
Pokemon: Gotta Catch 'em All

In this exciting fanfic, Ash has aura. Witness his journey to become a Pokemon master with his friends by his side as they take on various challenges. Will they succeed? Read and find out. This is an Amourshipping fic

LOTS_Fiction · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
32 Chs

A Lighthouse Discovery

"Seel is unable to battle, the match goes to Elekid. Since the Gym leaders have lost all the pokémon, the victory goes to Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town."

"Yeah," Ash cheered. "Way to go Volt."

The little electric type revved both arms as his antennas sparked.

"Congrats Ash," Serena said as she hugged him.

"Yeah, nice job Ash," Misty said as she walked up to them.

"Thanks," Ash said as he scratched the back of his head.

"Well I must say," Daisy cut in. "I've never seen a trainer like you except for the current Pokémon Master."

"Yeah Ash," Violet said. "Carry that Master Legacy and make us proud."

"Your battle with me was amazing. Though you won't be able to beat my Elite team yet, you have the potential to do so," Lily said.

"And as proof of your victory at the Cerulean Gym, here is the Cascade badge," Daisy said as she handed the badge over to Ash.

"Thanks Daisy," Ash said as he took the badge from her. "Also Daisy?"

"Yes Ash."

"Would it be okay if I saw the strongest pokémon in your Elite team?"

"I don't mind at all Ash. Right this way," Daisy said as she turned around and began walking towards the back of the gym, followed by Violet and Lily. Ash, Serena and Misty soon followed them.

As they reached the back of the gym, there was a huge pool with different types of water pokémon swimming inside. Some other water type pokémon were also resting by the side of the pool. Ash's mouth went agape as he saw the different water pokémon ranging from the small ones like Luvdisc to the large Gyarados.

"Ash," Daisy said, snapping the young trainer out of his daze. "This is my partner and my most powerful pokémon, Gyarados. I've had her for about six years."

"Really? Your starter pokémon was a Magikarp?"

As Ash said this, the Gyarados turned to him with a glare.

"Umm...Daisy. What gender is your Gyarados?"

"Well he's male."

Ash gulped. Male Gyarados were very aggressive to those who they think do not take their Magikarp evolution seriously.

"I apologise Gyarados, I didn't mean it that way," Ash said as he tried to apologise.

The Gyarados growled before speaking. "Likewise you do not appear worthy enough to be forgiven or even of that badge in your hands."

What Ash heard as a deep and firm voice, the others heard as a loud roar. Daisy who understood her pokémon tried to interfere.

"Okay Gyarados, cut it out."

"No way. If I had fought in that gym battle, I'd show this wannabe that the Magikarp-line is to be taken seriously."

"I'm sorry for disrespecting your line and I humbly apologise for saying what I said."

"Apology not accepted," Gyarados said with a loud roar that shook everyone. The Gyarados brought his face to Ash's level and looked into his eyes.

Ash felt his soul been searched by the large Gyarados.

"Gyarados calm down," Daisy said. 'I thought we had passed this stage.'

Gyarados opened his huge mouth and growled a deep guttural growl that produced enough air to raise Ash's clothes. He had issued a challenge.

Soon, a flash of light emanated from Ash's belt and out came his Charmeleon who roared fiercely at the Gyarados.

Gyarados appeared to be amused for some time, but it soon turned into a sound Ash assumed to be laughter. Gyarados was laughing at the tiny Charmeleon that accepted his challenge. Apparently, Blaze didn't find anything funny in him accepting his challenge. He reared his head back and shot an emerald sphere of draconic energy at Gyarados. The sphere hit the large serpent's face and exploded, further angering the Gyarados.

Gyarados stared at Blaze who defiantly stared back. Gyarados growled and Blaze roared. The challenge was fixed. Gyarados was amused at Blaze's antics. He was about twenty-three feet in length and this Charmeleon was about four feet, and yet, he was been challenged by this same Charmeleon.

"Ash, I hope you know what you're doing. You just challenged the strongest pokémon in my party with a Charmeleon."

"Yeah. I know what I'm doing. We may not be strong enough to defeat Gyarados, but there's a reason I didn't use Blaze in the gym battle. He is my strongest pokémon. You ready Blaze?"

The fire type shot a flamethrower into the sky as he scanned his opponent. Yes he was bigger and stronger, but Blaze was not about to let anyone challenge his trainer and go unhurt.

Blaze brandished his claws as he eyed Gyarados.

Gyarados had the first move. He used what was natural of every Gyarados to use at the start of a battle. Intimidate. The standard ability for all Gyarados was intimidate which lowered the opponent's attack power. Intimidate involved the pokémon mustering up it's scary features and making the other pokémon feel inferior. In this case, it was different. Blaze was so angry that he didn't feel inferior to Gyarados in one bit. Realizing that his ability failed, Gyarados was angered and launched his attack. His tail was soon surrounded by water as he swatted at Blaze.

"Dodge and flamethrower."

Blaze ducked under Gyarados' tail before shooting a stream of fire at the Atrocious Pokémon. The stream of fire did nothing but anger Gyarados. Gyarados summoned water as he began to surf it. He was using surf. The attack hit everyone and soaked them.

"Blaze protect and thunder punch."

Blaze thrust his hands in front of him as he erected the green barrier. The water from surf hit the barrier with force, but Blaze was able to withstand it. After the attack ended, his hands sparked with electricity as he charged Gyarados. The huge serpent tried to swat it away, but to no avail. Blaze's thunder punch found its mark on Gyarados' face.

Gyarados roared as he fired a sphere of water at Blaze.

'Water pulse,' Ash thought. "Blaze, tear through it with thunder punch."

Blaze's hands sparked again. As the sphere of water neared Blaze, he tore through it with thunder punch.

"Fire blast."

Blaze shot the ball of fire at Gyarados and as it turned to the kanji for big, it was met with a fire blast from Gyarados. Both attacks clashed but Blaze's was overpowered by Gyarados'. As the fire attack approached Blaze, his hands were coated with flames as he used them to take the fire blast. After taking all the attacks, Blaze darted towards Gyarados and nailed him with the fire punch before using thunder punch. Gyarados didn't appear to take any damage from both attacks and he shot a dragon pulse at Blaze.

"Punch it back with thunder punch."

Blaze's right hand sparked with electricity as he eyed the incoming blue-green sphere of draconic energy. Blaze Drew his hands back and punched the sphere right back at Gyarados. The attack made Gyarados wince slightly before he gained himself.

'Why did Gyarados feel that attack like that?' Ash thought. "Blaze, dragon pulse."

Blaze opened his mouth and shot his own sphere of draconic energy that nailed Gyarados in the face. Once again, Gyarados felt the attack well.

'Why?' Daisy thought.

Gyarados roared as he shot a hydro pump at Blaze. The water type move nailed the fire type in the face and sent him into the ground.

Seeing his opponent down, Gyarados began charging hyper beam. Halfway through the move, Blaze got up and shot a fire blast at the still charging attack, causing it to explode and push Gyarados back.

"Blaze, dragon dance and dragon rush."

Blaze began to dance a series of patterns as he was covered in emerald draconic energy. As the energy died down, Blaze was enveloped in a more fierce emerald draconic energy. He crouched slightly as he focused all his energy and power on the dragon rush, as he turned all attention to Gyarados.

Gyarados got up and was a bit startled by Blaze. This Charmeleon would go as far as protecting his trainer from an angry Gyarados more experienced and stronger than him. What was it that made this Charmeleon so bent on protecting him.

Charmeleon's eyes narrowed into slits. How dare this Gyarados challenge his trainer. Even if he was stronger, Charmeleon's was going to show him a thing or two about respect.

Gyarados backed away slightly as he saw the determination in Blaze's eyes. Gyarados mentally slapped himself. He was stronger, but he was showing fear to a smaller pokémon. 'No,' he mentally roared, and it soon became a growl in the physical. His tail became enveloped in emerald draconic energy.

Blaze roared as he leapt from the ground, a great force escaping his body. His direction was certain and his will was solid. Dragon rush and dragon tail clashed with a loud bang, with neither side giving in. Blaze was determined to bring down Gyarados and Gyarados was determined to not go down. They struggled to have an edge over the other, but eventually, Gyarados was able to slowly push Blaze back, thanks to his sheer bulk. Blaze poured in more power to his Dragon rush and Gyarados increase the intensity of dragon tail. Blaze could not match the ferocity of Gyarados and was soon defeated. He was sent crashing into the ground, and knocked out.

Ash silently returned Blaze as he stared down Gyarados. The huge serpent finally understanding why the Charmeleon was so determined. He looked at Ash, gave a nod before descending into the bottom of the pool.

"I'm sorry," Ash heard Daisy say.


"Because of Gyarados. He has anger issues when it comes to someone degrading the Magikarp-line."

"I understand that, but I didn't mean to."

"No problem Ash. He understands now."

"Thank you Daisy. I enjoyed our gym battle, and even if the battle with Gyarados was unexpected, I still enjoyed it."

"You're welcome Ash. Take care of Misty for us, and help her become a good trainer, she deserves it."

"Ugh! You guys. I'm leaving. You always baby me too much," Misty said as she turned towards the gym.

"Bye Daisy, Lily and Violet," Serena said.

"Bye," Lily and Violet said in unison.

"Take care Ash," Daisy said.

"Sure thing. Bye."

Ash, Misty and Serena exited the Cerulean Gym and headed for the Pokémon Center. As they entered the building, Ash healed the pokémon he used in the gym battle, alongside Blaze, while Misty and Serena went to the training yard.

After healing all his pokémon, Ash went to join Serena and Misty at the training yard.

"Come on out, everyone," Ash said as he released Blaze, Scyther, Psyduck, Volt, Cleffa, Butterfree, Beedrill, and Tyrunt.

"Hi guys. Thanks to Scyther, Psyduck, and Volt, we have won the Cascade badge."

As he said this, there was an uproar. All his pokémon cheered while Blaze launched a flamethrower into the sky.

"Settle down guys," Ash said to calm them down. "Scyther, Volt and Psyduck, we appreciate you guys for your performance during the battle, and for that, we are grateful. Scyther, you pushed yourself to the limit just so you could help us, and you have more than earned the right to evolve into a Scizor. And so..." Ash said as he searched his bag. When he brought his hands out, he was holding the metal coat they found at Mt. Moon.

"Scyther, are you ready?" Ash asked.

Scyther slowly nodded his head as he stared at the metal coat. It was every Scyther's dream to one day evolve into Scizor, and his was about to come through. Scyther was overjoyed in his heart that he began to hover above the ground as Ash approached him to place the metal coat on his scythes.

Ash placed the metal coat on his scythes and stepped back. For about three seconds, nothing happened. After that, the metal coat glowed a bright white. It levitated above his scythes, before engulfing Scyther in its light and completely covering him. Inside the white light, Ash could make out the power signature changes of Scyther using aura sight.

Scyther slowly became plated with a green armour. His scythes began to morph as another appendage grew from the bottom to join the first one, and forming the jaw-like arms of Scizor. His legs began to slim as they became only one toe. His wings grew extra plates on their backs and they became blue. Soon, the green armour slowly morphed into a red one. Scyther screamed as the lights died down. He was now a Scizor.

But that was not what caught Ash's attention.

"Scizor, you're flying?"

Ash was shocked. He had seen in the pokédex that Scizor can't fly, so why was his Scizor flying.

"Ash, I don't get it," Misty said.

"Yeah Ash. What's wrong?" Serena asked.

"Scizor can't fly. The pokédex said so."

"Then how's this possible?" Serena asked.

"I don't know. The pokédex has room for improvement... and this,... this may be one of them. All I have to do is figure out how Scizor flies."

"So?" Misty asked.

Ash was deep in thought for some seconds before something struck him.

"Scizor." Said pokémon looked at Ash.."Retract your wings. Take them inside."

Scizor focused as he learnt how to retract his wings. As he did so he fell.

"What now Ash?" Serena asked.

'Now I know that it is his wings that make him fly,' Ash thought. "Scizor, unretract your wings and try to fly on instinct."

Scizor nodded as he unretracted his wings and tried to fly. Soon he was hovering few centimeters above the ground, with difficulty. Ash went towards Scizor's back and inspected it. He looked at Scizor's wings and was surprised at what he saw. Scizor's bottom wings were vibrating rapidly at a regular pace, while the bigger ones were vibrating at a somewhat slower pace. 'Hmm...' he thought as he placed his hands below the wings and felt a powerful gust of wind.

"I guess this is something Bill can help me with."

"And what is that?" Serena asked.

"Why the pokédex said Scizor can't fly. Any of you coming?" Ash asked.

"I'd love to Ash, but I'd love to train for sometime," Serena said.

"Same here Ash," Misty said.

"Okay. Fine by me. Blaze, Cleffa and Scizor's, you're with me."

The mentioned beasts making sounds of understanding.

"The rest of you, run over all of your moves on targets. You can also help Serena and Misty if they need it."

He heard multiple cries of understanding as he left the Pokémon Center and began his trek towards Bill's lighthouse. It took almost an hour before he got to the lighthouse. He knocked on the large wooden doors and took a step back. After some time the doors opened to reveal a large pokémon.

'A Kabuto,' Ash thought. 'Aren't they supposed to be small.'

Ash took some steps back as Blaze and Scizor took on defensive stances.

"Wait, wait," Ash heard the Kabuto say. "Don't attack, I'm human."

Ash ordered Blaze and Scizor to stand down as he looked at the creature in front of him.

"Are you Scientist Bill?"

"Yes I am," the now known Scientist Bill responded.

"Why are you dressed as a Kabuto?"

"It's a long story, but can you please help me get out of the suit. I'd do it myself but my arms won't be able to reach that button."

"No problem," Ash said as he pressed the button. As soon as he pressed the button, the suit opened and out came Bill. He was dressed in a dark shirt, blue trousers and wore a white lab coat on top and donned black sandals.

"Thank you Ash. If you had not arrived, I might have been in that suit longer than this."

"No problem Mr. Bill."

"No need for formalities, just call me Bill."

"Uh... sure, Bill. My Dad instructed me to come and meet you."

"Yes, Pokémon Master Red. He told me that you were very smart and intuitive and that I may be able to assist you."

"Well, I do have something I need your help with."

"Before we get to that you have well-looking pokémon," Bill said as he gestured to Blaze, Scizor and Cleffa.

"Thank you Bill."

"No problem. You're just within a week of your journey and you have a fully evolved pokémon. That's not something that most pokémon trainers your age can boast of having."

"Thanks Bill."

"Now that I have admired your Pokemon, what is it that you need my help with."

"My Scizor."

"And what about your Scizor." At this moment, Bill was taking a sip from a cup of tea on a nearby table.

"Well, he can fly."

As Ash said this, Bill spat out the tea he was drinking.

"You're joking right?" Bill asked Ash.

"Nope, I'm as serious as Arceus using judgement."

"If you're serious, then I'd like to see that in person."

Okay. You ready Scizor?"

"Not here. Follow me," Bill gestured as he led Ash and his pokémon to the steps of the lighthouse. They began their walk, ascending the stairs, until the got to the fourth floor. Reaching the floor, Ash saw a door and watched Bill enter a sequence of codes and it opened. As he entered the room, he saw lots of machines he did not know about and saw lots of illustrations on pokémon.

"Wow. So many pokémon."

"Of course. Each floor of the lighthouse has only one large room, and this is one of them. It is the room where I work on my studies on pokémon. Shall we?" Bill said as he led Ash towards a computer.

"Amazing. You use the same computer as Prof. Oak."

"Well, I did design it," Bill said as he sat in front of the computer and gestured for Ash to sit beside him. Ash was about to sit down, but he felt something touch his leg.

"Aah," Ash yelled as he jumped. He looked down to see what touched him, and found I to be an Eevee.

"Sorry Ash, that's Eevee."

"Is she your pokémon?"

"No. When I moved in to this lighthouse, she was already there. She doesn't like to come near humans and only comes around me when she wants to eat. I tried touching her once, but she bit me. Ever since then I've let her be. But it is a surprise seeing her approach and even touch you."

"Oh okay," Ash said as he sat down on the chair with Cleffa while Blaze and Scizor stood behind him.

"You know," Bill started. "There are currently eight hundred and seven known pokémon, but there are more things we don't know about."

Ash nodded as Bill opened a file on Scyther and then on Scizor, allowing him to toggle between the two pokémon.

"Now Ash, what do you notice about these pokémon?"

"Well, Scizor appears bigger and heavier, but is also more aerodynamic than Scyther."

"True, all the more reason Scizor should be able to fly. But for some reason they can't."

Looking at the page, something caught Ash's eyes.

"Bill look here," Ash said, dragging the attention of Bill. "When Scyther evolve to Scizor, their weight doubles, with the addition of some extra kilos. Maybe the increased weight makes them feel that they can't fly."

"True, I noticed your Scizor was struggling to keep himself up. But that's not enough reason for them not to fly or how tour Scizor overcomed the weight and flew."

"Well, before he evolved, he was already flying."

"That's amazing but...," Bill suddenly jumped up.

"What is it Bill?" His sudden jump scared Cleffa and Eevee. She was sitting by their side.

"It just hit me."

"And what is that?"

"Light metal."

"Light metal? As in Scizor's hidden ability? What does it have to do with this?"

"Light metal is an ability that Scizor has that enables it move quicker in battle. Scizor possess hormones that when in battle, they are automatically released into its blood stream to halve their overall weight. Do you get what I'm saying?"

Ash pondered on it for sometime before understanding it. "Now I get it."

"Exactly. Shall we test the theory?"

"Of course," Ash said and they hurried back down an went outside the lighthouse. Blaze and Scizor where facing each other on opposite sides. Bill had a camera on hand and was intent on getting everything on footage.

"Blaze, I want you to attack Scizor with only ember. Scizor I want you to evade all the embers by flying. Understand?"

Both pokémon nodded as they started. Immediately, Scizor's body released hormones and his weight was halved, but the others didn't know. He felt lighter. Out of Blaze's mouth came small balls of fire. Scizor watched as the balls sailed through the air and approached him. Scizor unretracted his wings and he flew up avoiding the ember attack with ease.

The main test was done and Ash and Bill cheered wildly. Ash decided to have Blaze and Scizor continue their battle to let Scizor get used to flying.

Soon, Ash, Bill and the pokémon went back inside to the Pokémon Research Floor an they prepared a report with video footage on Scizor flying and they submitted it to the Pokémon League and the Regional Professors.

After submitting the report, they herd a loud sound. Bill appeared to be unsurprised by the sound so Ash asked him.

"What was that?"

"Come with me, I'll show you," Bill said and he led Ash out of the room, and to the top of the lighthouse. Bill ran towards a machine and began pressing keys.

"Uhh...Bill what's going on."

"When I first moved into the lighthouse, I was hearing strange sounds from the ocean below. I modified an old machine to be able to transmit and read the frequency of the sounds. I read the frequency to be a voice saying "I want to be your friend."

"I later sent out mine too, it said, "Who are you? I'd like to be your friend too." The reply I got was, "Thank you. I'll see you soon." And that was almost two weeks ago. Since then I've heard nothing."

"So does that mean it's coming today?"

Before Bill could answer, the frequency readings increased and a loud vibration was felt throughout the lighthouse. Bill put on headphones to start reading and transmitting the frequencies.

After some time, Bill got the right readings, "It says... It says," Bill slowly removed the headphones and looked at Ash. "I am here."

The sea erupted with a great force, shaking the lighthouse and the surrounding area. Storm clouds gathered above the Cerulean Cape and rain began to fall. There was a loud roar, and out of the sea emerged a huge creature. Ash and Bill couldn't see it due to the rain, but the pokémon could. Blaze's claws attained a metallic sheen. Scizor's huge mouth-like hands also attained metallic sheen.

The rain increased and a deep fog covered the surrounding areas of the lighthouse. The rain stopped and Ash and Bill were able to see the creature that came out of the sea.

"Oh my Arceus. A Dragonite... A gigantic one at that!" Bill exclaimed.

Ash was just too shocked to move. The Dragonite walked up to the lighthouse and peered inside. Bill and Ash were slightly trembling but Scizor stood protectively in front of them.

Blaze's eyes widened as he saw the elder Dragonite and he bowed, showing submission to the elder pokémon in front of him.

The Dragonite looked at all of them. Bill and Ash were quaking. Scizor was also scared but stood tall. Cleffa and Eevee, who had followed them out, both were standing behind Ash, and Blaze. He was on one knee, his head bowed towards the large Dragonite.

"Who responded to my message?!" The Dragonite asked.

"It... It was I," Bill said as he timidly stepped forward.

The Elder Dragonite noticed Bill's fear, and chuckled. "Perhaps this form scares you. Let me transform into one less intimidating."

As he said this he shrunk down to the size of a normal Dragonite. He flew into the lighthouse and stood in all majesty, easily towering above Scizor, who was the tallest among them, at a height of five-feet and ten point nine inches. The Dragonite stood at about seven-feet and five inches, with glamorous orange scales and small wings-to-body ratio. His very presence exuded an aura of power.

"Well then," the Dragonite started. "Greetings humans. I am one of the Dragon Kings that roamed the various regions of this world."

"Dragon Kings?!" Bill exclaimed.

"Yes. Each region has a Dragon King in charge of them that is only subject to the Legendaries of the region. The Dragon King where present during the warring periods of the world. But after that period of war, we took to slumber in various parts of the regions we where in charge of. I, myself just recently woke up to this modern world recently and I'm surprised to see that the world has changed greatly. I needed someone who could be able to feel me on the happenings in the world."

"With all due respect, King Dragonite, why me?" Bill asked.

"That is simple. You are all currently standing where my throne was. Yes, this was my throne during my time. It was my domain and my mountain top, from which I viewed the world. Before I continue, what is your name, young man?"

"My name is Bill. Bill Kingston."

"Bill. I shall forever remember that name as the name of the first human I befriended in this modern world. In time I will give you my name, but not now."

The King Dragonite that turned his attention to Ash. As he scanned Ash, he soon felt the dormant aura that was asleep within him, and recognized him as the Chosen One.

"You, boy," the Dragonite said.

"Yes," Ash responded with the utmost respect.

"What is your name?"

"Ash Satoshi Ketchum."

As soon as Ash called his last name, he could notice the Dragonite's eyes widen slightly. Scizor had moved closer to him and Blaze was still kneeling in front of him, and Cleffa and Eevee where huddling close to him.

"A Ketchum?! You there. You may rise."

The Dragonite said this to Blaze.

"A Ketchum huh, so they are still present in this generation."

"Excuse me King Dragonite, but do you know the Ketchums well."

"Of course!" the Dragonite thundered. "My best friend was a Ketchum and he was the only one I trusted with my name and my life all those years ago. Destiny must be leading me to continue with my friendship with the Ketchums and before that, I must repay Jeremy Ketchum for the kindness he had done for me. Wait here."

The Dragonite said this and he took off, only to come back some seconds later, holding an egg.

"This," he said as he handed the egg to Ash, who took it. "This is a Dratini egg. I want you to raise it into a powerful Dragonite that would be capable of defeating opponents, and like me, she would be able to attain to Mountain's Height. With that said, I bid you all goodbye. Bill we will be in touch." Bill nodded.

"Ash Ketchum, you have a lot to discover about yourself. The pokémon around you are going to help you. As for this Charmeleon, train him to be the strongest Charizard possible and into an opponent capable of beating me in my Mountain's Height form. Come visit once in a while Ash Ketchum." With that said, the Dragonite flew out of the lighthouse. He grew to his true form and descended into the sea.

As he went, the atmosphere was lifted. The rain stopped,and the storm clouds gave way for light to penetrate the Cerulean Cape. The fog was lifted and it was now possible to see the lighthouse from the city.

"Wow...," was the only word Ash was able to mutter. The awe-inspiring power of the King Dragonite was much to comprehend and he didn't even show his actual power.

"Ash." No response.

"Ash." Still no response.

"Ash!" The boy still could not hear. He was too deep in thought about the Dragonite's power.

It was through a light flamethrower from Blaze that he was able to regain his senses.

"Blaze!" Ash exclaimed. "What'd you do that for?"

Ash was currently sprawling across the ground. Blaze just wore a proud look on his face as he crossed his arms. Cleffa and Eevee were giggling on the floor.


"Yeah Bill."

"Let's get back inside. This experience has rocked me to the very core of my existence."

"Yeah. Come on guys," Ash said as he followed Bill back into the lighthouse. They walked back to the Pokémon Research Room. As they reached the computer, Bill saw a message on the screen. He clicked on it and it opened.

The message read,

' Bill,

Well done on this new discovery. Before I wrote this message to you, the Professors must have uploaded this new information to their drives, especially Professor Oak, since he manages the Pokédex. I've also instructed all Professors to send this update info to the various trainers under them. As for those not under Professors, the League will handle it. And that's only for those who have the Kanto Pokédex or the National Pokédex. As for you two, well done, especially the young Ketchum. Bill I'm sure you know what to do but, I don't think the young one knows, so tell him to check his Trainer's Account. That's all for now, keep up the good work.

Yours sincerely,

Charles Good show,

President of the Pokémon League.'

That was what the message read.

"What did he mean by 'my Trainer's Account?'" Ash asked.

" Why don't you open it and see," Bill told him.

Ash quickly opened his Trainer's Account through his pokédex and gasped at what he saw.

"Total amount: #126,750

Received #60,000 from the Pokémon League Account today for contributing to Pokémon Research.

Received #10,000 from the Cerulean Gym Account today"

Ash stopped it there.

"I never knew I had this amount of money in my account."

"Seems to me that you don't check your Trainer's Account. The League sends a sum of money to those in the system for various reasons. Like this, we were both paid a sum of sixty-thousand poké dollars for contributing to research. You should know this. It's very important to anyone during anything related to pokémon. It's our means of earning."

One of the received caught Ash's attention.

"Received #55,000 from the Pokémon League Account for assistance in warding off Team Rocket at Mt. Moon."

" That's good to know," Ash said. " But now I have to head back to Pallet Town to update my pokédex."

"I don't think that would be necessary," Bill said.

"How?" Ash asked.

"Come. Let me give you a tour of the lighthouse."

"Um... Okay." Ash was holding the Dratini egg inside an incubator as he Blaze, Scizor and Cleffa followed Bill. Eevee had already wandered off at this point.

They walked up to the floor above the Pokémon Research Room.

"This is my quarters and that of my assistant and fiancee, Layla. She's not here right now and nothing major is here. Let's move on."

Bill led them down to the floor directly below the Pokémon Research Room.

"This floor contains the Trainer Research Room. This is the room where I work on the various tools that can assist a trainer on his journey."

Bill typed a password into the door and it opened.

As Ash stepped inside, he saw various tools and devices on shelves, and on tables. He saw the standard PokéGear that was used in Johto, the PokéNav of Hoenn and the Xtransceiver of Unova. Bill led him to a shelf where he picked up a chip.

"Ash. The Pokémon League instructed me to create this chip. It is a chip that is linked with Professor Oak's Super Pokédex computer. This allows it to automatically update the pokédex whenever Professor Oak updates his. Have it."

"Are you serious?!" Ash asked.

"Of course I am."

"Thanks Bill," Ash said as he placed the chip into a slot in the pokédex. After placing in the chip, the pokédex began to update. After the update was over, it restarted itself.

The pokédex turned on and Ash's upper body was shown on the screen. The pokédex started.

"I am Dexter, a National Dex given by Professor Oak to trainer Ash Satoshi Ketchum as a tool to assist him in his journey as a trainer. If lost, I can never be replaced." Then the pokédex screen came up.

"Go on. Issue a command."

"Pokédex give me Scizor's entry page and skip to what it says about flight."

"Due to research done on the Seventh of January, Two-thousand and Nineteen, by trainer Ash Ketchum and Scientist Bill Kingston. It has been revealed that Scizor can actually fly. Evidence from this video footage proves it. According to Trainer Ash and Scientist Bill, the reason wild Scizor don't fly is because they feel they are too heavy to fly-"

"Pokédex enough." The pokédex stopped.

"Bill thank you so much."

"You're welcome. Also, I'm currently working on a program with Devon Corp that allows you scan your pokémon for injuries and all of those status effects. It should be ready by next year, so you and your friends and any other trainer who they feel is ready enough can use it."

"I know of one."

"And who's that?"

"Paul Shinji from the Sinnoh Region."

"Oh. Then I'll look into him. The next thing I want to give you is this," Bill said as he held out another chip for Ash.

"Another chip?"

"Yes, and it's for your Xtransceiver."

"What does it do?"

"Well, it upgrades it to the holographic model that has maps of every known place in the world, and so much more. Here are the codes to use it."

Ash took the chip and place it in a slot on the Xtransceiver while he looked at the codes. He took a deep breath and spoke. "Xtransceiver, activate."

The Xtransceiver turned on and revealed the holographic screen with a loading animation.

"Initiating activation," the Xtransceiver started. "Activation complete. Voice registered, Ash Satoshi Ketchum."

"That's so cool," Ash said as he deactivated it.

"Ash, I have something to ask you. I'm sure you know that the Indigo League is in One year, and eleven months and some days."

"Yeah, why?"

"It's been only seven days and you have two badges. Why not take some time to enjoy your journey. You didn't just come on this journey to win all eight badges and participate in the Indigo League. You are also journeying to capture, meet and get to know various pokémon. Please do not rush that. I also told Leaf and Gary the same thing and they agreed."


"So will you agree to take it easy."

"I can try."

"Good. Let's move on. Now, next is the Trainer Accessory Room. This is the continuation room to the Trainer Research Room."

As they reached the floor, Bill typed in a password again and the door opened. Ash stepped into the room and saw various gadgets like bicycles, gloves, goggles and other gadgets.

"Here," Bill said, gesturing towards Ash.

Ash walked up to him.

"This is the latest and advanced version of training weights in the world. They are designed over an interface that allows that to be stored in their own cyberspace, accessible through the Xtransceiver."

Bill handed the weights over to Ash who placed them in his bag.

"Thanks Bill," Ash said as he held the egg close to him.

"Over here," Bill said as he walked towards a table.

Ash walked towards Bill who was holding a fairly large cube in his hands.

"What is it Bill?"

"This is the latest model of the Mach Bike. It provides for a faster and more enjoyable ride. Here, I want you to have it, and no, I didn't give it to Leaf and Gary."

"Thank you Bill. Uh...Bill, can I ask you a favour."

"What is that?"

"Can you help me get another bike. You see, I accidentally destroyed a bike and I promised to pay it back."

"Well, no problem with that."

Bill walked around before coming back with a cube in his hands.

"Here. This is the previous update of the Mach Bike."

"Thanks Bill. You've really helped me out."

"Come on. Let's move on to the next floor."

As usual, they moved down one floor.

"This is the Pokémon Items Floor," Bill said as they entered the room. "This room contains various pokémon items like the evolutionary stones, and it is where I do my research on them."


"Come on. The last floor awaits."

As they reached, Bill opened the door.

"This is the Berry room. I do research on all the known berries and their effects."

"That's cool."

"I've been working on a storage compartment for berries that I call the Berry Pouch. It uses the same mechanism that all trainer bags use. It allows you store an unlimited amount of berries," Bill said as he handed the pouch to Ash.

"Take it. It has one of every known berry in the world, and besides, Leaf and Gary have one too."

"Thank you do much Bill," Ash said as he took it and place it in his bag.

Soon enough they where downstairs. The Eevee from earlier walked up to Ash and sat by his side.

"Huh?" Ash asked, clearly confused.

"Ash, it seems that Eevee here wants to come with you."

"Are you sure Eevee? Is that your decision?" Eevee nodded and licked her fur.

Ash took one of his spare friend balls and tapped her head, officially catching her, before releasing her. The fact that she didn't seem surprised when she saw his pokéball led Ash to believe that she may have been with another trainer before.

"Thank you Bill. For everything," Ash said as he shook the older man.

"I should be thanking you Ash. You helped me make friends with the King Dragonite and because of you, we now know that Scizor can fly. You've been a great help. Do Kanto proud by becoming a strong and powerful trainer."

At that moment, Ash's Xtransceiver beeped and came on.

"New pokémon species discovered in Alola. More details will be relayed soon. Pokémon Professors and Scientists from all regions are needed in Alola."

"New pokémon species! After three years, a new pokémon species. Remember everything I said about enjoying your journey," Bill said before dashing off into the lighthouse and shutting doors behind him.

"Bye!" Ash shouted as he began his trek back to the Pokémon Center. Ash was holding Dratini's egg in his incubator as he walked to the Pokémon Center. Scizor was carrying Cleffa and was walking alongside Blaze, and Eevee. The normal type joining him came as a surprise. Ash had no plans of catching any pokémon again for a while except they agreed to follow him or that it was a special condition. It didn't take long for them to get to the Center, but Ash was lying if he said he didn't get curious glances from trainers inside the Pokémon Center. That was expected. Here is a first year trainer with a Charmeleon, a Scizor, a rare Cleffa, a rare Eevee and to top it all off, a pokémon egg. He ignored all glances as he gave the pokémon and the egg to Nurse Joy to check on them. After checking on all of them, Ash went to the training yard out back.

He saw Tyrunt using rock throw on Beedrill who dodged and fired a barrage of poison stings at Tyrunt. His eyes trailed over to Butterfree blasting Volt with confusion. The electric type dodged and launched a thunderbolt attack. Psyduck was practicing ice beam on a tree. Misty's Staryu, Gyarados, Goldeen and bother her Poliwags were engaged in a sparring match, with Misty occasionally calling out attacks to any of them. Serena was instructing Braixen, Pancham, Clefairy, Charmander and Sandshrew.

He saw Braixen use flamethrower, before using psychic to hold the flames. His bet was on Braixen been used in the first contest

"Hey guys, I'm back and we have company," Ash announced.

"Ash!" Serena and Misty said as they all ran to meet him.

"Hey guys," Ash said as he hugged his pokémon. This is Eevee, our new member of the family."

Beedrill, Butterfree, Volt, Tyrunt and Psyduck where the only ones that were not acquainted with Eevee. Blaze, Scizor, Cleffa and Ash had gotten to know during their walk back to the Pokémon Center. The group of five made their way over to her and introduced themselves. Eevee looked slightly startled, but she maintained her form. Ash noticed this and bent down to her level.

"Eevee," he said as he rubbed her fur. "Don't worry girl. These are all my pokémon and the members of your new family. This is Beedrill, Butterfree, Volt, Tyrunt and Psyduck. They are all your family now and they are going to help me take care of you."

As he continued rubbing her fur, he spoke again. "Some of my pokémon here have nicknames to distinguish them from the others. Would you like to have one or would you like to be known as only Eevee?"

Eevee thought about it for a while. While the idea of having a nickname was tempting, she wanted to be only known as We've, and for her personality to speak the rest. She shook her head.

"Fine. Eevee it is."

"Hi Ash, Hi Eevee," Serena said as she walked up to them.

Eevee turned towards her and growled, but she was silenced by Ash.

"No growling Eevee. That's Serena. She's a friend, so no growling. That's Misty. Another friend, and those are their pokémon. Understood?"

"Yes," Eevee responded.

"Serena. I guess this is where we part ways. Misty and I will began the journey to Vermillion City today. I wish you the best of luck in your contest tomorrow. Sorry we can't stay."

"Okay Ash, Misty. You take care," Serena said as she hugged Misty, the red-head also returning the hug.

"You take care too Serena, and good luck."

Serena pulled out of the hug and went to hug Ash.

"Don't worry Serena, we'll see each other real soon," Ash said as he hugged her.

"Take care of yourself Ash," Serena said as she pulled away from the hug and gave the raven-haired trainer a peck on the cheek.

Ash smiled a sheepish smile as he returned all his pokémon except for Blaze, Cleffa and Eevee. He bent down to the level of Serena's pokémon and said to them. "You guys. Do your best to support Serena in her first contest. She's gonna need all the support from you guys, her second family. Perform your appeals well and battle well for her sake. Make sure protect her from whatever you feel might hurt her. She is your trainer, so as she loves you, you love her back, equally. No fighting amongst yourselves. No matter the dispute you may have between yourselves, when it comes to Serena, make sure to settle it, because if one thing is sure, it would break my heart to see her cry. Will you do that?" Ash asked them.

"Yes sir," they all responded.

Ash turned to Misty one more time. "Goodbye and good luck," he said as he and Misty began their trek to Vermillion City.

"Goodbye Ash. Goodbye Misty."

"Bye!" Misty called back, and they were soon out of sight.

Apologies to anyone if Serena leaving the scene would really upset them. She will be back soon enough.

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