
Pokemon: Aichi Sendou

Aichi Sendou a guy chosen by the gods not because of his circumstances but because of him meeting the gods so called “requirements". Has now been to the world of Pokemon in the humble area known to him as Twinleaf town. A new adventure for a person given another a chance in life, how will he grasp his fate? Let’s find out! ()()() No harem! Sinnoh Region! Dawn Supremacy! This will have no Update schedule as this is a fanfic I will be typing when I’m bored or when I can’t use my pc to make a Naruto chapter. I can’t write on my other fanfic without using a pc to search stuff up as I don’t want to get stuff wrong. But for a Pokemon fanfic I should be fine as I’ve been playing Pokemon since I was five. ()()()

Ruos · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
52 Chs

When Plot Armour Isn’t Working (15)

-Master, that Charmanders trainer just needs one more win to qualify for the top 16 matches- Aegislash says interested. Looking down the kid named Ritchie, I started to frown.

-I'm honestly not sure how he got so far, he should of lost earlier on- I said in the link a little sour.

I mean can you blame me?

The man somehow made it this far with a Butterfree that somehow beats Pokemon that he puts in a [Sleep Powder]. A Pikachu that used three tackles on a Charizard when he has lightning based attacks and a Charmander that's fucking named Zippo.

To be fair Zippo did aight I'll give him that. If Ash brought a Rowlet to his seventh league and win it, I can't blame Ritchie for trying the same thing with a Charmander that is factually superior.

-He has some skill in commanding his Pokemon but not raising them- Slowbro says while looking at his Butterfree. Butterfree is probably the only trained Pokemon he has.

-The only skill I see is him finding opponents worse than him-

Looking over to my parents who are looking at the battle with a frown, they start to go on their phones.

"Mum this battle is boring, my Aegislash could beat their whole team." I groan out like the child I am.

"Sweetie we know, we can only wait till the top 16 for really good battles." She says while stroking my hair. Speaking of battles though we watched Gary Oak get absolutely clapped by a girl named Mellisa in the top 32.

It was pretty funny seeing his Nidoking get squashed by a seismic toss a Golem used. His reaction was quite priceless, got the picture on the phone for proof.

"Dad can I battle the gym trainers in one of the gyms after the tournament? I want to see how good I've gotten." I eagerly ask my dad. I really wanted to see my progress so far for Aegislash and how far his training has gotten him.

Slowbro will have to sit this one out.

"Squirtle is unable to battle, by default Butterfree wins!" A hear the referee call out as Squirtle doesnt move because of the sleep powder.

"Is that even legal?" I ask my parents who were next to me.

"We don't know the rules champ, so we can't really disagree. We just want an exciting battle and this isn't what we're getting." My dad grumbles out like a child. To be fair to him though I couldn't agree more with his statement.

The match between Ritchie and Ash went on for a few more minutes as Zippo absolutely clapped Ash's Pikachu flawlessly.

"Pikachu is unable to battle, Charmander wins!" The referee calls out after seeing the Pikachu knocked out after getting hit by a [Tackle] from Zippo.

-That was impressive, but wouldn't of the claws done more or just use an ember?- Slowbro says confused. I 100% agree with Slowbro, I don't think Zippo needed to get physical there but he won anyways. First of all though I know this is irl and not a game but it's still trippy to see a Charmander use tackle.

"Send out your final Pokemon!"

The crowd starting to lose their cool after the first two battles weren't prepared for the next one. Ash grabbing a Pokeball from his waist sends out his next Pokemon.


"Zard!" A Charizard shouts after being released from its Pokebal. Everyone in the crowd seeing this starts to lose their annoyed looks and started to get a little interested.

Ritchie sending out his Pikachu after retrieving his Charmander, basically does the same as he did in the anime and have given no instructions to Sparky.

The poor undertrained Pikachu desperately trying to do any damage rams itself multiple times into the "huge" Charizard ahead of it.

-Master is this what you call being brain dead? I heard it isn't a nice thing- Aegislash innocently asks, catching me off guard.

-Yeah- I say with a deep sigh.

Just a few moments before Sparky was seen, we witnessed Ritchie tell his Charmander to use [Flamethrower] on a Charizard.

'Fucking disapointment.' I think to myself as I stare down at the battlefield.

-Doesn't Pikachu have an electric type move?- Slowbro says with disbelief staring down at the two Pokemon.

'That crackhead Ash should of sent out Muk.'

Sparky hitting Charizard a few more times does basically no damage to it, decides to stop attacking and wait it out.

Charizard not attacking back and ignoring its trainer gets on the ground and closes its eyes.


"This isn't a Pokemon battle!"

"I want a refund!"

Multiple yells could be heard around the stadium by the crowd as they are starting to lose it. The crowd getting louder and louder every second makes the referee frown.

The referee after looking at the crowd shakes his head and makes a decision I would call extremely bullshit.

"The winner is Pikachu as Charizard refuses to battle!" The referee calls out ending the battle entirely.

'This is actually mad, there's no way these trainers have actually won battles beforehand right?' I tell myself in disbelief seeing how Ritchie beats Ash in this confrontation.

My dad being one of the people in the crowd shouting starts to calm himself and tells us to head back to the hotel.

"Hopefully the top 16 battles will be better honey, it will be okay." My mum says trying to soothe my dads mild anger.

"We went there to see a Pokemon battle! Not a backyard scrap where the trainers watch their Pokemon battle it out." My dad says while exiting the stadium with my mother and I beside him.

"Let me battle a gym trainer and you will see a real battle dad!" I say enthusiastically trying to get his mind off the match now that its behind us.

-I still want to know how a Pikachu tastes like- Aegislash says remembering Sparky.

"After the Indigo League finished I'll let you battle it out in the gym at Fuschia City. There's a friend I want you to meet." My dad says making me get a wide grin plastered on my face.