
Peace Offering

As I hobbled through the halls of the hospital a wide grin was plastered on my face, despite the look professor Oak was giving me due to my previous antics.

Not only had I exposed Team Rocket when they were obviously still in hiding, but I also undid their efforts to slander professor Oak while also putting Giovanni in a position where he would be pressured to pay for my hospital bills, AND hopefully earn quite a bit of money for my 'troubles' in the process. I also added a bit slander to Giovanni's name by mentioning a possible gay relationship with Lieutenant Surge.

Was it believable? Hell no. But I thought it was hilarious, and hopefully it would make people curious if it was true or not.

Obviously professor Oak didn't find it hilarious, and neither did mom, professor Birch, or the other adults when I made it back to my room.

"I suppose you thought that was funny?" Mom asked me with a stern look as I made my way back to the bed.

"It was pretty funny, yeah." I told her bluntly, surprising them before mom got even angrier as she declared,

"It was only because mr. Giovanni let us use his helicopter that we managed to get you to the hospital on time, and you went out there and humiliated that poor man while also demanding money! What do you have to say for yourself!?"

While normally I would be readily cowed by my mother taking such a tone with me, even in this life, this time I wasn't bothered as I simply stated,

"Well considering I'm pretty sure he was the one who ordered the attack, I'd say it was justified." My words stunned everyone present except Riolu, who Ash was trying to play with since he'd never seen one before now.

"What are you talking about?" Professor Oak demanded, his demeanor nothing like the kindly grandfather Ash and I had come to know. I had to hide my surprise at the sudden shift in the old man, and decided to reveal something I'd been TRYING to keep hidden.

Similarly to last night I channeled my aura, which I would have to work on using properly after the accidents with the door and the interview, so that I could see the aura of those around me.

Aura, from what I understood, was akin to the life force of people that some like myself could read if they were skilled enough for it. I wasn't nearly skilled by any means, but I apparently had an abundance of aura that allowed me to brute force my way.

Everyone had aura, but only a select few possessed enough aura to even be able to use it, like myself, Riolu, and Ash. So currently I was able to see the aura of everyone around me, the different hues along with indications of their current state which appeare to be alarm.

"Ace.... Your eyes!" Dawn exclaimed in shock from my left, confusing me until May held up a small mirror, allowing me to see that my eyes had a distinct amber glow to them.

"Is that aura?" Professor Rowen asked, who appeared the least alarmed of the group.

I nodded in confirmation while asking, "how'd you know?"

Looking towards Riolu, Rowen stated, "the Lucario line are known for their specialties with aura, while its said that those they're paired with are also uniquely gifted in it. I had my suspicions, but when you blasted that door down and your eyes glowed on the television I knew my suspicions were confirmed."

I fought down a groan as I realized I'd accidentally revealed my powers to the entirety of Kanto, and any other regions that were watching at the time, including Team Rocket.

"Dammit..." I swore in realization, while I also received numerous looks because of the incidents professor Rowen pointed out.

"Wellllllll...." I began awkwardly, before explaining, "I've actually been practicing my aura for a few years now, but it was never as strong as that. I think my pairing with Riolu awakened my dormant potential or something..."

Rowen nodded as he explained for everyone present,

"That sounds logical. However from what I little I know, most people don't even awaken their aura abilities even after being paired with a Riolu. You're quite the talented young man." My pride swelled at the praise I received from professor Rowen, until professor Oak steered us back onto our original topic.

"So what does this aura have to do with Giovanni?" I made a look that said 'oh yeah', before explaining to him,

"My aura allows me to determine the nature of a person somewhat. And last night I woke up for a few minutes, but when I noticed all of you coming to my room, I also sensed an incredibly sinister aura amongst you all. That aura belonged to Giovanni."

As I finished explaining the reason why I suspected Giovanni's involvement in the attack, professor Oak adopted a thoughtful look for a moment before saying,

"That might also explain his reason for coming to Pallet... I mean, from what I know Giovanni is never one to turn down a chance to meet new people and make connections. But his timing would make him seem suspicious..."

As the professor trailed off in thought, a new voice stated as professor Birch spoke up,

"So that bastard really did target my daughter?! What are we waiting for then!?" As he said that the angry father made to storm out of the hospital room, presumably to confront Giovanni himself, only for both professors Oak and Rowen to stop him as the former said,

"Stop Birch! We don't know for sure yet, and we have no evidence." Rowen nodded in agreement as he added,

"If Ace is wrong then you'll be attacking an innocent man in a foreign region, a Gym Leader at that! Let Oak and the officials of Kanto handle things since they have a place to begin looking."

"Please daddy!" May pleaded as she too tried to stop her father, making Birch sigh as he relented,

"Fine! But if something else happens I'll be tearing that bastard apart with my Pokemon, and neither of you will be able to stop me!"

As everyone let out a collective sigh of relief, I wondered if something was wrong with me when my immediate thought was wondering what Pokemon Birch had... Maybe Ash was rubbing off onto me or something...

That gave me an idea as I asked my mom,

"Hey mom, do you have my wallet?" Delia nodded as she pulled it out of her purse and said while handing it to me,

"You had it on you when you were attacked, and it was given to me shortly after we arrived with your clothes and stuff. I just threw them away since they were torn up."

Saying my thanks, I pulled out 2500 Pokedollars and offered it to Ash as I asked him,

"Hey Ash, can you take this and run to the nearest Pokemart for me? I want every catalog they have available, but specifically ones involving training Pokemon and equipment."

"Ok Aniki!" Ash exclaimed excitedly as he quickly left to do what I asked, knowing that I usually gave him any leftover change from what I'd give him.

"What do you want catalogs for?" Mom asked me with narrowed eyes, to which I replied while rubbing hand and cast together mischievously,

"Because now I have to begin training Riolu once we get out of here! And since I might have a bit of money coming in, then I might as well splurge and order proper equipment."

My words made professor Oak sigh with a wry smile since he didn't allow the kids he sponsored to have to train Pokemon before they officially began their journey, but there wasn't much he could say or do about me and Riolu. It wasn't like he could actually tell a fighting type Pokemon they couldn't train AT ALL over the next five years, could he?

Even if my plan to extort Giovanni amounted to nothing, I could always dip into the funds I'd been saving up for the last five years since it was specifically for our Pokemon. I just wouldn't buy nearly as much as I would otherwise.

Soon enough Ash returned with one of every catalog the Pokemart had in stock, along with some snacks he bought with the change, and we began looking through them with excitement. None were more excited than Riolu though, who's eyes shined from the moment I mentioned training, and who eagerly looked through the different pieces of equipment we could buy as he asked me what they were for.

While I was looking at training equipment with Riolu, Ash was reading the specifics about a certain hat that there was a raffle for, while May and Dawn were both looking at catalogs regarding accessories and outfits.

Mentally taking note of the items they were looking at, I worked with Riolu to determine what items would be the best to buy. Along with numerous pieces of equipment designed to enhance growth, we also decided to get a Muscle Band that would enhance Riolu's physical attacks.

With the adults leaving us kids alone to discuss what I'd told them earlier, time seemed to flow right by as the sun began to sink on the horizon, before a light knock at the door drew my attention.

"Ace Ketchum? You have a visitor." The younger Nurse Joy said after opening the door, before moving aside to allow a young woman in.

She had short brown hair that was combed back, and was wearing a black suit complete with a red tie. She held a briefcase in each hand, and gave me an intense look as if she were analyzing me, before finally saying,

"Greetings Ace Ketchum. I am Giana, daughter of Giovanni."


Even as Giana introduced herself Ace Ketchum had an expression of complete calm on his face, the only lapse in it being the brief surprise in his amber eyes when she mentioned being Giovanni's daughter. The four around him however had markedly more telling reactions, as Ace's brother Ash, the actual targets of their attack, May and Dawn, and even the newborn Pokemon Riolu, all tensed up while looking at her with undisguised hostility.

This confused Giana since they had not openly done anything to make the group wary, instead her 'father' had helped Ace out by flying him to the hospital on their helicopter. Then again, there must be SOME reason for their reactions, especially since Ace himself slandered and extorted her 'father' so openly on television.

Though, it wasn't only them. Giana had received similar looks from the professors and mothers of the four before her, making her wonder if they were somehow aware that Giovanni was the one behind the attack. While logic would say that was impossible, that was partially why Giovanni had her bring Sabrina with her.

The psychic girl was currently sitting outside the room like a guard, her expressionless indigo colored eyes staring forward while her mind focused entirely on what was happening in the room behind her.

So, with the most powerful psychic within Team Rocket supporting her, Giana wasn't concerned as she asked Ace, "May we speak alone?"

Though it appeared the two girls at his sides were going to protest, Ace placed a placating hand on both of their shoulders to reassure them. So, they and Ash reluctantly departed the room to leave her alone with Ace and his Riolu.

Swinging his legs over the side of the hospital bed, Ace remarked,

"I wasn't aware that Giovanni had a daughter. So where's Silver?" Giana fought the urge to flinch as Ace mentioned her 'brother', instead stating,

"Silver is currently attending school in the Johto region, while I am usually attending Naranja Academy in the Paldea region. I am merely home for a brief vacation." Ace nodded as if digesting what she told him, standing despite his broken leg as he did so.

"I see. So is this a social visit? Or is there a reason for you and your friend to come and see little old me?" This time Giana's eyes widened ever so slightly as Ace mentioned Sabrina's presence, which should've been impossible for him to know about, let alone Silver.

"Sabrina is merely an attendant my father arranged to escort me. As for the reason of my visit, it has to do with the blatant extortion and slander you perpetuated earlier today at my father's expense." Ace smirked as he appeared to be recalling the slander in question, and said,

"Ah yeah, so when are the lovely couple going on their honeymoon?" This time when Giana's eye twitched it was from irritation as she stated,

"That is precisely the problem. My father saved your life, and you responded by trying to extort him for money, and dragging his name through the mud. Perhaps you should instead show him some gratitude-"


Faster than she should've thought possible, Giana found herself face-to-face with Ace as he slammed his right hand against the wall behind her, all of the previous humor gone from his eyes as they adopted an amber glow.

"'Gratitude'? That man tried to kill my girlfriends, nearly killed me and Riolu, and you want me to show him GRATITUDE?!" With each word that Ace growled at her his eyes seemed to glow brighter and brighter, while a suffocating presence bore down on her that made it hard for her to simply breathe.

For the first time her expression turned to one of shock and alarm, not only at how Ace did in fact know they arranged the attack, but also from the sheer power she could feel radiating from his very body. He then stated with the pressure increasing with every word,

"You tell Giovanni that if he EVER targets anyone around me again, I'll make him watch as I bury Team Rocket before burying him alongside it. Do you understand?"

Despite the fact that he was in fact a cripple right now, that he was only a boy of twelve, and that his entire fighting force consisted of a two day old Riolu, Giana understood Ace very well in that moment. And deep in some primal corner of her mind, she believed that Ace would destroy Team Rocket if pushed too far, no matter how impossible the odds.

"I understand..." She squeaked out with a feeling she couldn't identify, and Ace closed his eyes before opening them to reveal the glow had faded.

"Good. Now, what's in the briefcases?" Back off slightly as he asked her that, Giana only just recalled the two briefcases she had brought with her, the first of which she sheepishly picked up as she presented it to him.

"This one is the 20 million Pokedollars you mentioned before. Giovanni figured that it was cheaper than the potential backlash his public face would receive if he didn't pay." She didn't even try to hide Giovanni's true identity as Giana presented the money to Ace, there wasn't much a point to after all.

She didn't even try keeping up the ruse of her being his daughter in the face of this boy.... No, this man.

A surprisingly powerful and capable young man that would make for a powerful ally.

Unaware of what was going through Giana's mind, Ace nodded in affirmation as he looked over the money, before looking at the other briefcase and asked, "And that one?"

Giana set the first briefcase down as she reached for the second one, and said as she presented it to him,

"A peace offering, and incentive." Opening it, Giana revealed another 20 million Pokedollars to Ace, believing he would accept it since he was the one who wanted money to begin with.

Surprisingly, his expression hardened when he saw the money, as he demanded, "Do I look like the kind of person to accept a bribe? Demanding compensation for my suffering is one thing, but joining Team Rocket's payroll is something else entirely!"

As Riolu nodded in agreement to Ace's declaration, Giana quickly said,

"It is not a bribe, but a gift. Take it, don't take it. It doesn't matter to us, which is why I will just leave it here." Setting the second case down next to the first one, Giana looked to Ace one last time as she said,

"And as requested, we will also pay for the expenses built up during your stay here at the hospital. After all, there is no limit to the funds and resources Team Rocket has access to." Embellishing a bit to try and sway Ace's refusal to join them, the young man still appeared uninterested as he mentioned,

"Don't forget the repairs to the doors as well."

"DoorS?" Giana questioned, only knowing about the front door Ace destroyed when he made his entrance in front of the press earlier.

Ace's only response was to point at the door she entered through moments before, the same one he'd pinned her up against, which she turned and saw a very distinct handprint imbedded in the metal.

Her expression turning rigid, Giana looked back him as she answered, "of course. Good day." Turning slowly, she opened the door to find the same three children she'd kicked out previously standing there with their ears pressed against it, who then fell forward in a heap once she opened it.

Passing her eyes over the trio, Giana's gaze lingered on May and Dawn as she recalled what Ace said earlier about his 'girlfriends'.

Scrutinizing the two young women, Giana smirked as she wordlessly stepped over them, which they seemed to notice as May leapt up and demanded, "What!? Got a problem?!"

Giana however ignored her as the condescending smirk never left her lips, until she rounded the corner and Sabrina rejoined her.

"So?" Giana asked, wondering what the psychic managed to obtain from Ace Ketchum's mind.

"I was unable to read anything from Ace Ketchum. It was frustrating...but I felt as if I was repeatedly throwing myself against a solid wall, or reading a book with blank pages."

To call Giana surprised would be an understatement, as Sabrina was considered the most powerful human psychic under Team Rocket's employ, throughout the entire Kanto region, and perhaps the world. To find someone that even her powers couldn't crack was more than a little shocking, and made the value Giana was placing on Ace Ketchum rise that much more.

The problem however was her 'father', as Giovanni would consider anyone he couldn't control or remove a danger that needed to be eliminated.

Giana however felt as if it would be a waste to eliminate Ace Ketchum completely, not to mention his threat to destroy Team Rocket if they targeted anyone around him again. No matter how improbable it may seem, Giana couldn't help but to take it seriously deep inside.

"Do not tell Giovanni anything about what you experienced with Ace. From the way he talked he's not going to proactively get in our way, so we can leave him alone for now." Sabrina cocked her head curiously from the way Giana spoke, not understanding why they were keeping quiet about Ace Ketchum from the boss.

But what Giana didn't see was Sabrina staring blankly ahead even as they continued walking, as she used her powers to peek into their future involving Ace. When she regained her focus though, the expressionless sixteen year old girl had reddened cheeks.

Thanks for reading!

Harry_Dresdencreators' thoughts