
Electrical Surge [2]




[Pokemon Speech]


"Magnezone, use Supersonic!"

"Jump up, Kayden!" Nate quickly ordered as Magnezone fired an array of sound waves towards where Kayden was previously standing. Kayden was now high in the air as he narrowed his eyes down towards Magnezone. "Use Iron Tail!"

Kayden swooped down quickly, not letting Surge give his next orders as he slammed his tail down onto Magnezone's head. The attack didn't do much except stunning it for a second, not at all unexpected. Kayden then jumped back quickly.

"Quick Attack to get in fast!" Kayden didn't waste time before shooting forwards in a flash of light, appearing soon right in front of Magnezone, surprising the pokemon with his speed. "Use Iron Tail and Electro Ball at the same time!"

[Got it!] Kayden grinned as his tail once again took on a metallic substance before a large ball of sparking electricity formed at the tip of his tail. The electricity causing the metallic surface of Kayden's tail to sparkle before he swung it right in Magnezone's face.

This resulted in a big explosion...

"Magnezone!" Surge shouted in concern as well as astonishment as Nate didn't even let him get any commands in before he went on the attack. The smoke from the explosion dispersed, revealing Magnezone still hovering, though there were definitely signs of damage all over its body. "Not even gonna give me some time to talk, huh?"

"Why would I? This is a battle, I'll take all my advantages I can get."

"True that!" Surge grinned as he then commanded quickly. "Use Lock On!"

Kayden jumped back as both he and Nate stared calmly as Magnezone's eye once again glowed red, to which the same scope icon that appeared on Victreebell was now present at the centre of Kayden's chest. Though, they remained unconcerned.

'Come on...' Nate smirked slightly as he saw the icon. He was taking a gamble right now by not getting Kayden to move, the reason being that he needed Surge to utilise a specific move. However, there were other moves that he hope's Surge won't use right now.

"Magnezone, full power! Zap Cannon!" Surge grinned wildly as insane amounts of electricity sparked off of Magnezone's body before forming together in front of it. Then the javelin of electricity shot out at insane speeds towards where Kayden stood. "Not gonna even move?! Have you given up?!"

Nate didn't give a verbal response, and instead giving a sharp smirk as Surge seemed confused by the expression he had received in return. He knew that Kayden, despite being an electric-type, was still affected by electric moves. Zap Cannon was extremely powerful, so it will do some decent damage.

But, why is Nate so unconcerned?

[Come to papa!] Kayden laughed as the javelin struck right into him. Instead of howling in pain though, all of them, except for Nate, watched in astonishment as the attack broke apart before being absorbed through Kayden's cheeks. [I feel the power!]

Surge could only gape, with Rita doing the same from the sidelines, Chloe just having widened eyes as they watched the spectacle. Surge was not expecting his attack to completely be absorbed, however... "He has Lightning Rod, doesn't he?!"

"Yep. Thanks for the power, Surge."

"Tch. Using me to boost your own power, you got guts!" Surge nervously grinned as he looked at Nate, who just smirked calmly in return. Kayden then finished absorbing all of that incredible power, which seemed to be the majority of what Magnezone could produce at the moment as the pokemon looked pretty exhausted.


Kayden grinned as he jumped up, his cheeks overloaded with copious amounts of electricity. He then surrounded himself in a dense layer of it before giving a loud cry, resulting in a bolt of lightning to fire from his body towards where Magnezone was.

"Magnezone, get out of the way!" Surge panicked as he knew that while Magnezone was resistant to electric attacks, he was still affected by them. He needed to dodge! Especially since the power boost Kayden just received was insane due to absorbing the Zap Cannon.

Unfortunately, the power that Magnezone put into that previous attack took pretty much everything out of it. Since it had used all of its power to power up that Zap Cannon, it was very much out of juice right now.

Surge could only watch as the lightning bolt struck Magnezone, causing an explosion even bigger than before when Kayden used his Iron Tail and Electro Ball simultaneously. The explosion caused them to cover their eyes with their arms to block out the wind, though Nate seemed unaffected as he continued staring forwards with a smile.

The explosion had caused a massive smoke cloud, which made it difficult for everyone to see. Kayden had landed back right in front of Nate as they both awaited the results. The smoke slowly dispersed before everything started to become clear.

When the field was visible, Surge and the two girls widened their eyes when they saw Magnezone laying on the ground with swirls now replacing its three eyes. Everything was silent for a few seconds before the voice on the other side of the speakers spoke.

"M-Magnezone is uanble to battle! The winner is Nathan from Viridian City!"

"Alright, Nate!" Rita cheered after getting out of her initial shock as she waved her arms up and down while running towards him. Chloe followed behind with a smile as she nodded at him, Nate did the same back as Kayden calmly walked back on over. The sparks no longer coming out of his cheeks. "You were amazing out there!"

[That wasn't too difficult. Still fun though]

"Thanks for cheering me on."

"No problem at all." Chloe assured as Surge went over and returned Magnezone back to its Pokeball and giving a sigh as he walked on over towards the four. Surge, instead of having a frown, had a large grin on his face as he gave a look of approval towards Nate.

"You trained your pokemon brilliantly, Nathan! Especially this pikachu of yours, I have never seen such a powerful one in all my life." Surge complimented as he looked down at Kayden, who had a smile on his face as he heard the praise. "You are more than deserving of this."

Surge then held forwards the badge of the Vermillion City Gym. The badge appeared to be that of an eight-pointed golden star with an orange octagonal jewel at the center of it. The badge could almost be mistaken as looking like a sunflower.

"This here is the Thunder Badge, proof of your victory here at the Vermillion City Gym!"

"Thanks, Surge. That makes three." Nate grinned as he took the badge before taking out his badge case, to which he then inserted the badge into the third slot of the case. Nate looked at the three badges under his disposal and smiled before closing the case.

As Nate was talking with the other two, and while Kayden went to sleep again on the ground, Surge glanced at Nate and frowned slightly as he had a serious glint in his eyes. 'This kid is no joke, he's unlike any normal trainer out there. A total monster. I guess I'll have to warn the other gym leaders...'

Quickly saying their goodbyes to Surge, the three made their way out of the gym as Surge kept staring at Nate's back until the male fully exited the building.


After the whole gym battle with Surge, the group had decided to go to the pokemon center to have a rest. Though, mainly to get Victreebell healed up, Kayden was fine. It was starting to get late, but they all decided to get something to eat at the pokemon center's food area.

"Shouldn't you guys be getting back home? Aren't your parents worried about the both of you?" Nate couldn't help but ask curiously as he slowly ate his food. Kayden was sitting on the table scoffing down his own food while silently listening.

"I already called my parents and told them I was at the pokemon center." Chloe responded as Nate nodded his head. He turned towards Rita, who had just finished swallowing the bite she had just taken. She then responded as well to the question.

"Same here. My mom is someone that gets really worried, especially when it has to do with me." Rita explained as they all listened. Nate had already been calling his mother a few times to let her know he was doing fine, otherwise, she would have been trying to get in contact with him nonstop. Rita then grumbled though while nibbling on her fork. "She's also the reason I haven't gone on a journey..."

"Because of your mom?"

"Yeah! She's way too worried about me to let me go out on my own journey, it's frustrating! Now, I'm stuck in school..." Rita deflated as she rested her head on the table after pushing her empty plate to the side. "It's so unfair..."

[Glad your mom isn't like that... We'd be stuck in Viridian City for the rest of our lives] Kayden commented with a shiver as the pain of enduring the great amount of boredom the past few years was incredible. If they couldn't leave the city, they would have gone absolutely insane.

"Agreed, I feel bad for her..." Nate mumbled so Kayden could only hear. "What about you, Chloe? Are your parents too worried for you to go on a journey as well?"

"Her? Ha, she's just doesn't want to." Rita deadpanned as she sideways glanced towards her schoolmate, who was calmly eating her food. Chloe then looked at Rita and deadpanned slightly as well before giving her own thoughts on the matter.

"I just don't have any interest in such a thing."

"That's completely fine." Nate shrugged. Everyone was free to do whatever they wanted, and if she didn't want to go on a journey if she didn't want to. No one could exactly make her do it. "So, if not a journey. Then what exactly do you want to do?"

"I-I'm not really sure..." Chloe responded with an embarrassed stutter. Nate just nodded his head without further questioning it. Thinking about what you want to do in the future isn't the easiest thing to do, there are a lot of things you would want to consider.

"Isn't your dad studying really hard right now so he can apply to become an official professor one day?" Rita asked as she lifted her head off of the table. Chloe looked at her and nodded her head slightly. "Then why not do something that relates to pokemon?"

"Not interested."


Nate and Kayden looked at one another and blinked before sweatdropping as they heard Chloe's blunt response to Rita's suggestion. They didn't know if there was a reason Chloe seemed a bit hesitant to do anything with pokemon, but Nate wasn't going to push anything.

Anyway, speaking of professors, he would have to give Professor Oak another call soon. Probably in the morning. He hadn't really given the professor an update on his journey since the beginning, so he'd need to do that. Thinking of it, didn't he promise to let the guy examine Wimpod? Welp, not gonna happen now. At least he can look at Golisopod.

"Oh, Nate!" Rita suddenly shouted as Nate blinked in surprise as he swallowed the bit of food in his mouth. They all watched as Rita searched through her bag before taking out what appeared to be a smartphone. "Let's exchange numbers with each other so we can keep in contact!"

"Rita, you can't jus..."

"Oh, come on, Chloe!" Rita rolled her eyes as she looked at her friend. "I can tell that you want to be able to stay in contact with him as well, don't you? Stop being so shy!"

"I-I'm not shy!" Chloe cried out indignantly as she had a red hue appear across her face, both from embarrassment and something else. She then sighed before taking out her own phone, her face still flushed as she held it towards Nathan. "Let's just get it done..."

"Yes! Alright!"

"You two are certainly an interesting duo..."

[No kidding...]
