
Chapter 16

I run into the pokemon center worried about what is happening. Oh no I left Leilani and the others by themselves. I bet that it is Team Mafia trying to pokenap Leilani. I run faster not even looking behind me to see if Echo, Rain or Henry followed. I bust into my room and see a light pink haired woman, who I assume is Jane, trying to pick up Leilani. I see Mercy flying around her using Peck when she gets to close to Leilani. Then I see Balwin battling a dark blue haired man, most likely Jayden, and his Wooloo. Then I see Minuet fighting off a Morepeko that is wearing a Magikarp hat.

I feel dread at this scene and run in to grab Leilani. The woman stops and looks at me with bright blue eyes filled hate. When I get the chance I see she is wearing a black outfit with a gold capital m symbol on the front. The woman looks at me and tries to grab Leilani again. Thankfully Mercy is there and he uses Peck again. The woman looks to fed up with this.

The woman," Now pest tell your pokemon to stop otherwise I will blow up the building." She pulls out a trigger which I assume is for the bomb.

"Guys and lady stop let's see what this woman wants." I still am holding onto Leilani when I say this and slowly back my way to the door to escape. Mercy gives me a look of concern and flies over to land on my head to perch. Minuet and Balwin stop attacking then come over to stand in front of me.

The man," Ah Jane, is this the pest you told me about earlier called Honey?" He is wearing a male version of the outfit that Jane is wearing. He walks over to stand next to the Jane followed by his Wooloo.

"Yes Jayden, this is the pest who's Togepi we need to capture for the second in command. Now pest will you give us the Togepi or will I have to blow up the building?" Jane at Jayden rolling her eyes.

That is when Mercy whispers to me," Lady Honey they do not have any bombs here they are lying. I know this because when they came in they complained about how there budget could only pay for the small explosive that they used to get inside." When I heard this I felt relief that the building will not be blown up by those people.

The Morepeko growls," Shut up ya stupid bird. Jane, Jayden quick the pest knows that the bomb ploy is fake. I told ya that you should have saved up for a real bomb instead of going on a shopping spree!" Jane hearing this releases a Pidove to fight and Jayden rolls his eyes at the complaint. The only thing I can think of is how a pokemon that actually knows how to talk to people without having a nickname. Then the door bursts open to reveal Henry, Echo and Rain.

I feel relief to see my friends and Echo coming to help me. Henry sends out his Drizzile when he sees the situation I'm in. Rain has his Trapinch out like he did earlier.

"Great more pests to fight." Jane growls this out and tells her Pidove to attack. Jayden does the same thing with his Wooloo.

I quickly tell Mercy to battle the Pidove while Balwin deals with the Wooloo. Rain and Henry battle Jayden while I focus on Jane.

"Mercy use Brave Bird on Pidove." I make sure to back up away when Mercy dives to attack Pidove. The Pidove is thrown out of the destroyed wall. Jane pales and runs away when she sees her pokemon is taken out quickly.

Jayden's Wooloo used Rollout on Rain's Trapinch. The Trapinch dodged then used Bite. The Bite knocked Wooloo out. Jayden returned his pokemon then ran away.

Morepeko did not even tried to fight Henry's pokemon. Instead it threw a smoke bomb. It disappeared along with the other pokemon.

"Well that was an underwhelming battle." Henry rubs his frustrated faced mask.

"Yeah it could have been a lot harder." Rain rolls his eyes.

"Guys we are lucky that this was not Hazel we were facing." I am grateful that they were weak and easy to get rid of. It would be a different story if it was Hazel.

"You are right Honey we should be glad that it is not Hazel. Knowing your luck though it will be him next time." Henry teases me.

Who's your favorite character so far. Pokemon count for this since Echo is my favorite. PS my editer's is Hazel.

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