
Colson's Pokemon Currently


300 Stones = 1 chapter

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Colson's Pokemon will have their stats constantly updated in the discord overtime depending if a Pokemon has evolved or the whole team has trained.





[Species: Infernape (The flame Pokemon)

Intermediate Tier (lvl 39)

League: Galar

Gender: Male

Type: Fire/Fighting

Ability: Iron fist (Increases the power of punching moves by 20%), Speed Boost (Speed gradually increases with the more adrenaline/pressure being pushed upon the user.)

Basic Information: This Infernape is currently extremely healthy and has been trained spectacularly, with it getting all the resources and training it needs combined with its will to become the strongest, it is the strongest Infernape in its level group in the world. It's 1.4 times bigger than the average Infernape and is very Bashful due to its constant training and crave for a fight. It also has electricity running through its veins enhancing it.

It also has taken E, D, C, B and A grade supplements.]



Beginner: None


Mastered: Leer, Scratch, Ember, Taunt, Double Team (TM), Sunny Day (TM), Fury Swipes, Flamethrower, Flame-Wheel, Feint, Torment, U-turn, Fire spin, Work up (TM), Calm mind (TM), Earthquake (TM), Aerial ace (TM), Grass knot (TM).

Enhanced: Power-up Punch, Thunder Punch (Egg move), Protect (TM), Close Combat, Aura Sphere, Mach-Punch, Swords Dance (TM).

Signature Move: Fire Punch (Egg move)


Coordination: A-

Strength: A

Endurance: A-

Agility: S- (Max is SS- with speed boost)

Core Capacity: A+

Core Potency: A




[Species: Gabite (The cave Pokemon)

Intermediate Tier (lvl 37)

League: Galar

Gender: Male

Type: Dragon/Ground

Ability: Sand Veil (Gives the Pokemon better perception in a sandstorm and gives it the immunity to a sandstorm), Rough Skin (When the Pokemon is hit with a physical attacking move some of the damage is returned to the attacker).

Basic Information: This Gabite is currently extremely healthy and has been trained as good, a Gabite can be at this level. It's 1.3 times bigger than the average Gabite and is very domineering due to its dragon pride being fuelled by winning a lot of matches. It has been given as much resources as it needs to grow stronger and has

It also has taken E, D, C, B and A grade supplements.]



Beginner: Draco Meteor

Intermediate: None

Mastered: Sand-Tomb, Sand-Attack, Dragon Breath, Bite, Dual chop, Tackle, Bulldoze, Sunny Day (TM), Dig (TM), Flamethrower (TM), Sand-Storm (TM), Aerial Ace (TM), Mud-shot.

Enhanced: Iron Head (Egg Move), Slash, Crunch, Outrage (Egg Move), Protect (TM), Shadow Claw (TM),

Signature Move: Dragon Claw


Coordination: B-

Strength: A

Endurance: B

Agility: B+

Core Capacity: A-

Core Potency: B+




[Species: Ivysaur ♂ (The seed Pokemon)

Intermediate Tier (lvl 26)

League: Kanto

Gender: Male

Type: Grass/Poison

Ability: Overgrow (Grass type moves do 50% more damage when hp is low), Chlorophyll (Doubles speed when the sun shines brightly or a sunny day is active), Contrary (Does the opposite a stat changing move, the opponent uses against this Pokemon.), Grassy Surge (Creates a coat over the area it's in with grass and healing properties.

Basic Information: This Ivysaur is currently as close to perfection, as any Ivysaur can be at this level. It's 1.3 times bigger than the average Ivysaur and has also received boosts given by multiple scientists with the added fact that it gets any resource it needs when training. It's personality is very smug and cocky but will always listen to its trainer without thinking twice. It also has lightning running through its veins enhancing it greatly.

It also has taken E, D, C and B grade supplements.]



Beginner: None

Intermediate: None

Mastered: Leech Seed, Razor Leaf, Toxic (Improved from Poison Powder), Growl, Tackle, Skull Bash (Egg Move), Energy Ball (TM), Seed Bomb, Take Down.

Enhanced: Protect (TM), Sunny Day (TM), Vine Whip, Growth, Power Whip, Leaf Storm (Egg Move),

Signature Move: None


Coordination: C

Strength: B

Endurance: B-

Agility: C (B when the Sun is extremely hot)

Core Capacity: B+

Core Potency: B




[Species: Crystal Onix (The crystal snake Pokemon)

Intermediate Tier (lvl 26)

League: Kanto

Gender: Male

Type: Rock/Ground

Ability: Rock head (The said Pokemon doesn't take any recoil damage), Intimidate (When sent out it lowers the opposing Pokemons will/physical attack without the opposing Pokemon knowing)

Basic Information: This Onix, for some reason became crystalised when it was born thus giving it a water immunity but giving it a fire type weakness. It's well trained and has seemed to have used a method to harden its body way above the average Onix. It's 0.9 times the size than the average Onix in the wild. It seems to be in its baby phase.

It also has taken D and C grade supplements.]



Beginner: None

Intermediate: Curse, Sand Tomb.

Mastered: Protect (TM), Rock Throw, Bind, Rock Polish, Dragon breath, Head smash (Egg move), Dragon tail (Egg move), Harden, Tackle, Rock Slide, Screech.

Enhanced: None

Signature Move: None


Coordination: D-

Strength: C-

Endurance: C+

Agility: D-

Core Capacity: D

Core Potency: C-




[Species: Duskull ✨ (The requiem Pokemon)

Intermediate Tier (lvl 23)

League: Kanto

Gender: Male

Type: Ghost

Ability: Levitate (The said Pokemon can Levitate/fly off the ground at any point of time)

Basic Information: This Duskull has been trained excellently, but still needs time to grow as its body is still bellow the average size of a normal Duskull. It is currently being given all it needs in terms of nutrients making it only a matter of time before it's battle ready. It's very docile due to its training and interactions with other Pokemon not wanting too much attention.

It also has taken E, D and C grade supplements.]



Beginner: None

Intermediate: None

Mastered: Disable, Astonish, Night Shade, Leer, Shadow Sneak, Confuse Ray, Dark Pulse (Egg Move), Payback, Will-O-Wisp.

Enhanced: None

Signature Move: None


Coordination: D

Strength: C

Endurance: C-

Agility: D-

Core Capacity: C-

Core Potency: D+




[Species: Clefairy (The fairy Pokemon)

Intermediate Tier (lvl 22)

League: Kanto

Gender: Female

Type: Fairy

Ability: Magic Guard (Negates indirect damage like burn or curse and recoil from using moves like high jump kick) Friend Guard (Locked)

Basic Information: This Clefairy is an extremely rare healer, relatively easier to find a king gene Pokemon rather than a natural healing Pokemon with talent! It's very intelligent seeing that it has gained sapience early on in its life and has constantly used gravity to the point of perfection.

It also has taken D and C grade supplements.]



Beginner: Stored Power, Sweet Kiss, Moon Light, Metero Mash.

Intermediate: Charm, Defence curl, Copy cat, Encore, Sing, Minimise, Life dew, Disarming Voice, Metronome.

Mastered: Aromatherapy (Egg Move), Heal pulse (Egg Move)

Enhanced: Gravity

Signature Move: None


Coordination: C+

Strength: D-

Endurance: D-

Agility: D+

Core Capacity: C-

Core Potency: C-




[Species: Croconaw (The big jaw Pokemon)

Intermediate Tier (lvl 24)

League: Kanto

Gender: Female

Type: Water

Ability: Torrent (Water type moves do 50% more damage when hp is low)

Basic Information: This Croconaw has been well fed with it also being given as much early on resources that it needs. It has a more serious nature due to it wanting to be the strongest and is currently extremely pumped about training its abilites.

It also has taken E, D and C grade supplements.]



Beginner: Thrash.

Intermediate: Leer, Scratch, Water Gun, Mud-Slap, Bite, Scary-face, Flail.

Mastered: Aqua Jet (Egg Move), Dragon Dance (TM), Crunch, Ice Punch (Egg Move)

Enhanced: Ice Fang

Signature Move: None


Coordination: D+

Strength: C+

Endurance: C

Agility: C-

Core Capacity: C+

Core Potency: C




[Species: Elekid (The Electric Pokemon)

Intermediate Tier (lvl 22)

League: Kanto

Gender: Male

Type: Electric

Ability: Static (If a Pokemon physically touches this Pokemon when it's on guard in battle, there's a chance they will be hit with and gain a paralyse status)

Basic Information: This Elekid has been raised by itself making it a very prideful and strong Pokemon. It's 1.3 times bigger than the average adult Elekid. With it being a battle hardened Pokemon, it has increased stats and learned a move it should not have.

It also has taken D and C grade supplements.]




Intermediate: Leer, Quick Attack, Thunder Shock, Charge, Swift, Shock Wave, Thunder Wave.

Mastered: Thunderbolt (Egg Move), Cross Chop (Egg Move), Fire Punch (Egg Move), Ice Punch (Egg Move).


Signature Move: None


Coordination: D

Strength: C-

Endurance: D+

Agility: D+

Core Capacity: C-

Core Potency: D




[Species: Growlithe (The puppy Pokemon)

Intermediate Tier (lvl 27)

League: Kanto


Wild Pokemon

Type: Fire

Ability: Intimidate (When sent out it lowers the opposing Pokemons will/physical attack without the opposing Pokemon knowing.)

Basic Information: This Growlithe is above the average level a Growlithe can be trained at this stage as its extremely focused on becoming stronger and has been improving itself. It's 1.4 times bigger than the average Growlithe and is energetic. This Pokemon has battled a lot of trainers making it get a lot of battle experience and pride.

It also has taken E, D, C and B grade supplements.]


Coordination: C+

Strength: B+

Endurance: C+

Agility: B+

Core Capacity: B

Core Potency: B+




[Species: Deino (The irate Pokemon)

League: Kanto



[A/N: Levels equates to battle experience and this experience directly increases either a Pokemons size and move potency which explains why some Pokemon for example might have the grade A+ in speed when they are only level 40+.]

This Pokemon Stat Sheet will constantly be changing overtime on Discord!

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