
Can't Wait To See Humans F*cked Themselves

"Rock Slide, Heat Wave, Sludge Wave," Those were things I saw.

And then I blacked out.

When I woke up it was already morning and my bones were hurting, I was being held in Feara's talon. Looking to see Feara being spotless I sighed, the Pokemon world is biased for levels.

After taking those hits Feara's health must have dropped more than half from taking 4 Rock Slides, 1 Heat Wave, and 1 Sludge Wave. Yet look at her, perfectly fine, tired? yes, but still fine.

On my side, even if I recover all my health my injuries won't heal for a long while. How long?

Based on Jeff's broken leg, and comparing it to my broken body, that luckily didn't get burned and sadly, got poison. I say I got to spend at least 2 months recovering, but there's a problem.

I don't have 2 months.

In a month a lot of sh*t is going to occur that would lead to my death. If I am unlucky it might have already started while I'm out here.

"F*ck," her talon twitched causing all parts of my body to scream. Seeing Feara's tired eyes, I decided not to annoy her, fearing she might let go of me.

"In an hour we will arrive, go back to sleep,"

I can do that. Using Rest all the pain in my body vanished along with my consciousness.



"Stay still," Feeling a slap hit my leg, I opened my eyes.


In front of me stood a Chansey, one of her hands was pointed at me, releasing a blue beam of energy that enshrouded my body. Her other hand was rhythmically tapping her egg, I could see the vibrations spread around us.

What moves are these?

[Answer: The beam is Heal Pulse, a move that restores health on the target and can aid in recovery. The vibrations you are seeing are from Heal Bell, a move that removes negative status, eases pain, and calms the mind.]

"How long will it take to heal, doc?" I asked.

"You'll be fully healed by tomorrow, next time you're outside don't fight others, make peace,"

Peace? This world seems more chaotic than my homeworld. Scientists there had estimated that within 3 years if the war doesn't stop, the human population would drop by 40%. Sadly, it wasn't just those in power who wanted war, even the common folks wanted it. I think it had something to do with resources.

Here in this world, humans may seem as though they are the Overlord, but in reality, they're at the bottom of the food chain. No one wants to eat it. Disgusting meat.

Humans here are having wars while there are threats right in front of their door. For example, the Deep Wild Zone on route 1. Although I don't know why Pokemons choose to live with humans, but I'm certain it has nothing to do with peace and harmony, otherwise Pokemon tides won't be a thing.

Sooner or later humans in this world will piss off a legendary and officially f*ck up big. Calling this world chaotic might be the wrong word... Okay, I got it.

Pokemons are ticking bombs humans will sooner or later get f*cked from. Would it be Team Rocket who cause it with Mewtwo? Team Magma and Aqua with Kyogre and Groudon? Team Galactic with pretty much most of the legendaries of Sinnoh. Team Plasma with Reshiram, Zekrom, and Kyurem? Team Flare with Xerneas, Yveltal, and Zygarde? Aether Foundation with Ultra Beasts and Necrozma? Macro Cosmos with Eternatus?

Looking at that row of idiots who messed with legendaries. They aren't legendaries if they're so easily controlled. I'm now really curious how different things will be compared to the anime, games, and manga.

While chuckling I could see Chansey looking at me curiously.

"Did I say something funny?" Chansey asked.

"No," I shook my head. "Just thinking about how foolish humans are, they'll lead their kind to extinction."

"Humans are indeed foolish," Chansey's eyes were full of nostalgia. "But, there's also the kind fools who would do anything for their friends,"

"Those same kind fools are the ones to be betrayed by their so-called friends," Feara retort, landing beside Chansey.

"Feara there's no point in hatred only--"

"Only the strong can talk about peace, and those bastards who killed Daniel... and Rataya will pay," Feara said angrily.

"Daniel and Rataya died too," I heard an Innocent voice coming from behind me. Trying to turn my head I was slapped by Chansey.

"Stay still," Chansey complained.

"How did they die Feara?" A deep voice came from behind me, this time, however, I don't dare to try and turn my head.

"You can ask his son, Bull" Feara replies.

Soon the figure of a Tauros and a Togekiss came beside Feara and Chansey.

"How did they die?" Bull the Tauros repeated.

If I'm not mistaken Togekiss is a Pokemon that can sense emotions, so being 'truthful' should be enough.

"I was chatting with papa and suddenly fell to the ground, not long after mama arrived and died the same," No lies, just concealed some not so important knowledge.

"I'm coming. Even if I die I must beat the sh*t out of Johto!" Bull shouted angrily.

Togekiss and even the peace-talking Chansey remained silent. What connection does their death have to do with Johto? Is there something I'm missing?

Sensing my confusion, Togekiss explained, "Our trainer, Pink, died a similar way after drinking water from her boyfriend, a Johto trainer,"

"Was she sick or something?" I questioned.

"Uhuh," Togekiss nodded.

Looks like papa had something against Johto, I wonder what they did.