
Pokemon: Legendary Factor

After two close friends perished together in a blazing fire, they hadn't expected to suddenly be both reborn into a world where Pokemon genuinely exist, especially not with one of them transforming into a literal Pikachu. In any case, they certainly were not going to be wasting this opportunity. When they along with their family find themselves on an extended leave to the Hoenn region from the distant Paldea region, this marked the beginning of a storm that will not only sweep through Hoenn, but the rest of the world as well! . Human Male OC x TBD Pikachu Male OC x His Right Hand

SacredFactor · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
1 Chs


This is actually a story I'm rewriting, and if some of you remember a story called 'Pokemon: Legends Reborn", then that was the story I wrote. I forgot what the account was, so I've decided to restart with a clearer image of what I want to write. Obviously, instead of Kanto, this will start in Hoenn instead.


At the current time, a young man who looked no older than fifteen at most was currently seen leaning against a tree with his eyes closed. No smile or frown on his face, just a pure neutral expression of peace as the gentle wind brushed against him.

To describe him in more detail, he had a very fair complexion along with having neatly straitened dark royal-blue hair. As for clothing, it wasn't anything special. Just a simple white t-shirt, a pair of black shorts, and a simple pair of black running shoes.

This young man was Nathan, just your casual everyday reincarnator.

He wasn't one of those reincarnators who were simply isekaied into another world without any real change mind you, he was full-on reborn as a baby and had been living in this new world for the past ten years in mostly peace and quiet.

As for what this world was... well, it was the literal world of Pokemon. You know, the world where a bunch of teenagers shove supernatural creatures of mass destruction into their mechanical balls and command them in battle.

If he were to describe his experience in this world with a single word, it'd be 'easy'. While the education here was pretty much the same when it came to basic general courses, a majority of classes were related to Pokemon.

Not surprising considering this world revolved around their very existence, and he sure as hell wasn't going to complain. School life was incredibly easy, especially for someone like him who could practically be compared to a Pokemon encyclopedia in this world.

As Nathan continued to relax under the embrace of the wind, his ears twitched before he quickly rolled to the side. Immediately after doing this, something seemed to come crashing down from the top of the tree and onto where he previously stood.

"Nice try, Kayden."

[Ah~, that hurts...!] A pained voiced could be heard in the small dust cloud that had formed by whatever it was that fell down. As the dust cleared away, it revealed a yellow mouse-like Pokemon who was now rolling on the ground while rubbing his ass. [How'd you know?!]

"Oh, I wonder." Nathan deadpanned slightly as he crossed his arms. "Perhaps it's your countless attempts over the years that have made me develop a sixth sense? Or perhaps you're a bit too loud? I don't know."

[Damn you...!]

The Pikachu, the name of the creature in front of Nathan right now, was no ordinary Pikachu. The fact of the matter was that this Pikachu was his friend, a friend from his past life that is. Both he and Kayden had been reincarnated together and have been living side by side for all these years.

In any case, unlike most Pikachu, Kayden was actually wearing an article of clothing. He had on an unzipped white and yellow hooded jacket, the hood not being put up at the moment. Why Kayden wore a hoodie? Heck if Nathan knew.

"Seriously though, you know my hearing is pretty sensitive. With the rustling of those leaves, you gave yourself awa-."

[Sneak attack, bitc-!]


Kayden attempted to jump up and smack his tail across Nathan's face, the key word there being 'attempted'. As a result, Nathan was more than prepared as he slid to the side before spinning quickly and delivering a kick that sent Kayden flying and smacking into a nearby tree.

As Kayden collided with the tree head-first, he remained stationary for a moment before slowly peeling off and dropping to the ground, somehow remaining in a flattened form before magically returning back to normal, albeit with swirling eyes.

Nathan still didn't understand how it was possible, but he honestly became accustomed to it at this point. This was previously a world he saw nothing more than as an anime and video game, so it just took time to accept.

"And that you suck."

[H-How? No human has that kind of power. You're no human, you're a freak of nature!]

"Even if you're a Pokemon now, you're still Kayden. I can whoop your ass any day."

[Wha-? That makes no sense!]

"You think I care?"

As Nathan and Kayden were 'arguing' as they always do, a certain figure could be seen walking nearby, seemingly searching for something. The individual appeared to be a female around the same age as Nathan, with dark blue hair and lighter blue undertones.

The female looked around with a frown on her face before spotting the duo not too far away in the distance, and upon seeing them, her expression visibly lit up before quickly rushing over towards where they were.

"There you two are!" The girl shouted after getting a few meters away from them. Her voice obviously getting their attention as they turned to look at her approaching form. "I should've known you'd come here."

"Well, yeah. It's my go-to relaxation zone." Nathan nodded nonchalantly as he responded. "So, did you need something from us, Liko?"

The girl, now known as Liko, was someone he had known for a very long time. He met her officially when he attended school, but had occasionally seen her around due to living in the same area as she did. You could say that she was his childhood friend in a sense.

To be clear though, the school he was talking about wasn't Orange Academy, but a different school for younger kids who would then grow and then move on into schools such as Orange Academy.

Also, although their memories were pretty vague, both Nathan and Kayden were pretty sure Liko was the protagonist of the most recent anime series. They could be talking out of their ass though.

"Nothing in particular." Liko responded with a small shake of her head. "You were going to be moving to Hoenn, right? I figured you might need some help packing your things, so I came over to help. Your dad said you weren't home though..."

"Ah, I appreciate it. I've practically almost finished packing up though, not like I had much to pack in the first place." Nathan chuckled slightly before continuing. "It's not like I'm permanently moving, I'll be back some time down the line."

"That's true, but it'll certainly be much lonelier without you..."

Liko muttered this under her breath, but it obviously didn't escape Nathan's ears. "Aw~, you're gonna miss us, are you? Don't worry your introverted socially awkward self, I'll probably be back earlier after we win the league conference."

"Y-You don't have to mention it!" Liko's face had a faint embarrassed blush before she quickly slapped Nathan's hand off her head after hearing his words, she then formed a small frown. "Aren't you being a bit arrogant? There will definitely be strong trainers competing."

[Arrogance?] Kayden, who was still rubbing his head in pain, turned to look up at Liko. [More like confidence! We're gonna whoop their asses into the next dimension, probably the Boku No Pico world. Don't underestimate us!]

"Yeah, what he said."

"And that is...?"

"We're built different."

[Oh yeah~]

"Right..." Liko wasn't entirely sure how to respond to that. She honestly thought she'd get used to their rather abnormal behaviour, but she honestly couldn't despite knowing them for so long. "I'm kind of jealous, you'll be travelling and seeing a lot of new places..."

"It's never too late to go on one yourself, you know? We have been waiting an entire fifteen years to officially become trainers."

[Which is horse shit. Wasn't it supposed to be ten?! This was supposed to be a world where a bunch of immature and unaccompanied brats explore the vast world of dangerous animals! I say we revolt against the Pokemon League! Viva la revoluti-!]


"..." Liko watched as Kayden was once again sent flying into the same tree as before, though she casually turned back to Nathan as if this was nothing new to her. "Maybe... no, I'll have to think about it a bit more. I hope you have fun though."

"It's your decision." Nathan nodded. "If you start crying in your out of loneliness, don't hesitate to call. We have Rotom Phones for a reason, you know? I don't want to come back and end up drowning in a river of your tears."

"Th-That won't happen!"