
Pokemon: Gotta Catch 'em All

In this exciting fanfic, Ash has aura. Witness his journey to become a Pokemon master with his friends by his side as they take on various challenges. Will they succeed? Read and find out. This is an Amourshipping fic

LOTS_Fiction · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
32 Chs

Pallet Town

I will share my theories

1. Ash has aura and all trainers begin at age 10.

2. I never liked the idea of you trading some pokémon to have them evolve, so those pokémon will have to level up to evolve. Level up in the sense of growth and not actual level.

3. The Pokémon master is known as the strongest trainer in the world and is also one who is capable of commanding all non-legendary pokémon. For heaven's sake the pokémon league motto is 'gotta catch 'em all'. Also please note that the person does not necessarily need to have all those Pokemon in their roster, as the Pokemon may be released or traded out or given away. But their pokedex must say that they have captured that amount of Pokemon or they can have someone vouch for them.

4. Ash will age in this fanfiction. It is a must and Game Freak needs to understand that no one will remain a kid forever.

"Talking," human speech.

'Talking,' thinking.

"Talking," pokémon attack.

"Talking," pokémon speech.

"Talking," pokédex speech.

That is all, I am draconian216 once again and without further ado I give you the first chapter.

Chapter 1: Pallet Town

In the quiet town of Pallet in the Kanto region, five year old was running around the fields chasing wild Rattata. He had spiky black hair, chocolate brown eyes and zig-zag marks on both cheeks. His name was Ash Satoshi Ketchum and ever since he could talk he became shrouded in the wonders of pokémon. Right now as he was chasing a couple of Rattata, they led him to Route 1. After some seconds in Route 1, he heard a mighty shriek. When he turned, he saw a ferocious looking Fearow.

The Fearow shrieked as it began to charge Ash. Ash thought to himself, 'I must have wondered into Fearow territory, damn.' As the Fearow neared him, he glowed blue and a burst of aura escaped him and blasted the Fearow. Just as, Fearow was sent flying, Gary Oak, Ash's best friend arrived. Before Gary could offer help to Ash, another Fearow appeared. This time as the Fearow attacked, Gary was the one who glowed pink as he incapacitated the Fearow and sent it flying. Gary helped Ash up but they both froze as they heard a louder shriek.

As they both turned around, they saw four Fearow, two been the one they had blasted and the other two were fresh. Each of the Fearow began charging Drill Run. As both the aura and psychic failsafe had been used, both boys could only watch frozen. They were snapped out by their thoughts by two indistinct yells.

"Lucario use dragon pulse."

"Gallade use icy wind."

Both boys watched as a black and blue Jackal-like pokémon , and a green and white knight-like pokémon fired attacks that crashed into the Fearow knocking them out. From the, sky two men dropped. The first stood behind the Lucario. He had spiky black hair. The second stood behind the Gallade. He had spiky brown hair.

"Dad!", Ash and Gary shouted as they ran up to the men. Both men turned and hugged their respective kid. The one with spiky black hair was known as Red Satoshi Ketchum, and he was Ash's father. The one with spiky brown hair was known as Blue Oak, and he was Gary's father.

The next years Ash and Gary trained their respective powers and learning about pokémon from Professor Samuel Oak, Gary's grandfather, alongside their best friend Leaf Green. Leaf was without special powers but she was a skilled survivalist and athlete. Their training took them to parts of Kanto within Viridian forest. With Ash's newfound ability to talk to pokémon ... Yes, he was able to through aura, they were able to gain the friendship and trust of pokémon in those parts. Gary could process information quickly and think very fast, while Leaf was just amazing at living off the land, and had superb athleticism. Trainers who stopped by Oak's ranch were stunned by the growth rate of the kids, and how they interacted with pokémon both trained and wild. The trio could tame a wild Gyarados and transform it into a lap dog. Their help and theories they formulated were sent to the league along with their names and they were given the title of Junior Professors, with the six pokémon limit been lifted to a twelve pokémon limit.

Leaf was like a cord holding both of them. Ash was more practical, Gary was more theoretical and Leaf was a mixture of both.

Soon, the three were of age to receive their starter pokémon and become pokémon trainers. The five years spent learning about pokémon had been extremely beneficial. Leaf's survival instincts had increased, and so did her reflexes. She also became skilled in cooking food for both humans and pokémon. Gary had become an extremely fast thinker and good in deciphering. He could process information speedily alongside theories. Ash had become more in tune with his senses and the environment. He could come up with unorthodox battling strategies on the spot.

In the third year of their training, they had collaborated with Silph Co. to create special pokéballs, they called them Friend Balls. Silph Co. agreed to patent the balls under their name and would only sell them if they agreed to it. The balls were all linked together. Ash's were red, Gary's were blue and Leaf's were green. Through the connections, each of the pokémon could see the outside through Ash's and Gary's eyes. As for Leaf, it was through a green crystal necklace.

The time had come, they had received their starters a year ago, due to been responsible. Ash had received a Charmander, now a Charmeleon. Gary had received a Squirtle, now a Wartortle. Leaf had received a Bulbasaur, now an Ivysaur.

They had all gathered in Professor Oak's lab for their trainers license. Compared to their mates, they were far calmer and much more composed. The other three were also there. An arrogant kid named Daniel, a cheerful girl named Alice, and a hyperactive kid named Ritchie.

"Okay now," they heard Professor Oak say. "You are here today receive your starter pokémon and your trainers license. Know this on your journey. Pokémon are your friends, you should work together with them ti achieve your dreams and goals. Now, I have here with me three pokéballs contain that contain the three Kanto starters ... Yes Ritchie."

"Professor, how come there are three pokéballs and six of us?" Ritchie asked.

"You see now Ash, Gary and Leaf have already received their starters a year ago after been permitted by the league," the Professor responded.

"But that's not fair," Daniel cut in.

"Hush now," Professor Oak started. "They have shown great growth in their abilities. Now as Junior Professors, their limit have been shifted to 12 while yours stand at six. Meaning, you can't carry more than six pokémon at a time. Once you capture more than six it will automatically be sent to my lab. Now, unto the starters. You may now choose. Ladies first."

"I choose Bulbasaur, " Alice said as she took the pokéball.

"I choose Squirtle," Daniel said as he took the pokéball.

"Guess I've got Charmander," Ritchie said as he took the last pokéball.

"Now," the Professor started."Here are your pokédexes. You three get the National dex with entries of all known pokémon, while you three get the Kanto dex with entries on only Kanto pokémon. Here are your five pokéballs each, and here are your eleven friend balls. Your pokédex serve as your trainer I.D. and license, and also hour bank account. Your pokémon journey has now begun. Goodluck."

The other three nodded and went on their way.

"As for you guys, I have a gift. These are called Xtransceivers."

He knew there was no need to elaborate further because they already knew what it was.

"Thank you so much," they said in unison before taking the device and strapping it to their hands. They took their pokédex and placed them in their bags. Ash's pokédex was red with a Charizard on it. Gary's was blue with a Blastoise on it. Leaf's was green with a Venusaur on it.

With that they hugged the professor and left saying goodbye.

They arrived at Ash's house to meet his mother who had gifts for them.

"They grow up so fast," Delia said while hugging them. "Now for each of you, here are some recipes from my cookbook, for both humans and pokémon. Here are egg incubators and one of each elemental stone and finally all the pokédex codes for the National dex."

"Thank you mum/Thank you Mrs. Ketchum, " they all said.

"Now that that's settled, I wish you guys a great journey. Don't forget to call. Bye."

"Bye!" they yelled as they were already moving.

As they walked towards route 1, they waved to the people who had grown to love them over the years. As they approached route 1, their eyes were filled with determination.

"Guys. How about we travel together until Viridian City?" Leaf asked.

"Sounds good," Ash said.

"I'm with you," Gary said and they all proceeded towards route 1.

Some time into their adventure, they reached an open space and decided to set up camp and released their pokémon.

"Hey Ash, I'll be over there working with Ivysaur," Leaf said.

"Me too and Wartortle, " Gary said too.

"Okay. I'll be with Charmeleon," Ash responded as Leaf and Gary walked away.

"Okay buddy. How about a nickname?"

Charmeleon seemed to consider it before nodding his head.

"Nice. It has to be something cool. Let's try Blaze."

"Yes...Blaze. I like the sound of that. Blaze it is."

Ash merely chuckled at his starter's antics. He took out his pokédex before saying "pokédex activate." At this the device came to life. He took a look at the codes and command list that was given to him.

"Pokédex scan," he said to the device and it responded "scann ing," with a female electronic voice.

"Charmeleon. The 'Flame Pokémon'

Type: Fire

Gender: Male

Abilities: Blaze

Moves: Scratch, growl, ember, smokescreen, dragon rage, scary face, sunny day, flamethrower, protect, fire punch, thunder punch, metal claw.

Egg moves: dragon pulse, dragon rush, flare blitz, dragon dance, outrage, air slash. (Note: egg moves have been unlocked.)"

The electronic voice stopped.

"Alright Blaze, lets see what you got. Use scratch on that tree continuously."

"With pleasure," Blaze said as he extended his claws and began scratching the tree continuously, leaving claw mark after claw mark.

"Enough. Now use ember."

Blaze growled as he reared his head back and released small balls of fire, charring the tree.

"Follow up with flamethrower and keep it up."

Out of Blaze's mouth came a stream of fire. The flames bathed the tree, but it took about three minutes for it to be fully burnt to a crisp.

"Now Blaze, your attack, special attack and speed are good but your defense and special defense, not so much."

Blaze nodded in understanding.

"Aside from that how about we spend some time meditating before we leave here."

"Understood," Blaze said.

For about ten minutes, Ash and Blaze sat cross-legged on the ground meditating. Ash was resonating aura around his body while Blaze was trying to resonate fire energy around his body. They were interrupted by Ash's xtransceiver beeping. Ash's eyes shut open.

"Looks like there's a storm heading towards us. Let's move."

As he said this, they quickly packed all their things and began running to Viridian City.

2 Hours Later

Thanks to aura and psychic abilities, they were able to make it to Viridian City faster. But, it did not stop them from getting wet. They were soaked from top to bottom with water as they made their way to the Pokémon center.

"Hello," the voice of the friendly nurse reached their ears. "Welcome Ash, Gary and Leaf. Sorry you were caught in the storm."

"No worries Nurse Joy," Leaf said.

"Yeah nurse Joy, but can you please set us up for three rooms,"Gary asked.

"Of course I can," came the reply. She took their dexes and typed in some keys into her computer.

"All done. Here are your card keys." That been said she gave it to them.

"Thanks Nurse Joy," came the reply.

"Anytime. That's what I'm here for."

With that they walked away to make a call to home.

After a video call of about thirty minutes, they retired to their various rooms to rest. As Ash entered the room, he released Blaze.

"How about we rest for some time. Our journey continues tomorrow."

Blaze nodded and after some time they both fell asleep. An hour into the sleep and both of them were woken up by a large boom.

"What was that?" Ash asked as he got up

"I don't know," Blaze responded.

"We better check it out."

He quickly made his way downstairs alongside Blaze. They were met by Gary and Leaf alongside Wartortle and Ivysaur respectively.

"Have any idea what that was?" Leaf asked.

"Nope, but we're about to find out," Ash responded.

As they reached the center's lobby, they gasped at what they saw. The front door had been destroyed and there in the lobby were three humans and three pokémon. Ash could clearly make out through his aura that one of them was Nurse Joy and that she was been harassed by another female and a male. By their side were an Ekans, Koffing and a Meowth.

"What do you think you're doing to Nurse Joy?" Ash asked.

With that, both women, the man and the pokémon turned around.

"Hey who do you think you are interrupting Team Rocket," the Meowth said.

It didn't surprise any of them. Already Ash, Gary and Leaf had seen more shocking things than a talking pokémon. The Team Rocket members didn't bother asking why they weren't shocked.

"Answer us. Who are you?" Gary asked.

"We're Jessie and James of Team Rocket and we're here to steal your pokémon so hand them over," the now known Jessie said.

At this, their pokémon growled.

"Not on our watch," Leaf responded. "Ivysaur and I will take the Meowth."

"Me and Wartortle will take the Koffing."

"Guess the Ekans belongs to me and Blaze," Ash said. "Blaze use ember."

"Ekans dodge and use poison sting."

Out of Blaze's mouth came five tiny fireballs, each directed at Ekans. As they neared, Ekans dodged and fired a barrage of poison stings at Blaze.

"Block with protect and use ember. Spread them."

Blaze held up his hands to put up a green barrier to block poison sting. After the barrage of poison stings ended, Blaze began firing ember, but each in a different direction and at a fast rate.

"Dodge Ekans."

Ekans tried dodging and it worked until one of them nailed her, and soon she was pelted by them.

"Keep it up and use flamethrower."

While firing the ember, Blaze added in flamethrower. The orange red flames slammed into Ekans, stunning her.

"No Ekans."

"Finish her with dual thunder and fire punch."

Blaze growled as his right hand sparked with yellow lightning and his left hand became shrouded in orange-red flames. He ran and slammed both fists into Ekans knocking her out.

As Ekans was sent flying, Ash saw Meowth been knocked out by a magical leaf attack, courtesy of Ivysaur, and Koffing been knocked out by a brine attack from Wartortle.

"Grr..." both Jessie and James said in unison.

"Give it up. You can't win," Leaf said.

"Hold on guys. I sense something amiss in their hearts. I'm not good enough to read feelings but I know that you guys don't want this kind of life. This is your last opportunity, leave now and turn from a life of crime or face the consequences next time we meet," Ash said with eyes glowing blue.

James and Jessie were a bit scared as they considered their options; go to prison or become trainers.

"And what if we don't?" James asked.

This time Ash's entire body glowed blue. Gary's body too was outlined in pink psychic energy and Leaf attained a devilish grin.

"If you choose wrongly, you'll have to spend the rest of your lives serving jail time. Choose wisely," Leaf stated.

"Fine. We'll think about it," Jessie stated as both she and James returned their pokémon to their pokéballs while James carried Meowth.

"Maybe, our paths will cross on our journey. Goodbye," James said and he and Jessie left.

Ash turned to Nurse Joy. "How are you doing?" He asked.

"I am fine thanks to you three."

"You're welcome Nurse Joy," Gary said.

"I should do something to repay you for your help," Nurse Joy said

"There's no need to do that Nurse Joy," Ash said.

"Of course I do. As thanks for saving me."

"I see there's no way to change your mind," Ash said.

"Yes. Follow me."

She led them to behind her desk. She bent over before resurfacing with three pokémon eggs.

"I have here with me three pokémon eggs that were discovered by Officer Jenny in the wild. She asked me to give them to any responsible trainer I could find. So, who better than you three."

"Thanks," they said. "Goodnight nurse Joy."

With that they walked away.


The next morning, Ash woke up to see Blaze staring at him.

"Hey buddy. Had a good night?" He asked.

"Yes I did Ash. Shall we get going?" Blaze responded.

"Yes. Just give me time to get ready."

With that he got up and went to shower in preparation for the day. As soon as he finished, he recalled Blaze and made his way downstairs.

'Guess Leaf and Gary must have left,' Ash thought.

"Bye Nurse Joy," he called.

"Bye!" She called back.

Ash walked out if the pokémon center as he made his way to the sea near Viridian City. As he reached the sea area, he brought out his fishing rod from his bag. It was amazing how technology was. How they were able to create a bag with unlimited storage capacity he did not know.

After placing the bait, he casted his rod into the water. He soon released Blaze as both of them watched the rod for pulls. After about three minutes, there was a pull. Ash grabbed the rod and yanked with aura induced strength. He pulled the end out of the water, and hanging on was a Psyduck. Psyduck were rare pokémon and here was one hanging from the end of his fishing rod.

"Hey Psyduck, since I caught you in my rod. How about a battle. If I lose you go free, but if I win, I catch you."

Psyduck seemed to consider his options before nodding.

"Right on," the Psyduck said.

"To the front Blaze. Use scratch."

Blaze nodded as ran at Psyduck with extended claws. As he neared, Psyduck fired a rush of water, only for Blaze to dodge and land the scratch attack.

"Follow up with thunder punch."

Before Psyduck could recover from the scratch attack, he was punched with a lightning enhanced fist, knocking him out. Ash quickly tossed a friend ball at him instantly catching him.

Ash released the Psyduck from its pokéball constraint.

"Hey Psyduck."

The duck pokémon looked very disappointed. It had lost to a fire type.

"Don't be down on yourself. I've trained Blaze here really well. It's not your fault. You just need more training to improve and with it you can be the best Golduck the world has seen. So are you in?"

At the prospect of getting stronger, Psyduck agreed.

"Welcome to the team Psyduck. There's something you must know about me. I have the ability to manipulate aura."

Psyduck was shocked. He had heard about aura from his parents and how great they were, and here he was. His trainer was one of them. The thought of it made Psyduck excited and he nodded frantically.

"Now that you're a member of the team, would you like a nickname? "

Psyduck thought then shook his head.

"Okay then, tell me if you change your mind."

Another nod.

"Now that that's clear, pokédex scan"

"Scanning," came the reply.

"Psyduck. The 'Duck Pokémon'

Type: Water

Gender: Male

Abilities: Swift swim

Moves: scratch, water sport, tail whip, water gun, confusion

Egg moves: synchronize, psybeam, future sight, cross chop. (Note: egg moves are yet to be unlocked.)"

The electronic voice stopped.

"Now that that's taken care of. Onward to Viridian forest," he said as he strode with both Blaze and Psyduck.