
Pokemon: Radical Redux

You know the drill, a medical student was watching the finale episode of Pokemon. "Man can't believe it's finally over. Looking at his clock, Shoot I'm going to be late." But our protagonist met our old friend Truck-kun due to a change in destiny. "At least things aren't so bad I get to start my Journey, wait why am I Ash, Why is almost everything and everyone different, and why is this world so much harder than the original?!" Additional Tags: Maybe-Harem, Not stupid MC, multiple plot lines, Random decisions from dice rolls No dead pokemon parts to increase strength No potential stuff Only training methods and bond ________________________ So hey, this is my first fanfic, Please don't murder me, secondly, this is an AU with anime, games, and manga elements, with a bit of the novel. Earlier chapters are ruff, but I think the later ones get better. Also if you have a complaint, Idea, criticism, or whatever, fell free to say it I love reading feedback from you all

Katsu39 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
253 Chs

Hours before the storm

{A few hours earlier}

A ship was on the horizon of Cinnabar, it was a surprise last-minute occurrence so not many people were on the boat, and that's not mentioning that this boat is smaller and faster yet still considered a transportation ship.

There were 7-10 People onboard not counting staff or other important People, but only 5 in particular are of note, though none of them actually know about each other.

The People in question were of course Anabel and Looker with Spark, Candela, and Blanche. 

Although none of them really knew each other or wanted to strike up a conversation, Spark always eased the tension, so they all struck up a decent conversation as they were approaching.

Don't misunderstand, they weren't all buddy-buddy nor did one group learn about the other Party's occupation or purpose, but they at least learned their names, and Looker just promptly used the name 'Dick'.

But both sides seemed to drop subtle hints about how they should leave or go back, well apparently they were so subtle none of them Realised.

So when they eventually landed at the doc of Cinnabar they said a few words and parted ways to 'look' for a place to stay and find Lunch.

With Looker and Anabel they walked through the streets making small conversations as they looked for anything suspicious.

"Wowsers, those People on the ship seemed nice, it's a shame they can't come with us!" Anabel said in an overly dramatic cheerful tone.

Looker looked down and held back a laugh before whispering, "Wowsers? Really? You're overplaying your part."

Anabel whispered back, "Hey I'm pretending to be a regular kid here with no context, you're lucky I agreed to let you be my pretend dad." 

Then Anabel looked forward again, "I wonder if there is somewhere with yummy food!"

Looker wasn't sure but he felt like Anabel was cringing on the inside, "Sure dear! Let's look around and ask, I'm sure we can find something."

As they looked around everything seemed normal in town, people were bustling in town buying and selling Things while promoting different places, there was even a strange girl in a Black dress selling souvenirs to tourists.

As they looked around Anabel grew concerned, "Are we sure that 'his' information was even true?" she whispered, "Everything seems normal, I just can't understand how rockets can be around here."

"If we found them in the first hour we were here then there wouldn't be a point in us going undercover would there?" Looker said staying in character.

"Now come on, my 'Daughter' wants something yummy," Looker said out loud in a taunting voice.

Anabel blushed but followed, keeping her head down, while still looking around.

Meanwhile with the other group; Spark, Candela, and Blanche did much of the same as the other, they came off and acted like tourists trying to find a nice place to see while looking around.

Unlike Looker and Anabel they knew where they were going, to the Pokemon Mansion, the only problem with that is that it required them to go into the woods which was restricted for people due to the danger inside.

That just meant their main goal at the moment was to find a way to get out of the city without drawing any unwanted attention to themselves. 

Spark held his hands over his head, "Those People on the ship seemed nice!"

"Yes, it is a shame that a tragedy is about to fall upon this island," Blanche said analyzing everything around

"Don't be such a downer, Blanche," Spark said, slapping Blanche's shoulder, "We can win today as long as we are together!"

"And besides," Candela said pointing to a corner, "I think I found our way in,"

Candela was pointing at a corner between the building where a pipe cut through the fencing, it was effectively a blind spot where they could sneak in without drawing attention to themselves as long as they made a distraction.

As People were walking around town they were stopped by a Jolteon that was performing tricks in the middle of the road, things like bouncing an electro ball on its nose and even dancing on its hind legs.

Of Course, this was a distraction so that Spark, Candela, and Blanche could get through the small opening and into the woods.

Jolteon was happily receiving praise and Treats from random people, but then he heard a short whistle indicating for him to go, with a swift movement Jolteon got up and dashed up before jumping over the gate and back into the forest.

The people watching were disappointed at the fox leaving

"Aww the shows over"

"I guess it was wild"

"Man I would have caught it if I had known"

"And I just got it some treats"

Jolteon jumped forward and into Spark's arms, "Good boy, you did great," 

Candela looked at him, "Spark, can you be focused for a moment, we are about to enter enemy territory."

Jolteon jumped out of Spark's arms then both Jolteon and Spark gave a salute, "Ma'am yes ma'am!"

As they walked deeper into the forest they eventually got closer to the place that they were told about, the Pokemon mansion

Spark looked at his two friends, "Do you guys feel anything?"

They both shook their heads as Blanche looked forward, "It is likely that Articuno and Moltres are being held somewhere, if not in the hands of the two admins."

"Yeah, but that brings the question, what if we can just take them down before they can release them?" Candela asked

"Not likely," Blanche responded, "The big guy is much too strong for us to hope for and he is likely next to the smaller man."

Candela nodded and looked down, "Yeah, Arlo. I just hoped things could have turned out a bit different."

Spark put an arm on Candela's shoulder and gave a bright smile, "Come on we can't change the past, so the only thing we can do is move forward."

Candela sighed, "You're right, for now, we need to focus on stopping Team Rocket from whatever they're doing."

As they were talking a strange sound started ringing through the air, it wasn't annoying it was just weird to hear, like that sound you hear after your ears get water in them. But unlike them, Jolteon fell to the ground clutching his ears in pain.

Spark went to his knees, "Jolteon! What's wrong!?"

Jolteon didn't answer as he held his ears tighter trying to block out the sound as his whimpers came out

Blanche quickly turned to him, "Spark the Pokeball."

"Oh Right" Spark quickly pulled out the Pokeball and returned Jolteon, then pressed the button on it making the top clear, it looked like Jolteon was better but he still held his ears almost like some nose was shrill getting in.

Candela looked up in the sky, "What in the world is going on?"

Meanwhile deep in the mansion Arlo, Cliff, and Sierra were standing next to the lab to monitor everything, Meanwhile, every other Team Rocket Grunt is taking an underground passage to get into the Center of town.

Although unlike everything else the strange noise started causing the Pokeballs in Arlo and Cliff's possession to start shaking.

"What's going on? Master Balls aren't meant to do this." Arlo said as he pulled out Moltres' ball.

Colress caught this in his eye and turned to the ball, "Fascinating, this wasn't in my calculations!"

Cliff pulled out Articuno's ball, "You know about this, explain yourself!"

Colress held his hands up, "Relax, it seems like the condition of those Legendaries had given them an unforeseen effect due to the sound waves, but everything should be fine as long as there isn't an X factor everything will be normal."

Cliff was Completely lost, it wasn't that he was dumb, it's just that that seemed like a cough-out answer, Arlo, however, nodded, "Fine, but you better not try anything, even without these we are more than capable of taking you down."

Colress smiled, "I wouldn't dream of it, but let's watch this momentous occasion"

They frowned but didn't do anything as the Egg started shaking more and more violently each pulse created more movement until suddenly a loud crunch was heard and a crack appeared on the Egg.

It was worth noting that this egg wasn't the standard size; it stood at a full 3 meters, which just made the events all the more intense as the Egg started gathering more and more cracks, and then a white light enveloped the room.

When the light dispersed standing there was a large 3 headed monstrosity, across the body it had lightning, ice, and fire elements flowing through its body, it had the heads of Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres, 2 wings but 3 legs, and 1 long tail.

As everyone was recovering Sierra pulled the Master Ball that she still had from before and there with full intention of capturing it, but what happened next no one could have expected.

Zapmolcuno opened his eyes and screamed so loud most scientists fell over holding their ears in pain, and the Master Ball stopped and was broken mid-air.

Then the Master balls Arlo and Cliff had shot open, releasing Moltres and Articuno as they stood next to Zapmolcuno and screeched with it as they all flapped their wings and shot up.

Arlo and Cliff obviously tried returning the birds, but when they tried nothing would happen, the more they tried the more the ceiling would be broken until eventually Cliff gave up and grabbed Colress.

"What happened? You said nothing would go wrong!" Cliff said as he was grabbing Colress by the collar

Colress looked ecstatic, "It's exactly as I said, an X factor, something I could never have predicted, this is absolutely fascinating."

Cliff was about to punch Colress, but Sierra stopped him, "There's no point, let's get out there we need to see if we can regain control of those things, then we can deal with that thing."

Cliff grunted and threw Colress on the ground as Arlo, Cliff, and Sierra started running up the stairs to try and get out and catch up to the birds.

That let Colress and the other scientist, some started recovering as they were about to ask Colress what to do, but Colress just looked ecstatic.

"This is wonderful I must follow for my research!" Then before anyone could say anything he released a Magnezone and jumped on to follow behind.

On the top side

Spark, Candela, and Blanche just started Hearing the waves of sound coming from the Mansion, looking around there were also some Pokemon starting to fall in pain, a few birds fell from the sky, and some Rattata fell from the tree.

Before any of them could do or say anything they heard a muffled screech, and then Candela and Blanche suddenly felt the place where their marks were previously start burning and freezing respectively.

Candela clutched her hand as Blanche fought through the pain but Spark could tell that Blanche was holding back, "What's wrong guys, do you feel something!"

The ground started rumbling so Blanche focused, "Yes I feel Articuno's presence, it is close,"

"How close?" Spark asked as suddenly the ground near them burst open as 3 birds flew out and screeched into the sky.

"Huh, Well I guess that answers that," Spark said as the birds looked down at them, then completely ignored them

They started flying toward the town, and that immediately freaked them out as Spark, Candela, and Blanche released Magnezone, Salamence, and Metagross respectively, and hopped on to follow them before anything bad could happen

The Group was sitting and listening to these sound waves, Pikachu, Chuchu, and Bonsly were all falling to the ground holding their ears in pain but Brock was the only one who returned Bonsly.

Pikachu didn't want to go in even when Ash offered and Chuchu didn't want to worry Yellow despite the clear discomfort she was in. so Yellow pulled Chuchu into a hug, which caused Chuchu to start glowing.

Chuchu's body grew as her tail also extended revealing a heart shape instead of the straight one Pikachu had, revealing that Chuchu was now a Pikachu.

Yellow didn't notice since the waves were still going on and unlike everyone else, she could hear all the Pokemon cry in pain saying things like.

"[Turn it off!]"

"[It hurts!]"

"[I want to go home!]"


It wasn't until the waves slowed down that Yellow opened her eyes to relax and Misty's Egg had cracks on them as they grew the light appeared from the cracks as it started hatching.

Then on Misty's lap was a small Lapras, which seemed like it was too big for the Egg it was just in but Misty didn't notice as she moved her finger down.

"Heyyy, welcome to the world little one…" Misty said in a calming voice as she brought her finger closer.

Baby Lapras looked at her then her hand, then promptly bit her finger. Making Misty immediately scream.


That's right I leave you with an extra chapter and a cliffhanger, so hand over stones or you'll have to wait longer