Follow Kyrean Weaver and watch as he grows alongside his Pokémon on a journey he never thought he'd be having. This is going to be slightly AU I'll be changing a few facts and adding a few of my own along the way, nothing too major of course but still a warning for you few who wouldn't appreciate that.
After waking up he had immediately called his parents to let them know he had reached Jubilife safely and with little to no complications.
After a short talk and his dad giving him a few compliments because apparently few trainers actually eat wild Pokémon when first starting out its usually the ones with a few badges under their belt that have the courage to go through with killing one to eat it, but he did also recommend to not waste so much bag space on spices even though it would make your meals tastier there's lots of things that are more worth it to have in there. So he decided just salt and black pepper would be sufficient.
''I'm stuffed, maybe I shouldn't have eaten so much...'' complained Kyrean, but who could blame him after the unseasoned meat he's had to eat the past few days alongside the boring canned food.
''Riolu'' shaking his head at his trainer once again being ridiculous Mercury decided it was time to move on with the plan they had discussed for a while now.
''Sheesh alright alright I'm coming.''
Leaving the Pokecenter cafeteria they immediately went north of Jubilife to route 204.
After reaching a good deal outside of the city were many trainers up and running to battle others, all relatively new in their journey by the looks of it or at least most of them looked to be, many having bug types and a few common Pokémon like seedot and starly in their ranks.
He decided to ignore them since that wasn't his goal right now and so he kept walking until reaching the forest and went deeper with Mercury at his side.
He walked until he reached a clearing with a body of water in the middle, a lake. There were many Pokémon drinking from said lake or simply relaxing. He saw quite a couple of budews, caterpie, starly and even a wooper.
'There are quite a couple of budews around here to catch but i'd better not be hasty since i don't want just any one i set my eyes upon.'
Moving around the lake a few Pokémon looked at him with curiosity and then decided to ignore him after a few seconds so he just kept walking around and in the end decided to go deeper into the forest.
''What was that?'' after hearing a noise he decided to see what it was about. ''Mercury can you sense what's going on?''
''Ri'' giving a nod the young Pokémon didn't even wait to be told as he started to use his aura manipulation to see what was going on. ''Ri! Ri!''
''A pokemon battle? Could you tell what type of Pokémon were fighting?''
''Riolu'' denied Mercury.
''Right sorry about that, I keep forgetting you don't know much about other Pokémon to identify them just yet, no big deal we'll just have to see for ourselves.''
Upon walking a short distance to where he heard the cry he saw a sight that confused and amazed him at the same time. It was a Roselia fighting against Staravia, he concluded that the staravia must have the reckless ability since as far as he knows they usually stick to their flock and if they ever got separated they'd cry very loudly
He was also confused as to why a Roselia was even fighting a fighting type, it was clearly going to lose and potentially be killed at the rate the battle was going, the staravia was quite hurt but not as much the roselia, upon further inspection though the roselia didn't look normal as opposed to its other kind.
Its body didn't look like the usual vibrant green but rather a pale-ish green and the roses on its hand were of a different color as well one being purple and the other black. A shiny! It also kept trying to use a move to try to keep its opponent from moving too much after having dodged so many of its attack which Kyrean identified as Extrasensory.
''Mercury I'm going to catch that roselia so help it out before its too late, start with Vacuum Wave!''
''Ri!'' gathering aura energy in his palms the young pokémon began to fire away at the staravia catching it by surprise and landing a good amount of hits on the pokémon before it could even react. ''Starvia!'' getting hit by a move it didn't see coming the avian pokemon turned around with an angry look on its face at being sneak attacked.
''Roselia!'' But while it was distracted its previous opponent decided to attack it as well and used Extrasensory to get a hold of it and had it meet the ground. Though sadly the roselia was too tired and the phychic move was not nearly as strong so it was a very weak throw. Realizing its situation it cried out loud for its flock while flying away from the scene lest it meets a worse fate.
Seeing it fly away Kyrean decided to ignore it since it wasn't going to be a problem anyway. The roselia had finally turned to look at him and his pokemon and was immediately on alert even though they had attacked the staravia it still didn't know what their goal was though sadly it was far too tired to keep going and it fainted on the spot.
'Shit, I should take it back to the Pokemon center and have nurse Joy attend to it, catching it like this would leave a bad taste in my mouth and it probably won't do me any good in the long run anyway since it seemed somewhat hostile.'
''Mercury let's go back to the Pokemon center I want to make sure the roselia didn't sustain too much damage, use your aura to guide me through the forest and go with the path that has the least Pokémon in it, I don't want to take any chances the faster we reach the better.
After reaching he immediately went to the nurse Joy and immediately gave her the roselia and explained what happened to it, she informed him that it'll take a couple of hours before it wakes up and be healthy enough for it to move comfortably.
So he decided to go to the Pokemart to see what he could buy and to stock up on potions and other stuffs that he might need on his journey.
Though before he could even get there he heard someone shouting at him.
''Hey you! You look like you have a Pokémon decent enough to be worth my time how about a battle!?'' yelled a stranger.
Turning around to see whoever it was that decided today was a good day to be arrogant he was surprised at who he saw and the other person noticed his look and smirked while walking towards him.
'Isn't he supposed to be bothering Ash at this point? My journey got delayed and I took my sweet time to get here too.''
*AN: Nothing much happened here i apologize, but the next chapter is going to be a bigger one i promise so I decided to cut this one short. Also I'm not sure if there were some who expected a ralts/kirlia but I decided against it for this one and went with my favorite grass type instead and a shiny on top of that!*
I'm a new writer so if you see anything that needs correcting please let me know!