
Pokemon: Journey to The Top

MC gets reincarnated as per his wishes into the Pokémon world with a system and an... intriguing starter choice follow him on his journey through the Kanto region to the top of the world the champion!! (Power system idea taken from Pokemon Master of Tactics by alex02373 anything else is what I've added myself).[I don't own Pokémon nor the Cover Art all rights go to the original creators.]

The_Great_BoredOne · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
29 Chs

Chapter 3: New Partner

[General POV]




In the morning, Eli awoke to the sound of Pidgeys chirping. As he made his way out of the tent, he laid out breakfast for himself and Kubfu. The breakfast went by quickly as both of them were excited for today, the first day of training.

"Ok, Kubfu, before we start training, I want to make some things clear. I want you to be the head-on fighter of our team. Your evolution is agile but can take hits and hit even harder, especially if you get to set up," Eli started explaining to his little fighter as Kubfu nodded enthusiastically. "Unfortunately, I know nothing about martial arts. You will have to rely on the Scroll of Waters. However, I can help you in training your body. For now, since you won't be able to get any significant bulk as a Kubfu, let's focus on your martial arts and agility first and foremost. We will take a lap of the pond, and if we encounter any Pokémon that are worth fighting, we will engage them in combat."

Eli expanded more on what he wanted Kubfu's training to be like. Kubfu eagerly nodded as they packed their stuff and made their way to the edge of the lake.

"Ok, I will time us. Kubfu, ready? GO!" Eli started the stopwatch feature on his Pokédex as he made a sprint. Kubfu followed him, keeping pace. The place they were in wasn't too big but wasn't too small either. The pond covered, according to Eli's estimations, about 5 miles, a good enough warm-up for his Fighting Pokémon.

As they were midway through the lap, Eli started thinking about why he chose Kubfu. If he had to be honest, it was because of Urshifu's ability, Unseen Fist. Pokémon as a game shouldn't work competitively that much, he knew, but it did work, and that was because of one small move, Protect. It allowed for a lot of strategic play. It helped to slow down momentum if the opponent was getting too big of a lead, it helped you to shield an offensive damage dealer while you bring in the proper support for it like Tailwind, Thunder Wave, or in general anything that could tip the scales in their favor, and in came Urshifu to throw everything in the wind with its ability and signature move. It practically redefined the meta as a whole. As such, he wanted Urshifu as his starter as it is truly the most punishing counter to those whose strategies involve protect... basically a lot of the meta.

'But those thoughts are for later,' Eli shook his head as he focused back on his run with Kubfu. As he looked at the little bear, he looked not at all bothered. 'Given for a fighting Pokémon, I guess,' as they neared their starting point, Eli saw a few Pokémon near the lake, nothing special, just some Pidgeys and Rattatas. He scanned all of them until he found one interesting Pidgey out of the few near the lake.

Pokémon: Pidgey

Lvl: 11

Type: Normal Flying

Ability: Keen Eye

Gender: Female

Potential: Silver

Moves: Tackle, Sand Attack

(Innate Talent) Gust (Innate Talent) Uproar

'Not bad at all with the Potential, but the moves are quite bad,' Eli contemplated catching the Pidgey. While Pokémon did have similar learn sets like the games with some deviations, in this world, the exception were the Innate Talent moves. For example, a Zubat could learn Shadow Ball only via TM, but it could have it as an Innate Talent even though it isn't part of its level-up Learn set.

"Kubfu, get ready for battle. Start with Bulk Up before it notices us," Eli instructed Kubfu as Kubfu got into his stance, a faint red outline appearing around his body. "Now, Focus Energy," Kubfu proceeded to take a deep breath as he focused his aura. "Now, Brick Break as you approach it. GO!" as Kubfu sprinted at the Pidgey, the Pidgey noticed him as it started to prepare Uproar. "Aim for its throat!" Eli shouted, realizing what the Pidgey was about to do.

Kubfu, heeding Eli's orders, aimed at the Pidgey's throat. The Pidgey, caught off guard, took the attack head-on, and with its throat being hit, could no longer use Uproar. "Now, keep up the pressure with Rock Smash," Kubfu's fist glowed red as he went for a hook onto the Pidgey. With its abysmal defense stat, the Pidgey was knocked out in one shot. "Good work, Kubfu," Eli praised his Kubfu for flawlessly defeating the Pidgey. In turn, Kubfu pumped his fist up in joy.

Out of habit, he scanned Kubfu and was pleasantly surprised to see that he had leveled up.

Pokémon: Kubfu

Lvl: 11

Type: Fighting

Ability: Inner Focus

Gender: Male

Potential: Gold

Moves: Rock Smash, Leer, Endure, Focus Energy

(Innate Talent) Brick Break (Innate Talent) Bulk Up

"Good job, Kubfu. We are one step closer to becoming the strongest." "Kubfu!!" Kubfu nodded in excitement. "Now, Kubfu, I want you to do as many laps as you can without being completely exhausted," Kubfu nodded as he got to it. It took Kubfu around 25 minutes while running with Eli, but while doing it alone, he only took 19 minutes and 37 seconds, leaving Eli shocked. 'He was holding back while running with me? Well then, I might be able to make his workout more intense than I thought.' While Kubfu was running laps, Eli wasn't staying idle either. He started reading the Scroll of Waters to get a grasp of what he had to train Kubfu in.

As Kubfu completed his 6th lap, he slowly made his way back to Eli. "Kubfu, sit down, take a break, and listen to me. If you wish to be an Urshifu, you have to learn to be fluid like water. This entails being adaptable, strong, and flexible. One can strive to cultivate adaptability, fluidity, and resilience in both mind and body. Water is adaptable, able to take on the shape of its container, and can flow around obstacles rather than resisting them. Similarly, one can seek to be open-minded, flexible, and able to adjust to changing circumstances. Train hard. Train a lot. Remember, Kubfu, every second wasted is one second longer till you become an Urshifu." After Eli's speech, Kubfu looked determined to work harder than ever as all his previous exhaustion seemed to be forgotten.

As they got ready to train, Eli heard a chirp coming from his right. There he saw an avian with dark blue wings, tail, back, and head. The lower part of its body and chest colored yellow, a plume of black feathers that began from under its wings to its face, from which a few tufts protruded over its head, giving it a mask-like appearance along with its red eyes with white markings under it. It was one of the Pokémon Eli had considered catching for his team, a Rookidee.

"Hello there, is there anything you want?" Eli asked the little bird politely. The avian looked at Eli with its sharp red eyes and then looked at Kubfu, pointing to him with its wings as if to ask for a battle. As Rookidee and Kubfu squared each other off, Eli scanned the Rookidee.

Pokémon: Rookidee

Lvl: 10

Type: Flying

Ability: Keen Eye

Gender: Male

Potential: Shallow Gold

Moves: Peck, Leer, Power Trip, Hone Claws, Taunt

(Innate Talent) Drill Peck (Innate Talent) Tailwind

Seeing the info of the little bird, he knew he had to have it on his team. It not only had good potential but also the one move that could single-handedly support his whole team, Tailwind. 'Maybe a parent of his who was from Galar had it.' "If you wish to fight him, then go right ahead. You don't mind, right, Kubfu?" he asked if Kubfu was willing. Kubfu shook his head as he got into a fighting stance.

"Alright, Kubfu, let's begin with Bulk Up," Eli, hoping to get at least one Bulk Up in before Rookidee inevitably used Taunt, started using Bulk Up to strengthen himself. In turn, the Rookidee, seeing what was happening, started preparing Taunt, but it was one step too late. "Now, charge with Brick Break!" He ordered as Kubfu finished using Bulk Up. Kubfu gave a shout of agreement as he rushed the Rookidee with a glowing hand. The Rookidee, sensing danger, wanted to fly up to dodge, but in the midst of canceling Taunt and getting ready to fly, Kubfu had closed the distance between them and landed a Brick Break directly.

Rookidee, not expecting to be injured so badly after just one hit, flew to the skies as he started preparing Drill Peck and with the momentum of falling from the sky, started to dive bomb Kubfu. Knowing he couldn't dodge, Eli shouted, "Kubfu, use Endure!" Kubfu widened his eyes as he braced himself, a whitish aura emanating around him signifying the use of the move. As Rookidee used Drill Peck, Kubfu took it head-on and barely hung on thanks to Endure. As Rookidee was stunned, Eli instructed Kubfu, "Rock Smash, finish it." As soon as the words left his mouth, Kubfu's fist started glowing as he punched the Rookidee as hard as he could. The Rookidee, already being injured thanks to the Brick Break from before, fainted from taking too much damage.

Not wasting any time, he first healed his Kubfu with one of his only two potions and captured the Rookidee. It was too valuable not to capture. "Kubfu, are you ok?" He asked his Pokémon in concern. Kubfu nodded weakly as he stood up. "Take a rest for a bit. I will make us lunch while I talk with Rookidee after I have healed him." Kubfu nodded as he went under the shade of a nearby tree to recuperate.

"Now, onto you," he administered his last potion to Rookidee via his Poké Ball and let him out. The Rookidee looked startled but nonetheless regained his footing. "So, my Kubfu just beat you. Do you wish to be strong like him? If so, I ask you to become my Pokémon, and I will make you the strongest Corviknight possible." The Rookidee looked intrigued by the offer and after mulling over it, agreed to Eli's proposal. "Good to have you on the team, Rookidee. We're gonna have lunch now. After that, we train. How does it sound?" Rookidee nodded in agreement as he waited patiently alongside Kubfu for lunch.

He didn't hold any spite for losing to him, only the thirst to become better than the bear, and Eli commended him for it. "Eat up, you two must be hungry," he urged his two Pokémon. They scarfed down their meal, and while they ate, Eli started to calculate that with two Pokémon and himself, he would barely have food to last 7 days, so he will now have to start moving to Viridian City, the closest settlement from route 1.

With all said and done, even though the day had just started, he felt as if he had completed a lot, and daylight was still burning. He would make the most out of this day with his Kubfu and now another friend, Rookidee.


New Pokémon POG, I will try to do daily uploads but don't hold me to it I'm busy too :p . [Be sure to review it and if you like it vote... maybe... please?]

The_Great_BoredOnecreators' thoughts