

The aftermath was very hectic with Rangers trying to keep everyone calm and the trainers giving their reports. Ash and his group talked to the Rangers and both sides agreed to get their report at the end as theirs will be the longest one. Ash sat between to Molly and Max who had become close friends and at the same time a bit clingy. Molly was clingy because she didn't want her cousin to leave and Max was clingy as he had watched Ash be kidnapped and almost broke down. The two of them chattered as the dark haired teen wrote down his report and suspicions about what happened.

Molly, "I'll be honest, I always felt like I was being watched and it scared me."

Max frowned, "It must have been Team Rocket, I or rather Ralts overheard some of the Pokemon talk. Apparently they found a Team Rocket base close to the area."

Ash muttered, "They were probably trying to steal your mom and dad's hard work. Those disgusting thieves."

Molly, "You think so?"

Ash nodded, "I have no doubt. I'm putting that on the report under suspicions. It's better to cover all bases. Besides everyone knows your parents were the leads in uncovering the Unown."

Max, "Speaking of Mr and Mrs Hale, Molly guess what. They were found alive and well a little malnutritioned but they are alive."

Molly's eyes widened, "Mama and Papa? They are okay?"

Ash, "They are mostly okay. Just a little hungry and thirsty. They kidnappers hardly let them eat and drink. They will be home by tomorrow night, I think."

Molly smiled a little teary eyed, "Mama and Papa are coming home. It's okay if they are not healthy. I will just have to take care of them till they are."

Ash ruffled her hair getting a squeak, "I know you will, Molly. You are a good girl."

Max laughed while Molly giggled and Ash got back to writing his report. The three of them were inside the garden of the Greenfield mansion and were surrounded by Ash and Max's Pokemon. The Pokemon were a little clingy themselves especially, Eevee, Absol, Pikachu, Lucario, Chikorita and Totodile who had watched Ash being carried away so easily by Entei. Abra, Cyndaquill, Gengar and Phantump were doing slightly better while Heracross, Magby and Lapras were none the wiser being asleep in their pokeballs.

Delia who was still in her Kiryuu get up had to give her report to both Kanto and Jhoto Leagues and associations. She took up most of the main work as she wanted to give her kids a chance to relax, although there was not much she could do for the Champion. By the virtue of being a Champion, they had to attend the meetings and go over the reports along with the court and keepers of the law. She was only glad no one guessed Akako was Ash yet and she had requested that the others to keep it that way. Red, Silver, Gold and Lance had understood why and didn't say anything about it and focused on what was more important.

Sorrel was watching Ash and the two kids beside him, 'Curious.'

Verity, "Pokedollar for thought?"

Sorrel, "Yes, sort of."

Serena snickered, "Did you have a crush on Akako?"

Gou, "We don't blame you."

Sorrel turned red, "Whaaaa... No.. That's not it."

Verity giggled, "Well, I admit, he did make a very convincing lady. And I would not have believed he was Akako if we had not followed you all and saw him coming out of the changing room."

Sorrel sighed, "I don't have a crush. It's just I swear he has a rainbow wing and a silver wing."

Chloe looked at him warily, "So what if he does?"

Sorrel, "How did he get them? Getting even one of those feathers is extremely difficult."

Casey, "Well, it doesn't matter. Ash is not interested in going after either Ho Oh nor Lugia. According to him, it would be equal to cheating to have a Legendary fighting your battles."

Sorrel contemplated that, "I have to agree with that, I suppose."

Verity, "Yeah, any victory after using a strong Legendary would not be satisfying at all."

Melody mused, "Add to that, the fact, Team Rocket is after the Legendaries and would have no remorse in killing you to get them."

Sorrel flinched, "I think Team Rocket is currently the most dangerous obstacle to any trainers out there."

Melody muttered, "That's an understatement, we almost got killed here."

Serena, "Hey just go talk to him."

Misty nodded and they left leaving Sorrel and Verity at the Veranda facing the garden where Ash had finally finished his report. Sorrel and Verity took that time to approach him as Max and Molly didn't look like they would leave anytime soon. Ash smiled at them when he saw them and motioned for them to join them at the table. The Pokemon coordinator and Doctor in training smiled at him as they sat down opposite the three of them and released their Pokemon.

Ash, "You have quite a variety of Pokemon."

Sorrel, "Thank you."

Verity, "It helps with the contest."

Ash, "Okay! Ask, what is bothering you?"

Sorrel, "I don't want to sound rude but we noticed that you have the rainbow and silver feathers on you. Most people have only one or the other but not both of them."

Verity nodded vigorously, "And you met Entei who is one of Ho Oh's court. Are you going to meet Ho Oh?"

Ash contemplated the question, "Well to be honest with you. The way things are in Jhoto, with Team Rocket creating problems... I would not be surprised we run into Ho Oh soon enough."

Sorrel was surprised at that answer before he paled, "So you think if we ever meet Ho Oh, it'll be because of Team Rocket?"

Verity was staring at him in disbelief, "Tell me you are joking!"

Ash, "I wish I was but considering they came after Entei and we only managed to stop them by the skin of our teeth. You do the math!"

Sorrel nodded, "That's true. Do you have a plan?"

Ash, "Sort of, I mostly plan on getting stronger and faster."

Verity decided to change the subject, "Did you know after Entei left there were a few gemstones left behind? The scientist are at the moment researching the connection."

Ash, "I believe those are commonly known as volcano gemstones, stones available inside a volcano. Remember Entei is known for creating volcanoes so it's not surprising if you actually think about it."

Sorrel, "I think it's really cool."

Verity took a blue colored stone which was around two centimeters in height weight and breadth, "The trainers who helped are being allowed to take one gemstone each. Look I got this deep sapphire coloured one."

Ash, "Nice, I got a green colored one."

Sorrel, "And I got a red one.... I think we each got one gemstone of all three main colors."

Verity giggled, "It's almost like we were meant to meet."

Ash chuckled, "Yes. I do believe Professor Pierre and Marie are enjoying the new research subjects."

Sorrel snorted, "Yeah, I'm pretty sure they were fighting over your Charizard's typing after seeing him use steel type moves."

Ash sweatdropped, "Ah!"

Molly had moved away from them when they started to talk, "Hey Max, what is it like traveling?"

Max, "It's really fun. Well aside from Team Rocket being jerks, Ash and the others are really nice."

Molly, "I'm a little jealous of you. You get to travel with Ash and the others. I wish I could."

Max, "You can... One second I have a solution to this."

Molly watched as Max took out a form, "This will help me?"

Max, "Hear me out. This is a form to one of the prestigious schools. If you can finish the exams in one year. It's possible, I know because I did it. So basically you finish the semesters you can apply to travel with another trainer. I requested to join Ash and have him as my tutor."

Molly, "So if I do this exam I can join Ash too."

Max nodded, "Yes, I believe a trainer is allowed to tutor a maximum of two pre trainers."

Ash, Sorrel and Verity looked over at Molly and Max as they giggled and laughed as if they were planning something. The three teens simply shrugged and let them be as they went to give their report. The others should have been done with their report, it was already early evening when they left for the Pokemon centre. The Rangers and Champions frowned on seeing the report Ash handed in, it seems Team Rocket had gotten really good when it came to hiding. The only saving grace was they didn't decide hurt Molly Hale, in fact, it looked like they didn't even know she existed. Small mercies!

Delia decided to stay with Molly and the Hale family for a week then switch with Rose the next week. Aside from Molly and Max she had coddled the teens and mothered them, not like they minded it. Ash commented it was actually nice to take a break and be taken care of after such an event. Lucario nodded agreeing at that, mostly because he didn't want to go anywhere without all of them calming down first. He knew full well, if they traveled again in the current condition then all of their Pokemon would attack the first being that looked at their trainers funny.

Fearrow and Pidgeot talked with Ash during their stay and the two decided to nest in the Greenfield valley. Ash contemplated it and decided he had no problems with it as long as the Hale family had no problem. Spencer and Tani had no problems with it, they had seen the League battles and knew how strong they were. Not to forget both Professors wanted to catch a break from their main research field and observing a Fearrow and a Shiny Pidgeot family dynamic sounded interesting enough to the two. They came to an agreement and the two avians had settled down in the large garden belonging to the Hales.

Ash, "Welp, my Pidgeot and Fearrow are settled in and they are planning on making a protective flock here."

Verity, "It's really cool what they are doing."

Misty side eyed her, she got along quite well with the other water type enthusiast but, "Hey Verity, you don't have to answer my question but why did you stick around?"

Serena, "Yeah, I'm curious about that too."

Melody, "We know Sorrel stuck around to exchange notes with Brock but, I don't think I heard your reason."

Verity, "Well, it's complicated."

Chloe, "Like Misty said you don't have to answer if you don't want to but we should warn you."

Max, "Our group seems to be cursed."

Casey, "Yeah, we run into Team Rocket a lot."

Gou pursed his lips, "And we did some seriously questionable shit that could cost us our trainer's liscence to survive them."

Verity blinked at that, "Oh! I didn't know you ran into Team Rocket so many times."

Brock, "Tell me do you listen to radio broadcast in Jhoto?"

Sorrel, "Yes, sometimes we do. I believe Ash gave an interview."

Misty, "We were not kidding when we said we ran into Team Rocket on our first day as trainers in Kanto."

Ash, "We ran into Team Rocket, on our first day in Jhoto as well."

Max, "So do you still want to hang out with us?"

Verity just stared at them, "Is that even a question?"

Sorrel, "Yes we are sticking with you!"

Misty, "Alright then! I should tell you, except for Casey who is challenging the Ace team, the girls and I plan on going to the Orange Archipelago. I'm planning on challenging either Drake or Ash and becoming a Water Master."

Verity, "Oh!"

Melody, "I'm planning on becoming a Champion. That is if I defeat my opponents."

Sorrel, "Hmm.. Something to think about."

Ash, "In the meantime, Professor Oak wants to meet us at a place called Ruins of the Alph."

Verity, "The Professor Oak?"

Brock, "I wonder why."

Ash, "No idea, but he said he was bringing my Omanyte with him."

Verity, "You have an Omanyte?"

Misty, "Yes, and he is so adorable."

[A. N.: Okay this movie is officially complete.

Back to the normal series. :D

Happy Sunday! See you next Sunday!]