
Why can't we catch a Trainer

"Hey, do you want to become my Pokemon,"

My bodyguard sibling glared at the trainer angrily.

"Sorry, but are you talking to me?" Unfortunately, my words translate to Rattata to him.

"The way they're protecting you, you must be the son of the boss Ambipom,"

We all are. Is this so uncommon?


"But staying here is a dead-end,"

Thanks too who?

"If you join me you'll definitely become a strong Raticate,"

The last time I checked, my mother is beating your second strongest Pokemon, and your strongest is getting rekt by my sister. Furthermore, you didn't even mention resources, shame on your diplomatic skills. My decision is obvious,

"I refuse," I said shaking my head in refusal.

"Youuu! A weak, motherf*cking Rattata dared to refuse me! Ampharos, Houndoom, KILL HIM!" He screamed out in rage, pointing at me.

Well, that escalated quickly.

But does he really think his Pokemon got time to follow his command? Risa after hearing his command glared at Houndoom and used Last Resort. The attack blasted Houndoom into a tree knocking him out.

Ampharos was luckier, he directly ignored his master command, aware that he wouldn't get the chance. But his situation became terrible after paralyzing mama. Mama activated the ability Guts and now Ampharos is in a tight spot.

The battle between my 5 Siblings vs Ariados and Noctowl has ended, and because of their trainer's ignorance, they died.

Quagsire is exhausted after using Recover so much, his attacks are getting weaker. Although Quagsire's health is still high, it won't last long.

It seemed the trainer has finally realized his predicament, returned his fainted pokemon, Houndoom, and got ready to abandon Ampharos and Quagsire to escape.

Meanwhile, mama used Body Slam, knocking out Ampharos. Using Scratch, she went for the killing blow.

"Mama don't kill Ampharos!" I shouted.

No need to kill the war criminal, yet. I want the exp. Although she showed a confused expression, she chose to listen to me and ignore the fainted Ampharos.

Papa's battle is all that is left. A Raticate jumped off a tree branch hitting the trainer who was running away.

Did he think this was the game? You won't be going back to the Pokecenter once you lose.

He's lucky my brother didn't want him dead, one move during the fall would've killed him. Though with how fast his head hit the ground, I doubt he'll be waking up anytime soon.

Trainer ??? has blanked out.

Quagsire used Ice Punch, but papa was like a martial artist, brushing away the attack with the first hit from Double Hit, the second landing on Quagsire's chest. Quagsire turned around to use Aqua Tail, but the attack was blocked by an Iron Tail.

Papa began to beat him up with his tail-hand at a fast speed. If not for sensing the powerful Normal energy used in this move, I would've mistaken it for Close Combat. Watching papa's attack, I felt the sudden urge to try it myself. Standing on my hind legs, I moved the normal energy instinctively, and started to attack the air at high speeds.

[Host has learned the move Return]

[Return, this move does more damage based on your will to protect. If you are caught, the requirements would change. Return instead would increase the damage dealt based on your friendship with your trainer]

Based on your will to protect... Why does this move feel like a plot armor, finishing move, like the power of friendship?

[No further comments]

Why is everyone looking at me for?

Have they never seen someone learn a move just from looking at it?


Guess they didn't know about my Uchiha bloodline.

"Hehe, I taught my Mate well," Risa mumbled.

Taught? More like abuse.

Looking at the fainted Quagsire, I sighed in relief, he isn't dead. More experience for me.

Rushing over towards the fainted trainer, I tear a hole into his bag with Scratch and dived in.

Since they can catch us, why can't we catch them?

Looking into his bag, I question his status as a trainer. Where's the bicycle? The Medicines?

The bag only had a half-eaten sandwich and 2 empty Pokeballs. An utter waste of a trainer.

Rolling the two balls out carefully, I picked one up with my hand, and threw it into the trainer's face. It slammed right onto his nose breaking it and bounced off. Waiting a few seconds nothing happens sadly.

So I tried again. This time the ball hit his eyes, stupid paws, I aimed for his mouth.

System what are your thoughts on this problem. Why can't I catch him?

[Answer: Would you create something that can harm yourself?]

Have you heard of guns?


Humans are good at hurting themselves, makes me question if they're secretly masochists.

Using Scratch I cut off the Trainer's head, ignoring the blood, I search through his pockets and found his trainer card.

Ignoring the dead's name, he's from Goldenrod City and is 26 years old. Did it take 16 years for this guy to have 3 elites? Waste.

[His talent is slightly higher than the average trainer]

Doesn't stop him from being a waste.

"Little Persim, what do you want to do with them?" Big mama asked.

"I want to interrogate one and personally killed the rest for experience," I explained. No need to lie to family.

"There's no need to interrogate them, knowing that his friends will avenge him is enough," Big papa retorted.

True, past habit.

"As for the experience, you can have it. You're the only weak sentient Pokemon here,"

So all Raticates here are strong, then where's the fresh blood? I haven't seen an immature, sentient Raticate yet. Moving on, this trainer card provided us with plenty of help.

"Big papa I have a question,"

"I'm listening,"

"What would happen if we give this trainer card to a trainer from around here?" I asked immaturely.

Don't look at me like that Risa, I'm truly just curious.

"At best they'll be aware that Johto stealthily arrived on route 1,"

Do you got a solution?

"This trainer was almost an Elite trainer, such a trainer couldn't leave Viridian City nor Fortress City without an identity check. So how did they get here?"

Good, some information. Using this... I'm stuck. How did they get here?

Flight? No, Fearows would've made a ruckus leading to trainers being sent to scout.

Surf? Based on the map it's not impossible, but that area is outside route 1, so it should be unexplored territory.

[It's a small, unexplored Deep Wild Zone, with the Pseudo-Legendary Pokemon, Dragonite as its Overlord, Dragonite's level is at 88]

It seems as though this world is scarier than I thought. So the left side of route 1 can't be surfed on, and based on the anime, the right side should be explored and guarded by trainers. Although there are possibilities of a rat, not me, slipping them in, I'll trust my father and believe it's unlikely.

The last method is digging, although it seems impossible, there's such a case in Kanto.

Diglet Cave