
Powerful force

Me and Oliver got ready for the hardest battle of this pokemon horde. Looking a little ahead of me I could see a pokemon giving off a strong aura.

It was a second level nidoking. Every step nidoking took the ground began to shake.

As if it was ready to split apart from the pure force of nidoking power.

Oliver:It look like this will be quite a tough battle kj. I don't know if the two of us will be enough for this nidoking.

To our surprise another figure decided to show up and help the battle.

Stacy:I hope you guys haven't forgotten about me. Cause me and rhyhorn are ready to kick butt.

Her rhyhorn gave a roar in approval.

"Well if your here to help that just betters our chance of winning. However my beldum is not in no position to fight."

"The last battle drained him of most of his energy. So I only have Riolu currently."

Looking at Stacy and Oliver rhyhorn and beedrill they must have had much easier battles. Seeing as their pokemon still looked battle ready.

Oliver:It seems me and beedrill are stronger then you.

I ignored Oliver as I decided to finally start the battle.

"Let's go Riolu show this nidoking whose boss."

Riolu gave a nod as he rushed forward ready to fight.

Stacy:Don't get left behind rhyhorn join the battle.

Oliver:Show them whose the strongest beedrill.

Battle start

The three pokemon surrounded the nidoking. Each ready to battle.

"Riolu let's start things off with a blaze kick."

Flame surrounded Riolu foot as he rushed towards nidoking striking it head on.

The results was barely any damage on nidoking it actually made it more angry.

Nidoking I'm retaliation began to repeatedly stomp the ground. Causing a earthquake which managed to strike Riolu and rhyhorn.

Both pokemon were slightly injured after the move.

Oliver: Beedrill show nidoking your strength use ice beam.

A chilling blue beam rushed towards nidoking striking it in the foot. Nidoking foot was successfully frozen.

This limited nidoking movements in battle.

Stacy:Hurry rhyhorn while nidoking is frozen use bulldoze.

Rhyhorn began to stomp the ground multiple times which caused many tremors to happen.

This did a considerate amount of damage to nidoking leaving it slightly wounded.

"Nice Stacy good move."

Nidoking in anger used ice beam. The powerful beam flew towards beedrill as it froze one of its wings.

Oliver began to look at beedrill in worry.

"Riolu use aura sphere full power."

Blue aura began to form a spherical ball in Riolu hand as it was sent nidoking way.

Nidoking seeing the incoming attack braced for impact but was not fast enough.

Nidoking was sent flying back into a tree as it took significant damage.

"Alright Riolu good job!"

Oliver beedrill finally broke free from its frozen constraints.

Oliver:Alright beedrill finish this off use hyper beam full power.

A powerful beam began to build up in front of beedrill. You could feel the raw power coming from the attack.

All was quiet as we all silently hoped that this would end the battle.

But to our disappointment nidoking responded by shooting a hyper beam of its own.

The hyper beams clashed for a minute as they canceled out eachother.

Stacy:rhyhorn use rockblast!

A huge rock was formed in the air as it went flying towards nidoking.

Nidoking seeing the incoming attack braced itself. As the rock was nearing nidoking caught it surprising all of us.

With great strength nidoking sent the Boulder in our direction.

"Riolu use aura sphere on the Boulder."

Oliver:Beedrill use hyper beam

Stacy:rhyhorn use rock blast

The three attack struck the Boulder as it broke into many pieces.

Nidoking used ice beam once again. This time aimed for Riolu.

Thinking quick I decided to take a risk.

"Riolu use ice punch and let the ice beam strike your fist."

The others was confused on why I was willingly letting Riolu be hit. To their surprise my efforts payed off.

As the ice beam struck Riolu fist it became absorbed by ice punch powering up the move even more.

Needing someone to let the energy out on Riolu began to rush nidoking with great speeds.

Striking nidoking head on half of nidoking body became numb from the power of the attack.

Nidoking in a tough situation decided to put it's all into its last attack. A powerful beam which we recognized as hyper beam began to build up in its mouth.

Without our orders each pokemon knew what to do.

From Riolu a giant pressure of aura began to condense into a ball. Ready to rip into anything in its way.

Beedrill built up a powerful hyper beam in its mouth.

While rhyhorn condensed a huge beam of earth ready to crush its opponents in battle.

All was silent across the field. As all we could hear was the powerful energy behind each attack holding the power to do some serious damage.

As if on cue every attack was launched at the same time.

Three attacks from our side facing the very powerful hyper beam. Each side fought with all their might as the two sides went back and forth.

I broke a sweat waiting on the result of the attack. My worry was all for nothing because a second later.

Nidoking was not able to stop the combine force of our attack and was struck by each move.

The result of the attack was a fainted nidoking.

Battle end

Taking a deep breath I finally laid down. Not caring about what environment I was in.

Riolu came to my side as he sat down to tired from the battle that lasted for a full day.

Oliver and Stacy followed my actions as the both layed down with their pokemon.

Stacy trying to lighten the mood began to speak.

Stacy:I'm gone to need a serious shower after this.

Seeing as how we were all covered in dirt and debris we all shared a laugh.

Not noticing the news crew coming and recording. We continued to make small jokes.

After around 30 minutes the United States pokemon association came to capture all the pokemon.

Looking at them I couldn't help but snort. They came last second just to take the rewards.

Saying my goodbyes to Stacy and Oliver I made my way back home to rest with my pokemon.