
Pokemon: Creation and Adventures

Alec, after a premature death, was reborn in the body of a 5-year-old boy, although without any memory of his life, but luckily, he realized that he was reborn in the fantastic pokemon world, from here on, he will live his own adventures as he tries to figure out his origins, all while realizing that the world he's in is much darker than he expected.

Jogarp · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
24 Chs


Inside an underground laboratory somewhere in Unova, a group of scientists stood in front of a group of incubation machines where a light green fluid could be glimpsed within them.

One of the scientists, who appeared to be the one in charge, rubbed his eyes before approaching each of the incubators as he jotted down some of his thoughts on a small notebook in his hand.

Suddenly, there was a little agitation in one of the incubators, to which the group of scientists, including the chief scientist, stopped everything they were doing and approached said incubator.

Inside it, you could see a small naked child, floating in the container, on his face there was a small mask that connected to a small tube through which, apparently, he was supplied with the air he needed, the funny thing is that, at this moment, the incubator that controlled the child's vital signs began to ring, indicating that the child was in danger of death, but as soon as it rang, it also stopped, as if the above were just an illusion

Seeing this the chief scientist frowned, turned to the other people in the room and said:

"Give me a report on the status of test subject No. 15"

Hearing this, a lady of no more than 30 years dressed in a white robe and with glasses in her eyes responded quickly:

"From the data the computer records, all vital signs are in order, sir."

Her answer, only hers, made the chief investigator's brow furrow even more, so, seeing this, the lady quickly decided to add:

"A few minutes ago there was a small alteration in the brain waves of subject No. 15, which caused a drop in his vital signs, but apparently he recovered as soon as he appeared."

Hearing this, the chief scientist no longer directed his gaze to the lady, but moved closer to the incubator, looked at her for a moment before sighing.

"This is already the 15th attempt, all the others resulted in resounding failures, while this one apparently resulted in success, so nothing should go wrong, do you understand me?"

Giving everyone in the room a sharp look, she proceeded to withdraw, whereupon the other scientists breathed a sigh of relief.

One of them couldn't help saying:

"Professor Nirio has been in a worse mood lately."

Hearing this, another scientist in the room gave him an annoyed look before saying:

"Hmph, surely you would also be annoyed if after so much funding there was almost no progress in the investigation."

Hearing this, not only the one who had been unhappy with the professor fell silent, but also the rest of the scientists in the room sighed, only they knew how much effort and risk there was in this investigation.

To all this, the lady who had given the report to Professor Nirio hesitated for a moment before saying:

"Everyone, please calm down a bit, although it is true that this human-pokemon development project has not gone as easy as we expected, it is not that we were left without any profit, although all the previous test subjects did not meet expectations. At least subject No. 15 seems to show us the way to go. "

Hearing this, everyone in the room fell silent before continuing with their own tasks, without commenting on what the lady said.

Meanwhile, in a rather spacious room, which, unlike what you would expect in an underground laboratory, had the appearance of a typical 5-star hotel reception, two people sat facing each other.

On the one hand, there was a man in his 40s, he wore a long white robe, his lock of gray in his bangs was his most outstanding feature, he also wore glasses, quite old, which did not hide the deep dark circles he had.

Without any person, trainer or breeder present, he would recognize this person at a glance as Professor Nirio, one of the eminences in pokemon research, although he had been curiously out of sight of late.

In front of him, a rather elegant man was sitting, wearing a black raincoat, his long light green hair stood out in contrast, at this moment, he was sitting elegantly while drinking a cup of tea, apparently ignoring Professor Nirio.

Soon after, the green-haired man placed the cup of tea back on the table before staring at Professor Nirio.

"I have heard that your project is not going as well as I expected."

Hearing this, Professor Nirio could only sigh before saying:

"On the road to evolution, failures are inevitable."

The green-haired man only smiled slightly before adding:

"Yes, you are right, the more difficult and distant the goal, the more satisfactory the success, however, in your case, my dear friend, time is not on your side."

At these words, Professor Nirio frowned, before a sudden thought appeared in his mind, which made him ask hastily:

"Don't tell me the league has already discovered our tracks?"

At the professor's agitated and concerned expression, the green-haired man gestured for the professor to stop and take a seat.

Seeing that his reaction was a bit exaggerated, Professor Nirio sat down on the chair again, although the constant movement of his hands revealed his inner nervousness.

Seeing this, the green haired man just sighed, he thought for a moment before saying;

"Although they have not discovered this place yet, the league's suspicions are growing, many of our investors have mentioned that they are being monitored by the league, so that, along with the few results of their investigation, are making them lose patience."

Hearing this that the league hadn't discovered his tracks yet, Professor Nirio let out a sigh, after all, if he was discovered by the league, forget about his reputation as a teacher, after all the human and pokemon experiments he did, even life imprisonment will most likely be too short for him.

Thinking of this, the professor breathed a sigh of relief, before looking back at the green-haired man:

"I'm sure you can keep those vultures at bay for a while longer, right now, we are at a very important step in research, so the funding cannot be stopped now."

Hearing this, a look of interest appeared on the green-haired man's face, so he couldn't help but say:

"Oh, so the 'subject zero' you were talking about finally appeared?"

At this question, the professor looked a bit embarrassed before answering:

"Cof, cough, although my theorized zero subject did not appear, after 14 experimental tests, one recently appeared that managed to support the genes of the phoenix, and even now his condition is stable."

Hearing this, the green haired man only shook his head, apparently it was not what he expected to hear.

"Although it is an extraordinary advance my dear friend, it is not enough to calm those restless investors, what you promised before the project began was the perfect human, one who combines the strength and power of the pokemon with the intelligence and wisdom. of humans, and although it is surprising that a child appeared who supports the genes of the legendary phoenix, I am almost certain that you spent all the DNA inside the rainbow feather for it, right? "

Professor Nirio could not refute this, after all, after so many failures and deaths of the experimental subjects, the professor gave a rather crazy order, before they only used the DNA of other rather weak pokemon such as caterpie or psyduck, or more similar to humans like machop or lucario, but neither worked, so, in desperation and recklessness, he used the DNA obtained from a rainbow feather obtained with great difficulty by the green-haired man, which actually must have been used with the "subject zero" in test subject No. 15.

After calming down, the professor immediately regretted his stupid outburst and resigned himself to losing such precious DNA, but who would expect that the subject not only died, but quickly adapted to the DNA of the phoenix.

At first, it was a pleasant surprise, the teacher was quite ecstatic, but the tests that followed were quite disappointing, the subject did not acquire any superhuman abilities from the legendary phoenix, besides a great vitality above average, there was nothing more extraordinary on the test subject, so strictly speaking this was also a failure.

Perhaps because he was the only one to adapt or because it was the first "success", the professor decided not to discard it and continue with his experiments, until today that he was called by the man with green hair.

Thus, knowing that the person in front of him had already basically guessed what happened, Professor Nirio could only remain silent.

This sight quite disappointed the man, who got up and headed for the exit.

Just when he was about to leave, the man decided to turn around and say to the crestfallen professor:

"I expected to see the same emotion that I saw in you when the project started, but it seems that my expectations were wrong, in itself the financing of your project stopped 2 months ago, but I decided to continue it on my own because of the ambition in your eyes, seen that it no longer exists, then this project ends here. "

"By the way, the funding was diverted to the Acromo project, who, although not even 2 months have passed, already has some results, so the position of chief scientist of the plasma team that I thought to give you will be given to Acromo, I hope understand it."

Without saying anything else or giving Professor Nirio a second glance, the green-haired man left the place.

Professor Nirio said nothing, the news had already shocked him, so for a moment he thought he was in a dream, no, a nightmare, otherwise how could he change his entire future perspective in just a few minutes?

But the professor did not have time to reflect, suddenly alarms sounded throughout the underground laboratory before tremors shook the entire place.

At this sight, the professor was stunned, outside the room, all the researchers and people were in an uproar, it didn't take a genius to realize that they were attacking the underground base, as to who, the professor didn't even hesitate.

"So you already had it all planned, Ghechis, you even revealed this place to cover your retreat, ahahahaha."

The professor seemed to have gone mad, his laugh was in contrast to the panicked screams outside the room, numerous league agents had already made their way all over the place and it was a matter of time until they found him.

"This time you win Ghechis, just as you said, after so much failure even my ambitions wavered, so I have nothing to get mad at you about."

After they finished his words, the teacher took all the notes from him and from the central computer from the terminal he had in the room and decided to erase all the information outright.

To do this, he even took a rotom out of his pokeball and ordered him to infiltrate the computer to speed up the process.

By this time, Mirto, who was leading the league raid, was already very close to the laboratory, had ordered the rest of the league coaches to check the rest of the places in the underground base.

Soon after, Mirto entered the laboratory where test subject No. 15 was located and was surprised by what he saw.

"Who can be so heartless as to participate in this type of project."

In front of him, numerous container tanks filled the place, inside, were the different failed test subjects, whose appearance contrasted too much from what they were human or pokemon, with only one word to describe them.


Given this, Mirto, who had entered before with his volcarona, firmly ordered that no one else enter, while he himself ordered his volcarona to destroy the entire place without hesitation.

Shortly after, only the ashes remained of the place, where a quite dejected Myrtle was sitting.

"How can there be people who can do this?"

As Mirto hesitated about what he had witnessed, the volcarona of him drew closer, while he hovered around him, as if wanting to guide him to a place.

Given this, Mirto hesitated a bit before heeding him, so not long after, he found the contender for test subject No. 15.

Seeing him intact, Mirto thought that he was one of the children with whom they had not yet experimented, so his early arrival saved him.

Thinking this way, his mood improved.

"Don't worry little boy, from now on, I'll take care of you."