
Pokemon: Master of Poison

Follow a trainer who is reincarnated in the world of pokemon. A time where there are no PCs(Pokemon Storage System) invented, no other varieties of pokeballs are created except the normal pokeball, and a time where all the regions are at war. Follow this trainer as he master the art of poison type pokemon, and maybe even master every type of pokemon. P.S. The cover isn't mine, and I just took it from the internet. Did some editing, and here I have a cover. Of course, if the original owner of the cover wants me to remove this cover then I'll gladly do it. If you want a novel that is perfect, and has no mistake then this isn't for you. I'm not perfect, and I might get wrong here and there. The update rate might not always be stable. Also, this is an AU. I don't want to be blamed for a mistake in the timeline, and others telling me that this thing didn't happen in the real pokemon world, and so on. If you accept all of this then come on, and start reading the first chapter! :)

Remoon · วิดีโอเกม
78 Chs

Chapter 56

Author's Note:

Here's the chapter for the day! Don't forget to leave a like to my tags, vote, and comment.


Hearing my question, Gerald nodded immediately then jumped along with his Meowth.

"I'd like that, Big Bro! Please come back quickly. You're like my only family now…" Gerald said then started to look sad once he said the last part.

"I'll return once everything is okay at my place. I will then get you but for now focus on your training, alright? I'll also have presents for you when I come back." I told him while messing up his hair then giving him a pinch on his cheeks.

"Promise?" He replied then gave me his pinky finger asking for the pinky promise.

"Of course." I answered then joined my pinky together with his. Gerald then suddenly run up to me and hugged me while crying. The kid really got attached to me, and I can say I was also a bit attached to him.

He was like a sibling but I have some guard against having one. I can't have a sibling that can somehow kill me in the future. Better be careful than die again like last time.

I hugged Gerald back, and waited for him to calmed down. After a few minutes, he started to remove his hands from me while having puffy red eyes.

"This is goodbye then." I told him one last time then walked out of his front door. I continued walking without looking back. I can hear Liz giving Gerald her goodbyes then hear her running footsteps towards me.


A month has passed since I left, and I stayed at the Viridian Forest the whole time. I did a wild pokemon catching spree to get some money back again. I plan to let Golbat, Beedrill, and Liz's Pidgeotto to learn some moves.

After letting them learn those moves, I'll go back to the clan. I think it will take 2 weeks for them to learn all the moves I wanted them to learn.

Currently we are walking towards the Pewter City, and based on our current speed, we will arrive in about an hour or so.

"Once we get back to the clan I'll register you as my personal maid, Liz. But that is only in paper though, I'll still treat you like before. Also, buy as many book as you can Liz when we get to the city. I'll be having a trial for a year so you have to entertain yourself while I'm gone." I told Liz as we are walking.

"Thank you, master. I'll do that but don't blame me if it cost too much, master." Liz said with a teasing smile. I just nodded at her while she chuckles from my response. The girl is really uncontrollable when she is buying books.

"Um… master?" Liz suddenly spoke making me stop from my tracks.

"Yes?" I asked while looking curiously at her.

"Thank you for everything." She simply said while giving me a smile.

"No problem. Thank you for everything too. I don't think my journey would be smooth without you. You're the best, Liz." I replied then continued walking while scratching my head. I was a little shy from saying that but I still did since Liz was really a great help from the moment I met her.

I walked faster towards the Pewter City while I hear Liz chuckling at the back. Beedrill was also listening to this, and I can see her looking at me with a teasing look. Golbat wasn't here though since I still kept him inside his pokeball when not needed. His color change was really a bothersome.


After an hour of walking, we soon arrived at the Pewter City. We then walked towards the inn we stayed from before, and rested there. I do want to rest from the other expensive inns but I did not do so since it cost money. Besides, this inn we are staying in is free.

We rested for the day, and the next day Liz went to the black market to sell the pokemon we caught. She sold those up and made 950,000 kanto dollars. I split it up into two, and gave 150,000 to Liz. I only gave her a few amount this time since the next journey we have will be only going back to the clan, and it will only take a week for us to arrive there. As for the remaining money, I will use it to let Golbat, Beedrill, and Liz's Pidgeotto to learn some moves.

I don't have any fear in letting the Move Tutors see Golbat. They have a reputation that they need to protect and they won't destroy it by stealing a single fake shiny pokemon. I believe that they won't do that, and besides all of the Move Tutors I met are nice people from what I was shown.

I first let Pidgeotto and Golbat be the first batch to learn moves. I let Liz pick the moves that she wants Pidgeotto to learn while I also think about the moves that Golbat should learn.

With my current budget that we have, I'll let Golbat learn the moves Venom Drench, and Toxic which I already planned from before. The next move would be Double Team since it can help Golbat dodge attacks better like Beedrill. I also let Golbat learn Endure since it's a great move that might come handy in the future. Lastly would be Hypnosis, this is an expensive move to buy compared to the other 4 since they only cost 50,000 kanto dollars each while Hypnosis cost 100,000 kanto dollars.

As for Liz, she picked five moves that Pidgeotto will learn. She said she wanted to let Pidgeotto learn Roost, Protect, Double Team, Substitute, and Steel Wing. The moves she picked wasn't that expensive to buy which cost only 250,000 kanto dollars. I agreed to her chosen moves, and paid for the total amount to the Move Tutors. The total amount I paid was 550,000 kanto dollars which only left me with 250,000 kanto dollars for Beedrill.

It will take a week before both Pidgeotto and Golbat returns so I just have to use this chance to train Beedrill.


Soon two weeks passed, and Beedrill has finished learning the moves that I want her to learn too. I was ready to leave the Pewter city since I already achieved my goal from this journey. I can't wait to see how the clan is doing but also a bit reluctant to return back.