
Pokemon: Legends of All

In the Region of Estral, all Pokemon have gathered in this massive region. This region contains every legendary, mythical, and even every normal Pokemon ever recorded. This is the largest known region to ever exist and because it is so large it is prone to have it's conflicts. The Legendary Pokemon have begun to lose control and no one knows why. It is up to the trainers who are up to the challenge to quell the anger of these Legendaries and return their region to peace. To do this, they must defeat the ones who are manipulating and controlling said Pokemon. Our protagonist, Atlas Lionhart, has a dream of becoming the best Pokemon Master as well has a dream of quelling and catching every Legendary and Mythical in the region. As he sets out on his journey he meets new friends, and Pokemon who will join him on his quest to being the very best.

Psycho_Books · แฟนตาซี
13 Chs

Ghosts of the Garden (2)

We kept exploring the first floor of the tower, but found nothing else interesting. Winter, although less scared than what she was before, still stuck close to me. I had to let Victini rest after the big battle we had and let Lilligant out of her pokeball so she could get some experience as well.

"There's nothing else here. Only way is up from here." I said then walked towards the stairs.

Winter and the others followed behind. We headed up the stairs and entered the second floor which had a Pokemon Battlefield on it. Standing in the middle, was a young woman with short purple hair, soulless purple eyes, and a had a bit of a smile on her face. She wore a torn purple dress and wore a bracelet on her left wrist. She looked to be around our age, just like Saichi.

"We used to be a place of security and sanction. Naosis was our guardian. Her power is what kept us safe, Team Myth...Found a way to counter her power with the Pokemon of Peril." The young woman said.

"Pokemon of Peril?" I asked. I looked at Winter since she's a native of Estral, but she was as confused as I was.

"His name is Perosis." The young woman said and looked at us then the book in my bag shined and emerged out of my bag. The pages rapidly flipped then stopped. The book floated into my hands.

Perosis was a large monster like creature, about the same size as Naosis, who had a dark colored body with red glowing symbols and stripes on his body. He had four arms which all of them had sharp, white claws. He also had a long tail which had spikes on them, and he stood on two legs. He was called the Menacing Pokemon because his very presence is a danger to all. The next page had his information on it.

[Pokemon: Perosis

Gender: Male

Type: Poison/Dark

Ability: Hazardous Reign

Morale: ???

Status Condition: None

Moves: Unknown]

[Hazardous Reign: Perosis Signature Ability; When this pokemon is present, this ability destroys all terrains, special fields, field effects, and screens as well as nullifies all abilities except the users and allies. This pokemon then sets up a hazardous terrain that slowly drains the stamina out of all opponents and even nullifies all damage that isn't super effective against the user and allies. This field also lowers all stats of opponents and prevents opponents from raising their stats until the field disappears within ten minutes. This field boosts Poison and Dark Type attacks.]

"Those two pokemon are the strongest in Kaeton, but one needs to be taken down and the other needs to be saved. They are trying to use their power...to take control of Mewtwo." The young woman said then took out two pokeballs. "I fought their leader...she killed me. I only wish is to be alive again...so I can get my revenge and save Naosis and bring the light back to Sanction Garden, but...the only way to do that is if you beat me in this battle. Only you two can save us now. You're our final hope! Let's battle!"

She tossed up her pokeballs then a Froslass and a Sableye appeared and landed on the battlefield. Winter took out her phone and scanned the two Pokemon.

[Pokemon: Sableye

Nickname: N/A

Gender: Male

Type: Dark/Ghost

Ability: Keen Eye

Morale: Normal

Bond Link: 100%

Status Condition: None

Moves: Shadow Sneak, Disable, Detect, Shadow Claw, Sucker Punch, Ice Punch, Thunder Punch, Fire Punch, Power Gem, Recover, Drain Punch, Reflect, Light Screen, Bulk Up, Phantom Force, Recover]

[Pokemon: Froslass

Nickname: N/A

Gender: Female

Type: Ice/Ghost

Ability: Snow Cloak

Morale: Normal

Bond Link: 100%

Status Condition: None

Moves: Hail, Blizzard, Double Team, Aurora Veil, Shadow Ball, Ice Punch, Ominous Wind, Draining Kiss, Thunderbolt, Water Pulse, Destiny Bond]

"Two strong Ghost Type Pokemon. Both of them has coverage for all of our Pokemon." Winter said and put her phone away.

"That won't stop us from winning! Ronin, let's go buddy!" I said and tossed Dewott's pokeball then Dewott emerged from the Pokeball and landed on the battlefield.

"Braixen! Let's do this together!" Winter said.

Dewott looked at Braixen then nodded. Braixen smiled at Dewott then they looked at Sableye and Froslass.

"Sableye, Froslass! You have free will, I shall teach these trainers what game Saichi wants us to truly play!" The young woman said and her eyes shined.

Sableye gave a ghoulish smile toward Dewott and Braixen then let out a laugh. Froslass let out her haunted cry and prepared herself for battle. Dewott prepared himself for battle.

"Wait wait! You're not gonna command him?" Winter asked.

"We're gonna see how well this goes." I said and crossed my arms.

Braixen looked at Winter and spoke to her, wanting to fight with her own intuition. Winter looked at Braixen then closed her eyes and nodded. Braixen nodded back and looked at her opponents with determination.

Sableye set up a Reflect and Froslass cried out, summoning a Hailstorm. Dewott dashed toward Sableye and grabbed one of his shells then a purple energy blade formed on the shell. Sableye cloaked his hands with shadow energy then dashed toward Dewott. Dewott slashed at Sableye but he blocked it and kicked him backwards. He then lunged at Dewott and slashed with his claws, but Dewott used Detect and avoided his attack then kneed Sableye, sending him backwards. He appeared above Sableye and slashed downward. Sableye blocked the attack and crashed onto the floor.

Braixen was firing Embers at Froslass, but Froslass easily avoided the fireballs then formed a ball of black and purple energy then fired it at Braixen. Braixen twirled her wand stick around in a circle and released a red-orange stream of fire at the Shadow Ball. The two moves collided and caused an explosion. Froslass emerged from the smoke with her hands glowing a bluish white. Braixen looked surprised then blocked the Ice Punch from Froslass and slid backwards.

"Fenny.." Winter said as she watched nervously.

Froslass rushed Braixen with more punches then dodged a shell being thrown at her. Dewott came rushing to Braixen's aid then was struck with a powerful Thunder Punch from Sableye. Dewott looked surprised and crashed through a table and rolled on the ground.

The young woman looked at me and noticed me smirking. She rose an eyebrow then sensed some dark energy. "What is that..?"

Sableye watched Dewott then grunted as he dodged a Water Pulse. The Water Pulse hit the wall and blew up, blowing a hole in the wall. Sableye looked ahead and noticed Dewott in front of him then cried out in pain when he was hit with a powerful Night Slash. Sableye was sent flying backwards and crashed into a wall.

Froslass rushed toward Dewott and let out a cry. She unleashed a Thunderbolt at him, but Braixen was hit as she had swapped places with him via Ally Switch. Braixen cried out as she was hit with the Thunderbolt and fell onto one knee. Dewott dashed toward Froslass and prepared to strike her with a Night Slash, but before he could slash, the purple energy blade disappeared, causing Dewott to miss.

"Now Froslass! End this with a Blizzard!" The young woman bellowed.

Froslass raised up her arms into the air then cried out, releasing an unavoidable blizzard into the air, striking Braixen and Dewott. They groaned as they were hit and their bodies began to become covered in ice then they were frozen solid.

The young woman smirked and her eyes shined brightly. "You fought a good battle, but in the end...it wasn't good enough. You lose."

"Braixen! You have to break out of there! If you don't, we can't escape this place!" Winter cried out.

"There's no point in trying! Your efforts...are useless at this point. Maybe you two aren't the key for us being saved and you'll have to spend all of eternity here." The young woman said. "Don't worry, there's enough room for two more souls!"

"Braixen!" Winter cried out.

I looked at the two and balled my hands into fists. "Ronin!" I bellowed and my eyes shined.

A dark aura surrounded the ice encasing then Dewott bellowed and shattered the encasing and his dark energy surged powerfully across the room.

"What the- What is this power?!" The young woman said in shock, feeling the dark energy.

Dewott's shells slowly turned black with a red stripe in the middle and his eyes flashed a red color and he looked at Froslass and Sableye seriously. Dewott broke Braixen out of her ice encasing then Braixen fell to her knees and coughed.

"This isn't over...We are getting out of here one way or another..." I said and my chest emitted a bit of Dark Energy. "Ronin..."

Dewott dashed toward Froslass and a deep purple energy blade formed on the shell. He began to dual wield his shells and Froslass fired a Thunderbolt at Dewott, but he used Detect to dodge it.

"Sableye! Power Gem!" The young woman bellowed.

The Gems on Sableye's stomach and back shined a bright pink then he fired a pale pink beam at Dewott. Dewott dodged the beam and used Aqua Jet, propelling himself toward Sableye. Sableye used Detect to dodge Dewott then looked backwards, seeing Dewott ricocheting off the wall and flew to the air. The Hailstorm ended and Dewott looked down at Sableye and Froslass.

"Ronin! End this now! Throw your shell at Froslass and use Water Pulse!" I bellowed.

Dewott threw his shell at Froslass and came down with a giant ball of water energy in his hand. His eyes shined brightly and he bellowed. He launched the Water Pulse at Sableye, landing a direct hit then the ball of water energy exploded. Froslass dodged the shell and prepared to strike down Dewott with a Thunderbolt, but Braixen came to the rescue with a Blaze Boosted Flamethrower. The attack struck Froslass and sent her crashing into a wall.

Dewott landed on the ground and fell to one knee and panted. Braixen fell to her knees and panted as well. Froslass and Sableye were defeated and the young woman fell to her knees. I grunted and held my chest. I felt my heart beating harder, but my heart rate soon lowered.

"We did it..!" Winter smiled happily and sat down on the ground.

I nodded and looked at the young woman and noticed her body slowly turning into energy particles.

"Maybe...you two are the key. You defeated me, but the battles only get harder from here. Defeat Saichi...and free us from this curse." The young woman said.

"What is your name?" I asked.

"Anastasia.." She said then her body fully disappeared. Sableye and Froslass slowly got up then disappeared off somewhere.

"Let's take a break...After all...we deserve it." I said and sat down.

"Okay. Thank you." Winter smiled.

Saichi watched from the mirror and smiled. "A Mythic Dewott...Interesting."

To be Continued...