
Pokemon Master(Translated)

Why do Pokemon fight each other in the college entrance examination? Why are they attacking you when you go out? Can anyone tell me what happened to the earth... Don't touch me, I don't want medicine, I'm not crazy! After accepting the setting, Fang Yuan was determined to become an excellent trainer. (The beginning of the novel will be like a slice of life novel but it gets heated up pretty fast, so bear with it for the first 10-15 chapters) (Updates will be sporadic. As said in the title, I am not the author. I'm just a guy with a lot of time and a desire to share this excellent book with my fellow readers. I am unable to contact the author due to language problems but if the author wants to talk with me just leave a comment anytime.)

Fang_Yuan56 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
99 Chs

Chapter 74 : Enter the Academic World

  Fang Yuan is always short of money.

  After receiving the Little Phoenix Cup bonus, although Fang Yuan had a lot of money in his hands, money like this was not enough to spend.

  Only 100,000 yuan is not enough for Eevee's own expenses.

  If Fang Yuan captured a new Pokemon in the future, he would definitely not be able to cultivate it with his current level of funding.

  Fortunately, Fang Yuan has found a way to make money that suits him.

  That's what he said before, publish papers and earn manuscript fees!

  Of course, the content of the premise of the paper must be suitable.

  The content of Eevee's evolutionary form is definitely not something he can touch now.

  Because Fang Yuan didn't have enough evidence to support his point of view, he wouldn't do such a thankless thing even if he was eager to get the bounty.

  In the end, not only he wouldn't get the money, but also caused a commotion.

  However, Fang Yuan felt that he could give it a try for other papers.

  It is not uncommon for high school students to publish papers.

  The purpose of others is mainly to participate in independent enrollment.

  But Fang Yuan is very vulgar, and his purpose is to exchange money for contributions.

  If you can gain some reputation, by the way, it will be easier to get admitted to prestigious universities.

  Unlike the previous earth, due to the emergence of the secret world, Pokemon-related papers are very popular here, and the benefits are huge.

  Because the time for Pokemon to integrate into people's lives is too short and their status is important, there are far more scholars who do Pokemon research than scholars in other disciplines.

  In addition, there is a very important point. The state has a lot of support policies for Pokemon.

  Especially in terms of manuscript fees, papers in other disciplines may not make money, or even lose money, but academic papers about Pokemon, even if the value is insignificant, can get good remuneration as long as they pass the review.

  Fang Yuan intends to publish a paper on Eevee's Anticipation ability to test the waters.

  Abilities, except for some relatively common and easy to distinguish, such as lush, flash fire, other abilities are not very extensive.

  The abilities of a large number of Pokemon are blank, just like Eevee's Anticipation ability, I am afraid that no one would think that this is an ability, but that Eevee's character is naturally timid.

  If Fang Yuan can publish a paper and then conduct a full demonstration to prove that Eevee has the ability to predict danger, he can get a large manuscript fee.

  Take the most famous journal, the House of Pokemon in China as an example.

  According to the previous draft fee situation, the new features of the Pokemon will have different draft fees according to the actual value, but the minimum is 50,000 yuan.

  The harvest of one or two papers can be worth the prize of the Little Phoenix Cup.

  "If I can go down this path, I will be able to earn resources through my own abilities."

  "My main profession is Pokemon trainer, the secondary profession is a Pokemon researcher so that I can fully utilize the information gap in your mind if I blindly hide it in my head, and one day I will forget it, and as the outside world's research is getting deeper and deeper, and the value of this information will become lower and lower. It is better to replace the information that can be transformed into resources into real money."

  "Some unimportant information, even if it is hidden in your head, has no practical value to myself."

  It was this idea that Fang Yuan came up with. At first, he didn't know how to realize the information gap, but after he came into contact with several Pokemon journals, read several papers published by college students, high school students, and even professional trainers, Fang Yuan suddenly realized it.

  These papers are all odd and weird. Some are studying the sounds of Pokemon, and some are studying the sleeping habits of Pokemon. This kind of partial papers can be paid for by the publisher, so he is fully capable of earning the manuscript fee.

  As long as he selectively chooses some information that he has access to, and can write a complete process, they do not need to be suspicious of the source of the information.

  Let's talk about the abilities and evolution of the Pokemon.

  Others first explore, then summarize the results and publish them.

  And Fang Yuan first knows the result, then explores and summarizes.

  Two completely different processes can save Fang Yuan a lot of detours. It can be said that Fang Yuan is more suitable to be a Pokemon researcher than a Pokemon trainer.

  Fang Yuan began to prepare a research paper on Eevee's Anticipation ability after returning from the Little Phoenix Cup.

  He worried that because of Eevee's performance in the Little Phoenix Cup, he would be noticed by someone suspicious.

  After all, Eevee, who was just two months old, had such an abnormal reaction speed.

  If someone preempted him to publish related papers, Fang Yuan would have nowhere to cry, which is equivalent to losing at least 50,000 yuan in vain.

  And Eevee's ability, he did not need to hide it as a secret, because, after evolution, Eevee's abilities will change.

  Unless Eevee is allowed to evolve into Espeon, in this way, the ability may be retained.

  Because Espeon also has a natural ability to predict.

  There is such a description in the game that Espeon is extremely loyal to the trainers they recognize. It is said that in order to protect the safety of the trainers, the predictive ability has become very developed. So, if you don't want to abandon the predictability that Eevee has trained, the Sun Pokemon is definitely Fang Yuan's first choice.

  In reality, since Espeon, the Eevee evolutionary form has not been discovered, the Anticipation ability will certainly not cause much reaction.

  Since it is not particularly valuable information, it is better to turn it into substantial benefits.

  Fang Yuan didn't think that hiding an Anticipation ability would make Eevee invincible.

  However, since Fang Yuan first came into contact with research papers and didn't know the specific writing method, he learned it all from scratch.

  And because of the need to test some data with Eevee, it took him about a week to write it.

  But the official submission...It is estimated that it will take a few days before he has to improve it.

  The main reason was that the review time was too long, ranging from a few days to several months. He really couldn't stand the hassle.


  The next day.

  Fang Yuan, who stayed up late to write an essay and homework, came to the classroom with sleepiness.

  He didn't go to bed until nearly twelve yesterday, and he didn't have much rest at all.

  Let's go to the club classroom to catch up on the morning run...

  Fang Yuan yawned and took out a textbook, intending to start reading early, but at this moment, Fang Yuan suddenly heard someone calling him outside.

  He saw that it was Liu Le.

  "Boss, someone asked me for help."

  After Fang Yuan went out, Liu Le said excitedly.

  "What do you mean?"

  "The Psychological Society, after listening to your instructions yesterday, after sending out the posters of the club, a girl from the same class came to me this morning and wanted to ask our club for help..."

  It's only the second day of school, someone asks for help from the Psychological Society?!

  Fang Yuan showed a look of interest, and said, "What's the reason?"

We will soon be getting our second Pokemon. Comment on what you think it could be. If anyone gets it right, I will do a mass release on Sunday.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Fang_Yuan56creators' thoughts