a human being! You serve Arceus, Arceus doesn't serve you!" Melody of the elite four warned.

"Fine! Then do not join me! I quit the elite four! Leave me alone! When I am a God? All of you will repent for what you said to me, and during that day, I'll be there to laugh at all of you!" Arville badgered and removed his ID... He left the Elite four and persued his plan.

"What are we going to do now Melody? Arville's soul has been corrupted with destruction?" Alice uttered worriedly.

"Leave him alone... Let him become the man he wants to be. No matter what he would do... He will never defeat God!" Melody answered as she left the room filled with fear and frustration for Arville.

"Join me my love, and together we will rule the world! We would dominate over the seas, the skies, and the land. You shall become my Goddess!" Arville encouraged his wife to join him in the dark side.

For two years, Arville and his wife Xeryll created the device which would open a portal to Arceus. Once Arceus comes down the portal, Arceus would be sucked into the chamber, and its powers would be Arville's.

From the back of their house, Arville opened the portal only to unleash something grave.

Arville didn't know that Arceus was one of the Gods. He thought that Arceus is the god. Palkia and Dialga came out of the portal. The two angry Gods raged in anger as they destroyed the streets. Alburg burned together with the whole region. Arville knelt down in disappointment as he watched the whole region burn under the wrath of the Gods of time and space. The people cried in fear, and I was merely two years old at that time. Mother and father held me tight as we evacuated the town.

"What have I done?" Arville regretted every single action he did. The two Gods were soon pushed back into the portals with the help of the elite three, and Arville and his wife were hunted down by detective Looker.

Xeryll and Arville left the region and went to a barren island. There, Arville placed his sword on the stone and dictated.

"On this rock... I shall build my kingdom! I shall be the king of my Kingdom and my wife shall be the queen of my Kingdom! We would bear a child who will soon be my successor. I will reign supreme over the land one day, I will find you Arceus! I will hunt you! I will harness your power! And I will be a God! So prepare Arceus! I am coming for you and order shall be destroyed."

As time passed by, the Chaos regime was born... Though it is still uncertain if their plan is to still catch Arceus. There were rumors that their goals changed into something more chaotic. Something that would collide with this world?

"Welcome to the Chaos Regime! I am Arville! Ruler of this Kingdom! From now on, you serve me!" Arville shouted and encouraged his new recruits from the throne he was sitting on. Xeryll on the other hand, supported her husband and their love turned black.

Two years passed, and they would soon bear a child, but that child would soon betray Arville and Xeryll, the king and queen of the Chaos regime. Arville is still being hunted down until now. The Chaos regime remained secretive. They have now crowned the strongest evil organization or should I say, Kingdom?

"Chaos will soon roam the land, and I will be a God!" Arville shouted.

"And I will be your Goddess," Xeryll added.


"Boss... Camellia has been spotted on a route to the Silvent Desert." Elanor reported through the big screen.

"Good... Bring that traitor to me!" Arville commanded.

"As you wish, your majesty!"

"There are no wishes. Wishes do not come true..." Arville uttered as he remembered Jirachi.

"Very well then, your majesty!" The big-screen closed as Arville hid in his twilight room.

"Xeryll... They found our lost princess." Arville reported as thunders clashed through his window.

This is how, the Chaos regime was born. The question is... Who is their real target? Is it really Arceus? Or is it someone else?

We will soon know the answer... As the journey continues.