
Chapter 3 Pink

In a different location there are 2 large Doors as the entrance to a specific room. Looking from the entrance inside is a room with 1 small circle window made out of sticks on the right side of the wall. Under the window is a sofa that looks to be made wood with leafs used as a cushioning. In the center is a long wooden table with 2 large sofas on the left and right side with another table taller with papers on top with a stool in the back. To the left there is a potted plant next the a wooden bookshelf with books and crates. Still on the left wall is a big canvas of a oval pink creature with blue eyes and music note on his shoulder looking at the viewer with a smile.

Inside this room there are two different pokemon, one is sitting on the wooden stool while having its face down on the large table that has piles of paper on each side. The second pokemon is at the book shelf taking out a crate of papers.

Pkmn 1 "*Muffled Mumbling*"

Pkmn 2 who is taking out crates and putting it on the lower table responds with "You don't say."

Pkmn 1 "*Muffled Mumbling*"

Pkmn 2 sitting on one of the large sofa then picks the first paper from the pile of papers in the crate "That's amazing"

Pkmn 1 "*Muffled Mumbling*"

Pkmn 2 has 3 short piles of laid out papers on the table while taking papers from the crate "Please tell me more about." it says with a sarcastic tone.

Pkmn 1 tilts its head to the side a wavy hair dangling to the side, the right pointy ear lifting up, and a angry blue eye staring at the pokemon. "..."

Pkmn 2 who feels the angry stare puts the paper its holding near its mouth pretending to see something on the ceiling. "Truly Fascinating" It says looking back putting the paper down on a pile then carrying one of the 3 piles to pkmn 1. Once all the piles are placed on Pkmn 1 table there is a tower of papers that completely blocking Pkmn1.

Pkmn 1 body is growing from a pink plump to a big pink ball. Its hair in the middle swaying, two pointy ears shot up, its face showing a two angry blue eyes with puffed cheeks. "I CAN'T DO THIS ANYMORE MORE!!!" Its femine voice was loud enough to blow the two big piles and the short piles from the other table causing the floor to be littered with paper.

Pkmn 2 who just sighed gets up and begins collecting papers from the floor and few papers from floating around. Turning to look at the window that has paper blocking it it thinks to it self 'Good thing the window glass was replaced with sticks, but how many have heard there boss complain.' it sighs again. Pkmn 2 looks similar to Pkmn 1 similar pink body, ears, and same hair. The difference is that it has claws, short black eyes and a swirl pink tail.

Pkmn 1 who has his face in the table again looks up again and says with a deadpanned face says. "Don't bother, more paper work will be coming just get someone else to do it."

Pkmn 2 who sees pkmn 1 deadpaned face sighs again still picking up papers and placing it on the lower table. "Cousin Jigglypuff you shol-" pkmn 2 gets cut off from a squeaky Jigglypuff.

"How many times do I have to tell you." jigglypuff points at pkmn 2. "Call me Jigglypuff or boss leave the cousin out." jiggylpuff ends with puffed cheecks. "Ok, Clefairy."

Clefairy who can't help but sigh again continues speaking. "You should really consider finishing this work we are already far behind schedule. We need to revise certain staff, and members. As well as reviewing jobs to place on the job board. View which adventures deserve promotion and which need to be hold back." While Clefairy is talking a lot of papers that are the floor are now in different piles on the lower table.

Jigglypuff starts becoming paler as it sees the piles of paper growing in stack from a Clefairy that zipping around the room Mumbling about the work. Thinking to itself. 'Oh for Arceus sake why was he selected as my personal secretary.'

Clefairy who is rambling sees his "boss" losing its color stops talking and sighs again thinking 'Why Arceus did my cousin have to be the boss I have to work for.' Taking in a deep breath only to sigh again because his "boss" is face down on the table again.

1 Hour Later

Jiggypuffs paper work is only one stack of paper on its table. Jigglypuff has a stamp on one hand and a pen with another. Clefairy who is beside Jigglypuff is clapping his hands at Jigglypuff which causes a small spotlight with confetti to land on Jigglypuff [Encore]. Jigglypuff on the other hand is crying waterfall of tears.

"You are to cruel, what kind of kind of secretary are you." Jigglypuff says staring at Clefairy with angry crying eyes.

Clefairy who finished clapping has his hands behind his back with a smile on his face replies with. "The kind that is YOUR personal secretary. As YOUR personal secretary I must make sure that everything is in order and make sure the BOSS does his work." Turing to took look at the book shelf. "Its almost been a month sense we were put in this job together. In that month you haven't represented our families in a good view. In case you forget you, are the descendent of Wigglytuff from the Time And Darkness Era (T.A.D.E)." Clefairy points at the big canvas beside the bookshelf.

Jigglypuff stops writing and stamping having its face down angry. "Your still going on about that. Of course I know that. Wigglytuff is said to be the most powerful of my kind in all my family's history. On the surface he was only a Guild Master but in reality he was a fortress that protected what used to be called Treasure Town. Wigglytuff presence alone would scare anyone looking for trouble." Jigglypuff turns to look at Clefairy still mad. "Well guess what T.A.D.E wasn't yesterday it was centuries and you know what else "Treasure Town" is not called "Treasure Town" it's "Fairy Cliff" or should I say what other towns are calling us "Outcast Falls."

Clefairy sees Jigglypuff lower its head returning to the paperwork, Clefairy lowers his gaze turning at the canvas of Wigglytuff then heading to the door. Stopping at the door he turns his head giving a side glance at Jigglypuff. "I'm well aware that you were forced into this position. Your brothers declined and as the youngest the position automatically landed onto you."

"he-he" Jigglypuff chuckles while working.

"Huh?" Clefairy turns to look at Jigglypuf.

"Nothing just thought of something that made me laugh." Jigglypuff waves his hand. With a smile he questions "Where did you hear that my brothers declined the position of Guild Master?"

"Uh? There are gossip about how your brothers are going into separate paths such as Tutor, Marketing, and Agriculture."

"Well sense there are pokemon gossip about it there's no point hiding it, yes it's true." Jigglypuff says to Clefairy while inside he is ranting. 'TRUE!!! YA RIGHT!!! THOSE IDOTS CALLED "BROTHERS" WERE SO GREEDY THEY KILLED EACH OTHER LEAVING ME IN THIS F#$%!@G POSITION!!!' Jigglypuff take a deep breath still with a smile. "Clefairy do you by any chance know where this gossip started?"

Clefairy tapping a nail on his lips while looking up responds "I think it started from your family residence. Why woul-" Clefairy wasn't able to finish when the door flew open.

"CROOOW EMERGENCY EMERGENCY CROOOOW." A loud screeching voice was echoing.

When the doors flew open there was a pokemon all black flapping its wings its talons holding a scroll like item tied with beads instead of a ribbon.

"MURKROW!!!" Jigglypuff mouth begins glowing a bright light releasing shouts that's causing a Sound waves that hits Murkrow pushing it against a wall [Hyper Voice].

Clefairy who has his arm crossed has a blueish greenish sphere around himself [Protect]. Clefairy goes to Murkrow not to help him but get whatever it was holding.

"Murkrow how many times do I have to tell you stop shouting for every delivery that is sent to me!" Jigglypuff shouts at Murkrow who is maybe knocked out.

Clefairy has the scroll looks up and pulls Murkrow from out of the wall. Seeing that Murkrow isn't responding Clefairy raises back his hand.

*Slap* *Slap*

A sharp stinging sound is heard [Wake-Up Slap]

"Now Murkrow mind explaining to me why we must go over this every single time." Jigglypuff says leaning its head to the side while trying to tap with its 1 "Finger" on the table.

Clefairy who is opening the scroll has a sweat drop looking at Jigglypuffs "Boss Mode".

Murkrow who has red cheeks, has one wing straight down while the other is curved with a flat hand near the in a salute. "Leader! Its because I keep doing the same mistake. Leader!"

Clefairy Anime trips crouched down looking up he sees what only be described as a judge and a accuser. Murkrow is sweating bullets slightly trembling. On the other hand Jigglypuff looks like a mob boss staring down a useless subordinate ready to hack there head clean off. Looking at Murkrow Clefairy thinks 'REALLY YOUR SCARED AT A LAZY GOOD FOR NOTHING PUFF BALL THAT WOULD RATHER MAKE EXCUSES THAN HURT A FLOWER! ARCRES! WHAT DID I DO TO DESERVE THIS.'

????: What's up you look distracted?

????: Feels like someone cusing for Arceus again.

Author note:

sorry this was supposed to be up on Saturday or Sunday but went on a binge on movies and getting addicted to the EDF Games hope you like please let me know I have no way to tell.