
EPISODE 129: New Routes Await!

"Sir... sorry to bring bad news, but... We were unable to capture Mewtwo." Hemera reported with embarrassment while kneeling down to the fallen king.

"Mewtwo is the key to awaken Genesect. You are a commander, and yet you failed your mission!?" Arville uttered with frustration while holding his Pokeball tightly. Hemera was speechless with Arville's frustration, she had no choice but to kneel and explain.

"The kid sabotaged the mission. He singlehandedly defeated four of my Pokemons." Hemera reported.

"Sir, we have good and bad news..." Elanor shrugged while holding a dark yellow folder.

"The good news is, we know which Pokemon can open the two portals with ease, without using the generation Pokemons."

"...And the bad news?" Arville leaned his head forward with interest.

"The Pokemon belongs to the kid. The kid's Gardevoir is infected by some kind of virus. This virus boosts defense, attack, speed, and power. Even the kid doesn't know that his Gardevoir has the virus."

"Pokerus... Kalem's Gardevoir has a Pokerus." Arville uttered softly.

"Whall shall be your command your majesty?" Elanor questioned.

"Capture that Gardevoir, even if it means killing or hurting the child. Do anything to the child, hang him, stab him, I don't care. Prepare my strongest Pokemon as well." Arville instructed.

"Your strongest Pokemon!? But that Pokemon is a glitch, are you sure you can handle its power?" Elanor queried with shock.

"Just do it... and leave the rest to me!" Arville uttered loudly with conviction as he crouched his head back.

"...Oh and one more thing. Whatever you do, leave Camellia out of it, do not harm her no matter what." Arville instructed.

"Yes sir... of course." Elanor smiled while wiping her glasses.

"And as for you Hemera... I want you to train harder. Let Luna operate first."

"But sir... I want to fight, battling is my passion."

"I know, that's why you must train harder. Success cannot be gained if there is no struggle, even a king like me struggles hard to achieve success."

"Sir... I, don't want to train. I'm strong enough! I can prove it." Hemera begged.

"Hemera... you are one of my loyal commanders, I know that you want to fight by me and the queen's side, but you need to train. Go to the mountains and train with your Pokemon."

"Yes... sir, I'll train hard. But, if Luna is going to take over the operation... what about her gym?"

"Luna is a gym leader... the kid is a trainer, hehe, the perfect combination for success!" Arville uttered loudly while thinking of a devilish plan.


"You captured Zapdos!?" My friends beamed with shock and astonishment.

"Yup! That's right, my business here in the city is officially over!" I beamed with and leaped with excitement.

"So cousin... where are you heading next?" Kira queried with a grinned face.

"I'm not sure, maybe Aulmurus city for my sixth badge. Thalia is the gym leader there right?"

"Yes... She's the youngest of the gym leaders as well." Kira explained.

"Then that means, we're going to Aulmurus city?" Zhery reassured.

"Yup! I'm going to challenge Thalia, and claim my sixth badge!" I beamed with excitement and determination.

"Great! The city is just below this mountain. If I were you, I would visit Enju town." Zedrick interrupted and patted my head.

"E... Enju town?" Camellia queried.

"Yes, the festival of the beasts will be held there in five days time. You should stop by." Zedrick suggested.

"Festival of the beasts? That's new on me." I uttered with confusion.

"You'll see when you get there. For now? I'm going to Glacevelt city." Kira chuckled and grinned.

"Glacevelt? I thought you were going to Aulmurus city?" Glade queried.

"Yes... but, I changed my mind. Since Aulmurus city is just below the mountain, I figured that it would be best to go further." Kira explained.

"Goodluck on your journeys. I'll be watching the both of you fight in the Pokemon league." Zedrick smiled.

"Really!? That will be great! The Pokemon League is in seven months time." I beamed with excitement.

"Alright, I'll be going now. Don't forget to open your wooden box Kalem. Oh and by the way, just between you and me, watch out for grunts, especially on your way to the tallest mountain." Zedrick warned.

"Alympus!? You knew I was going there?"

"Of course everybody's going there silly! That's where the Pokemon League takes place." Kira giggled and smiled.

"Oh... I was thinking of something else, sorry."

"Don't worry, whatever you're thinking about me... it's wrong. I'm not a member of the Chaos regime, nor is Kira and Murdock. See ya soon." Zedrick giggled and left the Pokemon Center.

"Bye Kalem! I'll be going too. The next time we meet, I want to battle you." Kira uttered with determination.

"No problem Kira, we'll battle soon!" Kira left the Pokemon Center and took the western path. The path to Glacevelt city!

The nice little Pikachu movie playing on the Pokemon Center's big screen was suddenly interrupted by a news report.

"The Kanto region's Indigo Plateau was bombarded by the Sinnoh region. Ties between the two regions strengthen as their Pokemon leagues were canceled!" the news anchor reported while showing the image of the burning Pokemon plateau.

"Oh my... this could start a new Pokemon war." Nurse Joy uttered with worry and fear.

"Isn't it strange that we're the only region unaffected by what's happening." Zhery wondered.

"I... I don't know, hopefully, the Kanto and Sinnoh don't go to war or else everything will end up like the Kalos war. I'm going to call professor Bellice and check on my Pokemons."

Everybody in the Pokemon Center was astonished by the news report. Everybody was looking and staring at the big screen with worry and fear.

<Match Call>

Bellice: Kalem! I've heard you captured Zapdos. Amazing, it's in your dome sleeping in one of the branches.

Kalem: Thanks professor. I'll be switching out Pokemons for now.

Bellice: Sure, what Pokemon would you like to switch out?

Kalem: Grovlye for Mawile please. Dragonair will be staying there for the meantime.

Bellice: Sure, you know what to do.


Kalem: Thanks professor! Mawile is already with me.

Bellice: No problem, your Grovyle is safe and sound!

<Match ended!>

"Great Mawile, I'll be using you for the next gym battle. Alongside with Gardevoir and Scyther." I beamed with excitement while squinting my eyes in front of Mawile's shiny Pokeball.

"Hey Kalem... we forgot to show you, but look at our Pokemons!" Glade beamed with excitement.

<War! War!>

<Flaa! Flaa!>

<Mis? Mis! Mis!>

"You're Pokemons evolved!?" I uttered with shock.

"Yup, they did! My Flaaffy became extra strong!" Zhery beamed with excitement and determination.

"Wartortle on the other hand, is kinda shy, but a good and tough Pokemon." Glade grinned and explained.

"Murdock gave me this Mismagius. Isn't she a cutie!?" Camellia smiled while playing with her newly caught Pokemon.

"Nice one Camellia, you too Zhery and Glade. I guess you've been training hard and tough!"

<Zor! Zor!>A Pokemon from behind me licked my hat.

"Zoroark! Are you feeling better now?"

"I am! I'm ready to fight again." Zoroark beamed with determination and excitement.

Zoroark played with my hat, while Riolu ran around her. Her wound was looking better than before, and her eyes were filled with determination.

"Since everybody is ready, let's head to Enju town!" Glade suggested.

"Wait... before we do that, I want to check the wooden box Zedrick gave me." I beamed with excitement while looking for the box inside my bag.

"Oh... that's right, Zedrick gave you a wooden box. I wonder what's inside." Camellia hunched and thought deeply.

I opened the box slowly and saw a small shiny velvet case. It had the symbol of a mega stone on the front.

"Wait... Isn't that a mega case!?" Zhery uttered with shock.

"A Mega case?" I queried.

"A Mega Case is used for storing all your mega evolution stones," Camellia explained.

"Nice, that means I can collect more mega stones right?" I queried.

"Yes, then you can store them in that case if you like. All you have to do is to switch out the stoned in your mega ring, just like using a z-ring." Zhery explained.

The Mega Case looked shiny, it had my mother's signature below, she always put signatures on the things she owns. The case was dusty in the inside, but it's fine by me.

We left the Pokemon Center after lunch. I've finally earned my fifth badge, which leaves three more badges to collect! I couldn't control my own excitement, I kept on thinking of what new Pokemons I'll be facing on my way to Aulmurus city.

"We need to pass five routes in order to reach the town, then two more routes in order to reach the city," Glade explained while reading the map.

"Then what are we waiting for!? New routes await us, let's go!" I beamed and leaped with excitement across the blue horizon!