
Pokemon Hell World

A man gets reincarnated into Pokémon at Hell difficulty in Unova.

CaesarClown · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
2 Chs

Rookie match of the century

Hello I'm professor Juniper and I would like to thank you two for helping this town." A beautiful woman in a lab coat said.

"Despite being new trainers you two are good at battling." She added.

"How did you know we are new trainers." Cynthia asked.

"You can call it a professor's intuition." She smirked then hopped in her Jeep and motioned for the two to get in as well.

'Professor intuition my ass Cynthia's the strongest champion and I have dominated every game that's came out multiple times.' Eric thought.

Cynthia looked over to Eric and he shrugged opening the door and getting in. Cynthia decided to follow and sat down next to him.

The two rode over to the professors lab and were greeted by professor Oak and Delia. Who were just about to leave.

"More new trainers?" Oak asked.

"Yes they fought off some pokemon thieves and I wanted to reward them and take a look at their Pokémon."

"Mind if I join." Oak asked.

"Not at all." Juniper smiled.

Once inside Juniper asked to see their Pokémon. Which they both agreed to and once they did both professors were all over them.

"Oh my a Gible here, they are native to Sinnoh and even then they are incredibly rare to come by." Oak was touching Gible and zipping to all sides of him.

"Aron are native to Hoenn, and are famed for their incredible armor and he doesn't disappoint." Juniper said looking at Aron.

After a while the professors called down and Juniper went to go get their rewards. When she arrived she had a standard starter kit with 5 pokeballs for each of them and 3 pokeballs sitting out front.

"Even though you two already have a Pokémon I thought it would be nice to have Unova Pokémon as well. Of course you also need pokeballs." Juniper smiled.

"Wow thank you very much." Cynthia said surprised at the gift.

"As she said thank you very much." Eric said.

"Now let's pick your Pokémon first we have the fire started Tepig." She throw the ball in the air and a large Tepig came out and blew fire from its nose.

"Lucky you this is the biggest tepig I have seen." Juniper said.

"Next is the water starter Oshawott." A proud oshawott came out with its chest out.

"And finally the grass starter Snivy." A snivy came out that was somehow even more cocky than the Oshawott.

The snivy even used a vine to smack the Oshawott when it tried to look down to it. Juniper then turned to the 2 and let them decide.

[Tepig the Fire pig Pokémon, It loves to eat roasted berries, but sometimes it gets too excited and burns them to a crisp, Type: Fire.]

[Oshawott the Sea otter Pokémon, The scalchop on its stomach isn't just used for battle--it can be used to break open hard berries as well, Type:Water.]

[Snivy the Grass Snake Pokémon, Being exposed to sunlight makes its movements swifter. It uses vines more adeptly than its hands, Type:Grass.]

"You can go first Eric." Cynthia said.

"Alright if you insist I'll go with Snivy." He said walking over to the Snivy that was happy it got picked first.

"I like your confidence let's hope you can back it up." Eric said and the Snivy smirked before returning to the ball.

"Good choice Eric. Somehow I knew you would pick Snivy as for me I think Tepig will help take me to great heights." Cynthia said and the Tepig cheered.

"Great choices both of you. I would like to thank you both again. Also 2 other trainers already left before you if you want catch up you better hurry."

"I am not concerned with sheep my eyes are only attracted to the strong." Eric said looking at Cynthia.

"While I do agree you shouldn't put those 'sheep' aside so quickly they might might wolves underneath." Cynthia said.

"Perhaps but enough about them you challenged me earlier and I am ready." Eric said and Juniper sighed.

"If you two want to battle I have a field outside." She said.

"Let's make a bet." Eric said.

"What kind." She asked

"If I win you must to agree one request of mine and if you win I will buy you ice cream anytime we are at the same place."

"Ice cream deal." Cynthia agreed and the two walked over to the field.

"This will be a 1v1 battle and I will act as the ref." Juniper said

"Come on out Aron let's win this." Eric said throwing Aron's ball.

"Gible show them our power." Cynthia said releasing Gible.

Gible starts off with a tackle charging Aron that responds with a tackle of its own.

"Gible abort the tackle and use sand attack."

The Gible stops it's charge and jumps to the said using Sand attack.

"Aron focus the tackle to the ground." Eric said.

Aron instantly dips its head to the ground and smashes into it breaking up the ground and throwing Gible back stopping its Sand attack.

"Smart move this is getting interesting." Cynthia said.

"Smart move indeed." Juniper said.

"Neither of them are acting like rookies." Oak said with sweat dripping down his forehead.

"Thanks but I didn't know your Gible was a coward."

Hearing this Gible got mad and looked towards Cynthia.

"Taunting won't work on my Gible it only fuels his power. Gible use Dragon Breath." Cynthia shouts.

"What!" All three people present were stunned.

Gible takes in a breathe of air before shooting out a blue fiery beam.

"Aron dodge it." Eric yells and Aron runs out of the way of the beam but Cynthia smirks.

"Follow him Gible don't give it up." Cynthia says and Gible turns following Aron.

"Aron get behind one of the rocks from your previous attack." Eric said.

Aron ran faster than it has before and got behind a large rock Gible's Dragon breath broke through the rock and hit Aron but the attack didn't do much damage after the rock took most of the brunt and Gible was tired.

Both Pokémon wore tired and panting but had determined looks in their eyes. Gible and Aron didn't need a command they charged into each other head slammed against each other.

Their eyes locked and pushed with all their might. Gible started getting pushed back though it costs Aron great effort. Inch by inch Aron pushed but Cynthia put an in to it.

"Gible back up and reset yourself Aron is too heavy and durable to fight up close." Cynthia said and Gible jumped back and use sand attack to create distance.

Aron jumped back to avoid the sand attack and regrouped with Eric.

"Gible can you use Dragon Breath again." Cynthia asked.

Gible nodded and started to suck in air but Eric was quick to counter.

"Aron use Head Smash on the ground let's change up this terrain." Eric said and Aron jumped in the air before a brown aura covered its head and it slammed into the ground.

The impact broke up the entire field creating a rocky terrain. Now even if Gible uses Dragon Breath the rock will block it.

"Gible don't let it stop you use Dragon Breath full power.

Gible continues sucking in air before spitting out a even large beam than before instantly destroying any rocks in the way.

"Aron burrow into the ground to avoid it." Eric shouted.

Aron quickly dug into the brittle ground and the beam went over it. Gible stopped the attack and started to pant.

Aron crawled out of the ground not looking much better. The two charged once again Gible was stronger but Aron much more durable.

They continued clashing for another minute before backing up. Aron ran up a large piece of broken rock and into the air.

"Aron use everything you got and use Head Smash." Aron had determination in its eyes and a brown aura covered it's head as it started plummeting towards Gible at high speed.

"Gible he is coming straight at you let him have it use Dragon Breath." Cynthia shouted and Gible sucked up a big breath of air and shot out the familiar blue beam up at Aron.

The beam crashed into a Aron but didn't slow it down as Aron pushed through the beam with ease but in a second wind Gible unleashed more power and the beam consumed Aron entire body.

It looked as though Aron had lost but through sheer will it kept up the attack and rammed into Gible's head. Both Pokémon hit the ground and were knocked out.

Gible knocked out from the Head Smash and Aron knocked out from the amount of time it took the dragon breath.

"This battle has ended in a tie." Juniper said in complete shock.

"Rest up Gible you did great." Cynthia returned him to his ball.

"Nice job Aron we held our own." Eric said putting him back into his ball.

'That battle was crazy far beyond what rookies should be capable of.' Juniper said and looked over to Oak that had a similar expression on his face.

'Good luck Ash you seem to have some serious competition.'

"That was a great battle my body is still shaking." Cynthia said with excitement.

"I knew you were good but that was intense good battle." Eric said extending his hand and Cynthia happily accepted it.

"As for the bet what should we do." She asked.

"Such an amazing battle I think that both of your requests should be made." Juniper said.

"Agreed." They both say.

"Mine request was ice cream but your was a secret Eric what do you want." Cynthia asked curiously.

"I want you to travel the Unova region with me." Eric asked

"What." Cynthia looked shocked as did the professors.

"Usually I like traveling alone but I think traveling with you would be a lot of fun and if we continue to battle our teams will grow stronger and stronger so Eric I accept." Cynthia said.

"Haha great." Eric laughed.

"Alright let's get those Pokémon healed and get you two on your way." Juniper said.

-2 hours later-

Eric went by his hotel room and grabbed his gear while his Aron was healing. Cynthia went to go get ice cream at the same time.

Now they were both standing at the beginning of route 1.

"Let's begin." They said together and started their journey.