
The Girls

-|Marcus Grain|-

After coming back home, I thanked Arcanine for the ride. Walking trough the front door I greeted Kirlia, who greeted me back with a smile.

I thought it was about time to go prepare myself a big lunch, I hadn't eaten yet after all. So I went to the kitchen and made some sandwiches for myself, and some poke food from a bag I bought back at the market for the pokemon.

Riolu ate everyting enthusiastically, while Kirlia ate it calmly watching Riolu with amusement.

After we were done eating I thought it was time to start clearing an area of the overgrown farm.

So I and my pokemon went outside and began removing the weed and rocks in the area. The small tree's were removed by Riolu using Dig under the tree to loosen up the roots, and Kirlia using Psychic to take the tree out of the ground.

The tree's were taken to the shed and laid next to it. Later I would process those for either building material or firewood for the fireplace.

While working away at my new farm, I couldn't help but think about the children that would be coming here tomorrow.

I was interested in who they were and hoped we could get along.


Since I could remember nobody in the village liked me, they always called me a demon and were mean to me. When I asked why they would call me that, they would just ignore me or throw stuff at me.

It was always the worst on my birthday, I would have always have to hide because the villagers would become even more angry with me.

Today was my 6 birthday, but I couldn't be happy about that because I was running for my life. A group of villagers were running after me, one of them even had a knife in his hand.

"Get back here demon." One of them screamed.

I turned a corner into a ally to get away. Hoping my small size would allow me to trough there faster. Sadly it seems another group had gone around and was on the other side of the alley.

I was cornered in.

"W-Why a-are you doing this t-to me." I asked fearfully.

The one with the knife ran up to me while swinging it.

"Die Demon, this is for my brother." He screamed, even though I don't know who that even is.

I could only stand there thinking I was going to die now, without ever having even made one friend.

When all of a sudden everyone froze. Looking around everything looked even grey, the sky, the people, even me.

That was when a blue box all of a sudden appeared in front of me.

For some reason I could read what was written on it. Even though I don't know how to read.

[Hello, I am *@!# and I have frozen your world for the time being, so you can consider my offer. Now I know this is sudden but you were about to die here, the man in front of you would have stabbed you if I hadn't frozen your world. This cannot be changed sadly.

But I want to give you another change, would you like to reincarnate into another world. The world of Pokemon a world with amazing creature's called, you guessed it, Pokemon. In this world you can befriend these creatures and become stronger together as partners and be the best of friends with them. If you accept, you will be reincarnated with 3 others. These 3 and you will be companions and possibly even friends, there will also be someone there to take care of you all, if you accept this.

This person will be just like you 4 a reincarnated person, the difference is that this person has memories of a life in that world and so will have information on it.

Also you will get one pokemon for free at the start of your new life.

The power system of your world, Chakra, will not be available there. If you choose to go there, you will lose the ability to use it. In return for this you will be given 1 of the power systems from there, Aura.

I know this is a hard decision so take all the time you need (it is frozen after all). If you choose to accept just say so out loud. If you don't want to go to a new world, you will be sent to the afterlife of your own world. The decision is yours.]

I couldn't believe this was happening, or that I somehow understood all that. But looking around the world was really frozen, even a bird in the sky had stopped moving while flying.

I first tried to calm down and read the text once again, I know people often think I'm stupid but I understood this was an important decision.

After reading it once again, I began thinking of if I wanted to accept this. For once I really took my time with this, after about a hour of thinking about my life here in the village. I decided to accept.

It was not like anyone here would miss me, I didn't have any family or friends. Maybe there I could finally get friends, I also liked that I would definitely get a friend already in this pokemon.

And I would die anyway If I stayed here.

"I accept." I said aloud, before everything went dark.

Let's hope my life will be better there.


Today really was not my day, I thought while running away from a pack of Beowolves. It was my 6 birthday, now normally that would be a happy occasion but my father had once again forgotten, as always he was probably somewhere drunk in a bar.

Since the death of my mother, or disappearance because she was never found, he has been like this. My life has become pretty hard because of it. I didn't have any friends, and my only family that I know is my father. I supposedly also have a uncle and a sister, but my father had fight with my uncle after my mother's death and I haven't seen him since then. My sister I have never even seen, her mother supposedly took her with her when she left.

So it has been a pretty lonely life sins then, I of course miss my mother as well, but at least I would wish it didn't mean I also lost my father.

Today I thought to go through the forest to play around, that didn't go so well. And now I am running from a pack of Beowolves. I didn't know if I could keep going for long anymore I had been running for 15 minutes straight now and was exhausted.

That was when one of the beowolves jumped all of a sudden, I could see while looking back that he would reach me.

Was this how I was going to die.

Just before it reached me, it all of a sudden froze, I immediately fell and landed on my face.

"oww." I said, while getting up. I looked around while wiping the dirt of my face, and saw that the other Beowolves were frozen to and everything was gray all of a sudden.

Just when I thought to keep running away back to my house, a blue screen appeared before me.

On it was a text written that I could understand perfectly, even though some of the words on it I had never heard of before.

[Hello, I am *@!# and I have frozen your world for the time being, so you can consider my offer. Now I know this is sudden but you were about to die here, the Grimm in front of you would have thrown you to the ground and after that it would have been over for you if I hadn't frozen your world. This cannot be changed sadly.

But I want to give you another change, would you like to reincarnate into another world. The world of Pokemon a world with amazing creature's called, you guessed it, Pokemon. In this world you can befriend these creatures and become stronger together as partners and be the best of friends with them. If you accept, you will be reincarnated with 3 others. These 3 and you will be companions and possibly even friends, there will also be someone there to take care of you all, if you accept this.

This person will be just like you 4 a reincarnated person, the difference is that this person has memories of a life in that world and so will have information on it.

Also you will get one pokemon for free at the start of your new life.

The power system of your world, Aura(remnant), will not be available there. If you choose to go there, you will lose the ability to use it. In return for this you will be given 1 of the power systems from there, Aura(pokemon). I know the same name but it has different abilities then the aura in your world.

I know this is a hard decision so take all the time you need (it is frozen after all). If you choose to accept just say so out loud. If you don't want to go to a new world, you will be sent to the afterlife of your own world. The decision is yours.]

At first I wanted to reject this, maybe I could still get out of this and go back. But then I remembered that I didn't really have anything to go back to. My father is the only person I really know and we don't talk a lot.

And I have been lonely for a long time now. Maybe this is a chance that I must take.

It would be nice to have friends. And it sounds like there are no Grimm in this world.

"I accept." Is what I said eventually, before everything went dark.

Let's hope my life will be better there.


Freak, that has been my name for a long time now it has only been recently that I have learned that wasn't my name. It was very embarrassing when the teacher told me to stop joking around.

Like it is my fault that I didn't know. My aunt and uncle have only ever called me that.

Life has been hard here, my family?, has only ever made me do the housework for as long as I can remember. My room was even a cupboard, even though my cousin has a normal room. There is even another room that is free, but they just call it his second bedroom.

Sometimes I wish my parents would come get me from here, but I was told they died while driving drunk in a car accident. Not that I really believe that, my aunt and uncle always lie about me to others, so they probably lie about my parents too.

Today is my 6 birthday, not that that means anything here. It has never been celebrated here before, it is just another day of chores for me.

Right now I am on the roof of the house, replacing some roof tiles like my uncle told me. Just as I was about to go down on the ladder to get another. My cousin kicked the ladder on the ground.

It went really slow for me after that, because of the kick, the ladder lost its balance and I fell down.

I would not survive this is what I thought at that moment while looking down, I could even see a smile on my cousins face.

Just as I was about to land on the ground.

I froze in mid-air.

Opening my eye's after a few seconds of not feeling pain, I looked around and saw that everything was frozen, and the world around me was colored gray.

I had no idea what was going on, maybe it was another thing that my aunt and uncle would call freakishness.

Just then a blue screen appeared before my eyes. On it was a text I could understand, but that was normal for me I was pretty smart. Not that I could show that otherwise they would just say I cheated because there is no way I could be smarter than their son.

Anyway I went to read the text.

[Hello, I am *@!# and I have frozen your world for the time being, so you can consider my offer. Now I know this is sudden but you were about to die here, you would not have survived that fall sadly, if I hadn't frozen your world (even with your magic, or as your aunt and uncle calls it freakishness). This cannot be changed sadly.

But I want to give you another change, would you like to reincarnate into another world. The world of Pokemon a world with amazing creature's called, you guessed it, Pokemon. In this world you can befriend these creatures and become stronger together as partners and be the best of friends with them. If you accept, you will be reincarnated with 3 others. These 3 and you will be companions and possibly even friends, there will also be someone there to take care of you all, if you accept this.

This person will be just like you 4 a reincarnated person, the difference is that this person has memories of a life in that world and so will have information on it.

Also you will get one pokemon for free at the start of your new life.

The power system of your world, Magic, will not be available there. If you choose to go there, you will lose the ability to use it. In return for this you will be given 1 of the power systems from there, Psychic.

I know this is a hard decision so take all the time you need (it is frozen after all). If you choose to accept just say so out loud. If you don't want to go to a new world, you will be sent to the afterlife of your own world. The decision is yours.]

I read it 3 times just to be sure.

Wow, so that was magic I used all this time.

And while sad my magic would be gone, I never knew I had it anyway. Maybe this other power will be cool too.

But if I'm going to die here anyway I will accept this. Almost any place will be better then here after all, so even if I wasn't about to die I would have accepted this.

"I accept, take me away from here." I said with hope in my emerald green eyes.

After that everything went dark, though I thought I saw some smoke coming out of my forehead before that. And was it screaming, weird.


Let's hope my life will be better there.


Today was another day of work slaving around in this godforsaken tower, She was pretty sure today was her 6 year birthday.

Not that it matters in here anyway.

When she was younger she was taken from the village she lived with other children by dark-mages. Everyone of them was then send to towers like these, she hadn't seen anyone from her village sins then.

Every day here was just work, work, work. If you can't go anymore you will be thrown out, of course you will be killed before then.

For a short time she had a friend here, a boy with blue hair. He even gave her a last name because she didn't have one. It was the color of her hair he said.

Sadly he died last year, he had been worked for too long, and wasn't allowed to take a break because he had insulted a guard.

Since then she was alone again.

These last few days have been very hard for her, she can feel that she doesn't have a lot of energy left.

Right now she was laying on the floor, while a guard was screaming at her to keep working.

Sadly, or maybe not. She just didn't have the energy to keep going anymore. Just as the guard was about to strike her down, he froze.

It took some time before she noticed, but after that she saw that everyone around her was frozen too. And everything was colored gray.

Did some use a very strong magic spell?

Just then a blue box appeared before her. On it she could she a text that she could understand, even though she wasn't too well learned.

[Hello, I am *@!# and I have frozen your world for the time being, so you can consider my offer. Now I know this is sudden but you were about to die, of course you knew this already, so I had frozen your world. Sadly this cannot be changed.

But I want to give you another change, would you like to reincarnate into another world. The world of Pokemon a world with amazing creature's called, you guessed it, Pokemon. In this world you can befriend these creatures and become stronger together as partners and be the best of friends with them. If you accept, you will be reincarnated with 3 others. These 3 and you will be companions and possibly even friends, there will also be someone there to take care of you all, if you accept this.

This person will be just like you 4 a reincarnated person, the difference is that this person has memories of a life in that world and so will have information on it.

Also you will get one pokemon for free at the start of your new life.

The power system of your world, Magic (Ethernano), will not be available there. If you choose to go there, you will lose the ability to use it. In return for this you will be given 1 of the power systems from there, Psychic.

I know this is a hard decision so take all the time you need (it is frozen after all). If you choose to accept just say so out loud. If you don't want to go to a new world, you will be sent to the afterlife of your own world. The decision is yours.]

At first I thought I was hallucinating, but after a whole hour went passed, I think. And the world was still frozen, I began thinking about the offer.

I immediately thought to accept it, it was not like I had anything here. No family or friends, and maybe there I would be able to live a good live.

"I accept." I said with what felt like the last energy I had left, before everything went dark.

Let's hope my life will be better there.

Disclaimer: I own nothing. All characters and worlds belong to their respective owners.

WorldTree_creators' thoughts