
29: Sadism

[Day: 166] - 5 moths and 14 days since Darius and the herd's journey started. 2 months since Darius and Wally met. 

Darius stretched his arms, felt his back pop as his muscles strained and relaxed, his body wet with sweat that slowly rolled down his muscles, further down the nice trail of hair from his chest in a line down to more hair, but this time going down a part of his body that was hidden by his work out shorts. "You okay, kid?" Beside him stood the also drenched in sweat - but not as sexy, maybe cuter, in a wet cat sort of way - Wally struggled to breathe a little bit: "Well, this time you didn't pass out!" Wally raised his hand, hand which shaked like he had Parkinson, as he held out a thumbs up: "V-victorieee..." Darius only softly chuckled while Wally kept his 'eee' whine for a few moments.

Wally started to join him in his daily work out routine. Thanks to his inhuman endurance and adaptability, Darius would do 500 push-ups, squats, and burpies(?) with at least a few extra pounds of weight on him. Said weight came from the new move Gardevoir just learned: [Gravity]. With this, she could put a lot of weight on his body! He could hold for about 3 times the gravity and work out at the same time! The pressure on his body by the added weight does wonders to his work out routine, which also made Darius need more food and other nutrients! So, Darius started to properly experiment with Photosynthesis to see if he could somehow immitate the Torterras, who get their fill from the sun and water. 

In fact, they haven't even had any sort of liquid for the past 6 months, reminding Darius a lot of camels, but in the more extreme side of things. Well, they did drink a LOT of water, after all, they're pretty big. "I'm okay..." Wally sighed heavily as he struggled to get up, Darius just rolled his eyes and picked the boy up with his arms easily enough, and soon they were walking back to their home on top of Big Boy's back. Said Torterra was lying down, his stomach touching the ground as both legs stretched outwards, basking in the now rising sun. It was about 5 am (Or 05:00 for those who have actual clocks that work, like he did) or so, with the twilight of the dark sky fading away and giving into the sun. Darius could feel the weak boy in his arms squirming, his face red and cheeks pink - and he grinned mentally: "Are you okay, Wally? You are quite red." It was amusing. 

Have you ever wondered why Darius' first affinity was towards Dark Types? 

Well, because like Dark types, Darius loves to be mischievous, a little malicious, and very tricky. He also loves to play with his prey - Wally was a sweet boy, someone who was probably feeling his very first "love", or crush (which Darius doubts heavily), which made Darius a little... Flattered? Yes, he was rather flattered but also a little cocky. He wanted to tease the hell out of the boy in a casual way, and the best way he found was to pretend to be oblivious. It worked every time! He has been doing a lot of it regularly, as a way to tease Wally but also teach his Dark types how to be sneaky and manipulative... just a little bit. 

He promised himself he would do something about Wally's soft feelings for him. 

Which was what he was doing now. "You know I know you have to rest more, right? You can't just keep begging me to keep going when you can't take it... Although seeing you try-" Going right for the teasing shot was fucking amazing. Wally froze, his red face going even redder as Darius slowly lowered his head to whisper: "-I think it's adorable." Darius doesn't consider himself a good person - see? He teased and "tortured" Wally for his own entertainment for the past entire month, disguised it as a lesson for his Pokemon, and now he once again abuses of Wally's soft feelings for him... It's not that he thinks it is wrong or disgusting or anything like that. 

Is only that Darius knows that Wally only had a crush on him, and that most of the time, turns into nothing more than a daydream. 

Darius has had some crushes of his own, many ending with nothing more than just some wishes and whims... But Wally? Darius thought back on the young kids that had some crushes on him back in the orphanage... They were that, kids, and he'd never touch a child! Wally, however, was 18. He looks smaller and thinner than a boy his age, but maybe it's because of his poor health and constitution. Darius has done some exams on him, and with his limited knowledge, he has made the assumption that Wally had some sort of asthma or lung disease. The fresh air of the wilderness did him some good, but the exercising did much better. His Fairy and Psychic energy also seemed to help him, as did his new Grass type energy after he unlocked his Grass affinity when he bonded to the small little Budew! 

He, sadly, did not unlock a Poison affinity. 

Back to the matter at hand - quite literally, seeing as Wally is in his arms right now. "I want you to know, little one, that... I have been teasing you about your lack of stamina, but you don't have to push yourself so hard... I am hard enough for the both of us, if you also get hard..." Call him sadistic, because it's true. He has a lot of sadisitic tendencies, which thankfully never saw the light of day until he saw a feasible teasing target. Wally. Darius didn't really enjoy hurting others, per say, he only got a little enjoyment of watching the reaction of people when he would figuratively out a spotlight on their actions... Would they hide? Would they blush? Would they act cool? Of course he did this as a means of teasing his younger siblings, but also in a way to embarrass other people. Because, of course, most don't like when their wrongs are exposed to the light of day.

Darius is confident on his mistakes. Even if he makes them, he'll just shrug and continue forward.

Well... He also has some... issues.

Because, surprise! When you take someone off of their support system (a.k.a: everyone he has ever loved, his family, his friends), they get fucked up. 

Darius quickly latched on the very first small thing that needed help he saw - a small beaten and bloodied puppy. He nursed him back to health, and now he is quite a cute and proud hellhound with a mohawk. The death and destruction of the Butterfrees plagues him, he has been daily reviewing his memories, coming up with various ways things could've gone differently, and now all he has is this herd. These Pokemon are the thin line that holds Darius' surprisingly fragile mental health... 

And, well, Wally tickled Darius' brain... Because good as they may be, Darius grew up surrounded by humans, and human interaction was what he craved for. So the moment he realized Wally had a crush on him, he seized opportunity. 'If I can make sure he stays...' Was what he thought. Selfish? Sure! He just wanted Wally to stay. The boy needed him, and Darius needed - in a way - him too. As in, human interaction. 

"So-" With a soft smile and a teasing tone, Darius said: "-sorry for teasing you so much, okay? If it makes you feel better, I don't mind doing a litte something for you." A malicious grin spread thin over Darius' lips...

Wally felt a shiver run down his body. 

-Scene Cut-

Darius: *eyes glowing* *stares*

Wally:...moshi moshi, keisatsu desu ka? 

-Scene Cut-

"Now, keep still." He warned, a slick sound echoing.

"I-i can't... You're going too rough!" Wally shivered, feeling the pain but also the pleasure of having the right spot massaged.

Darius rolled his eyes: "As if you aren't enjoying this." He once again did the same motion he had just done earlier.

"..." Wally didn't say anything as Darius' fingers teasingly slid down his wet back, making a shiver follow those fingertips. "Please..."

"Please what?" 

"Just..." Wally groaned: "It hurts!"

"Of course it hurts, you idiot." A little harshly, Darius pushed down his hand, his strength completely controlled as he kept massaging Wally's back. "You fucking bruised yourself by trying to immitate me, working out with [Gravity] is not easy." Of course what Darius was doing to him was a simple muscle relaxing massage! With Oran Berry, Life Dew water, Tree sap, and a small bit of oil - Daeius managed to extract oil from some small berries he had never seen before, they looked vaguely similar to olives, but with a pale orange coloration, he calls them Oilberry - he managed to make a soothing oil that stimulated muscle regeneration, to soothe the boy's pains. 

Darius may be a little bit sadisitic, but he doesn't want to see the boy suffer because he tried immitating him! 

He can't help but think back of one such thing happening... 


"You know, I thought you were the smart one or something similar." Darius chuckled as his hand softly caressed the head and ruffled the hair of the small boy: "At least you didn't break a bone, right?" 

"But..." The small boy, face blurred, softly looks up at him - a name is at the tip of his tongue, but he dreads saying his name, because you must not call the dead or something similar: "You were so cool, I just wanted to try and be like you!"

"Oh kiddo-" A flash of red, we see a blodied corpse, face resting on the asphalt. The sound of brakes, the gasp and screams of the street. "-you're still young. You don't have to try and be like me!" A skateboard, shattered in half. "You're never going to be as good as me-" Darius' teasing grin shatters as a face of pure horror takes its place, his eyes wide as he stares: "-you brat." 

Silence is all that's left. 


"-stop trying to imitate me, idiot." Darius softly spoke, his eyes unable to hide the pain from memories. Thankfully, Wallly had his back to him: "I'm going to have to start punishing you." He saw how Wally's body tensed to his words for a split moment, but he also saw and felt the way Wally's emotions changed. "Oh?" His grin softly stretched wider at the soft change in Wally's body and emotions... A naughty emotion that made Darius' body snap up to attention, like a hound that found his prey. "You like the idea, huh?" His fingers slowly dragged softly down until it reached Wally's shorts. 'Okay, I might have gone too far on this...' Darius slowly pulled his hand back-

"!?" Wally shivered as Darius' breath softly touched his ear: "S-s-s-" Stuttering, Wally arched his back as his soft plump cheeks felt the warm touch of Darius' fingers. "Ahn~" He had to use both hands to stop himself from moaning, but a small squeaky noise left his lips, making Darius' little friend snap upwards. Much to his confusion- He... is attracted to this? 

Darius isn't a virgin... But Wally is, and the reactions he just had, made Darius feel very weird... He has an erection now.

Maybe he... likes this? 

Just a little bit.