
Pokemon : Aura of Darkness

" Destiny is a gift, my dear human soul......... Never forget that fear is but the precursor to valor, that to strive and triumph in the face of fear is what it means to be a hero" muttered an unknown being as he held the soul that he chose to be his hero...his champion...his source of entertainment. Follow the journey of Aoki as he is chosen from the earth to reincarnate into the world of Pokemon. Will he follow the path that was laid down for him to follow or create his own path? #no system

Immortle_diablo123 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
198 Chs

Orange Town

Same night:

"You went too hard on him, felt like you had a grudge against him," Sabrina said remembering the battle.

She was one against reminded that she was traveling with monsters and staying around him was the safest place in the world.

With three champion-level Pokemon on his team alongside multiple elite-level Pokemon, Sabrina doesn't think anyone comes close to his power, not even Giovani.

"Leon had a big dream like mine so he had to be given a reality check.

He claimed that he was an undefeated trainer, so I decided to break his winning streak.

If you know what your final opponent will be, you may take one of the two paths.

Either you give up proving that you didn't have what it takes to follow your own dream.

Or you become even more motivated and become determined to surpass that final opponent.

Leon has huge potential.

He has a strong team of elite-stage Pokemon who can easily stand against the Elite Four and even defeat the Champion of some regions.

I wish to see where this defeat leads him too. " Aoki said remembering Leon from the anime.

"Have you ever lost a Pokemon battle ?" Sabrina asked.

"After my official debut as a trainer, I didn't lose any battle, I had lost a battle against a wild Pokemon a few months back.

It was the battle where I met Darkrai" Aoki replied.


Aoki and Sabrina spent a few more days on Cinnabar Island before deciding to leave.

As expected Leon went on the second path and continued his dream.

Professor Oak informed Aoki that a trainer named Leon challenged him to a battle and even managed to defeat his champion-level Dragonite but ultimately lost to his other Pokemon.

Although retired, Samuel Oak was still one of the Kanto league champions.

The next day another piece of news reached Aoki and Sabrina.

The Viridian gym exploded that night as a pink Pokemon could be seen flying out of the broken gym and disappearing into the air.

Sabrina contacted Koga for information and confirmed the details.

As expected, Mewtwo escaped…

The tracker placed on his body was broken shortly after so there is no way to track back Mewtwo.

Sabrina knew what that thing was and became worried as an unstable champion-level legendary like that would cause havoc if left unchecked.

A smile appeared on Aoki's face since things seemed to be going in the direction he wants.

With nothing else to do in Cinnabar island, Aoki and Sabrina departed for Orange town on the back of Articuno.


The orange town was not exactly a small town.

A lot of one-story and two-story houses covered the town with the most beautiful one being on the seashore that belonged to Aoki's family.

Although Sabrina never visited Orange town, she only knew that the main branch of Alicia's kitchen which was owned by Aoki's parents was in this town.

Sabrina regretted not visiting the town earlier.

The scene from above was one of the most beautiful towns she had scenes.

Orange, Red, and white flowers covered the entire town with beautiful patterns.

Roofs of houses were decorated with flowers, trees cut in the shape of various Pokemon, and beautiful gardens filled with beautiful flowers.

Even for a town, the roads were very well built.

Townfolks who were on the road looked above in shock as they found the legendary Articuno flying around their town cooling the environment.

Some people found themselves blessed while children jumped with joy seeing the Pokemon from fables.

A crowd started to gather around Aoki's house as the news of the owner of Articuno spread around the town.

The pride of their town has returned home.

Aoki Gunhildr was back.

Everyone in the town already knew Aoki but now he had become a celebrity.

As soon as Aoki landed on the shore near his house and restaurant, people surrounded Aoki and began putting garlands of flowers around his neck and gave him a warm welcome.

Pushing aside the people, a Pokemon jumped on Aoki making him fall on his back.

"I am back Arcanine…..

I missed you so much" Aoki began patting Arcanine's fur as Arcanine licked Aoki's face.

This was Aoki's father Arcanine and Aoki's best friend before Aoki started his journey.

Another Pokemon rushed towards Aoki but didn't immediately jump on him but looked away making a pout.

"You still hold a grudge against me for not taking you huh miss?!

Stop pouting and give me a hug Scyther " Aoki stood up and gave Scyther a hug.

This female Scyther belonged to his mother who was the closest to him after Arcanine.

Scyther was a tsundere so she had difficulty showing affection.

Both Arcanine and Scyther were with Aoki from his birth till he left and were very dejected when Aoki didn't take them on his journey.

Seeing Aoki back home, all their grudges washed away.

"Look who is back in town!

I thought you would never come back after seeing the world.."A handsome middle-aged man walked forwards giving Aoki a hug.

"I can't forget my home, can I?" Aoki said.

"Why didn't you come back sooner? You know how much I waited for you to come to visit us" A beautiful woman approached Aoki and hugged him from the other side.

"I am a busy man you see…you have a book a formal appointment to meet me," Aoki said getting a light slap on the back from his dad.

"You never change huh you little rascal "

"Nothing in the world can change me from who I am…" Aoki said with a smile.

"I am back Mom, and Dad" Aoki hugged them tight.

"" Welcome home, Aoki""

Sabrina watched Aoki's interaction with amusement as Aoki felt like a little kid in front of his parents.

Both of Aoki's parents were good-looking, no wonder Aoki turned out to be so handsome.

Aoki's mom looked at Sabrina and whispered in his ears.

"Seems like you turned into a player after all, not just Misty, you even charmed gym leader Sabrina"

"You are looking at the girl, don't you see your son was riding the legendary Articuno, did you even imagine in your dreams to witness this scene!"Aoki's father exclaimed.

All of the townfolks wanted to see Aoki's Pokemon so he released all of them.

One by one Darkrai, Charizard, Salamence, Victreebel, Pidgeot ,Nidoking, Gyarados, Clefable, Aerodactyl, Trapinch, Abra, Gastly Eevee, and Axew appeared on the shore.

"Our son assembled a team of monsters " Aoki's mother Alicia commented.

"It was right to let him leave, he could have never found himself if he took over our business" Aoki's father Aoba replied.

Instead of getting scared of such menacing Pokemon like Gyarados, people began cheering and treating them like celebrities.

Clicking photos with them, handing them gifts, garlands, etc.

Aoki's Pokemon didn't know what to feel about this and just went with it.

Arcanine and Scyther suddenly felt a sense of jealousy from all of the Pokemon in front of them especially Victreebel since they were told that he was Aoki's starter.

Sabrina was also warmly welcomed since the news had spread that she was Aoki's girlfriend.

Aoki entered his house where he met with the restaurant staff and the rest of his old Pokemon friends like Vileplume, Parasect, Flareon, Fearow, Vaporeon, Beedrill, Butterfree, and Pidgeotto.

He let his Pokemon get familiar with the Pokemon he grew up with.


Professor Oak stared blankly at Darkrai then Articuno then at Aoki.

"So you are telling me….you just stumbled upon them on your journey "

Articuno nodded.

"That is exactly what happened " Darkrai replied.

"He can talk ?!" Both Aoki and Darkrai nodded.

"You don't just come across legendaries and mythical Pokemon out of the blue!!" Oak said slamming the table with shock.

A team of elite rank and a champion rank Pokemon just under a year already didn't make any sense and now Aoki had two more champion rank legendaries under him.

Red collected all three legendary birds after becoming the champion in his twenties but Aoki is not even eighteen and has two legendary under him.

Aoki was even more overbearing than Red.

Aoba was trying to hold back her laughter watching a calm person like Oak lose his composure

"Now now Professor, don't be so agitated, Aoki is going to stay here for a few days, you will have a lot of time to question him," Aoba said.

Although he has seen a wide variety of Pokemon trainers from all around the world come to his restaurant, seeing two legendaries beside his son shocked him a bit too.

But it made him more proud than shocked, Aoki was his son after all.

For the last few months, Professor Oak spends most of his free time in this restaurant so it wasn't new that Oak was there today when Aoki arrived.

Sabrina was supposed to join them in conversation but Aoki's mother had dragged her inside to know her better.

While Aoki was giving him some details about his journey, a Crobat arrived at the table carrying two plates of food.

"Seems like you adjusted well here," Aoki said looking at the Corbat making it flinch and quickly leave.

It was the same Crobat that Aoki caught in Mt. Moon. At that time he didn't need Crobat so he sent it to Professor Oak to take care of it.

Later with Aoki's permission, Crobat was given to Aoki's family and became a waiter for them.

"I will join you two later, I have to open the restaurant " Aoba left Aoki and Oak to talk alone.

"Whatever, I wouldn't question you more on your Pokemon since I don't think I will get my answers.

What is your current topic of research?" Oak asked.

"I am working on finding the evolution of some Pokemon.

My hypothesis is complete, I just have to implement it.

By my estimation, by the end of this month, I will be announcing three new evolution of existing Pokemon"

Oak was immediately interested in Aoki's research and asked for the first access to his paper when he completes it.


In the evening, Aoki knocked on the door of a house with Sabrina alongside him

The door was opened by a man in his late twenties.

"Long time no see hero! "

"Yeah, it's been a while Kevin" Aoki replied.

Kevin was a medium-height man with curly brown hair.

"Fana is resting in the bedroom, let me take you two to her.

She was sad that she couldn't go to meet you" Kevin replied.

In a well-lit bedroom, a woman in her late twenties sat by the window reading a book.

Pretty face, and long green hair.

"You are here Aoki!" the woman turned her face towards Aoki making Sabrina a bit shocked.

The left side of the woman's face was deeply scarred with her left eye gone.

Fana stood up with the help of a cane and gave Aoki a big hug.

Sabrina noticed that her right leg was amputated.

"Sorry I couldn't come to help meet you when you came back"

"It's okay Fana, you shouldn't walk much in your condition"

"You are right…" Fana gave a gentle laugh.

Aoki introduced Sabrina to Fana which made her very happy.

Kevin just smiled watching their interaction.

Sabrina noticed that Kevin and Fana had matching rings on their fingers so they were most probably married.

"Hey Fana, would you like to run again ?" Aoki asked.

"Yes I wish to run again but why are you asking?"

"Because I am giving you your face and legs back," Aoki said.

'Darkrai do it '

Darkrai immediately used his powers to put both Kevin and Fana to deep sleep.

"Aoki this woman…." Sabrina muttered.

"Yes, she was my first love...

Fana was a Pokemon ranger.

Brave, cheerful, and very fun to be around…

We went on a lot of adventures in the wild and I learned a lot of things from her.

But one day, she met an unfortunate accident during her ranger missions.

The attack of wild Pokemon was too much for her and her Pokemon to handle.

All her Pokemon passed away while she lost one of her legs and got a scar on her face.

After that incident, she completely changed.

Her smile, laugh, everything was gone.

Her mental condition worsened to the degree that she tried to take her life multiple times.

It was Kevin who saved her.

Kevin was another ranger who also loved Fana.

With love and constant support for years, Fana was somewhat back to normal.

I wished that I could do something for her but there was nothing I could do.

But the current situation is different….

Although she belongs to someone else now, I still wish to see her smile again. "

Aoki called out Clefable and the Chansey squad and began circulating a dark aura through Fana's body.

Slowly but surely her leg started to regenerate followed by her face getting back to normal.

Sabrina was shocked to see the regeneration power of Aura but decided to ask about it later.

After ten minutes, her body was completely helped devoid of any scars.

Sabrina had a good look at Fana now and she was truly a beautiful woman.

Darkrai woke both of them up from their sleep.

Fana and Kevin saw each other and froze as tears started to drop from their eyes.

In front of Kevin was Fana without a single injury on her body.

For Fana, she could feel her leg and see properly again.

Fana stood up and almost fell but Kevin caught her.

With minimal support, Fana walked towards the mirror to have a good look at herself as she began laughing and crying at the same time.

Fana enveloped Kevin in a kiss seeing which Aoki felt a jolt of pain.

"Ahem!" Sabrina decided to make them realize Aoki and her were still there.

"Aoki this….." Fana didn't know what to say.

"I have a Pokemon who completely healed you.

Didn't I make a deal years ago that I would heal you one day?

I am completing my deal today…."

"But….I deal was that I would ma-"

"Stop there, I don't want to hear anything more"

"I just wanted to help you, I don't wish anything in return other than you keep smiling forever," Aoki said.

Kevin fell to Aoki's knees thanking him continuously and asking him how could he replay Aoki.

"No matter what I do, I can't thank you enough Aoki…" Fana muttered.

"I don't want any money from you…

Fana was someone very precious to me, just keep doing what you always did Kevin.

Make her happy"

"I will….I will make her the happiest woman….have trust in me"

"That should be enough.

I will catch up with you guys later, I am really tired today " Aoki said asking Sabrina to teleport both of them before Fana and Kevin could say anything.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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