
EPISODE 204: The Ancient One!

The town was a maze of narrow winding streets, as complex as the heart. The streets were the veins, paved with dark red stones, and the people were the blood. The sound of the smiths, beating swords and breastplates into shape, was the consistent and dull pounding that let you know the town was alive. Another town untouched by modernization and technology.

After weaving through the labyrinth of roads, the paths eventually converged and unveiled the piazza. Flocks of Pidgeys gathered everywhere; their numbers delighted foreigners as they huddled around the birds, and either fed them crumbs of bread, or took photographs. The visitors' inclination towards the Pidgeys differed from the locals'; the birds were considered nuisances, and treated as such. A sea of people, of all ages and ethnicities, filled the square. Most were sightseers from all corners of the world; after all, Meteor was a renowned tourist attraction, and was often visited at this time of the year.

"The Meteor Trainer House! One of the most exciting places to be. Since the town isn't touched by modernization, people living here conduct natural research by the use of stones, fire, or even water." Camellia beamed with excitement while pointing on a large old style Japanese house. A laboratory with no equipments? That's a new one on me.

People in this laboratory are said to use natural equipment such as those used in medieval times. Entering the house gives me nostalgia during the days when I was in Fantasma City and Enkephalos town. This region is filled with ancient alma maters despite all the urbanized cities surrounding it.

"Welcome to the Meteor Trainer House! I am Goldberg, the town's leading professor in natural science." An old man, wearing a lab coat greeted us in the doors of the house. When you enter this house, you see nothing but old tools used in golden eras. No Test tubes, no Microscopes, and other modern tools.

"Ah! You're THE professor Goldburg?!" Camellia suddenly beamed with an exhilarating spirit.

"Wait, you know him?" Kira questioned with a confused face.

"Of course! I've read all of his books about Natural Science! This is one of them, it's entitled to 'The Beauty of Natural Science' I haven't completed the book yet since my reading time has been reduced to every night." Camellia explained while showing off one of Goldberg's book about Natural Science.

"Why, I didn't know that I had a fan? I usually write books because every kn-"

"Every known fact about Natural Science was divined by the presentiment of somebody, before it was actually verified! Those were your opening remarks in your first book right professor?" Camellia beamed with determination while completing Goldberg's speech.

"Why such a smart girl you are. Your memory skills are excellent, I'm guessing that you want to become a professor like me in the future don't you?" Goldberg smiled while rubbing Camellia's hair.

"Say, I haven't met the four of you yet. May I please know your names?" Goldberg questioned.

"Sure! My name is Kalem, and this is my buddy Lucario. The one over here is Shaymin. This is my cousin Kira, and these are my friends Glade and Camellia!" I introduced with exuberance while pointing at them. Shaymin seemed delighted to be by the old man's side. She felt confident towards him rather than the other professors.

"Kalem? Aren't you the son of Cypress? One of the world's famous Pokemon Professors?" Goldberg queried.

"Yup! That's right professor. Although... he kinda passed away with my mother you see." My face suddenly turned down after hearing about my father's name. It's been almost a year without my father calling my name. I even wonder at times what his voice sounds like.

"I've heard. Anyways, Kalem... I used to work with your father on Pokemon Genetics. The ancient world of Pokemon always seems to astound us. From every fossil to every antediluvian, these fossils hold the keys to the ancient past. Some of them could even be a classification of new species never seen by men's eyes." Goldberg explained. Aside from all the old equipment, this place is filled with fossils, and structures placed on a wooden bench.

"I know... Why don't I give you one of my fossils? It can be dandy against the upcoming Pokemon League young champion." Goldberg giggled while walking to the wooden bench.

"Me? How did you know I wanted to become a Pokemon Master someday?"

"Your father always talked about you. He said, even with the age of eight you already wanted to travel around the world."

"Seems nice to have an ancient Pokemon by your side Kalem. I suggest that you accept his offer." Glade concurred.

"Really?! Sure professor, I guess that means I'll have my final member in my bench team." I beamed with excitement and determination. My heart erupted with a fiery flare of enthusiasm.

"In front of me lies two fossils from the Kanto Region. The Dome and the Helix fossil. Whatever fossil you choose, I guarantee that it'll be powerful." Goldberg beamed with a promising smile.

"Ah?! Professor, can I take the other fossil please." Camellia begged with sparkling eyes.

"Hehe, it's fine by me, but let the young master choose first."

"Hmm, let's see..." I squinted my eyes while thinking deeply. Only one fossil to choose from, and whatever I choose I shouldn't regret my decision.

"Alright professor! I'm going to choose the Dome Fossil! Where can I revive the fossil?" I beamed with exuberance while pointing on the dome-shaped stone.

"I guess that means I'll be having the Helix fossil. I can't wait to see what Pokemon lies in the depths of the Helix Fossil." Camellia beamed with exuberance and vitality. Her eyes sparkled and gleamed while her body couldn't resist the spice of excitement.

"Ho-ho! You can't revive these fossils here in this town. You have to proceed to the Valley of Dragons. In that place, you'll find a laboratory, you can't resurrect these fossils from there." Goldberg instructed.

"Aw, men! I was excited back then, come on! Let's proceed to the Valley of Dragons."

"Not so fast cousin, remember why we're here? We came here not to get fossils but to celebrate New Year in three days time?" Kira reminded.

"Oh... right, I completely forgot about that."

"So, the four of you have come to my town to celebrate New Year? I guess that means I'll be seeing you again in the next three days." Goldberg uttered with an expressionless face.

A new year and a new beginning is about to unfold. I guess my Dome Fossil will have to wait for a long time before reaching the Valley of Dragons. Only time will tell what lies deep in the chasms of this fossil. What types rest on the ancient Pokemon itself? Only time will reveal the answer as the journey continues...