
Pokemon : An Unexpected Journey

Pokémon World: A land of fantasy, adventure, and fun, right? Wrong! The Pokémon world is a ruthless and vengeful place, a trap where many fall. Our protagonist, Arth, is an orphan who has been reincarnated into this harsh reality. Join us on this dark and thrilling journey.

Pixez · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs

**The Trial on Rocket Isle**

After proving his worth to the Team Rocket superiors and forming a strong bond with his powerful Pikachu, Arth was ready for his next challenge. One night, he received a message calling him to the central command room. When he arrived, the older man who had given him Pikachu was waiting for him, an inscrutable expression on his face.

"Arth, you have shown great potential," he began, his voice resonating in the dimly lit room. "But your journey with Team Rocket is just beginning. We have a new challenge for you, one that will test your skills and determination to the maximum."

Arth listened attentively, his heart pounding with anticipation.

"We are sending you and several other recruits to Rocket Isle," the man continued. "It is a remote island used to train and test new recruits. Your task is to survive and prove that you are the best among your peers. The winner will receive a rare and powerful Kanto starter Pokémon."

Arth's eyes widened with excitement. A Kanto starter Pokémon was a truly valuable prize. "When do we leave?" he asked, determination burning in his eyes.

"At dawn," the man replied. "Prepare yourself. This will not be easy."

The next morning, Arth, along with a group of other rookie recruits, boarded a sleek black helicopter that took them to Rocket Isle. The island was shrouded in mist, its dense jungle and rugged terrain promising many challenges. When they landed on the beach, a stern-looking Rocket administrator gave the recruits a brief orientation.

"You are here to prove your worth," the administrator said in a cold, authoritative voice. "This island is home to many wild Pokémon and has been designed to test every aspect of your training. You will need to find food, shelter, and defend yourself from both the Pokémon and your fellow recruits. Only the strongest and most resourceful will succeed."

She handed each recruit a small survival kit containing basic supplies and then pointed to the dense forest. "Your trial begins now. Good luck."

Arth looked at Pikachu, who sat confidently on his shoulder. "Ready, buddy?"

"Pika!" Pikachu responded, sparks flying from its cheeks.

The recruits scattered into the forest, each determined to prove their worth. Arth moved quickly, using his knowledge of nature to find a suitable place for a base camp. He found a sheltered spot near a freshwater stream, which would provide a reliable water source.

"Let's gather some materials for a shelter, Pikachu," Arth said. Together they collected branches, leaves, and vines and built a small but sturdy lean-to. As they worked, they stayed alert for any wild Pokémon that might pose a threat or offer a training opportunity.

By nightfall, Arth had a secure camp and a small fire burning brightly. The forest around them was filled with the sounds of nocturnal Pokémon. He knew that the real challenges would come during the night when visibility was low and both Pokémon and other recruits could attack.

"Pikachu, stay alert," Arth whispered, scanning the darkness.

The first night passed without incident, but Arth knew he couldn't let his guard down. In the following days, he focused on gathering food and training with Pikachu. They encountered several wild Pokémon and used these battles to strengthen their bond and improve their skills. Pikachu's power and agility were unmatched, but Arth knew they needed more than strength to succeed.

One afternoon, while exploring the island, Arth stumbled upon a hidden cave. Inside, he found a stash of supplies left by previous Rocket members. There were healing items, extra food, and even some TMs (technical machines) that could teach Pikachu new moves. Among them was TM24, Thunderbolt, a powerful move that would be invaluable in battles.

"Let's see what we can teach you, Pikachu," Arth said, holding the TM. Pikachu's eyes sparkled with anticipation as Arth used the TM to teach it Thunderbolt.

"Now we're even stronger," Arth said, smiling.

As the days passed, the number of recruits on the island dwindled. Some had been forced to withdraw due to injuries or lack of supplies, while others had formed alliances, only to betray each other later. Arth remained focused on his goal, avoiding unnecessary confrontations and concentrating on his training.

One night, while gathering berries near the edge of the forest, Arth heard a commotion nearby. He crept closer and saw two other recruits engaged in a fierce battle. Their Pokémon were exhausted, and it was clear that both trainers were nearing their limits.

Arth saw an opportunity. "Pikachu, let's go," he whispered.

Pikachu sprang into action, and its Thunderbolt attack sent a powerful shock through the clearing. The rival trainers, caught off guard, were quickly overwhelmed. Arth stepped forward, his presence catching their attention.

"It looks like you two are out of the running," Arth said coldly.

Reluctantly, the defeated recruits handed over their supplies. Arth didn't take everything, leaving them enough to survive until they could be rescued. "Learn from this," he said. "Strength isn't everything. Strategy and perseverance are equally important."

As the final day of the trial approached, only a handful of recruits remained. The Rocket administrator gathered them on the beach for the final test. "You have all shown remarkable resilience and skill," she said. "But only one of you can claim the prize. Your final challenge is a battle royale. The last trainer standing will receive the Kanto starter Pokémon."

Arth felt a surge of determination. He had come too far to fail now. He looked at Pikachu, who was ready by his side. "Let's win this, Pikachu."

The battle began in a frenzy of action. Pokémon clashed, and the air was filled with the sounds of attacks and commands. Arth and Pikachu fought strategically, using the environment to their advantage. Pikachu's Thunderbolt and Quick Attack allowed them to move quickly and hit hard, taking down opponents one by one.

As the number of combatants dwindled, Arth found himself facing the final opponent, a tough-looking recruit with a powerful Machoke. The two trainers locked eyes, understanding that this battle would determine the winner.

"Machoke, use Cross Chop!" ordered the recruit.

"Counter with Iron Tail, Pikachu!" Arth shouted.

Pikachu's tail glowed with a metallic sheen as it met Machoke's powerful fists. The impact sent shockwaves through the clearing. Both Pokémon were knocked back, but Pikachu recovered quickly.

"Thunderbolt, now!" Arth yelled.

Pikachu unleashed a devastating Thunderbolt, striking Machoke with electrifying force. Machoke staggered, unable to withstand the attack. With a final cry, it collapsed, unable to continue the battle.

The Rocket administrator stepped forward, a hint of a smile on her usually stern face. "We have our winner," she announced. "Arth, you have proven to be the strongest and most resourceful recruit on Rocket Isle. Your prize is well deserved."

She handed Arth a Poké Ball, its surface gleaming in the sunlight. "Inside this Poké Ball is your new companion, a Kanto starter Pokémon. May it serve you well in your future endeavors with Team Rocket."

Arth accepted the Poké Ball, his heart swelling with pride. He released the Pokémon inside, revealing a Charmander with bright, curious eyes and a fiery tail that burned with potential.

"Charmander, welcome to the team," Arth said, kneeling to greet his new companion.

"Char! Charmander!" the Pokémon responded, its tail flame flickering intensely.

As Arth stood with Pikachu and Charmander by his side, he felt a renewed sense of purpose. He had faced numerous challenges and emerged victorious, proving his worth to Team Rocket. With his powerful Pokémon and the skills he had honed, he was ready to take on any challenge that came his way.

"Let's go, Pikachu, Charmander," Arth said, turning to leave Rocket Isle. "Our journey is just beginning."

As they left the island, Arth knew that his path with Team Rocket would be fraught with dangers and difficult decisions. But with his loyal Pokémon by his side, he was ready to face any challenge and forge his own destiny within the infamous organization.


**The Challenge Begins**

The helicopter ride back to the mainland was filled with anticipation. Arth knew that his next steps within Team Rocket would define his future. The bond he had formed with Pikachu and now with Charmander gave him a sense of confidence. He couldn't help but think about what awaited him.

Upon arriving at the Team Rocket headquarters, Arth was greeted by the same older man who had sent him to Rocket Isle. The man's stern expression softened slightly as he spoke. "You did well, Arth. But remember, this is only the beginning. Your true test lies in the missions you will undertake for Team Rocket."

Arth nodded, understanding the gravity of his commitment. "I'm ready. What is my next mission?"


**A New Threat**

The older man took a deep breath and looked Arth in the eyes. "There's a new threat we need you to deal with. A rogue group calling themselves 'The Liberation' has been disrupting our operations. They're stealing Pokémon from our facilities and freeing them. We need you to infiltrate their base, gather intelligence, and, if possible, put an end to their activities."

Arth's mind raced. This mission was different from anything he had done before. It required stealth, strategy, and cunning. "Where is their base located?" he asked, determination etched on his face.

"It's hidden in the mountains to the north," the man replied. "You'll be going in alone, but remember, you have your Pokémon with you. Use them wisely."

Arth nodded, understanding the gravity of the task ahead. "I won't let you down."


**The Infiltration**

The journey to the mountains was arduous, but Arth's resolve never wavered. He and his Pokémon navigated through rough terrain, facing harsh

 weather and wild Pokémon. They trained and bonded further, each challenge strengthening their trust and teamwork.

When they finally reached the base of the mountains, Arth took a moment to plan his approach. He observed the area from a distance, noting the guards and the layout of the facility. "We'll need to be careful, Pikachu, Charmander," he whispered. "This won't be easy, but we can do it."

Under the cover of darkness, Arth and his Pokémon made their way to the entrance. Pikachu used its agility to scout ahead, while Charmander's flame was carefully shielded to avoid detection. They moved silently, avoiding patrols and using the natural cover to their advantage.

Inside the base, Arth found a network of tunnels and rooms. He needed to find the control center where the intelligence was likely stored. "Let's split up," he said. "Pikachu, you take the left tunnel. Charmander and I will go right. Stay alert and be ready to regroup if things go wrong."

Pikachu nodded and dashed down the left tunnel, its keen senses on high alert. Arth and Charmander moved cautiously through the right tunnel, avoiding detection and gathering information as they went. They encountered a few guards but managed to evade them, using Charmander's smokescreen to create distractions.

After what felt like hours, Pikachu returned with vital information. "Good job, Pikachu," Arth praised, reading the notes Pikachu had found. "The control center is just ahead. Let's move."

They reached the control center and found it lightly guarded. Arth devised a plan to take down the guards swiftly and quietly. "Pikachu, use Thunder Wave to paralyze them. Charmander, follow up with Ember to disarm them."

The plan worked flawlessly. The guards were incapacitated, and Arth quickly accessed the control center's computer. He downloaded all the intelligence he could find onto a portable device. Just as he was finishing, an alarm blared through the base.

"Time to go," Arth said urgently. They retraced their steps, moving quickly but cautiously. The base was now on high alert, and escaping without confrontation seemed impossible.

As they neared the exit, they were confronted by a group of Liberation members. The leader, a tall, imposing figure, stepped forward. "You must be the Rocket spy," he said, his voice filled with disdain. "You won't leave here alive."

Arth stood his ground, his Pokémon by his side. "I won't let you stop me," he replied defiantly.

"Let's see about that," the leader sneered, releasing a powerful Nidoking.

"Pikachu, Charmander, let's do this," Arth commanded.

The battle was intense, each side unleashing powerful attacks. Pikachu's agility and Thunderbolt clashed with Nidoking's brute strength, while Charmander's fiery attacks added to the chaos. Despite the odds, Arth and his Pokémon fought with unwavering determination.

In a final, desperate move, Arth commanded Pikachu to use Thunderbolt and Charmander to use Flamethrower simultaneously. The combined attack overwhelmed Nidoking, leaving it incapacitated. The Liberation members, seeing their leader defeated, retreated.

Arth, battered but victorious, made his way out of the base. The intelligence he carried was crucial for Team Rocket, but he knew the fight against The Liberation was far from over.


**The Return**

Back at Team Rocket headquarters, Arth was greeted with a mix of admiration and suspicion. The older man, who had sent him on the mission, approached him. "You did well, Arth. The information you brought back is invaluable. But remember, this war is far from over. We need to stay vigilant and ready for whatever comes next."

Arth nodded, understanding the long road ahead. "I'm ready for anything," he replied, looking at Pikachu and Charmander with a sense of pride and determination. "We'll face whatever challenges come our way, together."

As he prepared for his next mission, Arth knew that his journey with Team Rocket was just beginning. With his loyal Pokémon by his side, he was ready to forge his own destiny, facing dangers and making difficult decisions in the complex world of Team Rocket.

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