
Chapter 33

When the hatch opens I see a very familiar tattoo of a Toxtricy beating a drum in full color. Oh no my first rival from elementary school Charles Karp the man who makes my life horrible by just breathing. His stupid sparkly long purple hair and eyes. His idiotic gangster cliché outfit with chains strewn throughout it. Oh I just hate him and his pretty face.

Hate boils over when I hear a shot ring out. I quickly check to see who shot their gun.

I see Yale looking down on at a pistol that fell out of his hands," Opps I dropped the gun and it went off. Hope it didn't hit anyone."

Michio whacks the back of Yale's head cursing," You idiot you could have killed me." He points at the wall he was standing beside a few seconds ago with a bullet lodged a few inches where his head was earlier.

Then he throws a rock at a big red button right next to the hatch activating a laser net like thing to cover the hatch. It grazes Charles hand causing him to hiss retracting his hand from the entrance.

I grab Michio's hand," Hey I know the person who opened the hatch. His name is Charles Karp he is probably here to help."

A light british accent is heard from above," Oh Honey Bee is that you I here. When I received news that Team Mafia was here to kill someone they deemed a threat here I did not expect to see you. I asked every person I beat up over here who they were after and they told me a name Honey Ketchum. Imagine my surprise to hear your name instead of Henrys. Oh by the way where is Henry?"

I sweat at that remembering that Henry and Rain are in as much danger as the rest of us are right now. Then a thought struck me what if the second brother Yale mentioned has Henry and Rain.

Then I slap my cheek I need to stay calm right now. I will worry about what happened to the rest of my friends after we get out of here.

Michio deadpans," Yeah I am not turning off the lasers until I get conformation on everything you just said." He is still slapping Yale's face. Then Minuet gets in between them slapping both Michio and Yale growling.

"Now to get back to more important matters little hothead check your phone," Charles purple eyes can barely be seen through the laser net. I laugh inside feeling pity that when Michio gets up there Charles will be beaten to death for making fun of him.

"What did you just call me punk," Michio looks up smoking rising out of his gasmask. Then he rubs said mask checking his phone.

He tilts his head picks up another rock throwing it at the button," Well Kabu just sent a message saying I can trust you since you are here with Clover." The laser net disappears along with my will to not strangle anyone.

Michio leads up to the surface where I see Charles surrounded by the knocked out bodies of Team Mafia grunts and their pokemon. Clover stands behind him with disgust on her face.

Clover's face brightens up," Finally we can leave this awful place. Now bodyguard carry me away from here."

Charles picks her up in a princess carry," Okay princess let's get out of here."

Michio holds up his hand," Wait a minute we are not leaving until we find Henry."

I cough," Don't forget Rain." We walk away from the bodies to see Motostoke on fire. People are screaming and being chased by Team Mafia. People are dying or being killed by either fire, Team Mafia grunts or their pokemon. It is pure chaos raining down in front of my eyes.

Charles sighs," You mean my best friend is not here with you." Then he looks me in the eye," Honey bee I trusted you to look after Henry when I left three years ago. I shouldn't have after all you are an awful pokemon trainer."

Then he looks over to the chaos," Now it is time to save these poor people and more importantly rescue Henry." He puts Clover down then rushes forward to help.

I look at the rest of the group," Come on we need to help the citizens here."