
Pokemon collides with the real world

Our main character kj has recently died from saving a young child. Thinking that his life was over he was ready to give up and let swathe,brace him until all of a sudden he felt his soul being pulled. Blacking out the last thing he saw was the crying face of a child. But as if a miracle happened his soul was reincarnated into another earth similar to his but with a few changes.

Kj5513 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
33 Chs

Meeting Alice

The elation from Kj's victory over Zane was still palpable as the team reconvened in the war room. The battle had been a grueling test of their skills and resolve, but now they faced an even greater challenge: the semifinals. Kj's determination was evident in every step he took, his mind already racing with strategies and preparations for the next battle.

In the heart of the estate, the war room once again buzzed with focused intensity. Nami was at her station, her eyes scanning data on potential opponents. Jolteon, her ever-loyal companion, sat alert by her side, its fur bristling with electricity. Across the grounds, Rex and his Arcanine were training hard, their movements a blur of flames and agility. Ana, in the Pokémon care center, ensured every Pokémon was in peak condition, her Eevee assisting diligently.

Kj walked into the war room, his face set with determination. "Any updates on our next opponent?"

Nami looked up, her eyes as sharp as ever. "We've got the matchup. Your next opponent is... Alice."

The room fell silent. Alice was known for her precision and unwavering focus. Unlike Zane's psychological warfare, Alice's battles were marked by relentless pressure and impeccable timing.

"Alice," Kj muttered, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. "This is going to be a different kind of challenge."

Ana walked in, having overheard the news. "Alice, huh? She's a master of control. Every move she makes is calculated."

Nami nodded. "Alice's specialty is exploiting even the smallest mistakes. We need to be flawless."

Kj's resolve hardened. "We need to prepare like never before. Alice's precision won't be easy to counter, but we can do this."

### **Preparation and Strategy**

The days leading up to the battle were filled with intense preparation. The atmosphere at the estate was one of focused energy, every member of the team dedicated to ensuring Kj was ready for whatever Alice might throw at him.

Nami spent hours compiling data on Alice's past battles, identifying patterns and potential weaknesses. "Alice often uses status effects to wear down her opponents. Her Milotic is particularly dangerous with its combination of strength and resilience. We need to be prepared for its tricks."

Ana ensured that each of Kj's Pokémon was in peak condition. "Your Pokémon need to be not just strong but also resilient and adaptable. Alice's tactics will likely involve a lot of attrition, and we need to make sure they can handle the pressure."

Kj trained rigorously with his Pokémon, pushing them to their limits. He worked closely with Lucario, honing its newfound strength and agility. He focused on Articuno's stamina and defensive capabilities, knowing that endurance would be crucial against Alice's relentless tactics. And he dedicated extra time to Metang, ensuring its psychic abilities were sharp and its defenses impenetrable.

The nights were long, filled with strategy sessions and intensive training. Kj and Nami discussed potential battle scenarios, while Ana kept a close eye on the Pokémon's health and morale. Alice was a formidable opponent, but they were determined to be ready for anything.

### **The Day of the Battle**

The day of the battle arrived, and the stadium was packed with spectators eager to witness the clash. The energy in the air was palpable, the buzz of anticipation electric.

Kj and his team arrived at the arena, their expressions a mix of focus and excitement. As they walked to the battlefield, Kj saw Alice waiting on the opposite side, her expression calm and composed.

"Kj," Alice called out, her voice steady and confident. "Ready to test your limits?"

Kj grinned, his heart pounding with anticipation. "Let's give them a battle they'll never forget."

The referee stepped forward, raising his hands to signal the start of the match. "Trainers, take your positions! This will be a three-on-three battle, and substitutions are allowed. Begin!"

Kj and Alice exchanged nods, their eyes locking in a moment of mutual respect and determination. The crowd fell silent, their attention riveted on the battlefield.

### **Round One: Relentless Pressure**

Alice started the battle by sending out her first Pokémon, Milotic. The Water-type Pokémon's scales shimmered in the stadium lights, its presence exuding grace and strength.

Kj responded by sending out Articuno, its icy aura contrasting sharply with Milotic's serene demeanor. The two trainers sized each other up, their minds racing with strategies and counter-strategies.

"Milotic, use Scald!" Alice commanded, her voice calm and precise.

Milotic unleashed a stream of boiling water toward Articuno. Kj was ready for this.

"Articuno, dodge and use Freeze-Dry!" Kj countered swiftly.

Articuno gracefully evaded the Scald attack and retaliated with a blast of freezing energy. The Freeze-Dry hit Milotic, causing it to shiver and slow down.

Alice's eyes narrowed. "Milotic, Recover!"

Milotic's body glowed with a soothing light as it healed itself, undoing much of the damage from Articuno's attack. Kj knew he had to act fast.

"Articuno, Hurricane!" Kj called out.

Articuno flapped its wings, summoning a powerful storm that swirled around Milotic. The raging winds buffeted Milotic, disrupting its recovery and causing it to stagger.

Alice remained composed. "Milotic, use Dragon Pulse!"

Milotic summoned a pulse of draconic energy and launched it at Articuno. The attack was powerful, but Articuno managed to dodge most of the impact.

Kj's eyes gleamed with determination. "Articuno, finish it with Blizzard!"

Articuno summoned a devastating Blizzard, the icy winds and snow engulfing Milotic. The attack was overwhelming, leaving Milotic unable to continue. Alice recalled her Pokémon, acknowledging Kj's skill with a nod.

### **Round Two: Tactical Maneuvers**

Alice sent out her next Pokémon, Gallade. The Psychic and Fighting-type Pokémon's blade-like arms gleamed under the stadium lights, its stance poised and ready for battle.

Kj decided to switch tactics. "Articuno, return. Metang, it's your turn!"

Metang emerged from its Poké Ball, its metallic body gleaming. The two trainers locked eyes, their minds calculating their next moves.

"Gallade, use Swords Dance!" Alice commanded.

Gallade's blades glowed as it performed an intricate dance, increasing its attack power. Kj knew he had to act quickly.

"Metang, use Psychic!" Kj called out.

Metang's eyes glowed with psychic energy as it targeted Gallade, but Alice was ready.

"Gallade, Night Slash!" Alice ordered.

Gallade moved with blinding speed, its blades coated in dark energy as it slashed at Metang. The attack hit hard, causing Metang to stagger but not fall.

Kj's eyes narrowed. "Metang, Meteor Mash!"

Metang's fists glowed with a metallic sheen as it launched a powerful punch at Gallade. The attack struck true, sending Gallade reeling.

Alice's expression remained calm. "Gallade, use Close Combat!"

Gallade charged at Metang with incredible speed, delivering a flurry of powerful punches and kicks. Metang took the brunt of the assault, but its defenses held firm.

Kj knew he had to finish this quickly. "Metang, Zen Headbutt!"

Metang's body surged with psychic energy as it delivered a powerful headbutt to Gallade. The impact was strong, sending Gallade crashing to the ground. Alice recalled her Pokémon, a look of respect on her face.

### **Round Three: Precision and Control**

Alice sent out her final Pokémon, Alakazam. The Psychic-type Pokémon's eyes glowed with intense power, its spoons ready for battle.

Kj recalled Metang, his mind racing. "Lucario, you're up!"

Lucario emerged, its aura flaring with energy. The two trainers locked eyes, knowing this final round would decide the match.

"Alakazam, use Calm Mind!" Alice commanded.

Alakazam closed its eyes, its body glowing as it increased its special attack and defense. Kj knew he had to act fast.

"Lucario, Aura Sphere!" Kj called out.

Lucario formed a glowing sphere of energy and launched it at Alakazam. The attack was swift, but Alice was prepared.

"Alakazam, use Reflect!" Alice ordered.

A shimmering barrier appeared around Alakazam, reducing the damage from Lucario's attack. Kj's eyes narrowed, knowing he needed to break through Alakazam's defenses.

"Lucario, use Bone Rush!" Kj commanded.

Lucario created a bone-like staff of energy and charged at Alakazam, swinging it with precision. The attack struck Alakazam's barrier, causing it to flicker but not break.

Alice's eyes gleamed with determination. "Alakazam, use Psychic!"

Alakazam's eyes glowed with psychic energy as it targeted Lucario, lifting it into the air and slamming it down with immense force. Lucario struggled to rise, its energy waning.

Kj's voice was filled with urgency. "Lucario, stay strong! Use Extreme Speed!"

Lucario blurred into motion, its incredible speed allowing it to dodge Alakazam's follow-up attack. It reappeared behind Alakazam, ready for the finishing blow.

"Lucario, Close Combat!" Kj shouted.

Lucario unleashed a flurry of powerful punches and kicks, each strike hitting Alakazam with immense force. The barrier shattered, and Alakazam was unable to withstand the assault.

Alice recalled her Pokémon, a smile of genuine respect on her face. "Well fought, Kj. You've earned this victory."

Kj shook her hand, a triumphant smile on his face. "Thank you, Alice. It was an incredible battle."

As the referee announced Kj as the winner, the crowd's cheers grew louder. Kj looked at his team, feeling a deep sense of pride and gratitude. They had faced one of their toughest challenges yet and emerged victorious, ready to face whatever lay ahead in the finals.

### **Celebration and Reflection**

Back at the estate, the team gathered to celebrate their hard-earned victory. The atmosphere was one of joy and camaraderie, every member of the team basking in the glow of their success.

Nami raised a glass. "To Kj and the team! We faced a formidable opponent and came out on top. Now, let's get ready for the finals!"

Rex clapped Kj on the back. "You did great out there, Kj. But the finals are going to be even tougher. We need to stay sharp."

Ana smiled, her Eevee nuzzling against her. "We'll make sure every Pokémon is in top condition. We've come this far, and we can't let up now."

Kj looked around at his friends and teammates, feeling a deep sense of gratitude. "Thank you, everyone. We couldn't have done this without each and every one of you. Let's give it our all in the finals!"

### **Looking Ahead**

As the celebrations wound down, Kj and his team began to shift their focus to the final challenge that lay ahead. The semifinals had been a testament to their skill, determination, and teamwork. Now, they faced the ultimate test: the championship battle.

In the war room, Nami was already compiling data on the potential final opponents. Rex and his Arcanine continued their intense training sessions, pushing themselves to new limits. Ana, ever diligent, ensured that every Pokémon was in peak condition, her Eevee assisting with a keen eye.

Kj stood at the center of the war room, his face set with determination. "We've come a long way, but the journey isn't over yet. The finals will be our greatest challenge, but I know we can overcome it. Let's prepare like never before and give it everything we've got!"

The team responded with a unified cheer, their resolve unshaken. The road to the championship had been long and arduous, but they were ready to face whatever lay ahead. Together, they would strive for victory, driven by their unbreakable bond and unwavering spirit.

### **The Final Countdown**

As the days passed, the preparations intensified. The team worked tirelessly, honing their skills and strategies. Every moment was dedicated to ensuring they were ready for the final battle. The anticipation grew, the excitement palpable as the championship day approached.

Kj and his Pokémon trained with relentless determination, pushing themselves to their limits. Lucario, Articuno, and Metang all showed incredible growth, their bond with Kj stronger than ever. Nami's strategic insights, Rex's combat training, and Ana's care all combined to form an unstoppable force.

The night before the finals, the team gathered for one last strategy session. Nami laid out the final plan, her voice steady and confident. "We've studied our opponent's tactics, we've trained hard, and we're ready. Tomorrow, we give it our all."

Kj nodded, his resolve firm. "Tomorrow, we show the world what we're made of. Let's win this for ourselves, for our Pokémon, and for everything we've worked for."

As they dispersed for the night, each member of the team felt a deep sense of purpose and unity. The finals were just hours away, and they were ready to face the ultimate challenge. The journey had been long, but their goal was within reach. Together, they would strive for victory, their hearts filled with determination and hope.

The next chapter in their journey awaited, and they were ready to write it with every ounce of strength and courage they possessed. The finals would be their greatest test, but they were ready to face it head-on, united in their quest for glory.